The judge in the case also said the Paralympian has faced 'trial by media' due to the relentless reporting on the case. Oscar will remain on bail until the trial begins later this year or early next year.
Meanwhile, Rugby player Francois Hougaard, who is also late Reeva Steenkamp's ex boyfriend is on a list of prosecution witnesses set to appear in the case. There are are unconfirmed reports that Francois and Reeva were exchanging text messages the night she was killed. Reeva was holding her mobile phone when she was shot inside the toilet.
Also on the witness list are a few of Oscar's neighbours who claimed they heard loud shouting coming from Oscar's home on the evening Reeva was killed.
Reeva's mum also claimed in a TV interview recently that her daughter and Oscar argued a lot in the weeks leading up to her death and Reeva told her she was afraid of being in Oscar's company.
Justice delayed is justice denied o! Complexities abound in the judiciary of every country though, and his media thingy is glaring though.
Why all these delays? They re lookn for a way to prove him innocent.seems am d first to comment.* Smiling*
hmmmm lets watch a events unfold. Justice delayed is justice denied.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Linda please the rugby player is also not her boyfriend. He's her ex and he's friends with Oscar as well. Please report correctly.
"Although Hougaard and Steenkamp allegedly had a romantic past, the two remained close friends and shared an agent; Hougaard was even said to be on friendly terms with Pistorius. Shortly before Steenkamp’s death, Hougaard posted a photo of the three enjoying a meal together on Twitter."
There's no need to report incorrectly to soil the girl's name. She only had one boyfriend.
So hz still wearing suit till now eh! Lmao! Rip reeva...i jst wish d truth cid be reavealed! Justice wud take itz course tho!
Money an fame,u were afraid of being in his company but yet u packed ur bags and went to spend the night there,bitch please you no fear well.No disrespect to the death RIP but avoid such situations in the next life
May God judge γ̲̣̣̥ou ..... Yay I'm first....real comment later ......
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The truth they already know even if the judge prospone the case to next yes to build concrete evident beyond all reasonable doubt still he did it pls this ish is getting boring
Oh boy, jail term awaits u o. Jus ensure to go wt loads of vaseline...
Ȋ̝̊̅§ Francois boyfriend or ex-boyfriend?...if its d former she was def cheating on Oscar...
Trial by media?what the hell does that mean???
He's a killer. Just like o.j simpson. Just sayin...D Curious1
He's a killer. Just like o.j simpson. Just sayin...D Curious1
He's a killer. Just like o.j simpson. Just sayin...D Curious1
like joke like joke this guy will go Scott free in the murder of that girl...
This guy should be jailed for life without parole. He purposely killed the girl out of jealousy. Now, the question is, when he fired the first shot, the girl must have screamed Abi ? If dem don shoot u before abeg answer dis question. (runs away). No vex.
All this fact point dt u Oscar pistorious committed d crime, well nothing wey money no fit do, d judgement can only be delay but justice wil definitely prevail, d finger cross d whole world is waiting to here d verdict.
She was afraid of being in his company but she slept in his house on valentine's day.
The prosecution's story against Oscar will make them loose.
If it is left to linda, oscar has already been sentenced and hanged! its so obvious that you have found him guilt....All your write ups on him are labeling him a killer without thinking what if he didn't intentionally kill her!
If your relative or someone close to you is in oscar position, trust me your write up will tilt instantly
Bona bona which one is 'a events' take it easy oh
Bill are you Oscar's cousin?
Did Oscar deny d fact dat he killed her? No he didn't which makes him a killer by defination. The actus reus had already bin determined, wat is left is d mens rea nd now dats a whole different ball game.
Prospone? 4 real? Quit blathering nd go learn sme real English! Comprende?
Hahhahahah... I laugh in paragraphs! A whole Emeritus lyk 'yous'? I quess itz jst a typo
Hi... She wrote ex-boyfrnd... U shd prolly read it again
LOL @ Annoynous 2:18, the other anonymous was right. she changed it later. The first time i read it as well, it said the rugby player was also her boyfriend, before comments came in. She probably changed it after the comment alerted her to the error.
Can ds judge sentence ds nuisance alrdy..wth.. Buh God wud Judge u even if d judge on earth sides with u..
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