And this was not a chance encounter, for Seyi was a sex addict and it was what she did almost every day for 13 years. Last night she said: “Sex addiction took hold of my life.”
Seyi, 35, was just 17 when she became dependent on sleeping with men. By 19 she'd had 40 partners and she says she has bedded a shocking total of 370 men.
Her dangerous addiction led her to a life of destruction - catching sexually transmitted infections, being evicted from her home and having two terminations.
By the age of 30, Seyi had hit rock bottom and needed help. Today, after attending numerous sex addiction meetings and 12-step programmes, Seyi has been celibate for four years and is helping others like her.
She explains says: “Sex addiction is something people associate with men, but it took hold of my life for more than 13 years.
“It was a craving and a fear of how I’d feel if I couldn’t get it.
“Once I did, it was a huge relief, like a weight was lifted.
“It’s like any addiction. It made me selfish, self-destructive and depressed but it was a cycle I couldn’t escape.”
She adds: “I lost my virginity when I was 13 with my first boyfriend.
“I was shocked when I fell pregnant. I gave birth when I was 14. It was a very difficult time.”
Social services arranged a nanny to look after her daughter, Sarah, from six weeks old.
Being a young mum scarred Seyi’s childhood. She says: “I moved out of home when I was 16 with Sarah and lived in a mother and baby unit. I felt terribly lonely. I craved affection, I was miserable.”
Moving into a housing association home at 17, Seyi met then-boyfriend Paul, 31.
It was now that she began to use sex to replace her feelings of loneliness.
She says: “When I started having sex with my boyfriend I thought it was the answer and would stop me feeling so lonely. But it wasn’t enough.”
Going to bars, Seyi, from Birmingham, cheated on Paul at least once a week with strangers or men she would meet regularly.
She says: “I needed sex and afterwards it was a relief. When I couldn’t have sex my confidence would plummet, I felt ugly and went into a spiral of upset and frustration, feeling unworthy and needing another fix as soon as possible.”
Seyi fell pregnant at 17 with son, Andrew. She says: “I told Paul it was his although there was some doubt in my mind. After I gave birth I tried to stay faithful. I wanted sex with him four to five times a day, but the attention from him wasn’t enough.
“When the pent-up sexual frustration became too much, I’d go elsewhere and get validation through sex.
“I cheated on him three times in six months, then fell pregnant again.”
Devastated and unable to look after another child, Seyi made the decision to have her baby terminated.
She says: “It wasn’t fair on the child to have them. I didn’t know whose baby it was so I didn’t tell Paul. I wanted our relationship to work but we split up when I was 19.”
Seyi’s heartbreak made her sex addiction go wild. She says: “The only cure for my loneliness was sex. I had five guys I could meet with for sex when I wanted and was also sleeping with strangers. I’d go to bars and easily pick one up. Being good in bed made me feel worthy.”
By 22 Seyi had caught chlamydia twice. Going out almost every night while her children were looked after by friends and family, all she could think about was sex.
She says: “Between the ages of 22 to 30, life was a blur, my addiction had taken over.
“I was sleeping with five to six men, or meeting strangers for sex at bars weekly. I fell pregnant again at 26. I felt I had no choice but to have a termination. I got drunk and had sex After the procedure.
“I don’t know how I managed to keep my job as a management consultant. I took lots of sick days when I craved sex and couldn’t face the office. I even slept with a colleague.
“I was evicted for not paying rent when I was 29 and had to send my children to live with my family.”
While staying with a friend Seyi saw the documentary The Secret, about the laws of attraction. She says: “I knew I had a problem but never stopped to think about being a sex addict. I realised I needed help.”
After quitting her job to concentrate on her recovery Seyi, then 31, went to an addiction meeting.
She says: “There were six others there and when I listened to their stories it cured my nerves. I didn’t stop craving sex straight away but cut down slowly.” Since August 2009 she has been celibate.
She says: “I’m so proud of myself. I’ve craved sex but the programme lets me know the trigger signs.
“I don’t plan on having sex any time soon. If the right guy comes along and I feel I’m in a stable, loving relationship, I’d feel safe to do it. I have my children back living with me and feel I’m no longer a sex addict.
“I’d hate to think where my life would be now if I hadn’t sought help.”
Despite her recovery, Seyi lives with the guilt of her addiction. She says: “I could have passed on STIs, I had two terminations and my kids didn’t have the attention they deserved.
“I’ve now trained as an inspirational speaker and happiness advocate. At workshops and seminars I can help others understand what sex addiction is, where it comes from and recovery.
“Being celibate has given me my life back. I want to help others do the same.”

hmmm its well even in the "WELL".
her **** is big enough to swallow a schoolbag.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
i sure know some people will start talking ,like they havent slept with more than 1000 men .some babes can't even remember how many men they have slept with .
i sure know some people will start talking ,like they havent slept with more than 1000 men .some babes can't even remember how many men they have slept with .
Thank God you were saved and have the courage to tell your story. U can still make good use of your future.
She had a boyfriend and sex at 13 and delivered at 14 when those should have been the last things on her mind. She had misplaced priorities eárly in life. Good she can now educate youngsters on the dangers of wrong choices and lifestyles in their tender years.
Now that's weird!!! I am really short of words. Thank God you are back on the right track. I hope a lot of damages has not already been done.
Wow that is lot of men,thank God she is out. Visit eagleclopedia.blogspot.com
Mehn, Linda this story is too long,actually slept off reading it! Dis woman na oga o! But the good news is that the thing no dey finish... There's still hope for the 371st man!
370 men;and u were criticizing Kim K over 22 men.Hmm...wat a nympho.Just ANN.
Linda u have started again o ! Why is the caption Nigerian woman obviously this woman have lived all her life in the UK...
If it's in 9ja we will hear that she is possessed. Why in truth she just needs help
How sad, at least your getting treatment.
Kanye proposes to Kim kardashian
I thank God for her not been addicted anymore
Her p's gonna be so free and never tight
This na real waoooo of life but don't judge anybody let God judge u av ur life but live it in a right way
Thank God for d intervention,oops I wonder how her vaginal will look like
I am just speechless! That number is huge! Girl, that pu**y is surely not a private part anymore! Well, good that you have chosen celibacy now.
I am just speechless! That number is huge! Girl, that pu**y is surely not a private part anymore! Well, good that you have chosen celibacy now.
Thank God For u! So long as there's life, there's hope!
U go fear Confession!!!five timez a day!
Being celibate will not totally help you. All you need is to give your life to Christ so that the yoke of addiction can be destroyed by the power of the Holy Spirit. It is not by might nor power but by the spirit. May you receive help in Jesus Name.
So Linda, and she's proud of her establishment? #clap 4urself!
Thank God џσΰ re celibate now and helping others
She just needs to see me,I would 'Decelibatalize' her....badoo Lon soro
Talk about autopilot cunt.lol... I bet it echoes now that she's celibate. Meaner whiler, how did she get d exact figure, abi she get register?
Wow...Dats sooo touching!
What a touching story, rilly glad she sort help n got her life 2geda
am shoot of word ooooooooooo...
Things are indeed happening
Whao!Am so glad that she's coming out of this addiction.I can imagine how she had to cope with being a single mum @ such a tender age,d feeling of lonliness could be very depressing which probably made her turn 2 sex as an alternative I pray d@ God perfects His healimg in her life.congrats dear.
Don't worry dear; God has healed you and he will replenish you in jesus name. Amen.
eyahhhha ... u nor fit cum 9ja .. i bet u would have love it more ... where my horse brodas dem dey ..lol
free F....K
Jet Lee of the Lee temple Base in SHAoleeeeeeee
Oh that's a sad story tho! I simply judged frm d caption #apologies! But dts some bad addiction sha! Glad she's celibate now, thank God 4 the change. Pls endeavour to kp it up.
~D great anonymous!
Hmm...sure gonna be a lotta guilty readers here
hope na me 1st comment ... Lindy Lindodo of d Lee temple ????
She needs Jesus now
I feel sad for this beautiful woman but am glad she's been able to turn her life around. I don't condemn her at all because I believe her story will be an inspiration to a lot of people. Anyone who condemns her should first check himself/herself and tell us that he/she has been living a pious life.
Hmmmmmm it is well thank God is over nw.
Thank God she hasn't lost count .... Sum pple don lost their own count and don't evn see it as a problem. Lord have mercy!
Congrat may God help u help u 2 d end if david can sleep wit 800 women& solomon d son 1000women & still find favor B4 GOD ur figure is small but don't dare 2 fall back u might not b lucky anymore
Na wa oh..speechless..
We are waiting for your book or cds. Anyway, very inspiring and good you realize this as a wrong act because some don't and never care to seek help. Keep it up.
Learn the secrets to burning fat and eating healthy
Just that? She hasn't met me yet. I'm 500 men in one.
God be praised
Holy Shit!!! If this is a true story, then every form of addiction can be cured! Thanks for sharing this, L.....
Thank u girl for ur courage n strength to share dis painful story. Ure rly brave. God bless ur soul.
Jeez! Are you for realzzzz?
Thank God for saving you!
wow! Thank God you over came it.
Hmm!I 4 talk na sey dis babe no dey naija...well,thank God 4 her testimony..
Nnaa mehn,addiction dey o. Thank God she'recoverin
Well done Seyi. I'm really proud of you!
Truth be told.I can not count the number of girls i have slept with..Pls help.Linda,Pls help me ask.I want to knw if there guys having this similar experienced.
Na wa oh! Thank God for her life. Now adays,sex before maariage has become something to be very proud of. Pls is it that difficult for a young lady to keep her legs closed till her wedding day? I am a virgin at the age of 23 and I am proud of myself and I keep thanking God for the grace. Pls let all singles ladies flee from sex before marriage.
Hmmm.....good she has got her life back and is bold enough to talk about it. Seeing the headline at first,I had a hard time believing that a 37-yr old woman has had sex wiv 370 men
What a lovely looking lady . I'm glad she was able 2 overcome her personal demons. Not everyone with same problem is able to overcome it 2.
Hmmm.....good she has got her life back and is bold enough to talk about it. Seeing the headline at first,I had a hard time believing that a 37-yr old woman has had sex wiv 370 men
370 men? Geez, thank God u re nw celibate. Hope u will find the right guy who will overlook ur past.
Omo,looking @ it,I don nack pass 370 babes o . Choi!!!!
Obo ti baje ooooooooo
*bornthrowaytinz* her family would have used koboko to cure her in naija..oshisko
because she bears a yoruba name does not make her nigerian o..linda..that is how u joined to call the two terrorists nigerians
Ndewo. Igbaliala.
i thank God dat u later understand...anyway itz a good lesson 4 youth thou
am battling same problem here pls linda were can i get the CD of "THE SECRET" am a guy sha infact there is a prostitute on my bed now as i write this text am cheatin on my fience we are plannin to marry nxt yr i need help
am battling same problem here pls linda were can i get the CD of "THE SECRET" am a guy sha infact there is a prostitute on my bed now as i write this text am cheatin on my fience we are plannin to marry nxt yr i need help
First of all I must commend her for the courage and boldness, it takes a lot for a lady to come out and tell the whole world how many men she has slept with though its easier for men but not for women. Thank God Ʊ finally have ur life back, and for those of Ʊ out dere stilling addicted to sex, doin runs and carrying aristoes pls take a que from her and take ur life back and do somfin meaningful with it b4 its too late. A word is enough for the wise.
After u don fuck scatter, menhh dat pussy has been destroy by so many dicksssssss
May d lord have mercy on you..
Serious mata
Thank God U're free 2day. Btw, I tink U slept with a demon 2 av such cravings.
omo mehn!
Awesome story. I love second chances -Newyorker
Thank God you got a second chance.... Many did'nt do as much and they died as a result of an addiction....
Chai!!! Are u a toll gate?
nonsense..stupid woman looking for attention, wot is she teaching oda?ashanwo orishi rishi....
I remember when I slept with her and she gave me crabs .
Choi! I'm happy for ur life. D devil really took hold of you buh Jesus nw have ur back. Its well
Did you say happiness Advocate and inspirational speaker Omo you suppose to stay for Mountain of Fire camp dey pray say make God deliver you Kai check out the transference of spirit 370 men x all the hoes they have f-----.
This lady fine o, wish I was the 371th
I admire her strength, courage and for d fact she recognise she had a problem, and gt help.
Im so happy you are now free from your addiction. It gives hope to some of us. Sexual addiction is real and destructive just like any other addiction. The society don't like to talk about it, some rather be judgmental. it good you came out to talk about this. Awareness is what we need not discrimination. One love!!
You would be shocked to find out that that of your girlfriend is wider.
You are right. At least she recognised she had a problem and began to deal with it.
13 years X 365 days is about 4745 men!
minus the "almost" every night in the statement leaves us with approximately 2/5 (about 1900 men) heehehehe.
conclusion: she is a jolly good shagger or just seeking notice with false figures
She is Oga because she has told her story, for all we know, you may have had 500 men in your closet. And here you are judging someone who has come clean.
dats small
Are u even sure it is 370?????
Amazing stuff on my style blog here www.soladunn.blogspot.com
Did you read the whole thing?
Happy for you!
Lol @ auto pilot cunt. Well d good news is that she is saved.
My days in unilag, I had this friend called blessing! She said she has slept wiv more than 500 guys. Very fine girl, yellow pawpaw! How many Nigerian girls marry at age 18-25?. If they start having sex by 18 and marry at 28, only one out of 100 will stay in one relationship for those years inbetween. Between 18 and 28 many would have slept wiv more than 10 men. Am even talking about good girls who actually date men! If I talk about runs girls, between that 18 and 28 they would have slept wiv almost 50 or more
I agree with exoticEyes mimi, i hp alot of youngstars will learn from her. Also i hope she wont go back to d addiction.
Thank God she is free now
The best help you need is the help of the holy spirit. Read your bible and talk to God in prayers.
Nice comment
Thank God you are cured, I sure say your pussy don turn to THIRD MAINLAND BRIDGE :) Plenty motor don pass am:)
Addiction to sex is psychological. The addicted brain fools the body by producing intense BioChemical rewards for this bad addiction, d brain tells d sex addict That having illicit sex is good the same way it tells others that food is good when they are hungry.... I'm happy for you now that u've overcome dis self destructive behaviour.
I have had sex with over 300 men and still counting, it helps when you feel lonely, you need some form of reassurance that you are attractive, loved and cared for...
I was born in Anambra and grow up in Lagos as a teenager. It isn't easy being single sha. I am 24 on the 2nd of 0ct, I need true love!!!
ashawo no get bus stop.
Chie this babe dey yash o!!!!!
I'm just sorry for your poor husband paul. This is a lesson to all men that think their wives are saints and angels. Don't trust any woman.
Tank God Fø̲̣̣я̅ u
Tank God Fø̲̣̣я̅ u
Christ is the best solution she failed to look at the cross
Ogbeni shut up abeg. You too like to dey misyarn. With that your eye wey be like person wey wan sleep. Swear say ur case no worse pass her own. Swear.
Its actually very sad that people come to share their past and fears and the best others can do is judge and curse. like you are are all free of your own demons.
Lady, thank God for your life. i wish you all the best and i hope the change is permanent.
Idiot!! Illustrate..
That was so not funny!
Is that the first thing that came to your mind? Her 'thingy'? There are exercises for that part of a woman, they just don't know...
Mshew...who asked you if you are a Virgin. Instead of encouraging the subject,you just had to talk about yourself. Miss Virginia.
and my pastor once said, u fornicate with one person, u contact 7 demons, do the math...
U say????? 370 men and u still look dis good?,everyday sex,2kids and some abortions and u dey like dis...den u are a beautiful woman my dear kudos to u!...how many gals wey dey claim virgins or dey into serious relationship and all dat bla bla bla dey like dis????
Thank God she's saved .
Wow sounds like u did your facebook account
Bonario as much as I like ur person, dis ur comment is pretty dumb. Did u read all she said atall?? This is a real problem. If u ask most girls how many guys they've slept with, they'd say 2 or 3 which Is a lie from d pit of hell!! Learn to educate yourself with such info as this so u could help anyone who is in a similar situation.
And you are supposed to be d intellectual of this blog?? What a shame. Attimes such things happen that u might be of help to another. And that's what she's doing now. Spend urtime on educating itself for real n not staring at ur dictionary n this blog all thru Ur life. T
No one shud condemn her...she is Human,all d while she knew she was doin wrong bt cudnt help it#Addict..dere are many pips here male n female dat av done more she has done..#So don't cuss her..for we are all Sinners..weda na one or 2 u don slip with na same sin#
Which one come be probably again? Isn't that the reason she stated? Oshisco
Loneliness and depression are like pits that can swallow an individual. Trying to fill that void with sex drugs alcohol etc is sadly common. Am glad she has her life back on track. It is a journey to recovery. I wish her d best
Having christ is greater than having anything in this world he is the light she should have gone to church rather than seek vain pleasures..
o dikwa egwu o *in phyno's voice* #okbye
Why is virginity so rare this days..I mean I def applaud this woman for turning her life around. I am a proud virgin and i will stay that way till i get married. geez it is so rare.. i feel unique and blessed and it was def not easy but it is not impossible.
Choi, 370 times. Nawa o
Deeply spiritual problem.
Stories that touch!
@ Troublemaker, correction to your math: you need to deduct days she was on her period.
Anyway sha, an average woman should not sleep with more than one man(max two men, in case the first one tricked her) in a lifetime. What we have is only meant for our husbands.
370 is starting compared to the number of guys naija girls sleep with, most naija girls dont remember all the guys they have slept with, they have lost count, linda can you remember all?.lol...c'mon linda post my comment osiso!!!!...
Anon 8:02, u sound so stupid, isit abt her case being worse or her sayin d truth? In ur mind now, ur comment is funny abi? U ar d one who shd do d shutting up. That age is too young for such thots whether u agree or not. Yeye dey smell,shiooor
What version of the bible do you read. David slept with 800??? What book and chapter is that in???
very courageous Lady! I need to see a man's version too
B4 nko? Would she tell u she's still into it? Who knows she might be in bed with the 371th №w sef. She №w wants †̥ use us to make money. Demon
Ose jare....better person.
Leave all these girls,dey know how to pretend.there is one on my bed forming christian,meanwhile she spills beans of men dat have nacked her,meanwhile she used my money to buy Ciprotab.Ciprotab for what?STD.I remember my bumping into someone's chat I used to have sex with,telling her friend "chei,I don almost taste the whole Nigeria finish"now she is claiming celibate.I can't even count the women I have slept with,not up to 30,but I don't do numbers,they are not trophies,nobody gives u an award.but I detest people dat pretend.
Na wa º°˚ --370??--well,as for me..I'm the oldest VIRGIN i know..and I'm so gonna keep it till i get married##
bloody whore.....u aee women..life..after na one man go ome marry her and not know her past life...even give the man StD..sef....
Lol! Ur mum aint a saint as well, shz a damn hoe..
my greatest regret is I waz here waiting 4 u 2 cm $ sex me u wen ahead 2 repent abi no worri 1dy w shy meet again
Lol! Women hate themselves sha. #JustSaying
nawa ooo...
Thank u o.... thot d figure was false too.
Well you only succeeded in talking trash.did you not read that she broke up with the Paul guy or the guy broke up with her?
Well spoken
Well you only succeeded in talking trash.did you not read that she broke up with the Paul guy or the guy broke up with her?
Celibacy is not an equilibrium level, but the extreme side of right, which indicates self-hatred. I pray Seyi would live a normal life again of one woman, one man.
I can categorically tell u or let Me say show u a gurl( TJ) who has slept with more than a thousand guys and she is just 23,and its free. So am happy for her that she over this bad habit
I am shocked at some of the comments made, it just shows how narrow people can be in their thinking and how relatively below average their IQ's are. Most of us do not even have the courage to step out and come clean from atrocities we have committed. Having someone do that is a lot and i always admire their courage for it. More important is the fact that they help others to get out and not make the same mistakes.
If Jesus Christ does not judge you and loves you for who you are, who are you people to judge others? . For He says: He has loved us with an everlasting love. Who can separate nus from the love of God.
God is a master of making perfect things out of what man sees to be imperfect and useless. I celebrate you my sister.
wow!!*clapping for all of you* instead of encouraging a broken woman who has obviously come a long way or admiring the courage of she who cd admit to such a heavy past or even thanking God for saving yet another soul. we are here passing judgements and re-calculating the math. let he who has never fornicated raise his/her hand. even if you are a virgin, u have no right to judge. sin is sin whether u did it once or a billion times, u are as guilty as this woman.nothing like amnesty for those that did "just once" on that great day(better read ur Bible)...she has admitted her short coming , she has worked on it, she is getting closure... you feel u are more righteous, u are hiding behind ur laptop and judging- she is better than you. self righteous hypocites! mtshheeeew,.. btw, i'm amazed and grateful to God for her
This story is terrbly sympathetic and also full of empathy. What I want us to understand all based on our different views that unwanted pregnancy and poor backgrand in conjuction with abject penury has a lot in this case. And this is also an avenue for most of us who ar men to be careful cos fresh chicks!!!! Kills fresh blood. As for the lady who share this story. God almighty wi forgive u and be with u. Hon. Oluwatuyi.
To him who have never sin should cast the first stone! You think it funny been an addict?instead of encouraging this woman,u come here to run your stupid mouth,to all you calling her names and insulting her ,let me ask you a question,ARE YOU A SAINT? You had sex outside marriage with 1man,she had with 370 men!incase you don't know the same judgment go for you all. Seyi it is well with you and may God continue to help you. Take care. *shirley*
Think of how easy it is to have had sex 370 times ? 92.5 times year in 4 years (thats just 13weeks) of sex in a 52 week year !! only with different men. It actually is not an impossible figure.(for all those talking rubbish out there) Since she started at age 13 and is 37, thats 15 men a year or an average of 1.2 new guys every month. Your average chick in Uni these days is doing that and more. Question is if they can maintain it as long as her.
seyi kolade if u neva taste my anaconda u re missing linda hook me up wit her...... 32ff3361
So Ciprotab is used for STD's alone? Your ignorance is inspiring to fools. Dr. Ani
Way to many hypocrites on this blog...SMH! I respect your courage to seek help and I pray you find happiness in your future...
Was she really a sex addict? Think she was only a victim of circumstance. She got into sexual activity damn too early, seemingly right from kindergarten when she just couldn't manage the extraordinary thrills of sex. Most unfortunately, still, she didn't meet the man that suits her, I mean the right man that could match her overpowering sexual energy; the kind of man that can give her wild, gorilla banging that will leave her totally drained. SHE DIDN'T MEET ME!!!!
Why na erritime dem born throway do bad tin dem go become Naija?
She is as British as they come. The only thing Nigerian about her is her name.
So if they call me Clifford White na im mean say I don become Oyibo?
370 men? Jeeezzz! Sweetie dat ws huge, tank God u stopped, it not lyk am saint bt seriously dat ws sm adiction. U nid Jesus now, pls go to church, read ur bible ask God for forgiveness n total cleansing bt sweetie dats ws d height of it
Hahahaha! i'm sure dat pu**y is wrecked and looking burnt.
Story that's not an excuse to start having sex up n down .... I beg make she go sit down do u knw how many under age mothers we have in Lagos? But thank God for her soul has she no catch HIV that one for bad it will be 370men with HIV multiple by another 370 women and it goes on Jesu chiA.
Story that's not an excuse to start having sex up n down .... I beg make she go sit down do u knw how many under age mothers we have in Lagos? But thank God for her soul has she no catch HIV that one for bad it will be 370men with HIV multiple by another 370 women and it goes on Jesu chiA.
her kind is not rare
lol guy ur babe own fit swallow 3 yrs old baby
I will share this on campushit.blogspot.com
360 men in 13yrs is not much, it means 5 men in 2 months. Homely girls nowadays do 5 men a month which gives u 780 men in 13yrs and runs girls do 5 men a week which will give 3640 men in 13yrs . So this lady is a saint in a way .
Oh and I guess this rule doesn't apply to men now does it?
I am happy for u girl, the fact that u were able to turn ur life around is a huge step, some would have falling into drugs, real depression and eventually maybe commit sucide. I had the same addiction, i just wanted to av a fuck almost all the time,i must av sleept with almost 100 guys, but now am clean of all that addiction and married with kids, and for all those block heads saying her pu..y is thirdmainland bridge etc, u might be surprised how tight she might be,cause i am so tight that it baffles me too. Thank God for deliverance!!
370 is too small for an average Naija babe. Check out the runs girls. The average sleeps with 10 men minimim per month, then multiply it by 12 months. 370 men means 370 dicks (amu). Thats all.
Thank God She didn't lost count . She said 370
Many Nigerian Babes have lost Count. Gof help us
Na wao I can't blieve dat some pple r making jokes out of dis story and sum are feeling selfrigtheous. All of u shld cover ur faces in shame. Tuufaaii.
i believe this woman and im battling same too.@27 have slept with more than 40 guys all in the name of looking for love...though my P IS still very tight and firm cos guys get hooked wen we have sex but im so addicted i dont even knw how to stop.i blve every guy i meet want to have sex and if im attracted to him i concur.i see sex as the only hold i have on men.all i crave for is love and attention.i feel so teribble and empty now.
I've slept with 300+ men, starting at age 12. In my case, I think I was looking for love because of not having my father around, and confused sex with love. As I got older, I just liked to screw so I kept on. I've been celibate for a year now and hate it; hopefully I'll meet someone someday and change that.
Congrats for beating the addiction and kudos to you for helping other, I pray that you will never encounter such again in your life.
Wow nice one all I can say is thnk God she is fine n free now! There's a lot of pple outhere with same prob bt not bold enouf to say it. Google: xbrite charles brite.
Thanks for sharing your story, this is truly helpful and an inspiration to all people who cling to sex too much, life is more than sex, sex is a gift between two married couple.
Very sad to heard about your pregnancy in only 13 years age which is very small age for pregnancy. Your should really got the treatment.
Wow! 370 Men! I thought I was lucky! I'm a 25 yo boy and I have had sex with 43 women aged between 17 and 58. I have had my first experience when I was 13 with a 21 yo girl. Now I'm still dating lots of women and (I supose) I have around 10 children.
Please don’t be upset for reading better and strong imagination sex stories. free sex stories for women surely a place that you can find all kind of genre, best sexual preferences that could reach your expectation by reading or providing exciting short sex stories for free.
nice to hear your great story...try to reach 500 men
adodis fraud
what a whore
i hope u go to hell and die of every sexually transmitted disease
Thanks good article
Cathy and her friend Norma were talking to each other on the telephone. Because they were both Philippinas, they were pretty close friends. Norma was married, but about once or twice a month she liked to go to a motel and have a little fuck session with some lucky man who was not her husband.
Read full story here Fantasies.com
Cathy and her friend Norma were talking to each other on the telephone. Because they were both Philippinas, they were pretty close friends. Norma was married, but about once or twice a month she liked to go to a motel and have a little fuck session with some lucky man who was not her husband.
Read full story here Fantasies.com
Nice to hear your great story... There's still hope for the 371st man! Vietnamese sexy and hot girls collection
I'm a former prostitute an I'm 26 years old I've been a worker since the age of 18 an I had more sex partners then she has but I wasn't an addict I did it to feel loved an for money I'm now celibate to because sex means nothing anymore unless your in love so I feel her 100%
Great to have the story of her life. Its very rare that one can leave the sex addiction, but she she did that. Awesome. For more visit: http://www.independentpenguin.com/a-review-of-the-scott-yancey-flipping-property-event/
God bless you dear sister. Each one of you people condemning her 1. didn't even read the article. Can you read? and 2. are morally filthy for judging someone who shared her story of how God saved her--and who shared to help other people know God loves them too.
Shame on you all.
Sister, God loves you so much.
He without a sin should cast the first stone, some of us are worst than her.
To the victim lady, i love you for your courage.
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