Laser Hair Removal is a technique that uses beams of highly concentrated light to penetrate the hair follicles. The light is absorbed by pigment in the follicles and destroys the hair within them. Laser hair removal is among the most commonly performed cosmetic procedures in the U.S, however Lasers are useful for removing unwanted hair from the face, leg, arm, underarm, bikini line, and other areas where unsightly hair is a problem.

Each pulse of the laser takes a fraction of a second and can treat many hairs at the same time. The laser can treat an area approximately the size of a quarter every second. Small areas such as the upper lip can be treated in less than a minute, and large areas, such as the back or legs, may take up to an hour.
Ninety percent of patients have permanent hair loss after an average of three to five sessions.
Laser hair removal is more than just ''zapping'' unwanted hair. It is a medical procedure that requires training to perform and carries potential risks. Before getting laser hair removal, that is why you should visit Laserderm where head specialist and expert medical practitioner Dr Awudu, and his team of Doctors have expert knowledge of this treatment.
Also, if you are planning on undergoing laser hair removal, you should limit plucking, waxing, and electrolysis for six weeks before treatment. That's because the laser targets the hairs' roots, which are temporarily removed by waxing or plucking.
Just before the procedure, your hair that will be undergoing treatment will be trimmed to a few millimeters above the skin surface. The laser equipment will be adjusted according to the colour, thickness, and location of your hair being treated as well as your skin colour.
Depending on the laser or light source used, you and the doctor will need to wear appropriate eye protection. It will also be necessary to protect the outer layers of your skin with a cold gel or special cooling device. This will help the laser light penetrate the skin.
Next, the doctor will give a pulse of light to the treatment area and watch the area for several minutes to make sure the best settings were used and to check for bad reactions.
When the procedure is completed, you may be given ice packs, anti-inflammatory creams or lotions, or cold water to ease any discomfort. You may schedule your next treatment four to six weeks later. You'll get treatments until hair stops growing.
Over the next month, your treated hair will fall out. Wear sunscreen for the following month to help prevent temporary changes in the color of the treated skin.
Blisters are rare but are more likely in people with darker complexions. Other potential side effects are swelling, redness, and scarring.
We recommend you visit an expert specialist clinic such as Laserderm to avoid permanent scarring, also changes in skin colour are rare. If efforts to remove unwanted hair leave you with bumps, nicks, burns, or the hassles of repeated shaving, tweezing, or waxing, laser hair removal may be an option worth considering.
Laserderm Clinics also has other cutting-edge beauty technologies including Pseudofolliculitis Barbae (treatments of ingrown hair as a result of shaving), Skin Rejuvenation (solving skin problems from acne, acne scarring, psoriasis, pigmented skin lesions and patches), Lines and Wrinkle Treatment (an age reversal treatment), Hyperhidrosis (treatment of excessive sweating, typically under armpits areas), Removal of Leg & Facial Veins and Onychomycosis (treatment of fungal nail infection).
For more information on Laser or skin treatments, visit Laserderm Clinics:
Address: 33 Akin Osiyemi Street off Allen Avenue, Ikeja (turning after Mr Biggs opposite Sterling Bank coming from the Opebi axis. Clinic is a white building at the end of Akin Osiyemi Street on the right hand-side), Lagos, Nigeria.
Tel: +234 (0) 1-8999778; +234-812-677-7778; +234-805-277-7778
Facebook: laserdermclinics
Twitter: @laserdermltd
Hey i hope they giving a warning about the danger of using laser for darker skin people. Even here in the US people with Darker skin are advised to stay away from using Laser treatment. Because Darker skin people have more melanin in their skin, these melanin interact with the laser light and cause skin burn.
I am dark skinned and my dermatologist warned me against using it.
linda dis is no news pls dnt let fake people use ur site to mk money just bcos they paid u for advert does nt mk them good,mk sure they knw what they are doing b4 they fool ur readers and eat ur money cos all dis fake stuffs are all over lagos trying to mk money i'v been fooled b4 too.
These people are very unserious, when you call in for enquiries their front desk person has nothing intelligent to tell you apart from come in for your consultation which cost 7000 naira.
linda pls dnt they cure stretch marks too?i hv dis horrible stretch marks all over my body and it mks me so uncomfortabe i hv been to many sites for cure but none of there advice works,pls help me mk enquiries where i can cure them am ready to pay anyting pls.
linda pls do they hv stretch marks cure pls anybdy that hv d right information to dis should gv me pls.
linda pls help me mk enquries where i can cure my stretch marks pls dis is y i hv sombody lk u,pls help me am ready for any amount of treatment as long as they are cured pls.
linda buts those there contacts are so funny y d 7777 everywhere?
I understand the need to do this business on the skin with the latest technolgy. My concern would be the rapid increase of cancer amongst us especially blacks. Exposure of the skin to these rays, I would suspect, will have some effect on humans. This is my 5cents on this, so Linda please ask these questions before you promote stuffs.
I tink dey r de best so far in 9ja,went dere wit my hubby n i got sm of deir products.lets c hw it goz.....
Nice but I know the treatment would be very expensive.
7 7 7 is the number oluwashina! Adasi jewo o, adasi je wo o! *dancing*
Wud love to remove my armpit hair o.If they cure stretch marks,trust me,it'll be the first thing to advertise cos I think 90% of nigeria women have got it,either from child birth/natural.
I WRITE FROM MY HEART, I Repeat I won't allow myself to be deceived again, since I am a living witness of skin gone bad, because I succumbed to the pressures of all sorts of beauty therapist.i know how it feels to be depressed because of skin problems, especially cystic acne,which I had.there was nothing I didn't do. Nothing I didn't use for this face of mine, at a point I was beginning to think it was spiritual, until I came to realize that all these products contained harmful chemicals which irrittates your skin and deprives and strips the skin off it's normal oil.thereby making your skin more prone to developing acne.thanks to one DOCTOR who writes on harmful skin constituents , and deals with natural ageless beauty.plssssssssssss use only products made from natural source, like plants, example seaweed is very good, tea tree oil. Look for skin beauty brand with such ingredient,BODYSHOP skin care is one brand that employs the use of natural source, and not harmful chemicals.Thank God what worked for me was CHOCHO SOAP AND CHOCHO CREAM.i am now fine girl no pimples, before it was fine with pimples, people use to ask me questions on the road what happened to my face felt so embarrassed that I didn't go out for two weeks, but now I can boldly step out, and when I do peeps go like Woooow, what are you using for you face.
Lol@ cancer of the face and cancer of the ear.
My dear to remove a stretch mark is as easy as abc. Just go to these yoruba women that sells traditional stuff bd buy SHEA BYTTER(OKWUMA in Igbo). Use it morning nd night and within a month you will see d result. That is what i use and its working for me. Gd luck
Hmmmm Cancer sitdon jeje , una go drag am
Shea Butter-English
Please make sure you buy the original one because the fake also exist. To differentiate the two, take a small amount and gently rub on your palms to melt it.
If it melt instantly-fake. If it takes some seconds-original. Also, be patient because you will see results after weeks/a month.
Linda, they should offer u free treatment! Lol, you test first then give the rest of us situation report, okay!
my dear i hv used d shea butter b4 infact i bath wt it for lk a month but all to no avail and i bought it frm d yoruba people too in enugu,my dear mine is those horrible big stretch marks and alot of people hv ate my money bck in lagos wtout any cure,right now am crying in linda's blog for help knowing i might get a better solution frm readers, thanks for d advice thou God bless u but i need more cos i'v tryed that b4.
i have always wanted to do laser treatment for my armpit hair..I shave about 3 times a week and its annoying...however, before you go to that clinic, pls inform yourself thoroughly on the pros and cons...before you become an example to others.
Infact, before you go to any Doctor, educate yourself wella...if possible read ever thing on all the pages of Google about ur challenge before you go..seriously. I have a friend who went through hell because she was in a 'reputable' hospital and wasn't sure of how she was supposed to be treated.
That's why I try to inform everyone about this. Trust ur doctor, but have some personal knowledge too.
Buhahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha Anon 3:51 this is the hardest I've ever laughed for a blog comment. Buhahahahahhahahaha. *wipes tears*
hve you tried exercising?? And eating healthy foods?? Exercising will work like magic though .. Don't be lazy
Pls how do I get the chocho cream and soap
Ahahahahahahahhahahahahaahapeople please post more ! This is fun
Lool what does it mean please I want to laugh too
@ Speaking from the heart, please where can I get the Chocho cream and soap? I am suffering from the same acne and I've already tried everything. Please help.You can mail me at Thanks
Anon 7:13, u won't get the joke if its explained. :)(its a shina peters song from back in the day) sorry
Wax mami, it lasts way longer.
Tribal marks nko, Laser dey remove am? Honestly I have a single mark on my face n it makes me so self consious. Fellow LIB's help!!!
pls i am nt fat atall am just nomal nt fat nt slim,d ting just started coming out lk a joke but now is all over my body,and is no joke pls if u hv nothing to offer me pls dnt add salt to my injury thanks.
linda pls help me mk inquiries if there's any cure for stretch marks that works pls,save a soul.
I know of this laser treatment and I believe is a high techology mechine for hair removal,there is nothing on earth dat does not have side effect expect jesus therapy am really intrested cos when I wanted to do it in england they told me it eight sections which will take like eight month so now dat is in nigeria am soooooo happy I give it a try.thank for the info
I've been using laser for about 10 years to remove body hair. It's the shiznit. Make sure they use the one specifically for black skin.
It is sad to read a lot of comments on the blog. Most show a clear lack of basic knowledge about light, laser and radiation. It shows we still have a huge populace of people who simply do not READ despite all avenues available these days- internet, libraries etc. I would advice people to educate themselves on the subject matter before given "expert" advice.
Most people do not know lasers are used in most of the appliances we come across daily- CD & DVD players, laser printers, Bar code scanners, laser pointers for presentation etc. There is no link between lasers and cancers and it should not be confused with radio waves, x-ray or radiation from radioactive substances.
There is nothing fake about using lasers for epilation (Hair removal). Its been done since the mid nineties in other parts of the world and is well established in the dermatology community as the go to treatment for those who desire "permanent hair reduction".
Not all lasers are safe to use on darker skin types so as always, it is advisable to do your home work and research the clinic and therapist (who in my opinion should be a clinician) you plan on seeing before embarking on any treatment, not just LHR. Ask questions and speak with your dermatologist or family physician and then decide if it is for you.
LHR has done wonders for a lot of people and some statistics show well nearly a million people were successfully treated with laser hair removal in the US last year alone.....EDUCATE YOURSELVES
To be specific the ones for black skin are Cutera Titan and Laser Genesis. A caveat though; once you start you won't want to stop. Ten years on and i'm still doing it. The hair regrowth is fine and almost transparent but i covet lack of hair on the body.
Linda, a quick legal advice. Separate ad from your opinion. Here in the US, you can also be liable if the company is sued(most companies in the USA are taken to court at one time or the other including for false advertisement)). How come all their pictures do not represent the average Nigerian skin color? Does it mean they don't have good success among us to feature us in their ad?
Actually the safest laser to use on darker skin types(types V-VI) is an NdYag laser of which there are several companies that make them, Cutera being one of such. However the Titan is purely for dermal heating and not epilation(LHR).
Some may also use an Alexandrite laser but this needs to be used by an experienced therapist preferably a clinician.
The last comment is simply pointless.
@chikaka what of those dat are half cast
Exercise!! You do not have to be fat to exercise c'mmon you should know this!
Dis is d 1st tym am commentin on ur blog.Ma dear u r ryt ,ori does not work @ all used it and it turned dat part of ma skin 2 charcoal,I av also exercised nd I eat healthy food.I bought different expensive cream but it only brought excema 2 me,ryt now ma next stop is Dr.sandra if it doesn't work I will go 4 laser cos am tired of d big fat stretchmarks,BEEBEE
Don't use regular shaving stick. Use clippers like the ones for hair. Will keep it low with no bumps
Buhahahahahaha,dis made my day.can't just stop laffing
Wats d ting???
Me I v pimples all over my body,what can I do? Pls help,my back,upper arm,sometimes neck,chest & face.I need help.I even v some rough bumps on my legs & thigh,pls wot do u suggest I do LIBERS abeg help biko!
Have u tried joy herbal skin care? If nt u cn call dis number, 07037484688 for more enquiries.
So dr osi has relocated to nigeria? Hmmmm
Hi dear. I'm just wondering.....did you use any cream with steroids? There are a couple of treatments for stretchmarks, tho not sure if they are available in Nigeria. One is dermarolling which helps build up collagen in the body, and with time reduces stretchmarks. Also try bio oil but ensure u get from a reputable vendor such as Medplus. Alpha hydroxy nd lactic acid treatments may work, but you have to be patient with them. You can google these for more info! Take care and stay strong!
@Chikaka i thot linda said d treatment gives one permanent hair loss afta abt 6 come u'v bin at it 4 10yrs?
in france you will be told they dont do laser treatment for black skin,I have since learnt that its not cost effective for them to buy a seperate laser equipment specifically for blacks.Im sure this clinic will since nigerians are predominantly black.
@anon 7:59.............go for surgery. let them remove skin from your nyash and cover the tribal mark.....lmao! bear your nigerian symbol well abeg. my sister has two gigantic ones on her face and she's still living
For stretch marks pls use ori,shea butter original frm ourlocal markets or good petrolueum jelly over time they wud disapear. But you ve to be very patient.
Nigerians just insist on being ignorant. Why can't we read and educate ourselves? How can so called educated people come here and say it gives cancer of the face and ear? Are you stupid? Have you heard of cases of cancer from cell phones? If that has not happened is it this laser treatment that will give you all cancer? This is why black people will forever be stupid! It's true what the white man says!
, we don't read and we refuse to educate ourselves. Shame on
woooohoooo!!!! I get to remove all my ass hair. lol *dancing azonto* i hope it's not expensive o.
lasers are of different grades grade 1-4.
medical grade lasers are less than grade 3,there for safe for regular use.the only associated concerns are that of burns and corneal ulceration,and those can be prevented.
I have been to the clinic,the people are professional and warm,they explain to you all u need to know at their consultation session.their laser is not painfull and they say its for black skin.
pls linda,can they remove tatoos?
Change your diet! You might be allergic to dairy products
Lol@do they remove tatoos who sent u in d first place heheheehe
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I have used them and its working,its called laser and yes it would hurt and burn in some cases but after a few days you will be fine,it takes time but it works
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LMAOO... Seriously
Your contribution is encouraging cos everybody here is not just helping on taking a decision.......I also want to know can it be done on tribal marks
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