Now check out Karrueche & Chris Brown's Tweets to know it's wrap for them. Guess Rihanna finally won!
More Tweets after the cut...
Chris has confirmed the split with Karrueche, he said:
I have decided to be single to focus on my career. I love Karrueche very much but I don’t want to see her hurt over my friendship with Rihanna. I’d rather be single allowing us to both be happy in our lives.
Yes i've been reading they have broken up. Hope Rihanna is finally happy!
Sorry Karrueche. In time,ur broken heart will heal. Just seeing CB n Riri feels weird again ,like so wrong.
mehn dis Chris Brown no just look Uche face at all, commenting on a non-event twitter dialogue makes me feel lifeless *shakes head and drinks more alomo*...L.A.S.T.M.A Killa
Whewww finally....d paparrazzi craze can now begin...chrihanna
Awww.. I feel rly sad for her,I can only imagine wat she is going tru. Pray to neva b in her shoes! Goodluck Rihanna,that's all I can say...
I dont know what to say buh they should go find happiness in the arms of the one they love....Some people will b quick to judge Rihanna and even Chris as a woman beater but then he never beat Tran or any other woman for that matter and who knows, the one with Riri might have been a one off......Happiness to Chris, Rihanna and Tran......
LOL...LOve ma RIRI!
Rihanna is back on with Chris Brown as a punching bag for more BEATINGS & BUSTED LIPS! This biatchhhhh will NEVER learn...what a twit!!
It's like he's forgotten how Rihanna nearly finished his career because of the fight. Anyway, they're in love I guess.
if Chris breezy did not hold Pepper neither of them would have bothered..power of ego kudi owo
NOOOOOOOO LINDA, Karrueche won, she just doesnt know it yet. Who wants a woman beater? Rih guuuurrrrl, I hope you have pepper spray or mace with you at all times so the next time he tries to scratch up your face you can spray his face. If not you know TMZ will give us pictures. By the way No its not our business but when they become public figures it becomes our social business.
Its Crianna
riri dear just get ur face ready for punch massage
riri dear just get ur face ready for punching massage
Riri oya continue screwing CB i know you have missed that, Sorry Karrueche , you will heal soon trust me.
I feel for Karrueche sha but I'm so excited to see Rih Rih and Breezy together! Yeaaaaaahhh!
issokay............-In another news 2 traditional rulers engage in fisticuffs inside Police Station in Ogun State -The Punch Newspapers.
Unfair on Karrauche. Feel sorry for her but life has its ups and downs. She'll bounce back in time.
You all should shut it! He hit her just ones,why can't u all let it go? Did u see thesame thing happening with karreuche? Did u ever hear he hit her? Why not just forget about something that happened at a very young age.. He was 19. He was a child and had millions.. All of u hear are in your 20's,30's and above and u have nothing but sit hear and critize what he did a long time ago.. Please let it go
I knew this day was coming.. What they had was love and not lust! Even if it took longer than this,they would surely come around,and besides they ve been back together for long buh secretly
Its called one of the stupid trialss#tranwasjustused
Nigerian nollywood drama. waiting for our upper iweka boys to release one - Rihanna VS Karrueche!
I'm disappointed tho. or lets say mixed feelings. sighs.
time will tell
Na Illuminati things now
So as we get....Jayz and Beyonce
So we shud alos xpect Riri and CB
Then in 9ja.....make we xpect
@D banj and Geneviv
Power Meet Power=Illuminati
Na shaa forget to take Panadol for another person Headache
**Forwrd Clara like u***
Ovaaa sabbiiii
Chris Brown and Rihanna a typical Whitney and Bobby Brown story!
Watch the video of 20 years marriage Anniversary of Barack and Michelle Obama here http://www.finest-in-internet.com/
you guys saw part 1.
chris brown should be expecting part 2 from rihanna.
he is just a small fool.
dis gal is a demon dat am sure of.
I feel her pain, am sure she's regrets d day, d ban was lifted off chris 4 rihanna, dis 2 asses betta get married
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahhahahaha.... I love me some LIBers mehn ! They sure knw how to crack me up anytime, anyday... Linda, u'v got urself d best fans around mehn... Lolz
Its a pity tho for Uche ma name sake, buh chris and ri looked gud together. And bcos i jes got back wif ma ex, i guess i will be bias wen i say i wish em well... Well, who gives a hoot wah anybody says finally, huh? Lolz
#finally finally, God has d final say
Abeg A̶̲̥̅♏ tired of ds two people joor. I dont jus envy riri she has fall all ladies hand. Jus disappointed she no even gε̲̣̣̣̥t̶̲̥̅. Shame
You are either a wife beater or you get beaten. Either way you are pathetic and need help.
My riri rocks #muchlove
It's their choice if they wish 2 come back 2geda.maybe CB is loaded btwn d legs and RIRI has jst missed it a lot.....LMFAO..
Rihana is a stupid fellow that doesnt know what it means to be a 'LADY' Go on and screw your empty brain he will soon leave her for somebody else,soon!
its annoying how people say CB is a woman beater when they never heard again he did something like that.....If we are quick to judge, then each of us one way or another, a perpetual sister-beater,brother-beater,wife-beater,friend-beater,husband-beater,child-beater...infact all sort of beating, you have ever given someone......
I can't be bothered.
finally, its what i have been waiting for, u cant keep soulmates apart for too long, they always find a way back to eachother. i think RIRI and CB are soulmates!
awww thats really unfair on karraueche but meeehn thats first love bonds o no matter what harm is being done to both party there is always that mysterious thing that brings them back...reminds me so much of me nd my(ex)bf as in despite the cheatings,insults and so on we just always come back as in letting go is too damn hard abeg.....
So happy for Chris and Riri but Karreuche will heal.
Em glad dey r back togeda joor. Wetin be una own sef. Hian!
Em glad dey r back togeda joor. Wetin be una own sef. Hian!
The Chris Brown vs Drake charity ring fight better still hold, i'll put my money on Drake so Chris could come out of the fight looking like Rihanna. she better be ready to Tend to the wounded.
riri of lifeeeee
I am super exited! Wow #teamChrianna sowe karrueche.
Full @ 40
In the apodeictic words of Lucky Philip Dube (may his soul rest in peace) " love never knows when to die" .
I always had the premonition they will come back together...#whocares
In the apodeictic words of Lucky Philip Dube (may his soul rest in peace ) "sometimes love never knows when to die"
Happy for Chris and Riri and I feel sorry for Karreuche in time she will heal.
Thank goodness. I almost died holding my breath and waiting for them to get back together. That was a long wait!!!! *dancing*
"If you love something, let it go. If it comes back to you, its yours. If it doesn't, you'll never know". I'm a huge fan of CB and Riri; I must confess. I AM HAPPY FOR THE BOTH OF THEM. #Goodnews
Yay!!! I like Ri-Ri n Chris together... 2badt for Karrueche sha! To fink dat she called Ri-Ri Jennifer Aniston n hersef Jolie sometime ago. Guess who has the last laugh now.
It's It's
Rihanna is as much as a home(relationship wrecker) wrekcer as Kim K who knew and on national tv admitted to knowing this goof ball was in a relationship but went ahead to play side chic and got banged in the public bathroom of a "club" by a man y'all fools claim love her!! She has no respect for herself and I just pray to God that she seeks the help she needs to get her head off of this goof balls dick! Karrueche on the other hand has been with this fool in his darkest days and continues to support him even this past weekend was at his celebrity basket ball game supporting him,she is also one of the pioneer team leader for their organization that helps DV kids (symphonic love) so why people call her a gold digger beats me!!! it ain't like she flaunts CL's or is a very high fashion person spending his money on unecessary stuff,NO! She was very into his craft and him being a better person even though I think she gave his ass too much pass... She was not stupid,she followed her heart just like the hoe Rihanna but she wasnt chasing after someone already in a relationship. She's a strong woman and will pull through and Chris didnt have to dog her like that neither should Rihanna have participated in this shenanigan and karma never fails to visit! I pray she deosnt end up in the hospital before she realizes this is not the route she should be taking at this point in her life... but the hell, who am I? Good riddance!!
I believe Ʊ 5:16.
Why are people judging them, Abeg let them be, we all make mistakes. Am sure he has learned his. Or is it becos he is a celebrity
@amaka, rest abeg.which one is dump inside the matter again?did CB break up with RI in the first place,or the circumstance called for it.He was with her before going to meet uche so the issue of being dumped is out of it jor.
karreuche is on the move to get a better man and soooo rihanna can have the boy (chris brown) she dnt giv a f**k
Drama like mine. lol
riri really deserve those beatings that chris gave her cos i heard chris part of the story and so i dnt blame chris for hiting her the way he did..... Riri is such a bitch afterall
Feel bad for her. She'd feel for used bt its all good. Thngs like this happens for better thngs 2 cm her way!
Na today? I said it... Ri story is just like mine but my guy did not beat me. We are marry for 8yrs blessed with 3 lovely kids... No regret
Chris is chopping a stale cunt 4 sure! Yes he might be d first boyfriend who disVirgened Riri but when they broke up Riri went wqild with dicks. That's when she found out that her heart belongs to Chris. Goodluck on this one. Hope Chris doesn't fuck up cos his career will be at stake if he does.
No its fool not full,ode
Ha! At least kanye & Kim's relationship will take a back seat In the media 4 now. D paparazzi have a new addiction!! Trust Kim to come up with a media stunt soon though. #yawns
One thing is for sure, wen u break up, its never the same again. 3 months its all Im giving them
As much as I rejoice with riri nd cb on deir reconciliation, I feel so sorry for karueche. This CB wicked sha even after promise ring pn her bday. Let's c where deir relationship ends now.
I dont even understand some people sef. The only reason this became a big deal was cause of Jay Z. That boy was a child(19 for a boy to me is a TATA) plus he wasn't beating her all the time. he did tat once. Terrence Howard, Mel Gibson, Nicholas cage and Charlie sheen "Men" have been known as women beaters why isn't it an issue? Let these two adults be jare, plus if he hits Rihanna again then it is her fault not yours which I doubt. he has too much to loose.
What is meant to be will be. I will always recommend a man that fears God. Am happy for them. I love Chris brown because he is a very talented dude.
Moral of the story is never get involved and an EX isn't completely an EX..
Love Riri n Chris jor
Until he cheats A̶̲̥̅̊₪d̶̲̥̅̊ hit her again cuz he wil ds type of guys neva really change.Bobby A̶̲̥̅̊₪d̶̲̥̅̊ Whitney all over again @least we wil see headline
Sometimes I wonder d kind of men women really want all in d name of luv ,, am nt excited abt der re-unoin bcos I knw he's goin 2 hit her again n who knws it might b smtin far more worst dan wht he has done. D tatoo of a battered woman on him says it all.
Awwwww that's so sweet. God bless ur union.
Nyc one..i pray ds C & R tale lives happily ever after..karauche dear u deserve better its good to let u him go without creating unnecessary scene
i perssonally think Karrueche is stupid. A man has given you aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallthe signs that he's not interested. (Doesn't take you for the biggest award in his industry, is intimate with his ex girlfriend in public etc) and you still want to die there. Well since he'd used all the signs in the book alongside disrespect to let you know but you still latched on...Well you can't b;ame a brother for doing what he did. Women, show yourself some respect when a man starts showing tell tales and stop acting like fools in love.
Enough said
Lol, in your small mind.
Hmn ds Elliot Wilson aproko no be here o!
Lol, I'm guessing your bobo left you for his ex. Awww, don't be so bitter. Move on.
Breezy u fall my hand,u liked her this much and let all that drama happen,Riri well i dont see u guyz togeda this time next year,will be happy to see u guys prove me wrong.
Wao !am so Rihanafied,am popping champaigne right now, my Ririgirl won.where are those asking after Ri-Die-Hard fans@martha ,come celebrate with me.
LOL I can't wait for the reaction of all these American mothers that will have a fit because Riri has gone back, talking about how she's setting a bad example for her young fans (of course they could just raise their daughters with the right ethics so that Rihanna doesn't influence their life's choices) I'll say this though (and I'm a female for the record). All those social groups that put labels on Chris Brown's records saying people shouldn't buy his music because he was a woman beater should put labels on Rihanna's albums telling people not to buy them because she was stupid enough to take back a woman beater. It's only fair.
Shattap der!!! How many girls has he hit since dat time... U people won't just let somtin go, sebi na d same rihanna still carry hersef come back now, why e dey pepper U 4 body so... Aunty go and play inside rain abeg.... Mscheeeeww, oshisko!!!
Now that's a true love story. so sweet.
Professor frani, well done.
its quite funny dat the same people dat will ask for naija celeb's head if this was in naija are the same screaming #crisanna whatever.....the person dat said chris was only 19 then i'm sure u were one of the people dat wanted davido's head on a platter when dat taxi driver's story came up...nigerians need to stop being sentimental when the issue concerns western artists...WHAT IS WRONG,IS WRONG
"Happiness is the one thing I'm never guaranteed..... How can U expect me to guarantee yours?" so true< i simply love it.
Wow, I'm so happy for Rihanna & Chris Brown. Its funny tho, cos I remember when they became an item. Back then, everyone criticised Rihanna for dating Chris Brown because she is a year older than him. But when the domestic violence issue came up, everyone forgot about the age difference. It was the domestic violence issue everyone concentrated on. They wanted to get back together and people continued talking that they shouldn't get back together. They are back together now, MOST PEOPLE are HAPPY, nobody remembers that she is older again. Bottomline, always follow your heart cos people would always talk! Congrats to them!
Lol at 'uche' shey karueche don turn ibo. Smh. D koko is dat young cb n riri fit eat other cos dey r both young, disturbed n confused.
Both are still struggling to find their identities in life emotionally. I only hope dat riri won't get acid on her face dis tym.
But den she doesn't mind. Ndi nzuzu.
Uche go n find a man as u claim to prefer. Lol
I am sure u are annie macauley talking. Otondo it means u have no self respect, esteem and worth. U allow urself to imagine he loves u so u tolerate bullshit. Grow up sweets he will keep cheating on u.
Crap.Karreauche is a fame whore.everyone around knows it,except for some Nigerians.those saying she stood by him through dark times know nothing about life and fame whores.What is to be expected?dark times that?that he was broke?or not famous?or not hitting?when?
She stuck by a man who she knows doesnt love her.im sure when he pulls one of those his stunts,she'll be weeping n coaxing till CB out of pity takes her in his arms back and they go out to some gig and she sends pics to media rats to show they are still a couple or put something on twitter.even use the dude's phone to pull one or two love stunts on some media network.its a common thing everywhere with desperate hoes.even here in Nigeria.DONT stay with a man that sees you as an option whose heart is still burning for his ex.or a man who still overly talks or reacts about his ex,good or bad.dont be comforted that he's saying bad about her because my dear,his heart is still burning and once she spreads for him,he will atleast enter back.trust me,the sensation is always sweet.once in bed,always in bed.esp when love is involved........take a chill pill and allow a man to give you the respect you deserve.And stop all the talk of standing by him.who wouldn't stand by Bill Gate's son or Prince Harry even if he's fucking up.ONLY FEW.#reality#
Wat a drama!--im so lovin dis MOVIE#CB only made kereuche popular--CB-d-serial-dater!!--how long wld dis last??--( a )1 month..(B) less dan a month.. (C) less dan a week..
Both of them lack self respect so it's hard for them to give respect to others... Anyways, what effs man. I hope they are happy
In the end TRUE LOVE conquers all. Chris is NOT a woman beater, if he was many other girls would have come out that he brushed them. It was a grave mistake he made after been provoked to the limit, coupled with his lack of self constraint. He also paid dearly for his actions and almost lost everything he had.
Like the phoenix, Chris has done his time, and risen from the ashes. Some people just dont get the kinda of love connection they both must have to go back to each other after such a public terrible incident. And these are people that can be with anyone they want in the world but somehow after wandering, they are still drawn to each other.
People dont hate! Be happy for them and wish them well. If he ever touches Rihrih again, then thats unforgivable and he can do hard jail time for all i care. Just dont judge a young man by one stupid careless mistake he did.
They look gooooooood together.
Am I the only one that read the part where he said 'he has decided to be single?' So y r pple happy that he is wt riri?
CB is a woman beater eieio
She won yes n CB is still a woman beater. Kill ya sef.
Sir "hear n critize". I support anon5:16.
If you could find the value of ex before, you can't find the value of ex now. There is a reason for the phrase, " let sleeping dogs lie". Wonder why ppl ever bother with their exs.
Nna men you hit me once, my mind is forever poisoned. It's only a matter of tym he'll prove he aint a one hit wonder.
i'm telling you oh best believe it's a low self esteem ish+ foolishness sha.
It didn't come back to her oh she went bck to the it with all her shameful desperate chic tinz ps, the we found love in a hopeless place video.
If he left her for his ex nko is it not obvious that its only an ekuke dog that goes bck to its poo.
Circumstances ok oh. So if the guy I was dating that went to do his masters n now has got a gf he now flaunts on BB maybe comes back to Nigeria n we start kissing n all that jazz, I should tel, myself, "we never said it's over we are still together it's just circumstances that called for it" hmmmmmm words of wisdom..........NOT kmt.
Ok so as Karuchenna is an ex, ri should fear too. What goes around comes around.
Well in her defence, a lot of women stay in a relationship they know is failed so they can get over the person n move on. I know I do it and when I leave na d guy wey go shock cos d chic wey em think say dey mumutize for am don go be dat. To me it's even the best way to get over a relationship. I think she knew ryt from that award nyt and bas preped herself for this day. Sa good riddance to bad rubbish all the same.
True that.
Wish I can read to the end but ur just droppin bird crap all over this joint. If she where a fame whore, I think she'll be in every tabloid trying to promote herself like dem girls of the playboy mansion. She didn't even take advantage of her relationship with CB and they were together for 2yrs and u call her fame whore meeeeen nigger watch ur balls.
*yawns*, is the sermon over? Wish I read past the first.word.
Jst chill, its gerrin to dat. Ds is jst d first stage...lol
Am so rihannafied...hpy fo dem. I hv bn waitin fo ds,knew it wld happen. Cb,berra dnt beat ma gyel again ooo..may it b unto u guys jst lyk beyonce nd jay z...
Congrats Chrianna...
He just said that so he won't put the Chris/Rihanna relationship in the public face immediately
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