The school has been shut indefinitely and the Adamawa State government has also imposed a 24-hour curfew. No group has claimed responsibility for the massacre...
The rate at which young people are being killed in Nigeria these days, the average lifespan of Nigerians will reduce soon. Continue to see some corpses removed from the hostel. Very graphic photos...so don't look if you don't have the stomach for it...

Dis is sooo mean
Oh my Jesus, dis is really barbaric. May their souls rest in peace IJN
May God save us
I pray God rocks their families like babies and grant their souls eternal rest.God help Nigeria.Kaiy
This is jst saaaad. I'm now scared of my own country. God help us.*smh
Jesus Christ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What a pity....not enough security measures. Life in my country is like saying good morning...(hot tears)...
may their souls rest in peace
Lord hv mercy pls!
This is horribly awful. What's going on in this country?
Man's inhumanity to man,may their souls rest in perfect peace.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
OMG!!!!!!! Mans inhumanity to man! What goes around comes around.
Omg !!!! Dis is so sad. God please have mercy on our generation. May the souls of the departed rest in peace.
So Sad. What a country of birth av got...Security is such a big issue in Nigeria. God please protect my loved ones oh...
So sad God help us.
So sad God help us.
This is just too terrible may their souls rest in perfect peace
Na wa oh may their souls rest in perfect peace
This is just too terrible may their souls rest in perfect peace
May God help us in this country I know boko harm did this
This is bad, the goverment and the c.o.p should not give us crab about not knowing who did this. May God have petty on their soul
May d souls of d departed rip. may God continue to protect us and keep us away from evil. this act is really bad and barbaric. may God repair our broken Nation Nigeria.
This is terrible, may they rest in peace...amen!
Why is it that since mr. gej came into powa, any time naija witnesses a remarkable day, tragedies happen? What kind of god did he sacrifice to? Abi na d olumba olumba wey him dey attend? Adamawa is a state that has more christians (mostly catholic) than muslims. Fight them back!!! You are more than them in strength and number. I can bet a pen that the questions they were asked, pertains to religion, and the christians were killed. Christians, it is time to go to war!!!!! Stop hiding behind fearful hypocritical pastors. Our God is a God of war!!!! God loved David even though he was a warrior. Stop menacing God with matters he gave you brains to handle. How long will we continue like this? Smh! See children people suffered to birth and train. Some miscreants just wiped them out in less than one hour. I weep.
May their souls rest in perfect peace.
This is what you all get for putting GEJ as your president!!! Shey una say una vote for una southern brother....incompetence at its peak..!!look at human beings being slaughtered like pigs!! God!! Pls take ur vengeance upon the transgressors!! Free us from GEJ!!
Why do our leaders especially jonathan that we sacrificed our lifes to vote to power hate dis country and their fellow nigerians dis way. A pay back time will soon come and God s watching and laughing. The destruction dat they ll face ll be more than in d days of sodom and gomorrah. Let that dau b drawing nearer.
This totally negates the mind of Man and further throws bad light on this Administration. May their souls rest in peace.
gosh, wot is happening in dis country?
May their souls rest in perfect peace. Amen. O:)
Jesus Christ!!! this is sad... those who use the gun dies by the gun. may the their souls rest in peace.
What is the meaning of this for God's sake?
Usually, I don't like to comment..
But Aye awon people to se kini yi ma Baje ni..
Na so dey go destroy everything wey dey don build with Their hands..n I'm not sorry to say it..
May their souls rest in perfect peace Amen.eternal rest grant to them oh Lord n let perpetual light shine upon dem Amen.God help us and save Nigeria
May GOD punish all the people that did this even up to their generations. May they never see peace.
So sad may there soul rest in perfect peace
I wonder how these ppl that perpetrate such hideous crimes live with themselves if you catch them now they'll be pleading for their lives. Wonder what message they were trying to pass? Father please receive these souls into your bosom may the hands that shed their bloods carry with them their sins,sorrows and punishment have mercy on their souls as they find eternal peace with you. Amen.
Awwwww,What a troubled World!
I don't like how linda ikeji chooses comments to paste...soon ppl will desert your blog if u start gagging them
God this is sad, may their souls RIP and their killers be found and justice prevail.
Lord take vengeance!
Nawa o. May thier souls find peace. God will not let the ppl that did this go free.
Have we lost our senses as humans this far? Does it mean that we don't have morals again? What exactly are parents teaching their children nowadays in the Northern Nigeria? This goes a long way to show that moral decadence is on the rise in Northern Nigeria and should be checked very fast to avoid further waste of human lives. Does it mean that our traditional institutions are not working again? Lot of questions to ask this stupid and senseless people who derive devilish pleasure in killing their fellow humans. My heart is filled with sadness.
Oh Lord, let Your judgement come down speedily on those who did this terrible act... Let their souls cry to You from the grave so that their killers will find no peace like Cain in the Bible!
This is too sad for words....
i dont like to comment but this is too much i wonder were we going this country all this is it bcos the north are no longer in the presidency that poeple will be dieing like rat
May their souls rest in peace.
We've never had it this bad in Nigeria,insecurity at its peak,criminals are having no opposition,do we have a Government at all?do we have a security force?we may think it happened far away in Mubi bt what goes around comes around we have to unite and fight for the sanity of this country this is getting too much o
Ohoo!! My people I weep so badly!! God were are you?? Innocent souls are perishing!! Will the seas, rocks and hills praise you? Will your wonders and praises be done in the grave?? Save us!! Please God!!
This miDdle eaterns r spreading extrimist believes in the north and goodluck is not doing anything about it cos he doesn't want to offend the north, the northerner leaders all they know how to do is buy mansion in london and yankEe, carry ashewo cos they can't talk to girls n sniff coke. Imagine if they r in power, bukaram will be coming to lagos to bomb with police escort
Hey Ujunwa... Nicely said, if dey catch dem dey will say its d devil (God purnish satan)... I wonder why people perpetuate heinous crimes like dis..
Like u said, may the hands that shed their bloods' carry wit dem d sins, sorrows and punishments of dis departed souls..
May d souls of d departed RIP
Lord hv mercy!!! Soo sad but he kws best! Rest in Peace
So sad...may their soul rest in peace.
What is everyone shouting for?Really?Isn't it what goes around that comes around?Shebi in 1966,an attempt was made to seceed from this good for nothing failed project disguised under the falsehood of a national entity.Nigeria is a failed state.Let everyone pack and go their way.This time around there needn't be any more wars.Because truth be told,this nonsense is not going away anytime soon.Is it until they kill everyone?
Arnt we tired of saying 'Aww sad..May their Souls RIP in Nigeria??' 46 students massacred in Mubi yet no Presidential address! Shootings for over 4hrs in d age of social smart phones yet no security agency to stop them! I am beyond outraged! We all should be!
I sincerely think it is time we all start carrying weapons to defend ourselves. FGN has failed us and if your still put your hope on them, then you are on your own. Own a weapon and defend yourselves atleast that way you will not be killed like chickens
People talk of christians and muslims in naija like they are the only religious groups. Many are loyal to the native gods and have not been a nusiance to others.
May their soul rest in peace and God should console the families.
Why, why, why... Why will anyone do this? For what na? What is/are your motive(s)?
This is barbarism! God have mercy on your children.
God give the families the fortitude to bear the loss.May their soul rest in peace.Amen
the govt should legalize guns, all this violent killings will reduce drastically, though domestic violent will increase. my people let us start to prepare for war, i no get gun but i don sharpen my cutlass, am gonna be a fool if some morons come cut me down without putting up a fight.
man's inhumanity to man
It is well,All knowing God
this is pure Jihad,,,,,,tomorow they wil tel u their relign preach peace,nonsence,,,,,,cors is an islamic,,is nt a relign,
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