The prince of effizy just launched his own WEBSITE, released three singles off his debut album and also released the video for Take Banana (Remix). The album is titled Frenzy and the three singles he released are - Goodybags, Call police, and RealG and you can find them HERE. Now that we've got that out of the way, nice pic, huh ladies? Hehe! Find the video for Take Banana after the cut...
Abasi Mbok! Why not appear naked na? mschewww
I will chop your banana till I burst......
not proportional...head to big!!!
Body of life. I want!
For God's sake, anybody that knows this Boy should quit Music.
I counted 'Take Banana,you go yo'.....55 times.What kind of yeye is this? I say it, and I say it again,MAVIN records cannot recover.Their 15 mins of fame is over.They are all living on past glory...including D'BANJ.
Take Banana you go yo....Hmmm...And tomorrow, some useless girls will actually be running after this one.
i hate this killer!
nice video and techno tune...that aside i must say the majority of females enjoy being objectified thats why we have more nude pictures of females than males
Dprince has taken dbanj's place in Mavin.
Expected less pawpaws but more banana's to be in the video
Nice one but love the original
i couldnt even get past a min.. same ol same ol video... actually not needed..
plz 9ja male artists, do BETTER..
if i wanna see ass shaking, il watch mtv instead..
And just bcos jayz, 50cent et al., do such, dsnt mean u can too..
cos if u wanna u that excuse too (like DR SID did), do u also make millions of $$$$$ like them too???
NOPE!!! i dnt think so...
Cool video,Dprince looking nice as always. And those gurls can make a bruh Jelly tonite.*wink*
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
This video is dope _ and sex urging *hehehe
well done d prince...don jazzy u be baba
Just wondering if he thought that using the Baphomet Sign will help him sell the Album. Shhhisss
To think i had more respect for the boy.
Its just offensive and vile. Trying too hard. Abeg
Its just offensive and vile. Trying too hard. Abeg
Mr six packs, that album better be good.
Hmmmmmm this is absolute rubbish.....pls go do somthing else as singing is not yours.....nawa sha, abeg very dry song with poor lyrics.....mshewwwwww get a life jare.....if they leave you now you will call yourself a musician.......smh.....mshewwwwwww
Isn't dat the head of baphomet?
Nigerians need to know how to use photoshop
It's FALL (AUTUMN) SEASON...and this village champ is releasing a summer time video. Twwww nonsense!
What an unattractive sad guy. What a silly video. What is up with these little Nigerian guys nowadays.Big boys are trader stock and this one is here with all these cheap pancake bootys talking rubbish!
May God punish devil!
and he can like to stop airbrushing his stupid body!
I wouldn't take banana even if he was paying a million dollars and trust me he WOULD like me. Nonsense! Mchewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Nice face, nice body, clean boy with swag, he could get it...talented? I'm not too sure.
Sexy pic
Wayyy too much going on, it starts to sound a bit noisy and the video seems a bit disorganized too...would've been better to just do a video for the original tune with less ass shaking (comes off a bit razz if u ask me)...I actually like this song but a bit disappointed by the video.
This is rather pornographic!
Pic looks like a different head and body joined together. #photoshoptinz
Abeg those of u that dont like the ass popping shld leave the video for those of us that enjoy it.... Nice concept from omoba of mavins
I was actually eager for the video to finish
This is chronic imbecility
Nice video....that body tho
This chronic imbecility
As i̶̲̥̅̊n̶̲̥̅̊ seriously,this people are living on past glory! Is it that don jazzy cannot produce good music after Mohit split?! First it W̶̲̥̅̊a̷̷̴̐͠ƨ̣̣̣̇̇̇̇ Afefe and now this wack! ¶ can't believe this.....WTF is this trash? Wonder how d album will be. Its obvious that Dbanj complement them and vice versa, can't wait to see/hear d nxt joke from Dbanj too. Oshi at irarun!
Ok wats wiv the crowned balphomets head? He's own way of sayn he's illuminati or just seeking notice?
DumbASS video. The three songs on his website are complete SHIT. M.I. outrapped him in Real G.
Dprince i take jehovah beg u, no dey rap and no dey sing in english again. Amarachi is the best song youve ever done. Stick to songs like that.
Dumb Dumb Dumb!!!!!
For U̶̲̥̅̊r mind! Nobody can take Dvanj's place i̶̲̥̅̊n̶̲̥̅̊ Mavin,won kere si nomba e jare! This guy is jst a copycat and a d video a piece of trash!
Asiri won ti tu! Don Jazzy can't produce correct music again after breaking up with Dbanj and Dbanj can't make good music after abandoning Don Jazzy! Its obvious D̶̲̥̅̊عƔ complement each other. Afefe video and now this trash....¶ can't stand this Mavin Nonsense!#walksaway#
There must always be hate!
You are just hating because the first time I heard that song in the club I went crazy. I know you are very short person because people like you with ur kind of envious hrt can never grow tall. How many times did D'banj say "oyato" in Oyato?? Just go and take banana till u sing your own song and let's compare it with Tonto's own anu.
Dats d point now. Promoting promiscuity. Mtschewwww. 2moro dey will b thanking "god" 4 dia lives but dey can't even honor him. May dey realize n make quick turn arounds b4 its 2 late
This video is so not making any sense to me. He for no just bother do the video. Walahi!
i dont get these Nigerian acts...we like a song and then they feel they must do a remix..this video and remix...VERY VERY UNNECESSARY!KMFT
Dr Sid no dey get album abi he nor get music its only to blame Dbanj 4 his own prob,I tot he was way smarter but I got to realise dat he's jst a child in adult form. Gd nite.
Its obvious u are Dr. Sid! Go and hug transformer joor,its his/her opinion. As far as am concerned,d video and d song is trash.#killurself#
@drpinch I've never been impressed wit ur IGNORANT comments on dis blog
Good video, wack beat(like small children dey nack pangolo)..... This guy is not a musician abeg..... he sings rubbish. I tot Tonto was worse......
i give this video and the song 0/10, DPrince 7/10 . RUBBISH! it should be banned! How did this pass tru NBC?
OMG......dprince was actually d only person in that clowny team that cld spring a surprise for me but all 3 of them have fallen short of expectation asin as a #Teamdbanj fan i dont even have to hate these ones....omg#thumbsdown....eya dis is dr sids comfortzones....where fkup persist so his brand can b visible
this video didnt do justice to the song. An anticlimax!
Okay..love the song..hate the video..like seriously..I only watched it to the end cuz I kept hoping that it would get better but it never did...like seriously? I like d'prince..I think he is awesome..but that video ain't it..he could have done better..and what is with the album cover..we all know that he is hot but there is a limit to it now...in fact..generally I'm disappointed
With this kind of useless song, why were pple wasting their time hating on Tonto's song. Don jazzy needs 2 up his game walahi
With this kind of useless song, why were pple wasting their time hating on Tonto's song. Don jazzy needs 2 up his game walahi
nigerians need to stop hating so we can all move forward.....this guy is banking and u guys are here hating.....LOL
Clean shaven down there. That's all i like.
Imagine tyson I̶̲̥̅̊s̶̲̥̅̊ a musician , imagine M J was a boxer ,Imagine a model being a musician ,Prince I̶̲̥̅̊s̶̲̥̅̊ Ω̶̣̣̥̇̊oτ̣̣̥ creative/ talented ..... Period!!!and doesnt even train voice kobo kobo compare with mayd ,flavour,tiwa, davido, wizzy, WCoal,omawumi so therefore it takes a don jazzy + D̶̲̥̅̊ banj τ̲̅ȍ " fi ajasa" τ̲̅ȍ D̶̲̥̅̊ packaging and when even don j has "laano" big tyme na only baphomet fit help dis guy......... $o̶̲̥̅̊я̲̅я̲̅y̶̲̥̅̊♥̷̐͡ ̈́ ͂ ̷̐ ̈́ ̈́ ͂ baphomet iz busy at the moment drop a message....... wrong priority/career choice tinz
Y d bull's head?
Dr Sid is on this thread! #confirm
The vidoe no make sense at all. And the take banan was just to much. Dbanjs oyato was different and very deep. At list he didn't say it up to 55 times and he changed the rythm in at the end of his chorus. This one is just flat! Repetition wivout flavour!
Thankyou o! If na dbanj use that sign, linda ikejis ninjas would have started insulting!
Yeah just like ur hatred fordbanj! Cus I've seen ur post on dbanj before so stfu!!!!
Shut up! I can't even pronounce ur local name. Bush nigerian girl.
Pipsqueak.....you can never be like him.....just hate the chap for no reason......
Gahhh, dis guy is so fucking fine.A video and song that compliments each other.Hope his banana is huge!
Have you guys heard thre three singles of the album..wacked...honestly aint worth my listening time...some artisat should know that Niaja music is off the hook, you need to up your game for real
This video is useless! I think he shudda left d song witout a video. And abeg enuf of d naked girls... Its bcoming irritating.
Dr.Sid's "Afefe" was not produced by Don Jazzy.Let's get our facts right. As for as production goes,D'prince's "take banana" is tight.
Please lets stop all the mavin,mohits, dbanj and don jazzy stuff. These guys will settle or move on to something bigger and we will still be talking of them. Fcat is and still remains that D'Banj and Don Jazzy were great together but good apart. Lets listen to Omoba's song objectively and enjoy it please. I think this guy is very good he has so many hit songs like 'take bannana'ómoba', amarachi, ooze, give it to me now etc. I dont really like the remix of this song but the original was fantastic.
Omoba nice one. And FYI Afefe was a good song please
Good Video. I love the Electro-POP fusion to it.
I like the video anyway, will be a good song for clubs and strippers' club. But these ladies showing everything, ehwo! **now waiting for Aunty KSB**
Is that the head of Baphomet there? Is Don J now an a member of Illuminati..these guys seem to be fooling us all...well fellas, want information on love - follow this blog: thelettersoflove.blogspot.com
Abeg ehn i had to comment.....this was a useles video. Not hating .im being VERY objective here. No concept, no idea, no theme worth-so-ever. Abi have videos finally been reduced to packing a bunch of hoochie mamas shaking their yansh all over the place? I tire. And to be honest i heard "take banana till you go yo" so many times i almost didnt hear any other thing he was saying. Ah!!!
Ha!speaking about websites.check this out for your fruit palm tree displays to used for various occasions and events.
LMFAO this video is tacky and horrible! The techno in the songs sounds even worse! What a shame
Kenyan babe
all those looking for illuminati things is that not a baphomet head above the so called artist's name? God help us the love of fame and money is just too desperate in these times.
This video is gonna get BANNED by NBC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Omg! Is this actually a remix? This is embarrassing
i like yummmmmmmmmmy
illuminati: baphomet head! smh!
truth be told the video dry gan e na make sense #dropsmic#
KSB shud relocate to Ijebu abeg
Photo: this akpu-kpakpo-YAMous- faced lookin guy is photoshopped to an unnatural angle but his body is visually appealing so i will let it slide.
Video: the video is an exercise in contradiction.
banana is meant for ladies abi?
yet video shows
ugly-severly kpako looking man
overly vulgar women
so technically should appeal to teenage ugly boys who has never seen a naked woman before as their only woman is their wanking palm..(even now they aint seeing naked women sef just suggestive poses)
not be harsh, i listened without looking at the wuwurity 'hugly' boy and desperate flat yansh babes with one allowing a banana to hang limply on her body-video and its ok-ish
prince survey your market. if you are meant to appeal to women, structure your video to reflect it, cus for now it only appeals to worwor men wey no single woman go gree sleep with, even if the dick is laced with diamond, dripping chocolate and she is blindfolded fa.
abi u be homo...??
over photoshop dey worry dis picture, abeg i (no) trip jor#hehehe
The chorus was DAMN too much...nothing more. Looks like the game is up for these guyz.
Snaky Body. Get a Life!
wetin concern naija with fall/autumn now ehnnnnnn oversabi anonymous ......we only get dry and wet season no carry oyinbo weather come here biko
as 4 d video.....no comment
That album cover tho... *fanning myself*
Eye candy... He can sing whatever as long as his shirt is off!!! DAMN DAMN DAMN i will pounce on that banana - Candy Cane
You can't win in Nigeria, too many haters... Y'all can lick his asshole - Candy Cane
Luvly song but this video is not it. D'guy didn't even bother acting like someone wanting to give babe banana..n dose women shaking their bum??...smh
@6:35am..shut up too!!wats ur own name?stupid wannabe!
aw dprince replace dbanj in mavin,yhh d video is ok,dprince is dprince,dbanj is dbanj,dprince can't replace dbanj gbam..!no write crap 4 here bro,na 4 ur dream dprince replace dbanj abi.
From all your comments i can see that nigerians have specialized in criticising other peoples work. so many of you havent tried anything new in ur lives since u were born yet ur all here critisizing. funny enough the few peoole that appreciate will be enough to give Mavin dia meal ticket. my word of advice....GO AND GET YOURS........cant believe all these rubbish comments am reading.
AT ANON 8:15PM really like r u not just overhating? Nigeria dsnt hv fall its summer all year round, hs made ds song n vid fr nigerians nt Americans,so pls get a lyf if u hv nun to say. kai olodo nie
D'prince is soooo cool
Haterz gon hate.....if u don't like d song,#caLl police or better still smoke igbo lie say na rose
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