Ladies, is this true? | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Ladies, is this true?

A recent study claimed that half of all single women have sex with their Exes while looking for love. Do you agree? Have you ever slept with an ex?


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Anonymous said...

Na lie! Who talk am?

Anonymous said...

Definitely not all women do dis...yes I v slept wit an ex n it was nt bcos I was luking 4 luv either....regreted it aftawads cos its wrong,y sleep wit him wen u guys won't get bck obviosly???

Anonymous said...

So true on does cold lonely nite when u need someone to talk too

BLOGLORD said...

abeg its not true. i never thought of having sex with my ex after we broke up. Infact i broke up with him sef. we were still friends for a while but sex was the last thing on my mind. eventually i cut off the contact.
am speaking for myself sha o!

noway said...

LINDA PLS POST THIS AS AN WHAT'S UR OPINION poll: a friend of mine had it up this morning and I am speechless. I am curious to what libers think: an african woman who seeks 50/50 in a relationship/marriage is that woman who has no common sense,wisdom,respect for tradition and religious beliefs..some of you quote bible verses all the time but i bet you know what the bible you quote daily says about women being totally submissive or you just chose to quote the parts that suit you.likewise we all know what our culture dictates on this subject.continue to form career women and see where it leads you.our mothers who have been in marriage for over 40yrs plus didnt have careers right?no wonder you find more ladies in church these days praying for husband.change ur attitude and perception first there is a man for you!

Anonymous said...

Lmao! Yeah its so true, happens a lot! I've done it. I know few of my friends who have...ada

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i think the figures are wrong, i think its three quarters of women, especially if you had a good relationship with your ex, he suddenly becomes a shoulder to cry on, etc, when one thing leads to the other, it only seems natural, afterall uve both done it before, infact, loads of women sleep with ex's whilst in new relationships, especially if the new guy doesnt know her "number"

Omas992 said...

Where was the study conducted?

homesteady said...

Yea it is very it happens mostly 2 oyibo pple nt naija galz..

Anonymous said...

I depends on the happens here in nigeria but Its rare.

Anonymous said...

Na lie jwoor! All dese research sef!*rollseyes*

Anonymous said...

Yes dats true and even miserable(rocky marriage or trial time) married women do sleep with der EX. Its called comfort zone. Beta dan sleeping with a total stranger.

Anonymous said...

that is so true!
I'm single and still sleeping with an ex ..but there is no love between us

Anonymous said...

yes soo true...I AM A VICTIM:(

thosyne said...

yes i did linda

Anonymous said...

Almost all the ex hav had keep comin back nd we end up doin sumtin,hav a feelin I might even marry my ex

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

True talkn 4rm experience tho I wsnt lukn 4 love or anoda boyfriend

Anonymous said...

That's wat they say! But I can proudly say nor for me! I have Never slept wit any of my ex's! I don't roll like dat! But it does happen though

Anonymous said...

Anonymous galore!

Anonymous said...

Hmmmmmmm! Guilty as charged

Anonymous said...

Ds z so true... I'm prty single nw cz am tryna gt my right man. Bh body no b wood na. I cnt kip addn 2d men I sex. So I js du it wf 1 f my bestest ex ol d tym. I aint stopn evn tho He nw has a chck. Its js hw it z .tammy

Anonymous said...

It applies to both sexes. If u had it b4 u breakup. U likely av it after esp if one is still in search of Love and they could still see and communicate.

Anonymous said...

Guilty. They somehow fill d vacuum before the next one comes along.

Anonymous said...

Yes it is. I have on two occassions. The honest truth is that when u break up with someone,try to stay away from the person,no fone calls,text and all that cos the moment u guys get caught alone,sex happens,old feelings will arise. So avoid eachother, except of course u guys really want to get back. If not,one starts getting confused.

Anonymous said...

I have...I wasn't lost nor depressed nor looking for love nor wanted sex..I was just horny and used the only useful thing he ever had to offer..

Anonymous said...

Yuuup!! Very true

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

na wah oo

misty said...

Dis is sooooooo true

Anonymous said...

Never ever. well.... not with me. Maybe If the relationship end in mutual agreement.

But? Please!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

These questions are not clear jor.nepa don take light

Anonymous said...

Never go back to ur's not true biko

Anonymous said...

Yes I ve slept with an ex and I don't see anything wrong in it, as far as am not dating any one.A f**k that has been f**ked can be real f**ked it all depends on the f**ker and f**kie coming back together to be re-f**ked. Hate it or not bt it is d fact!!! #YOLO#

Anonymous said...

Sure!its no biggie...we still ave chemistry n our relationship was based on undastanding...

Anonymous said...

Even wen d ex has a new girl!!
Its a normal thing I guess!
Its happening 2 me now. My ex came all d way from Abuja dis evening 2 Lag so we can fuuck our brains off. Leaving his 3months old married pregnant wife at home.
I'm on my way 2 his hotel now!
Can't wait 4 him 2 suck me dry.
Gudnyt ppl


I haven't but i wouldn't rule it out if we are both single:)

Anonymous said...

I believe this. I've not done this but have definitely thought about this a lot after my last relationship bcos dude is good in bed. I have goose pimples when I reminisce. Chai...

Kerry Neuls said...

Recent study from where? Are nt we suppose to know where the study came from so as to avoid Myths?

Anonymous said...

Sweetie dat1 na normal thing na,its called okafor's law.lolol,not dat 1support it though but it jus happens.most women will b like instead increasing the no of guys you've slept wit and even taking the risk of a random guy doing you and not satisfying'll rather jus do dat ex dat mayb you still like and you re sre wud cure the konji #okbye hehehe

Anonymous said...

Ex? That's is bullshit?

amaka said...

Its also been proven that when they do get married they probably cheat with their first......
Its just the security I think, especially when u still feel strongly for that EX. I've fallen.... Yes I have.

Olumide Samuel said...

I agree. Women are emotional beings and some guys are so good at hitting women at their weak points.

Anonymous said...

yes,it so true.


Lindiway what a coincedence,coz av been trying to ascertain dis,a lady did tell me dis last sunday. Can't wait to hear d responses.

~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

My ex, my russel. How can I not keep fucking him

Anonymous said...

But this is very true oh... Atleast am talking from my own experience, maybe for oda people d case might be different

Kim said...


Anonymous said...

I am not a woman but I totally agree with this one...
I still hump my Ex every time that she becomes single... I have done that with a couple of my Ex until they finally get married...


Unknown said...

It's true. Not because deny want to but it's easier to deal wiv d EX dan a guy u just met who's probably gonna treat u like a bigger crap. No too much expectations from the EX.

Anonymous said...

Yes ooo,so so true

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Make u Linda answer first
U straff ur ex when u de look for another one?

Igbo gal! said...

So so true!!!!

Anonymous said...

Guilty as charged. I dumped a boyfriend fast for an Ex. It didn't last though but it was the best time of my life

Tammy posh said...

Hmmm Linda body no be wood na @ least Ʊ need sum service pending when love comes again:-)

Anonymous said...

Sadly yes.. Am a victim too.. Its just tough letting go especially if it were the best u eva had

Anonymous said...

Yes, Linda. My ex and I still see each other and the sex is great. You know what they say about stolen kisses.

Anonymous said...

Once debe is ever debe... This is prevalent even though some go come deny. We knw say e dey happen more especially when d sex wif d ex is good. Right now ayam xpecting my ex jez to do her routine service. Make d thing no rust till she dey sure of her next. Ǎ̜̣̍м out

Asanwa said...

Its soooo true

Anonymous said...

Hell YEAH!!!

Ng said...

Guilty! 100% true! So I'm single & searching but I get it on wt my ex bobo whenever we cross paths. **coversface**

Anonymous said...


Sue me said...

Its quite true , especially if you parted with your ex on a friendly term, no hard feelings n all . I slept with my ex a number of times , we only parted way cos of genotype issues after 2 years of dating . We still see n we r still friends but I made up my mind to stop sleeping with him . I'm happy to say I've suceeded in doing that with great determination .

Nancy Ross said...

Linda my ex is married with 3kids..we've been having sex for many years now.i cant look outside for love again.he gives me all i want and he gets jealous whenever he sees me with a man.we planned getting married but our blood group didn't match...he loves me more than d wife.we share the same bank account.i don't think any man will be like him..XOXO

Anonymous said...

yes! again and again and each time i swore it was the last time bt body no be firewood...

Chop Chop said...

I laf. "Who know man"

Anonymous said...

yes oh! again and again and each time i swore it was the last time,but body no be firewood...

Anonymous said...

Yes. I hav. Slept wit him 1ce. Regretted it. Dnt talk 2 him again. Oma Baby

Anonymous said...

yes oh! again and again and each time i swore it was the last time,but body no be firewood...

Anonymous said...

yes oh! again and again and each time i swore it was the last time,but body no be firewood...

Anonymous said...

Hmmmmmn I can relate..

Anonymous said...

Yeah, the report is true but its usually a top secret with whosoever it happens to. They hardly share it with people. Its happening to me presently.

DR KHENINE said...

Linda its veri true... Dia is a brotherhood sayin dat "Once in Mecca always an alhaji" one of my exes stil want to av sex wit me afta she got my comment o

Anonymous said...

So True..... They just cant help it.

Bubble gum said...

Nope! not true.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Linda why u dey talk like say u no dey do.

Anonymous said...

Yeaah true...unless u guys break up n neva talk to each oda again

Anonymous said...

Yea, guess its true,@ least hv had sex with 2 of my ex b4,d last one almost got M̶̲̅ε̲̣̣̣̥ into trouble,Thank God ¶ manage to scale thru it,its not alwys a gud thing to do though

Anonymous said...

its true o. most of the girls i fought my husband over were his exes o. desperate girls. they always belive when the men tell them they married the wrong person instead of them.

Anonymous said...

Yes I have

bumble bee said...

Yeah I think its true,I had sex with my ex like twice or thrice when I wasn't in a relationship and was really lonely,but once I met the love of my life,I cut off all communications with him and even when he tried to reach out,I didn't respond to him,so yeah I think loneliness sometimes pushes us to the ex..

Hrs said...

It's true o,though I fought real hard not to succumb to the urge.but it's usually really hard more especially wen ur ex even wants it.

Anonymous said...

It is called okafor's law!

Anonymous said...

I am hapiLly married,but I have been fucking ma Ex like we just renewed our relationship! When ever I have to travel out of lagos,she must tag along. She acts as if we r still Seeig each other!
I wonder if I could pull all these off if I didn't meet all her financial needs. I spoil her with cash! But she says my dicking is da bommb! I believe her cos my wife glows cos of the way I give her head and Dick!

Anonymous said...

Linda why don't u start the survey with yourself....

Anonymous said...

I have, but it was because we still had feelings for each other and it was a short while after we broke-up, but it was short-lived. It all depends on the grounds in which you and your ex broke-up. In the end if you truly want to find love, you have to let go of your ex.

Legend said...

It is awfully true. Back in the days, i use to have xxx with five of my ex.
(don't look me that way!!!!! Lol)

Anonymous said...

Dts true,it happens.....hpnd 2 me yh.ders alwys an attachment as long as tyns went dwn btw u both nd d rltnshp ddnt end so roughly......evn If it dd sm pple stil fuck their exes

Anonymous said...

Linda dat one is very true ohhhh......I think most Gurls are guilty oh

ifk said...

*clears throat* well yes...kinda...make e nor loss...and once I find "my next love" dump d ex..and no thanks 4services rendered.

Anonymous said...

Why is the study/question directed to women wen it takes two to form an Ex Sex ...? ¯\..(•͡.̮ •͡ )../¯ .... Tak a tot

Anonymous said...

YES X_X...

Anonymous said...

Yes I have and am even married

Anonymous said...

Yes its tru coz......

Anonymous said...

That is absolutely true

Anonymous said...

Evn wen dey no dey luk 4 love cos dem dey anoda rltnship,dem stil dey fuck der ex steady!!!so 4gt dt syd

Anonymous said...

So not. I can't stand my exes.

Anonymous said...

I have o..dat guy is a fantastic lover in bed!! *drooling already*

Anonymous said...

True.. Sometimes its better 2 av it wiv ur ex dan some random dude.. Doesn't mean u guys are still dating tho..

Anonymous said...

Ha yes oh,while doing it though u will just think things will get better and everything that went wrong the first time will be fixed. But na lie after so much sex and talking about the past over and over, u guy will still break up. If u ask me its not worth going back cos nothing go will ever come out u end up getting hurt again

Anonymous said...

Yes o linda!.infact dat was d major reason y my last relationship dint work out!.she slept wit her X on 2 ocasionz,I 4gave her!.she stil did d same tin after a year!I just had 2 let her go but I stil mis her like crazy!!

Unknown said...

I dnt agree wif dat...

Anonymous said...

Guilty n I totally enjoy it,infact I love it,we r like fuck mates,hehehehehe

Anonymous said...

yeaaa my ex use to sleep with me up still now saying she don't want any relationship for the mean time

Unknown said...

it is true.... Sum women bhave lyk dat. 4rm Eazy.

Anonymous said...

Mostly true

Anonymous said...

its 100% true. u nko linda, haven't u slept with an ex before while u were waiting 4 a next?

Anonymous said...

Yes I have.. No regrets..

TJ said...

Well I've actually been contemplating sending Linda an email as regards an incident just like this.
I dated this girl for about a year. We were madly in love with each other but we had to break up after we started having several issues. She's the no nonsense type and which is one thing I loved about her cos I was kind of the care free type. Our break up wasnt messy at all and we both decided to move on but she refused we remain friends cos she stopped picking my calls and even when we speak she would give her boyfriend (who will always try to insult or pick a fight with me) the phone to talk to me. I decided to move on and stopped communicating with her. Removed her from my fb, bbm and even deleted her numbers then.
Then about a year and half later (Feb this year) I met her at the airport and we had to chat and we decided to just exchange numbers again (even though I still had her number in my head). Two weeks later she called me and was crying on the phone that her boyfriend hit her and she was seriously in a bad place and needed someone to talk to. So we met up at a bar close to my place chatted for a long while and I successfully calmed her down but she insisted she couldnt go back home and would rather stay at my place. I took her home and she stayed in my younger siblings room that night and I dropped her off at home the following morning. That was the biggest mistake I made ever cos about a month later my younger sis sent me a text that she was at home with her on my way back to work. I got home she had cooked and was very nice and before I know it she slept in my room that night and we had sex. Her excuse for coming that night "she just broke it off with her bf" I openly told her that night I wasnt ready to be in a relationship and was concentrating on my career. She said she knows and wasnt even ready to make a case that we try and start all over again cos here was I getting her cakes just like that without making any commitment. I thought brilliant this would be like a friends with benefits tingy.
My fellow lib readers it wasnt funny at all cos after then She just started showing up like twice a month just for us to have sex. Right now I'm trying to date this chick and all she's been saying is that won't stop us having our sessions till she find her own boyfriend. Right now thats my dilemma cos I want to put a full stop to it. I've changed my house lock and the last time she parked just outside my house and drove in just as I was driving into the compound as well.

Anonymous said...

Yes....and will never be proud of it..

Anonymous said...

It s very true n beside d exs won't stop callin becos they knw d ladies r still single n also knw dey can get sumtin sumtin

Anonymous said...

Yes oh! Its true. Am single and searching bt I still crave ma ex's magic stick matter of fact I still go for some once in a while.

Anonymous said...

Yesss my lord! Am guilty as charged! *covers face*

Kakaaki said...

no body gree comment sha ... lemme av ma 1st comment eva den lol

Kakaaki said...

wow.. no comment since... well.. lemme av d space 2 drop ma 1st comment eva then... hahahahhaa

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Linda yaff come again o. Anywaiz cld be true cos dat almost happened 2 me,but thank God it didn't.

Anonymous said...

Why not my fellow bloggers
Orgasm makes me relieve tension and there is no better option than an EX because practice makes perfect.
Though I did it with one eye open because the problem that led us to parting with each other was still subsisting and some of this girls are criminal thieves with diabolical tendencies but u know sex is SUPER GOOD therapy

Anonymous said...

Well well... its jst unfortunate that we find love in an hopeless place..

Anonymous said...

Yea! Very true

Anonymous said...

yes, i have. we broke up but still had feelings so we slept together 2 more times before we finally parted ways. p.s. the sex was great so i had to be with him before i could say goodbye. ;)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

So true........Very True!!!

Blackknight! said...

From a Man's perspective, correct me ladies if am wrong.....I think that there is a tendency for a lady to go back to her ex for sex while searching for love....This could be psychological and the fear of not being alone.And most times,this mostly happens when she is the reason for the breakup in the first place, or there is an out of this world sexual connectedness between her and her ex.

It only takes a strong will to walk away and never look back, but very hard to do especially if the ex happens to be a tiger in bed.Yes,For every woman, there is this particular Ex and sex you had with him that you never ever erase from your mind till you die.

This is why it is imperative that guys should feel very free to have a no 'Holds barred' chat with their girls about their sexual history.Why??? We are constantly in competition with her ex.If the ex is a superman or tiger,and we are not,tendency is that she would either teach you to satisfy her to avoid longing for him or somebody like him or she cheats.And if left with an ex who is a tiger with her behind close doors,they will devour each other.

Anonymous said...

True! Did it with lots of exs. D thing with dat act is d fact that uu just feel like dere's no harm 2 it cos u'v done it b4, over nd over. Most of d time, it helps to pass time while single nd searching!!!

Austin Uche said...

No comment... Miss Lindalistic lindalism alias aprokolization... #POKO...lolz

Anonymous said...

Yes, It is true in a case where something not TOO bad hapnd btwn both parties. If he dint cheat, or kill, or beat u up or thngs in that nature..den Most likely a woman or a Man will make love to an Ex.

Anonymous said...

Yes. Its Very True. Depends on wat made u both break up doh..but it is True.

Anonymous said...

Yup! I totally agree!

Anonymous said...

I wanna sleep with my ex so bad!

Anonymous said...

i am ashamed to admit it, but its very true

Anonymous said...

It cld b true.

Lynnajade said...

Ex is an EX for me! No more sex after break up

Anonymous said...

Well,I don't neccessarily agree,though it happens,but don't think its up to half of the single ladies.And I have slept with a ex before


Huh????? NO way,never done it Α̲̅πϑ never seriously???? Na wa ƒσя una,just reading all y'all comments Α̲̅πϑ shaking my head.. I can never Α̲̅πϑ will never sleep with an ex....mschew˚

Anonymous said...

It says half of single ladies? its sooooooo true

MJ said...


hot babe said...

Did it wit only my last Ex cuz I waz stiLl inlove wit him, but stopped wen he got married, but most times he gives me green lite so I can oblige 2 start it again, But no way , since am nt gud enough 4 marriage he shld forget d juicy pot,.

Anonymous said...

LOOOL. O ma ga o. So many weak-willed women and men out there. People pls stop sleeping with your ex-es. daalu

Anonymous said...

Well I strongly don't believe all ladies do,cos for me I have never gone back to any of my exes and don't think I ll cos am never friends with my exes since we cannt be in a relationship then there is no point of been every relationship there is friendship,why will i start having friendship I didn't have in a relationship....... No need oh,don't go back to my vomit shekinaa........

Anonymous said...

so i was not alone in this! Almost evrybody is a victim of this unfinished business. Thank God i've already abandone ship.

Unknown said...

THIS IS PURE TRUTH. MAY God help guyz wey never marry, cos their EX don sample them finish.

Anonymous said...

Yes ooooo e dey happen wella did it to ma ex wella

baby f said...

R u gay ?

Janie said...

Hmm, hv heard it much, buh nvr tried it, coz i feel whn we r done, we r done for gud. Though m still very much in luv wid my recent ex, n i sometyms wish we cud get bck togeda. Buh nvr hv i nursed dis feeln of sex aftr brk up wid him. Evn if he still remains d best i evr had in dat departmnt...*sad*

Anonymous said...

Yes i did very briefly cuz me n my x was gona get back together but we dint i left to do my masters. Cut all contact with him but just recently we started talking again n i feel nuffing for lets call him abdul cuz he will most likely read this he made me an LIB addict n i want him to know. I dont tink or compare the sex with my boo wo is my heartbeat cuz my boo cooks, cleans n can give head for centuries abeg. My x was just good looking a big fat virgin with a small dick n shit in bed. One ting i give him ratings for is that he knows how to press my emotional buttons so das why am now keeping away from him. His got a new chick i wish him goodluck with his small dick lol


Anonymous said...

Ooooh meehn ds is soo trueee and amm soo guilty of it!!! * heads down* mizz ENUFF said#

Ezinwa said...

I have taken time to read almost all the comments in this page. What I am hearing is that in Nigeria, love equals sex and sex equals love. I mean, I am reading here that male/female relationship is all about sex. Is this the norm?

Unknown said...

Konji na bastard! If you still sleep with your ex then you were never meant to break up, thats why some people leave it like 'Its Complicated'.

Anonymous said...

@ anon 8.09pm silly whore what do u stand to gain? He still left u & married her - meaning doormat ain't good enough! The poor lady is expecting, u r posting it here - idiot.

annabel said...

C women ooooo....even married women ooo..shiiii....*surprised*

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:55 u are just a silly home wrecker. Screwing someone who is married with 3 kids? As if that is not enof, u also wanna marry him. If he loves u more than his wife like u claim, u two would have bin together bfor opting for another woman. U better stop, stupid hoe

Anonymous said...

*Linda. Very rarely do most members agree on an issue. This is definetely one.
Okafor's law is true afterall.

Emmanuel Ayeni said...

This is amazing and shocking or.. I seem to be running out of the right adjective to qualify this thread.
Indeed, It is a revealing thread on the 'amazing' world of ladies and even guys alike!
I believe women are more emotions driven, but when you say No to a relationship the best and healthy thing to do is to walk away from even the thought of goin back to use or to be used for sexual gratifications....

Anonymous said...

most nigerians don't remain friends with there ex, cause most times it ends with a heart brake, nigeria girls are obsessed with marriage, so they plan a marriage around every guy they date, so when a 2 months relationship end they will say my fiance broke my heart, but its different with oyinbo and akata, my ex always call me after club that she's coming over to get some, in the morning she makes herself break fast and bounce, she wont even call me till she need another fix, during lunch break sometimes will met up in midtown and do a quicky in the car, but my Naija ex is still talking about how i broke her heart in 2002

Anonymous said...

Of course now, I dey fuck two of my ex-gfs on the regular. can't stop cuz these girls fuck me silly, sucking my dick like say na banana. my current gf is just too rigid for bed. one girl dey eye me for my place of work. i go fuck am soon too.

Anonymous said...

I've slept with my ex plenty times. She just calls asking if she could come over to my place, fuck for hours, then just leave. lol. Now, anytime she calls, I know it's for fucking. And she knows I have a girlfriend. She said she doesn't care. na wa o.

Anonymous said...

Shuu!! kilofa story

Okafor said...

Alero mama,oh sorry shhh!

Doccy said...

Is he married to a doctor?

Doccy said...

Classic lol!

D4Doris said...

Why not just become d ex that she fucks now u're not dating

Anonymous said...

Good question. Comducted in America and there it happens. Sex isn't sacred to these western people. The way they jump into bird with men can be very degrading. Ơ̴̴͡.̮Ơ̴̴̴͡ what they project in their media;promiscuity. Recycling themselves asif they are an object. No wonder when a brother comes here,he calls a sister uptight for not "Americanizing".

Anonymous said...

may ur husband also cheat on u,but bring u aids, amen wow ur unbelieveable I don't know who is worse u or the man, u r actually bcoz u know of thhe wife, and his baby home wrecker title is to small for u

Anonymous said...

Amaka plz where has this been proven? U mean by u looooool

Anonymous said...

He is now married in the eyes of God, I don't care if u were 1st , som1 always is, he is not urs, ur jus gonna hurt urself in the long run, u better find som1 of ur own, n save the heartache, for u him n his wife n his 3 kids, plz, u think bcoz of yeye love ur relationship will have Gods blessing? Plz jor move on,

Anonymous said...

Your husband will do worse. Shiooooooor

Anonymous said...

So pathetic.

Anonymous said...

I think women are our worst enemy. No morals what so ever. Am surprised to see how many people do it including married men. Its true that cheating is a thing of the mind, when u are caught u give flimsy excuses. But I tell u love does not hurt anybody. My ex'es always come back all d time. But I don't give them that avenue because if we were supposed to be together we won't break up in the first place and U won't leave me to go and marry another woman. Please women use ur brain and men respect ur wives

Anonymous said...

Ah ode, with all your" keep comin back nd we end up doin sumtin" you think one of them will marry you? My dear please stop dreaming.

Anonymous said...

@correctbabeTo me its very wrong, it has never happened to me before and it will never happen.

I believe sex is a covenant with whosoever you are having it with. ladies add dignity to urself stop sleeping around like a dog.

you lady have no regard for sexual act again, you say it as if its the right thing for you to do with anyman.

ladies, leave married men alone, what makes the man nt to marry u and u still sleep with him after he has gotten married, its a big curse, leave them alone and look for your man.

To the married woman that still sleeps with her ex this is a shameful act, you should repent and stick to your husband while did you married the man if you cannot leave without ur ex, Nemesis will cut up with you if you refuse to stop.

Anonymous said...

very true, My Ex cant just get over me, told me to my face that i would continue to service her till she finds a boy friend (thou i avoid that. She hardly makes a decission without my input and she still saves her cash with me, always giving me to keep for her, although i never use from it. It was her addiction to me that got me calling off a relationship. I dont like it, when a woman is over dependent on me. A woman should have free will of choice, ability to make concreate decissions in my absence. I ve a girl frnd now, who completes that profile, she knows about my ex, but shes calm with the situation.

Anonymous said...

From this pool. I can conclude that more than 75% of women do slp with their exs

Anonymous said...

This is why i have remained friends with every girl i ever dated. I still get it on with any of them, anytime! Even the married ones want to continue but i no gree!

Anonymous said...

Its not a lie. It happened to me last friday when my ex called me dat he was around. I didn't want him to come to my house but d cold was unbearable. But i didnt allow him to climb me, becos my fiance always ask me to swear if no other man climbs me when he wasn't around.

Anonymous said...

Dis is sooo FALSE!!!! I've neva even thot of sleeping with an ex. I have my pride to protect **not interested***

Anonymous said...

Continue fooling ursef; what dyu expect him to tell you when you are d free take *on d side* wait for a younger& newer model to come and then see how long it will continue. Look for your own man ojare.....

Unknown said...

Who said its not common in Naija? Hell No!!!...It happens to every 47 girls out of 50.

Anonymous said...

AWWWW! Do it!

jimsking said...

IS VERY TRUE my ex keep comin bck anytime we see we go do after that i will not hear 4rm her again until she wan do again is funny d way she go abt it.
So this research is very true

Anonymous said...

very correct. y r girls denying it? its funny cos there is no sentimental attachment. lol

Anonymous said...

im married and i just had the hottest quickie ever wit my ex boyfriend in an eatery...yesterday..will do it over and over again!!!!

Anonymous said...

Jesox!r U̶̲̥̅̊ for real.rememba dt wat goes around sure cumz around.well  dnt think dts gonna b A̶̲̥̅‎​ problem for u cos u seem to M̶̲̥̅ε̲̣̣̣̥ as one who wudnt care if her husband did same to her
*pass d mic i'm thru*

Milestone & Ace Synergy said...

And you are proud of that... Don't go back to your vomit gal... Be decent.

Anonymous said...

linda me n my ex since nysc are gettin married n am so happy am marrying my ex in the present.

Annie said...

Please go to google and search for "Okafors Law" would be a nice read, once knacked and knacked well, an ex can be re knacked over and over again, i think the law is some worth wrong, all all exes can be reknacked, no matter how well u knacked them while with them.

Oge Nsimah said...

mmhh ladies with ANONYMOUS saying i did i did nawaoh..... so u dont have a life? when he is an EX he remaing an EX unless otherwise .. i cant see the reason why u will still be sleeping with him when he is an ex that is RUBBISH... he will keep toying with ur hrt thinking that what u want is a man to sleep not a lover. pls u people should repent the kingdom of God is @ hand ,

Anonymous said...

very much correct, jus in search of either lost love or true love.

coco said...

some ex can be so good with hanging out with and sex as well shaaa....mine was only that he was kinda stingy n selfish most of the time that is why he's an ex now :( but very few times i still want him we still talk and have sex. currently I'm not in a r/shp tho. still haven't found that guy yet.

Anonymous said...

Yes oo, i did a couple of time , n kini big deal. God 4giv me sha

Anonymous said...

Yes oo, i did a couple of time , n kini big deal. God 4giv me sha

Anonymous said...

Michael says...
Khai, Linda don dey contemplate going to her ex ooo and trying to use her LIBers head by telling us about a 'recent survey'. Oya,tell us who did the survey let us google it :)
Just ask us for advice and we will tell you and we will love you more.

Anonymous said...

Yes it's happened to me

Anonymous said...

Ofcourse! body no be wood now, and when your already used to someone it is so easy to fall back into an "old habit"...lool!

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