The graduate of the prestigious Boston University USA is a mother and has been married for 30 years. Mrs Okorodudu is celebrating her birthday in South Africa where she's serving as a judge at the Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Africa. Wishing her many more beautiful, healthy and successful years ahead. Kisses!
she looks very elegant in the 2nd pic. happy birthday ma'am. LLNP
u telling me Patience Jonathan and this woman are of the same age!..gat to laugh..lol!!
Bomb blast in kaduna pls give us d jist
In order words anon 11:36 u're saying...? Anyway Patience is supposedly older than her with a year. Congrats Joan n I wish u LLNP
Happy bday mamm... Wishin u LLNP. Keep de gud workin going, God will bless u.....
Happ birthday ma..
You bad oh...
two wanitacantik with all its advantages and disadvantages, it's time to be in their midst and judge impartially.
Happy birthday ma,actually luks finer in de 2nd pic 4 real.neva knw we had a nig nxt super model nt 2 talk of it being in it's 6th season.anyhw she has tried hw many ex beauty queens r dat innovative
Happy birthday
Never heard of her before' but l do love what have heard she has been doing(Kudos to u ma).Happy birthday ma n more grease to ur elbow n ankle to keep u running ur race in life.Ure such an elegant woman @ ur age n l admire u DIE" God bless u ma#Muaaah#
Hbd ma llnp
Ok linda, but miss nigeria of whush year enh? She looks good anywayz.HBD ma!
Age is nt by big body or fatness....wats is wrong if they are of the same age,james bond is 50 look at how fit he his....so dude wake up
Hbd,more of God's blessyns.u luk gud.
Happy birthday to a grate woman that have touched the lives of a lot of young girls. God bless you madam, but still try give us the guys access to all those your long legged girls nah
She has a cute face I must say.
See the difference btw ur first lady and Joan..... The diff is clear
wow!!! She look so beautiful at 54. Happy Birthday.
Pls God give me the grace and a very good health to look and feel wonderful at this age and upto my 100. Amen
Happy birthday ma.
Patience is a year older but looks 10 yrs older
It is so true black don't crack look at her looking like she just celebrated her 40th birthday! Happy birthday Ma God bless you!
OMG! she looks soooo good for her age! HBD
looks graceful and elegant @ 54 and married for 30 yrs?dats awesome,celebrities should take an example from dis woman not all those marriages that doesnt last for 24hrs
What brot patience into this now? Congratulate her dats all. Wishing her all the best in life
Linda!!wat do you mean by she has touched more live than any other woman u knw? biko what ever happened to our first lady that reaches out to "her fellow widows" #wakaPass
thank u biols..
You look AMAZING Ma, wanna be much younger dan u wen I grow up #winks
I mix up Mrs. Joan and Mrs Isioma/Data. Sometimes i think they are the same when I know they are not.
Linda Linda,every us university Na prestigious for u,odikwa risky
mrs okorodudu. its been forever ive seen her, my mum and her are very good friends..
She's so pretty.but lindastic I hearrd she organiZes babes for prostitution
Wow, just too fresh to be 54. She really has great genes and must have been taking good care of herself. Keep up the good work ma'am.
Looks like she lost a lot of weight
crazy woman says shes 45??? lmaoo
Great looks and beauty at her age. Kudos madam
woman of substance, an example for marriages 30 years in marriage, God bless u ma
Me too oo..she looks beautiful @ 54..
You are badtt man! LMAO
Me too oo..she looks beautiful @ 54..
Beautiful @ 54, the husband must be very lucky.
Hmm, so old mama patience Jonathan and this young woman are the same age grade? Hahahahahahahahhahahahahaha...
You enjoy dark or brown skin more at old age......
Boston univerty is one of the best in the world go and google my dear.The university has been around since 1836 that makes it older than Nigeria.The sick minds of this nation are getting so sick and if you do not know about BU then you are a sicko.
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