Chris Brown releases video about his love triangle with Rihanna and Karrueche | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Friday, 5 October 2012

Chris Brown releases video about his love triangle with Rihanna and Karrueche

24 hours after announcing his break up with girlfriend of almost two years, Karrueche Tran, Chris Brown has released a video where he details his current dilemma of being in love with two women. What he said in the video below..
I’m a little drunk so I’m gonna be honest. See, y’all don’t really get the real Chris Brown but I’m gonna be honest. I’m stressed out. It’s not about the music cause I love my fans. It’s just, when you share history with somebody, and then you tend to fall in love with somebody else, it’s kind of difficult.
Is there such thing as loving two people?  I don’t know if that’s possible but for me, I feel like that. Y’all probably like, ‘What the f-ck is he talking about right now’ but I am being real. I don’t want to hurt either or.  I’m not trying to be a player, or a dog, not none of that. My mother raised me differently, so I just can’t. I don’t know man, a n-gga be stressing. That’s what n-ggas do. The life of Chris Brown
Watch the video after the cut...


Anonymous said...

Eeeyah...I knew Chris was confused!! I feel really sorry for him, the love for Money, Fame and Money again is really dangerous...the bible is clear on such issues.....#sadmuch

Immaculate said...


Anonymous said...

Its pretty difficult to live a normal life with Fame attached to your name esp when paparazzi follows you. If he were a random guy then wahala no go dey like this...

Adaorah said...

Na music video?

Anonymous said...

Price you pay for being a celebrity... every body is all up in your business. love rihanna n chris combo doe

Anonymous said...

Dude must be high on that stuff! He must really think he's making sense! All 3 of them should pls get it 2geda! I'm tired of their childishness

Pls check out

Anonymous said...

Chris...shut up woman beater


And don't tell me its proper coz its from a Chris brown, imma tell ma daughters dis story oneday,dis should serve as a lesson to oda ladies,if he aint worth ur love he aint worth d stress. Loving two women kor loving three women ni. And how do u maintain equality.

~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310

Anonymous said...

Poor chris,he is so confused,I can feel his pain,just take it slow chris and allow it to come naturally

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Why release this video of what use is it he has two women that wants him and he is loving it i can believe rihanna is back with him

Anonymous said...

Breezy polygamy is allowed if both of em will consent to it. lmao

Anonymous said...

The peak of narcissism

Sociable said...

Ok noted.

thenewslately said...

i think rihana worked her way back if nt chris wud ve stayed wt karucche

Anonymous said...

Polygamy and Marriage by Habit and Repute in the USA

Maggie said...

I am sooooo glad about this. Linda you are a prophetess. i can remember when you predicted that chris will break up with karrueche. so happy chris and rihanna will be together again

Anonymous said...

ma girl got d boot.......LOL

Anonymous said...

Doesn't this just remind u of Tony tetuila's *im in love with 2 women I don't know which one to pic* bwuahahaha plus he has d hair color too. Too funny! STFU phool! .....Trix

African Sweetheart said...

Who cares, he should kindly go and sit down.

Anonymous said...

LINDA!!!!!!!! you are too sharp!! lol
igbo sense

Anonymous said...

Chris brown. it seems to me dat he is a play boi

Anonymous said...

Heheheheheeh....Should we call this the remix of tony tetuila's song "I'm in love with 2 women, I don't kno which one to take"....Lol.

Anonymous said...

"Nigga be stressing" love stress! Na so!

Anonymous said...

if chris brown was muslim and living in some other part of the world, i will advice he marries

miss pepe said...

Karuchana pele o

Surest said...

In love with two women? *bb confused face*. Feel sorry for all three parties involved

Anonymous said...

No , na home movies.....

Anonymous said...

Oh to be young and stupid and oh in "love"!!

Anonymous said...

The difference between (want/need)is the problem most pple face in dis kind of situations.I understand how u feel Brown.

Rosarii said...

Chris Brown is just being selfish. How can one be in love with two women? *hiiisssss* rubbish!

Anonymous said...

Wats prophetess in dis , we all saw this coming . Don't just drop unnecessary comments just to b heard.

Ify said...

Am so much a lover of CB and team #Karrreuche#, but right now, CB just lost my respect. To blazes about ur history wif riri, why cant the past be put aside and the presesnt embraced. Ms Tran stood wif CB even while the world scourned and berated her choice of man while mocking CB and now silly riri comes into d pix and takes over. How shallow minded CB is. Why cant he dust his past and move ryt on..riri is his vomit and he shdnt go back der only dogs a fan of riri but com-0n she did bad dis time

Rosarii said...

chris brown is just being selfish? how can one be in love with two women? he just wants it all. he shld go and sleep jor. rubbish! *hiiissss*

Anonymous said...

Damm! Did Rihanna pay Oprah to have her on her show because that was the beginning of this reconciliation. Now I understand those Rihanna tears on the programme.

Deepee said...

I guess it's Ophrah Winfrey that indirectly or directly brought them back together. Chris must have watched the interview by Ophrah and rihanna claimed she's still madly in love with chris. I believe chris made the right choice by coming back. I hope chris doesn't come back because of pity ooo cos that will be dangerous for both of them.

Unknown said...

*smh* chris brown is high on chep drugs!! whats there to be confused about abeg? its either you love one or the other theres nothing like loving the two equally. i wish him well though, may the best woman win...

Anonymous said...

U r very stupid for sayg dis! Have u hrd of anyother apart from d first one? Na wa for una oooo

Anonymous said...

Hahahaha, you no dey forget something!! So true though!!!! Lol!

Anonymous said...

HahAhahahaha...U kray Kray smh...but dnt insult breezy o. :(

Anonymous said...

Sooo wot hav u said now? Lmaooooo

Anonymous said...

You are on point jor. Lmao

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ahahahahah spot on! U made me LAWL!!!!

Anonymous said...

I love riri $ chris 2geda... I luv karrueche too doe

Anonymous said...

Dts not true madam. U think any lady can induce a man's luv? No way, even if he pretends for a while, twill all clear off. Dis is a lady he once loved and old feelings dey say die hard. So apportion d blame to d right quarter and stop being biased.

Anonymous said...

Chris is a jerk. He cant say 'he's confused' For Me karrueche would have been the best decision. Chris is forgetten something, its not all about love this time...anyway he's decision is best known to him...but confused 'is not a reason. They caused the paparazzi for emselfs, same comment is another paparazzi. He's getting worse and making a bad name...Wish he knows how i hate him right now...hackkkkk...

The E said...

rihanna has given this man too much power

karuache should never have tolerated so much foolery from day dot.

they should never have given him so much options when he doesnt deserve it

Anonymous said...

Lmfao@the Tony Tetuila song. I just imagine Chris Brown singing the song to himself LOL!

DITLO said...

why didn't he just walk away? shiorrrr

hmm said...

This video was recorded without his consent. He thot he was sharing his feelings with a close friend but we all know what that means sometimes. I feel sorry for him. He sounded sincere but until he and Rhi outgrow whatever it is they had, there wont be any moving forward. They still have very very strong feelings for each other. Wwhether it is love or lust, i dont know but they have to be weened off that before either of them can be happy in another relationship

Anonymous said...

he didn't release the video o. traitor in the camp like psquare said few months back

Anonymous said...


3face said...

Chei women are evil. She got him back not thinking of who she will hurt in the process because I know for sure he was not chasing her. i FEAR WOMEN gan ni o. Look at annie idibia too. Women are powerful walahi...all it takes is patience

Ziba! said...

Err, *trying to give a f**k is still loading*... Mschewww

bumble bee said...

This guy is just confused and d best thing he could do was breal up with karrueche for rihanna? Na wa,I hope he knows what he's doing

Anonymous said...

Forgot to ask. Is Janet Jackson prepared for polygamy? In case she doesn't bare kids, or her kids misbehave, etc.

SUE JORDAN said...


Jungle Justice said...

Crack is wack!

Anonymous said...

Rihanna is d one for him. Having sex issues in your marriage ? visit this link now and save your marriage,about to wed couples can also learn.

Anonymous said...

Awwww! Breezy. I love him. Wish he settles down with someone. I want him to be happy :)

Anonymous said...

Wt is ds 1 blabbin? :S dem say hin love 2 girls @ d same tym u chattin shii bou mny n fame!

#Dee said...

i fink chris breezee is pwety confused here,buh i dnt fink dere's enifin lyk lovin 2 pple,m feeln 4 u dou,fink u shud do away wif both n get urlyf bck......#SMH#

Anonymous said...

this can't be making any sense. Chris Brown talks like these barbies don't have opinions on the matter...Uchenna just in the interest of your female pride and image plus catching a a nasty STD thru Chris from that vector Riri. Tell dem both to go and chop shit on twitter and move on with extreme prejudice...says L.A.S.T.M.A Killa

Crystal said...


Anonymous said...

If Chris had any sense at all, which I doubt he has btw, he'd stay with Karrueche. D girl brought out the best in him. Rihanna gave him crabs, she was cheating on him when they were 2geda, and she's older than he is. I keep saying this, it's funny how people call him woman beater, but he dated Karrueche for almost two years, and never laid a hand on her. The pics of their vacations showed he was very happy with her. Up until riri the area fucker started to get on their case. I feel sorry for him, cos riri is going to cause his downfall if he's not careful.

African weight loss Diva said...

the two women in question sef, haba, which kain rubbish, they should leave him jare. The guy doesnt have a clue what he wants. Love two women ko?

I am really against beating of women, i really dont think Rihanna should be with him or anywhere near him. he would definitely do it again.

African Weight Loss Diva

Oge Nsimah said...

Rihanna tweeted yesterday that she can't belive wat is happening, ....I can sense it she is very happy . Chiao kuruuche wat is goin on in ur HRT now

SUPERDI said...

shuddup..u that knows what u want, u don't even have what u want.

SUPERDI said...

No na makossa video..olodress

SUPERDI said...

shuddup..u that knows what u want, u don't even have what u want.

Tunmama said...

why is d foooool now trying to portray him and karrueche's relationship like its some brother sister shit and then making him and rhi (under one day) look like they are lovers in love?? he isn't in love with 2 pple at alll! Karrueche is just an unlucky woman. He loves rhi... well watch ur face and ears rhi...d boy still bites i'm sure

Legal said...

Rihanna looks disgusting while karueche is hot.

Anonymous said...

@Anon: abeg spare wit with "the woman beater"tin. no d rihanna wey he beat she stil d die 4 am? abeg no comment 4 man n woman matter, e no d end here. chris al d best bro! poor Karrueche duo, i just see her as a pawn in all ds drama. ladies pls be careful, once a man breaks up with his gal, dnt rush in2 him cos he might use u as his scape goat.

LARI KING said...


kreamy said...

My thoughts exactly... #sad face#

Anonymous said...

Karrueche is cool that's why chris hasn't hit her! So becos riri is unlucky wit her relationship,she wonna destroy dis one?she will get beaten again AMEN.

Anonymous said...

Oh, gimme a break! He wasn't drunk. We all know that the one thing that happens when you're drunk is that you call names. He wasn't drunk, he just made a video to keep himself in the news.......

Anonymous said...

Its simple, if cB wants to know who he loves best, he should imagine riri and kae dangling from a cliff and he can only save one. Who he decides to save is really who he loves more. So he should let the other go

Unknown said...

What CB is going thru is pretty normal... The first love vs. The new love. Plus, you know what they say about old flames... Breezy pele! Its not easy

Anonymous said...

If not for showbiz, I wonder why we waste our time celebrating relationshiops that make the News as always and eventually come crashing down in two years or more tops. Celebrity love is the fakest thing i have ever heard of. How many couples can you count that dont end up in divorce. The whole Chris Brown/Rihanna thing is just another news maker,You will see where it will all end

Anonymous said...

He should make up his mind and stop being a coward. *woman beater* . Buh since she sang about S&M. I guess Rihanna enjoyed that whooping he gave her and there is still more to come.

nikkymandy said...


Anonymous said...

=))º°˚˚˚°ÂºÐ½aĦaнaº°˚˚˚°Âº‎​=)) =))º°˚˚˚°ÂºÐ½aĦaнaº°˚˚˚°Âº‎​=))@ money and fame. Some people are really slow at comprehension. The write up is talking of his confusion btw Rihana and Kelechi and u r not getting it.

Anonymous said...

He is Mad

Unknown said...

Everybody deserves a second change no matter what we are all human If God didn't give us a second third fourth fifth change were would we be with out Gods Mercy I have always believed Chris and Rhi Rhi are destine to be together they just needed to be apart and mature first you know some people are meant to be together who are we to judge people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones and we all have skeletons in our closets Gods Mercy is awesome

Anonymous said...

I was the one who recorded the video...n CB wasnt drunk...*drops mic*

Warri Girl said...

He should make up his mind so the babes can rest

Anonymous said...

Your mother raised you well to beat up a woman.

MJ said...


Anonymous said...

He posted the video himself on his twitter so stop saying scraps

Anonymous said...

He did just shutup yea?he posted it on his twitter by himself

Anonymous said...

He posted the video himself on his twitter so stop saying scraps

Anonymous said...

Truth be told...karrueche was a rebound for sucks generally, Karrueche was there for Chris through it all yes I agree but I'm pretty sure Chris has been deceiving has always been about riri for him.I think the breakup was d right move but getting back with rihanna might not be easy.go get it boi regardless of what anybody thinks.saying he is in love with 2 women is just a way of not making karrueche feel bad...we all know Rihanna is his dream girl

Eddy Ogbunambala said...

At least Karrueche had fun while it
lasted. Now Chris Brown and Rihanna
can get their careers back on track.

Jayde said...

Oh pleaase...#yawns# next story please...if he likes he should follow the both of them, I ve enough drama in ma lyf witout addin dis one...dem kuku no dey pay me.

Igborian Girl said...

lol... people will do anything to keep themselves relevant.

we all have issues and don't spend our time playing them out on twitter and videos. abeg these three can like to pass the mic...

Unknown said...

i understand he shares a history with Rihana but loves Karruche. Rihana be ready for another break up,so sad Rihana,history will not last but i guess love will last.

armanuel said...

Guys-Browns jst bn sincere cos U rily don't knw d woman u lov til u av 2-3 of 'em...4get fame or wealth or even peer influences..thx Linds,u doin a superb job

Anonymous said...

"Crap" not "scraps"

tax collector said...

Rihana is a dangerous b***.i dey fear dt lady so she won snatch jz frm beyonce.make she go luv majek fashek

Anonymous said...

sum pple dont jst get it strat u heard d guy say his confuse & u feel he wun't go back 2 kel, den u'r a jerk. tink b4 u post dudes.

Nkiru minaj said...

He doesn't need to beat a hundred before he gets the name. He is wat he is, a woman batterer sef kmt oh ye CB defender.

Nkiru minaj said...

He has been dating karru nwa for 2 yrs so yea riri did some walk of shame bck to his lyf.

Nkiru minaj said...


Nkiru minaj said...

I'm telling u he wasn't drunk.that's some sub story anyone will give when trying to justify a break up. Sha as they say old love die hard, na so e go remember em date Karru baby n she was a good girl, dem go begin keep in touch then go to club n whisper sumfin in his ear and baaaam! Karruchi n CB are bck together. Shebi e don talk em love 2 of dem. RiRi n CB remember that bitch called Karma.

Nkiru minaj said...

Hate to break it to you but the minute he broke up with Karr, that's the minute she became an old flame n u know what they say bout old flames...... Yea that's how it works.

Nkiru minaj said...

Rebounds don't last for 2 yrs.

tyna said...

Chai Lindaaaaaaa pipu go fight 1day oooo

Anonymous said...

.......Its a wrap....What is meant to be will eventually come to be......

Anonymous said...

Dude why can't you understand simply English. Someone is talking about loving two people you're talking about fame and money, if you don't understand must you comment.

Anonymous said...

who are we to judge? Let the guy handle his biz the way he sees fit. We all deal differently....

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