"She actually wanted me to take off the dreads for a while now. But I couldn't take out the look completely so I told my stylist to keep some hair, but give me a new look. We settled for the Mohawk style. I did it partially for her and she loves the new look
Good 4 u..
When a man makes it beautiful women take note! Big boy u r chopping a nice good looking lady! U have come a long way so enjoy bro! Da Capone frm Canada!
sounds like a nice man. many men wuld not seek dia wives opinion abt dia look.
Ha that girl wey no get taste. Ok and bye!
Wats our concern if he changes his look,,,,,,,,,,,,,
He's fine like that! Love both looks
I like the hair ooo, but it kinda looks like that monkey for tarzan when be tarzan best friend....lol
I admire a man who listens to his wife. Way to go Bright!
Money Gud o. See d wife don fine sef
That is good.
How awful!
both still ugly
He has a stylist???? LMAOOOOOO
Any man wey do anytin woman tell am 2 do na BIG MUGU!!
Nice!!... Omo,c d guy cheeks o... Big boi..
Krayzie Klay
Money good oh, see fresh basket mouth with fine wife. This would have been almost impossible without his moneey.....just saying
i have a lot of respect for men who listen to their wives.
Anoy.12:22 u said exactly my mind.he looks like tarzan bst friend.hahaha!!any way dis shows how much he luvs his wife n respect her.
I am sure you are not married
That's bcos u are so full of shit that's why no one even listens 2 d crap that comes out of ur shit hole mouth!
U must be some cave man or some shit brain 2 say that no wonder u are so bitter in life
Na u b mugu nw abi u no no
My dear I wonder if u hv a mother or is ur father a............? U knw wat I mean
and how will Elsie improve her own local look?
Love that..they both look cute
yeye dey smell....
Dis is a man who knows what marriage is all about! COMPROMISE. Nice one, Basketmouth. So proud of you
Basketmouth's wife is damn pweety!!
Anon 12:06 longest time! Hw re my boys? When re u comin back to awaka? Basket mouth looks good though
Good 4him
Aww,so nyce.so an advice from your wife now,will turn you to MUGU and you can advice your GF to plait shuku with no makeup and she will end up looking like ishawuru,orisirisi.Jazmin.
Basket mouth is living d nigerian dream! He tapped into his inner spirit and found out that he is a talented comedian and he pursued that goal. I remember when he first started,ppl were just staring at him and could hardly laugh at his jokes. Today any where in the world he goes allhis shows r fully booked! Frm a humble upbringing in Ajegunle to a rich superstar comedian. Linder ikeji is another example of a lady who is living the nigerian dream. Basket mouth and Linda I say to both of RESPECT!! U guys make me proud.
LMAO. U harsh ohh!!!
Abi o!!! Dem wan b like foreign celebs wey go shit n mk it a big deal mtschewwwww
I wonder ooo..... How e take affect us now? Shioooor
i love Basket mouth he looks good
Correct guy... Kp it up...
Now he looks so much like his daughter Amy.
She can't improve on her local look, money can't buy class, is either you possess it or you don't have it.
Yes, such a gorgeous pretty girl. Its so unbelievable basketmouth would have a daughter that pretty. Her name is Amy Okpocha.
See as u come get taste!!! Yeye person. U running sum1 down and u think dt makes u cool? Mshew
This comment is so mean. Who are u to talk about a fellow human like that. Why are u so full of beef for the girl? Stop hating girl
Basket mouth me love u so much...
Elsie reads this blog daily everyone, so if u say anything bad she will respond.... Sharp sharp!
He looks d same. His wife should advice herself and try...still looks local...
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