I'm wearing a Karen Millen dress and Tiwa is wearing a stunning black Stella McCartney dress. And before y'all say black again, Linda? The dress code for the event was black or white. So, this time I have an excuse :-) Photos not very clear because we used a camera phone. And no, I'm not pregnant, it's the dress...lol
You are officially known as "Linda Black Ikeji"
You two look smaching. One could think you are siblings. Linda you fine sha o, with your center parting. Looks like I'll try the center stuffs this week. Kisses gurls
Be looking for excuse there! it is what it is! u and black! kai!
you better start hitting the gym.
You now have "crumby" tummy
hehehehe,na lie joor u carry belle,datz d result of ur cokobar party.u and tiwa na twins?
really, why is dat madam wearing RED??
You both look gorgeous.
Nyce pics! I hope I'm d 1st 2 comment
Which kind dress na belly fat be that o . . . Na so e dey start lol . Linda and Karen Millen . . . Big deal lol. Naija no dey carry last
Tiwa's hair is wrong!
Linda u took d questions off my mouth, r u pregnant??????? U sure cannot just blame d entirely entirely 4 wat i'm seeing...
Which be linda & which one be tiwa? *confused face*
Linda just admit it.. U luv black n centre parting. Dress code was black or white,or a combination of both;y didn't u choose white?.. Also lmao @ 'n no,i'm not pregnant its d dress'
Linda ikeji black is that the meaning of LIB honestly linda u r beautiful but it s like u ll need a costumier nd a beautician to arrange u better we ur admirer we r getting bored of the black stuffs nd the centre parting thing however I still craze for U
Linda. I think u should start wearing cloths dat compliments U and leave name(s) dat cloth looks So cheap and ugly on U. Yack u need a wardrobe manager abeg
Black again!!!!!!, u no get white ?
Aha Linda a wetin na u too sing this karen Millen abi na now u knw say she dey exsist????!!
Anyway u guys look good and pls lv d black alone....u shld hv won white...thnk God black wasnt d only dress code so no excuse jhoor...CHEERS!!!!!!
No be small black Ikeji. She and Tiwa looking like coal miners.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Was the dress designed with a pillow around the timmy area?
Dear Miss Black Ikeji don't change the background of this blog to black o since u can't do without black.*warning*
D juju wey Linda do for her blog to grow na d black wey she dey wear.
Tiwa tries too hard to be sexy
**Smashing** Not Smaching!
You shouldn't have posted this picture. It's unclear and says nothing apart from that you met Tiwa Savage and you are developing a belly. Not really the message you want to be sending out into the potential husband market
em babes! Cute ladies...lin lin av asked yu 2 stop being smart....stop trashng yaself b4 we do....if yu gon put up any pic again, mbok let it nt be a black dress....em...dat stomach? Yu gats begin sit up....nd dat center partng? #sighs# ild av 2 gt back 2u on dat 1....9c pics nyways *winks*
You ARE pregnant ni joor, abi who chooses a dress that protrudes tummy?
linda u are so funny well u guys are all very ugly but u look better thou d one in black and white chia is she a nigerian or frm zoo?her's is d worst catch ur fun girl.
LMAO....Linda why all these comment? Remember you can't please everyone so keep doing your things.
Lmao! Linda no mind them jo...
Bonario will not kill me with the coal miner comment! U pple cut my Linda some slack jo.
You and Tiwa look so alike and I think she's really adding weight....she still looks great sha
it mks me so sad when i see old women of 30somthing yrs refer to them selves as miss it broke my heart,how can women who there mates are happinly married wt kidds be so bold enough to refer to themselves as miss without shame?what would collage girls now do or cal themselves?somthing is nt really right.
Er mm!! Lovely joor !! :D :D .... But lili morning sit-ups ! Will go a long way biko!!
Karen Miller ko, Karen Miller ni....who cares what you wearing?? #just saying
OMG Linda I think you have kwashiokor! Tiwa is adding weight but still hot!
U girls are stunning. Miss U Leshy. Its Minilesh.
When did tiwa get all that bum and hips?
Check out this site beautifuls! xxx
Linda buy a professional camera nau. Na wa o. E be like say u no knw say ur level don change. Smh. Abeg u big pass this ur poor quality pictures.
Kai, you too like black linda.
Wetin concern us with karen miller and stella mcartney. Am I supposed to be impressed. To me , na black cloth una wear. Can be purchased in a regular ok store. Lol. Linda would definitely not post this.
The purple lipstick is scary!
Lin u look almost good.I think maybe u should try side parting.this ya centre is not appealing Biko.luv ya
Linda o u don dey get belle . . . Start hitting the gym o ! And
E be like say Karen Millen dey shark u . . . Na now u know say she dey exist. I no blame u shaa , u be Jjc for London abii this is ur 2nd trip to London.
Are you sure it's the dress or you forgot your spanx?
Na┈ wa┈ 4 dis linda dressing,nuttyn new abou rit!..*creamy*
Mba o...Tiwa in the group pix isnt looking hot one bit! Ogini?
And whats wif the arms? being a celebrity involves hitting the gym or investing in dumbbells...u need to take a cue from other local and international celebrities k...
Linda has big boobs oh :O
Hmmm,finally Wande Coal has competitors!!....lmao.. Just kiddin' o, b4 u hide my post. :))
Krayzie Klay.
Linda you don suffer oh, you wear white, person ask if u be nurse. You wear purple for radio interview dem tell u say ur dress no dey appropriate for radio interview wey nobody go see you oh. You wear black mbong you too like black. If it's any consolation, I love dark colours and my excuse is I read law. Please arrange a stylist (abi ur costumier please let them not dress me up in elmo's costume) for me too oh.
BONARIO always funny!
i got a question when did tiwa savage grow a booty, cuz i know she was okay before, but not this bodacious...hmmmm
Linda, if u like do d same hair and wear ankoo with Tiwa I no go say una resemble cos na wetin u wan hear be dat lol. But u re both dark and lovely.
Dress code black or white and u did not wear white or poker dots or sometin wit a touch of white sha. I won't be surprised if its d black dresscode that made u attend d party *rme
Is Karen Millen the only dress maker u know? Stop this loki behaviour biko!
Hmm why nigerian are so dark ? even darker than sudaneses and senegaleses
Linda y u dey defend yasef na!!!! Dresscode is black/white..y did u pick d black..cos u hv a lot of black gowns abi....
Linda, you're such a beautiful woman but greez switch up your fashion style a bit cuz you've such a great physique there's no need being draped in black most times & cut back on the need to color match completely. Keep up the great work & wishing you continued success....
Ok. Black n centre part.hummmmm *eyes rolling* Tiwa's combo is wrong.and aunty Linda, dnt like ur makeup. Expected more from u*sad face* its not always abt d designers, but how u carry urself dat matter. #Ok pls post my comment oh#,
Tiwa looks somehow o.. Wats wiv dat scary lipstick..odiegwu oo
Where is Tiwa naa??
@BONARIO Hahahahaha!!! Oh my days! 3310 crazy u'r such a silly head! SerIously dey are!
Linda wats up with the designer names of recent, does it mean b4 you were wearing balogun. Ok what did the other ladies wear ? London trips good o
Lol @ coal miners. Bonario you are too funny.
You still look like you are in Coko Bar. Same look and no diversity. Yawn.
ugly girls here o.....Linda u rly look like Tiwa.
oh myyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!i love tiwa!
That's my girl Tiwa. FYI Linda as you are a newbie to London, Karen Millen is a High street shop. Tiwa's designer dress on the other hand is a high end label. You disrespect SM by mentioning KM next to her. The earlier you stop mentioning all these your Karen Millen dresses the better for you. We rocked KM in the 90s. You guys look good.
That Oyatogun babe is fugly. Annie's ugly lost long sister
Waz blu lipstick prt of d dress code...lolz, abi tiwa is tryin 2 copy nicky minaj ni??..*jst curioz*,, nd dis belle wey I dey see no b dress cos am o, so linda tell us d truth.
pls vote for @tiwasavage http://t.co/M7FN7H4Y
charcoal skin ,charcoal hair and charcoal dress!your are indeed ms.black ikeji
VVVVVVVVVVVVOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! for TIWASAVAGE! Watch @PEPSI Commercial feat. @TiwaSavage & @Wizkidayo here: < http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HNlx5kE-0hI … > Makeup by @JoyceJacob_MUA , Hair by @dfalana !
My darlin Tiwa abeg no dey do dis kain hair again,e no suit u at al*eyesrolling***linda I dnt lik dis ur so called karen millen dress but ur face stil beta pass ma favourite Tiwa for dis pishur*straightface* if u like dnt post ma comment
Linda pls try n step up your fashion sense,I'm tired of this your look,tz boring haaa!!!!
No wonder Blog came to a sudden halt..we have an insatiable appetite for news!!..stop starving us..u and the other bloggers!!..and remember this is a business ur main source your of income...
Miss Linda , Pls us a favour, dont change this blog Background to BLACK..pls
come to think of it linda....you guys do look alike a lot.. esp with the hairdos...u both look fab
stunning ones visit www.pengdom.blogspot.com safe
Hmmm Linda and tiwa... U 2 look so Gorgeous.......... Am in love ..#bigsmile
Black+centre parting... Smh. There was an option of white dear Ms Ikeji Black!
My tots exactly Linda ooo!!!! Pot Belly!.. :D
@oracle LWKMD.seriously lindy u need to take care of that tummy•no be joke oh
Omg Linda I really do love u.you take life so easy.I can't believe you posted all these comments esp those yabbing u.Susan peters, Jim iyke and others need 2 learn
Lindalistic Linda ,we are already use to your black dresses ,so no need giving excuses,but if you must wear black ,add some little glam to it .that Karen whatever you wearing made u look preggi
Tiwa's outfit is gorgeous and I like her hair abeg.Linda the center part fits u so well
Tiwa and Linda looking stunning in their LBD's. Naija babes toh badt!!!
Nnaa men u girls re looking like southern sudan girl mixed with girls from uganda
Linda,ds chain don suffer Fǿя̩̥̊ U̶̲̥̅̊я hand!
Look at the girl in the middle in three last photo. Lmaoooo
Linda Linda Linda looking good is ur business. Black or no black u know ur onions when it comes to what fits u.
Linda, later u go write about ur history and say, men dey round after u when u dey young but u had notthin to do with them, see ur belle now, dey form virgin, na people wey no know u sha.my advice leave ur parents house and grow up, and who d that ugly black gal for middle
LIB=linda ikeji black. even her background she hav change 2 black. u dey find xcuse, dere was anoda option abi.
Hi Thelma,
If you have the head shape for it then go ahead. But if yours is of the round type like mine, kindly keep off! Thanks.
wen i saw dat piks of u n tiwa holding each oda,somany dirty tins was running in my mind.....both of u look alike..post my comment biko.
I agree with you, very wrong.
ok but linda is too worwor
is swear
Hehehehehe ......aunty linda black, dnt mind dem joor, I love ur black dress and your centre parting... U and ur twin sister TIWA
Abegi, enuf with the I'm wearing Kate Middleton; I'm wearing Queen Elizabeth.
I really don't send the dress maker; it's how the outfit looks on the wearer that I observe.
Lib =linda ikeji black lol
Lib =linda ikeji black lol
White was also an option.but u chose black.REALLY?!
I support d ear thny....linda probablly has elephant ears buh if will smith can show off his ears, y can't U̶̲̥̅̊? U̶̲̥̅̊ ve a btiful oval face (lyk mine) & any hairstyle 'll luk fab on U̶̲̥̅̊. Biko CHANGE UR HAIRSTYLE
Right, I take it the girl in the burgundy colored dress, didn't get the memo. I hate Nigerians and their outright insensitivity to dress codes.
Aaaaaarrrrrggggghhhhh - it Irks the life outta me!
Yes you do look preggie. Your tummy is big may be cos you ate much, please dont use that dress as excuse again. Tiwa Savage is fat now! Good for you both. Meanwhile you dont look like her, wake up!
Make una DEY wear deolasagoe. D 1 WEY go DEY fit una.abeg:-D
You guys crack me up... if white people away they look alike, u would understand, but for Naija people to say such baffles me...
Only similarity is heavy duty weave and make , that's all...
Linda black does №τ̲̅ suit U̶̲̥̅̊r complexion,try to wear brighter colours,u are wearing a black hair on a black gown,am sure u are wearing a black shoe too,ahan,them use black do u ni
Always looking lovely. What'ss d secret???
i cant get it about you and blowing your trumpet,always saying you bought this or did that.oh ok,same mother with Timaya.anyway,u be money miss road.
u'v gt 2 be kidding me!smaching?
I have seen Tiwa Savage before. She is very small.And for Tiwa to be bigger than Linda,,,Linda you must be very very small. Shuooooo
Blowing my whitle away...
If you know fashion anough,u would know Black is classy(dnt mean to b rude)...I'v got over 12 black tops + blazers dat fits ma gold chain,,,class!!! lol
is that tiwa? she looks different here,maybe is bcos of her hair style
linda why didnt u wear WHITE 2 the party? u n tiwa look alike
dem say white and black. why not wear white ehh must you wear black all the time in this naija heat nawa oh
I just like u cuz u know wen u go wrong but ur too stuborn to change. U be small pikin,kinda dress Goldie would wear
C ur big head,n these up pples purple make ehn *sigh*
I just like u cuz u know wen u go wrong but ur too stuborn to change. U be small pikin,kinda dress Goldie would wear
Oya do one rihanna short hair o, dis centre parting af taya us...*yawns.
Wat is dis constant thing with tiwa savage..for starters linda I don't see the resemblance btwn d 2 of u...for a change,try bold colours,am getting tired of seeing you in drab black all the time..u especially look like one of those south african miners...heheehehhe
i never thot i will see the day where i wld say linda is prettier than tiwa. Well that day has finally come.
C as dem d oda chiqs fine pass u, just joking, yall r fine. Chris says
Am gon compliment n diss @ d same time. Nw while y'all were lukn fine, I mst say ds. Tiwa's hair? So wrong. Linda's bump? Has sm1 put a bun in ur oven already? Hapi 4 u bt ts horrible in dat dress and wat was d missus in d red dress thinkn? Dat tym of d month 4 her? Anyways, ts gud y'all havn fun n am sure it was a gr8 party.
you better loss that NECKLACE wetin? is that your wedding band? every where and cloth wey you wear you go still wear that thing. Nbgeke.... if you like dont post my comment.
Linda black ikeji pls u nid to try something totally different from this your black outfit n centre parting abeg,karen millen does not make only black gowns and what happened to tiwa? Jazmin.
Lında whats that rıng ı see on the left hand, you had better start talkıng, young lady .....
The dress is 120 pounds
Linda black....lol
if not 4 Linda z usual middle parting, I couldn't tell who was who.
LOL! Y u telling us d designer u wearing tho?!?? That's like pulling a Davido in my books...twitpic
Tiwa's bangs make her look old...just sayin
Black is beautiful! Leave Linda alone biko nu! If na lady gaga or 1 superstar dey wear black black u guys go ex all d colour blocking and follow suit! Mumuskas! If only this ur critcs could make money for charity e for better ..kmt... Don diddy!
but why is this tiwa girl always lying ?she lied about being nominated for a grammy .Till today we are yet to see the any proof .she cant try this is america men .this gal like attention o kia.
Any gyeh wey get fyn face plus centre parting
The necklace is her juju. I don talk am plenty times.
Linda u are looking good I don't see anything wrong in black, its my favourite colour too because I am usually very comfortable in them, who no like can fit go hug transformer.
Who's that ugly black babe in the middle abeg edit nd delete away
lol @result of cokobar hotel, did she tell u dat she went there for oringo things???
Abeg free d coal minner oh(linda)
linda is d lady wit condom pack on her head...
Szszszhh! U just went back to recheck again, idiot!
I give u dat as an assignment, find who linda is in d picture above?
Linda I saw u driving in front of Sip club sat night,btw abeg try and be smiling sha,maybe u were tired cos u looked drained out
Wow u guyz luk gorgeous.bad mouthers,ppl will alwys talk
Idiot. Cause we're African, bitch!!!
Who said anythin abt hotel? E be lik say dt big dick dey affect ya eyes
U both looked lovely. Even tho the pics are not soo clear n not showing ur dress too well, looks like a very beautiful glam black dress. Waay better than that ur bday dress. Luv Tiwa's dress as well! Looks classy.
And as for u BONARIO!...LMAOOOO @ ur comment!! I just cant with u!! LOL...U'r tooo fun mehnn!
Karen Millen dress, big deal? One of d cheapest at west end.........mschewwww
y'all me to shut up!is it your belly? it's obvious that her sequined dress coupled with the camera flash created a 'bulging belly' look
Lmao harsh @drained out.she must have bin so thirsty.haha
Lmfao! Kai una mouth
Be like say she get big mole 4 dere I mean,I neva c ha go on short hair,not even fringe dat must women like
Lmao harsh @drained out.she must have bin so thirsty.haha
wait if black or white attire, what is that lady wearing red for?
Linda, you get too many crazy ppl on ur site. They critize u but they mostly love you. Wish to meet u.
Karen millan my foot the first time you go to london you go shopping at a good store like that so you must be doing well with this blog i see you have also updated your site good for you girl, Tiwa outfit is nice but why do you have to say the names of the designers do you her receipt to prove she bought it there
Linda don't mind what anyone says! Dress whichever way you feel happy with! Is your body and is your hair, so u can do whatever u want with it! If your entire closet is made of black dresses who cares? You look beautiful in all the pics, I love ur makeup too :) keep it up!
Enjoyment tings--Lin,i πφ mind host U̶̲̥̅̊na ƒσя our usual joint(abe-igi)--try cum wif U̶̲̥̅̊я
Twin-(tiwa salvage)--dress code dis time go b LION-SKIN##--
so...the lady in burgundy didn't get the memo?
you guys look so sexy, i wish i can fuck you all ;)
#no homo#
That gal in black and white,reaemble ape.
I have said it and I am saying it again: Dat NECKLACE and Black Dress,dem use am swear for ulna!
#gbagaun# Smh! If yu must insult anybody at least get ur spellngs ryt....it broke ur hrt ko! There abi na their....unam esit ikod!
Its not the dress linda, you just have a big tum :P
thats Adaure Achumba,luking lovely
nice dress linda, is it just me tiwa loooks fat in dis pics
Abeg jor!! Tiwa looks HAWT!!! Haters go jor!!!!
I was about to say the same thing, it ain't the dress, it's your belly so stop with the excuses
Tiwa looks amazing!!! I want that dress for myself.
Please Linda, Can you tell Tiwa that she looks extremely gorgeous! I would wash her car just to have that dress all to myself.
You read ma mind abou the pregnancy part. What did u eat or is the outfit made for pregnant women?
Linda Tiwa looks awesomely amazing!!!!
Happy independence day to all my Nigerian brethrins..God will continue to lift us up {amen}....
@ Coal miner comment,jokess,..haha, too funny!
D lady in the stripe outfit is layode from page 3, lol @ d@ comment. Every woman is beautiful. Plus d black dress r pretty n mentioning d designer is a must so sto attacking d writer biko.
I guess ur shoe na Aba made,na im make u no wan mention am
TIWA will always look stunning.i LOVE you Miss Savage.......
THE DEPARTED!! Seriously...linda...watch that pattern. That gap keeps getting bigger and bigger...like youre balding there. Switch the hair style...esp the pattern thing. Can't u see urself in pics and how wide that gap is? Mo will soon feature u on her website DEADAZZWRONG.
Joan says... awwww. yhu two look good together. what is wrong if Lindie likes black? what is wrong with her fashion sense? Awon Beefers. Lindie, yhu rock joor. Black is my favorite color too. i am known as "black girl " in my dept. hehehehehe... someone once said, "black is not a color, it is an absence of color".
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