The seriously overweight cat, called Meow, died a few days ago Saturday May 5th, from pulmonary failure, at the Santa Fe Animal Shelter where he was being cared for after his owner dropped him off there saying she could no longer care for him. The 2year old cat weighed 39 pounds before his passing
Lol...... Adaora pls learn from dis cat...
Omg! This just made me shudder! I hate cats. So irritating.
Bia Linda, We are not white pple o. Which level be this now. Wetin consain omo naija reach buusu? Na wa oo. How dis one take be news now? Buusu kwa? No be person, buusu. Hia oh! I take it as being a slow news day, so u are very well forgiven.
Adaeze O
Read about this cat yesterday ...... so sad , but it reminds us why we should not encourage obesity or plus size . If cat dey get respiratory problems due to fat , how much human beings
OMG..... dat cat is huge more like a cub.....lol @ she cant take care of it again.
Ada and friends should go for the burial!! Eyaa ada nekwa onye ika n'uche ! Anumanu bu ibu, gi bu mmadu ga eme ya, ewu mme.. And we supposedly have more self control as human beings!?? Ada et al hmmn ur animals
Linda are you indirectly telling ADAORA AND HER CONGLOMERATE that even obese cats can die. ..lol. the cat didn't live to open its fashion line...:(
omo u go fear fear na.c fatness.my GOD
Take note Adaorah Ukoh. Obesity leads to death.
Shey ya... Meow have meow-ed away!!!
Adaora ukoh and friends take note on wat obesity can cause
I hope Adaora and friends are reading...
I saw this on fox news yesterday I was flabbergasted....WTH did they feed that cat? Smh for this country
Please e-mail this to Adaora!!!
Linda so if i bring my dog dat is dyin of starvation too u will post it??! Nna ehnnnn,u jst dey make me wan regret why i go sch! #e for beta say i no sabi read dan waste my precious tym readin dis! *straight face*
They shoulda put that thing on a treadmill...
you see what obesity can cause??? RIP meow...i saw it on CNN with anderson cooper....
The cat died from heartbreak n not weight issues!
Mtshew,,cats irritate me eh!
So after the owner feed him to its death she dumped him bah??
Uhh. Saw the cat on Anderson show.
Poor kitty
Adaora and her obese, sorry, plus size models should take note.
If not for publicity, and for the owner to beat her chest and say she has a record breaking cat, what is wrong in simply helping it reduce weight?
HAhahaaha! naija plle sef...una no dey ever fall hand! LMAO! See as una connect the thing to Adaora Ukoh..wicked pple! First commentor killed me! Ms Flinstone u be goart! Hahaha!
@ Troublemaker, u almost made me choke with laughter... Lol!
On a serious note, wat in kitten name were dey feeding dat cat? Like I havnt seen any feline half as fat as dat, its a pity tho. RIP meow
Ths thing na bad disease. Adaora ona anukwa nka.
Free advice fr our overweight. Abii plus size models.
Haaaahahahaha u killed meeee LOL
Na wa ooooo Najia, I laf taya ooo, honestly Adaora n Co shd take note!
who cares about this cat Linda abeg abeg
very funny comment....wud have clicked 'like' if it was on facebook.
Everyfin dies, it doesn't mata hw thin or hw fat. Everyfin dies even if person b tooth pick..DEATH is sure
Please tell those promoting fat women in naija. maybe some lessons will be learnt
I hp u will live 4eva cos u b toothpick
Buusu Lwkmd.
They shdv killed the cat ages ago. Imagine the money spent on food. Starving kids in Africa, people!!
Wait...thought cats had 9 lives. What's that all about?
chei Adaora no see this one. the cat would have catwalked well on her runway. chai
Lmao! This is freaking hilarious!
Meow was a good cat, cos as far as a friend of mine is concerned the only good cat is a dead one.
ONOME says..........
These Lindooo is mischievous oooo.ROTFLMAO...
Not until people started it pointing did it occur to me that this may just be an indirect message to Adaora and co.lolllllll.U be last born Linda?You are mischievous ooo.And no soowiee dear,you cannot convince me that you arbitrarily juxtaposed the 2 posts together.Well maybe you did but I kinda prefer my own analysis.lollllllll
But seriously obesity is a serious health issue o and should be taken seriously...
lmao.... the Adaeze comments just killed me. I'm laughing, crying and rolling on my bed. What did Adaeze do to you people now? ah ah!
lmao.... the Adaora comments just killed me. I'm laughing, crying and rolling on my bed. What did Adaora do to you people now? ah ah!
its funny how this post comes right after the 'Adaora couture models'!!! Linda r u trying to subtly say something?!?
Wow funny comment
By their comments u shall know dem, its obvious anno 7:23 is a fat ass, she just gave Adaora and her friends advice, and just match brake like dat.Concern Neighbor.
May 8, 2012 7:23 PM
You must be fat. Stop rolling around town. Learn for the cat if you want to live long and stop insulting slim women.
Look at the title "World's fattest cat dies of complication due to obesity" and research on the story because YOLO (You Only Live Once).
Oh please keep using 'tooth pick' to console urself ! Don't go and loose weight and why don't u shoot urself immediately since death sounds fun to u??
but how was the cat the fastest with such weight???
@ Ms Flintstone and @ Troublemaker, you guys are just clowns. lol. Your comments were toooooooooooo funny abeg. Meanwhile, you Linda abi wetin be your name? So u posted the fat cat story right above Adaora and her obese clan's story. Chai, you wicked sha. :)
Don't tell me dat!!! That cat was goin to be d 1st medical doctor in d world. That catt was goin to invent great things. That cat was goin to JackBauer up BokoHaram. That cat was goin to be the president! Now the cat ihaf die.Rip Mazi Meow! Ur legacy lives! ^_^ (◑_◑)
"The seriously overweight cat, called Meow. . ."
As in seriously??? The cat was called Meow. Funny. What other name could they have given?
@7.23pm, it's obvious u're also following that trend for u to say such! Better go and register in a gym and get ur health in order! Pestle *rolling eyes*
Plsss u guys shud leave Adaora frm this matter, she's big so, is she the only plus size girl in 9ja, there r so many plus size men and women across the world, so pls stop stigmatizing, I admire her effort for opening a clothing line, FYI am a size 8 girl.
OMG! U just cracked me up #LMAO @ buusu.. I can't stop laughing. I would have clicked on like over and over again....
Lmao!! DU I hope all is well??
U guys shud leave Adaora outta dis horrr.worrissit sef??na u won marry am?nonsense!
@Anno 10:56, God bless u o, na wetin i kuku talk b4 sum retard just say i be like toothpick, I'm sure she's d same person caling anoda person toothpick, u better go and shed dt shit u call big and beautiful, before u peme like dt cat.... Well since DEATH is so easy... Cos u r simply playing Russian Roulette wit ur life.. Tongue out!
How are they sure there's no fatter cat somewhere on the planet.
I see u fall in Adaora's category...u goat..instead of teachin the world how too live healthy by burnin unneccessry fat u r happily promoting it..(Anon 7:23 ) take time oooooooooooo..*mtcheeeeew*
don't mind these Americans to them America is "the world" so if something is extraordinary in USA does it mean they searched every single country and hamlet and concluded that Mr Meow was the fattest.
I'll rather be toothpick. I claim it infact than to be miss N2000 LOAF of agege BREAD like u
anon 7:45 PM,deekay,anon 7:23 PM,anon 6:04 PM,.......una wicked no be small.....hahahahahahahaha
I am anno 7.23 nd I am size 10, so am nt in anyway big but y attack pple who r big cos I knw any1 cannot b slim but we can all live healthy no mata d size, I dnt support obesity but bcos sum1 is fat or big or wateva doesn't mean dey shldnt dress up. So STFU
Seee comments S̶̲̥̅Ơ̴̴̴͡ far..well as for M̶̲̅ε̲̣̣̣̥ even if the cat does not have control, @ least Adaora is human she shld hv some intake control..
Miss Adaora, pls take a cue from this cat!
Lwkmd troublemaker
I'm sorry ,but this is too funny to me.But i have a question, why would you let your cat get that big.Of course it's going to die do to it being overweight. LESSON:exercise your cat!
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