Continue to read the movie synopsis...
Brilliant Cancer specialist Dr. Michael Durant is emotionally troubled, wrestling with the traumatic loss of his 10 year old daughter from Cancer. Immersing himself in his work in the hospital, away from his wife who blames him for their child’s death, he forms an unlikely bond with a sick, loving, but rambunctious seven year old boy Sam, the son of a rich Jewish couple who are major contributors to the Hospital’s Cancer Research Fund.
Unfortunately, Sam’s health deteriorates drastically, and soon, he slips into a coma, with only a few days to live. Dr. Durant becomes desperate, willing to risk anything to save the child’s life. A surreptitious Nigerian Nurse convinces him to seek the help of Dr. Bello, an uncertified Nigerian Doctor, known in the Brooklyn-African underground as a miracle worker. Dr. Bello, an introvert with a controversial past, secretly visits the child at night and administers a strange African potion, replete with incantations and by the next morning, miraculously, the child begins to recover, the Cancer speeding into remission.
The Hospital Medical Board immediately orders an investigation and soon the secret is revealed and Dr. Durant is suspended. Dr. Bello is arrested and charged with medical malpractice. Dr. Durant soon falls into depression after his wife leaves him. Meanwhile, Dr. Bello has fallen critically ill in jail and can only be saved by the ingestion of the same potion that can only be found in the mysterious “Garden of Life,” nestled on the peak of Nigeria’s sky mountains.The movie will be out in the summer
OMD I'm too excited about this movie... can't wait
gene going places. thers no stopping her. she really wants to break into hollywood. aspiring to be a bond woman. thumbs up darling
Explains why he was spotted @Radissons by a friend..a few weeks back
OMFG! is dt Isaiah Washington(Dr Preston Burke) on Grey's Anatomy? he was ma best doctor. WTF is Gene doing there? make she go sleep jor. thank God my bestie Stephany Okereke is there too...d babe too much
Ohh my God I can't wait for this movie. I've loved this actor from grey's anatomy
The fortune cookie says: GENEVIVE meet your husband......Husband meet your Wifey!
but these actors are z-listers!I dont even think Hollywood cares about them
LoL @ the Z lister comment. I concur
OH NO! Not madam "forced acting" again
=))º°˚˚˚°ºнaĦaнaº°˚˚˚°º=)) ur harsh ooo.but am not sure they are on the list sef, more like Z.
I can't wait to see stephanie..... long time. I have eyes on u! Please what else are u working on?
Ode! A few weeks back was the AMAA awards which he came for. He and and other Hollywood acts invited for the awards were lodged at Radissons.
Meanwhile..Na wa o..this Pass the Mic joor..has gone viral..need a Muna vs Mode9 ..RapShowdown..be a hit..get Don Jazzy to produce the beats if Dr Dre is unavailable..lol
Luv that!
Same way no one cares about u! Atleast they're known faces. You? u'll remain anonymous 4ever
wow.......... is life that hard for him now , lol. But yeah i love it and excited. I havent watched a nigerian movies in years but will definitely see this
woohoo, Isiah Washington nice
@Anon..as per Radissons..
As @Jen mentioned some of u just come here to curse..if you want to spend your obviously jobless time stalking Hollywood outcasts..dat na ya wahala..go wear a Dummy hat..u know the one with the Big D!!
Looking forward to seeing this. Great cast.
C your mouth like z list. At least he's here trying to work for his money. If you don't have anything to say just walk away. I don't know what we are turning to. We are so critical of peoples effort.
Dis Genevive with her stature sha...She's a natural beauty!! We dey wait for d movie ooo sounds interesting!
im so xcited bout d cast, dis shows dat der,s hup for d nollywood industry. This movie is a must watch for me. 'bb dancing smiley'
If dem dey z-list,where u dey sef?
Abegi,PTM (Pass The Mic) joor!!
What's so special about Stephaine okereke
hahahha. Isiah Washington is a D lister in the US
LMAO.Why are u pple angry d guy is a Z-LIST now lol or maybe a soap star,pple with dead careers in hollywood lmao.
Wats the ODE for?...y are u bitter?
Wow naija actors are making things happen... dying to see this one
Woah...I can't wait 2 see ds film...dr burke???gene gene,abeg thread wella o,n makes up proud...more blessings on ur way...thumbs up..u r goin places
Omg I cnt wait to see dis. I see u Gene.
This is so encouraging! Even if they are just Z listers now, in time they would move up.
i pray this will be an ANGELINA BRAD COMBO ala MR AND MRS SMITH!they look fine 2gther!
always knew the world will hear genevieve's name. she is very talented and very beautiful. needless to say its a must watch movie!!!!
@Linda Ikeji are we allowed to do the 'GBAGAUN' alert?
'I havent watched a Nigerian movies in years'.. I comment my reserve
lmao!!!! we all want to hook genevieve up with a bloke but this one is married abeg.... maybe idris elba? he is very single lol
its a nice 1 cnt wait 4 it 2 hit cinemas..www.9janewsmag.com
look, let me tell you hollywood doesnt care about all the actors doing nollywood films or what ever ghana film call their industry. and none of the actors that have done be it nollywood or ghana film is a b-listers expect mickey rouke and kim basinger who hollywood probably care about..... i for sure dont care about them. nollywood make a good movie with z-list actors or whatever just make a good movie. and i see say na bad belle de worry you so..... park bad belle yourself enter bush there! mstchew!!!!
yes!!! it is her on the big screen again and this one will get a wider audience...... now what??? kill you self and have peace!!!!
I hope it will not be a typical Nollywood Movie: Scene allocation of time: 5 Minutes for Weeping, 6 Minutes for Family Lunch, 7 Minutes for Flashback, 8 Minutes for ...
Same here. I had a huge crush on him... The show wasn't just the same for me anymore without him. Geneveive should be proud....
I just love Genevieve. She's a thorough example of success when you do something well.
Why are pple like dis? Wat did str8frm da hips say dat u opened ur big mouth to call her ode ehn? It just shows u are some1 with a very poor upbringing. Cant some1 make a mistake? And if u are beta informed, u correct politely without being a public nuissance.
@ anon 9:01pm
Na God go punish you.
If it was a Z list oyinbo actor, you will be drooling over him. Idiot!!! Some Z list actors are better than A list actors. For example, Angelina Jolie and Johnny Depp are so overrated, there are better actors in Hollywood. At the end of the day, a good actor is a good one, don't put letters on them.
That being said, I love Isaiah Washington, my favorite doctor on Grey's Anatomy. I like how he's embraced the culture. Vivica A Fox used to be one of my favorite. Let's learn to appreciate. Nigerians, always filled with negativity all the time, so annoying. You have to start from somewhere.
Anyway, I'm proud of you, Genny. Th sky's is the limit.
I Just love this Girl . If e possible let the cup not pass away ooo . Na Genny b the cup!
Guess gene took that role after all, all the best and we can't wait to see it
OH let them have a kissing scene. I think Isaiah is HOT
Can't just wait <3<3.
once you are good in your profession, opportunities will always come knocking at your door. I must say congratulation to Genevieve for getting a major role in this new movie.
A simple explanation would've done instead of calling him/her names. Why are you people so rude on this blog?
Gene should go and sleep while Steph should keep awake cos your 'almighty' grey's anatomy doctor is around right?
Seems as if there's a 'project find hubby for genevieve by fire by thunder' going on presently cos that's what everyone is suddenly into. I've no problem with it sha as long as we do that Kinda ikeji next and then move on to Rita Dominic.........
This is impressive. It appears when some of these actors and music artists come to naija, they see the great potential and have started working with Nollywood. I am very happy to see this. Thumbs up to all in this movie. I will most def be watching it
It'll flop.
See pot calling kettle black. If those are scenes from the movie, isn't that in nigeria? Who's the bigger ODE?
Please don't insult the league of women who have been bond girls(halle berry et al). Which body does she want to use to pull off the outfits???
So genevieve now only does movies with foreign stars? If she feels she's too big for indigenous actors, what is she doing to improve her local industry? I see uche jumbo, ini edo, even rukky sanda producing movies, is genny just resting on her oars waiting to star in a hollywood flick that will never happen? Where's the growth in that? #dropsthemic
Abeg this storyline get as e be. Must everything in naija be mysterious? No be only garden of life, na pot of life. What if they took a sample of this potion back for further research, and all the medical practitioners refuted its potency until years later dr bello is given a post humous award for the breakthrough. There are several plots that can evoke public interest. I can tell you for free that they will embark on a tedious search for this garden and rush back jusssst in time to save dr bello! And they lived happily ever after. Pschewww
In ur dreams!! Stephanie okereke is a crappy actress with her messed up diction/english and u know it, hw dare u compare her 2d likes of gene? Only gene is fit 4 hollywood u hear!MUMU!!!
Dr.Burke!!!! Nice 2 see u again! Genny u go gurl.....can't wait Vivica n Stef I see u gurls too!! Thumbs up!
Is there any need for d name calling*eyes rolling* na wa for LIB commenters very backward set σƑ pple...
Na fight??! Ah ahn its jus a speculation. Y r we so quick to insult n curse *Lordhavemercy*
Are you high? Vivica.a.fox is there o..... If I here say say she no dry rayed as top15 black woman in Hollywood
Nawa oo, must u insult sm1 b4 u pass down an info. Ok oo
Lol, if I catch u eh, na me go finish gene, cos I love dt guy, lol well it wnt be a bad idea o, congrats genny u are goin places and the good Lord will surely see u tru amen
between gene and stephanie who is even supposed to be there?....mtcheeew..hater
Why is not brad pitt or george cloony na isiah washing machine I beg pass d mic
OMG i love genevieve so much!!! all you haters should go and die jo!
Ode, it's Doctor Abalaka from Koto Orun. and what is Genevive doing there? she's his make-up artist. Idiot.
Instead of you to be happy for people when they do great exploits, you'll be there bad-mouthing. fool!
the babe is going places and you're still in you fada's house drying up his resources.
I hope you are ready for the backlash that will come after this your illogical comment
Lmao! Good reply my dear. I love stephanie but her english gives me d chills most times. Don't mind bad belle pple n their foul mouth
Lmao! Ur a regular customer oh! I tire for nollywood movies sha..
Even if johnny depp and jolie are overrated atleast dey are known.All dis movie y'll are acting with Z-lister saint taking u nowhere joor.At anon 4:15pm exactly it's goona flop dat was why omotola rejected the script due to future marketing and all.Please there is nothing new joor
Follow follow how won't u concur? Others are busy making a name for themselves while u sit anonymously behind ur computer concurring. Well done
Thk u 4 d repli jare,bless u
What's wrong with being on d Z list? Everyone cannot be on the A list! Btw which list list are you on? Hateful and spiteful list... His career is dead in hollywood and alive in nollywood, so keep laughing at ur hateful self
lmao @ all of you *smh* genevive no dey reach d place she dey go? everytime genevive is going places abeg juh lemme see road!
i love d fact that stephanie okereke is in the movie, na because of her i go manage see d movie...the sky is ur limit stephanie!
All you liars claiming he was your best on grey's, continue deceiving yourselves. Who doesn't know that grey's is all about dr sherpard and meredith? Dr burke dat was with xtina, making up the 2 least fav stars on d show. By d way, has he had a job since he was fired for the gay remarks?
My dear, this na jamb, neco, waec, ssce, sat and gmat assignment u wan give urself so. You will not succeed cos it is to infinity. Lmao
From the title to this brief review, there is no mention of a female lead. I guess genny is the orange seller's mother, and steph is a nurse
Hater oshi! I bet ur one of dem dried up nollywood actresses that keep hating on Gene's success. So she should remain in homevideos for the rest of her life and not explore other options abi? Fool!!!
Next time pls don't drop the mic, just pass it mehn!
@anon 9:09am u for call names na if u kno say u correct for head. dey there dey hide behind anonynmous cos u r an anonymous ignoramus. fukin idiot!!!
D lister Z lister a pay check is a pay check. Isaiah Washington is a fine actor that has made his mark in Hollywood. Anyone remember Ture Crime?? Riveting performance. I am just glad that this is a Nollywood movie with actual recognizable Hollywood actors.
Thank u anon 5:59 Stephanie's English is really poor with her trying to speak like a white woman sometimes I wonder if it's British or American accent in fact lemme not upgrade her.....it might just be Indian...why can't she just speak like a Naija babe dat she is....wen am watching a movie wit her I just hit d mute button until she finishes talking wit dat her funny and crappy accent......she and Ramsey Noah should just cut it out......smh vigorously
Isaiah washington fell from grace to grace when he said some homophobic stuff to his co actor on grey's anotomy who was gay. He was so popular before then and I really loved him. He came out and apologised but he was sacked from d show and don't think he has got any other big jobs since then. Sad
U dat is runnin ur mouth dere dat gene does only films wit Foreign stars....no she shld sitdon in lagos,n be a local champion abi....it only shows she has a dream,n she knows wat she wants from her career....if ini edo n co are smart,dey will do d same n try n break into hollywood..not cruise around 9ja,fightin n gettin demselves in d papers everyday...
Y do u think it wld flop? Or u just don't think right before posting?
Its one step after d other, nollywood wld get there... Its just a matter of time
Isaiah Wasinghton has almost been ostracised from Hollywood due to his homophobic tendencies towards his co stars on Greys.So he now comes to Nolywood to form Hollywood actor.
Naija can fall mugu o!
Dude was dropped from Gray's anatomy for making homophobic comments.... At least he can have no fear of that happening in Nollywood hehehe
Linda why do u find it hard posting my comments????
@Anon 7:45am
Shut up your dirty mouth.
Why do we hate our own so much? I will rather see black American actors working with Nollywood than Brad Pitt and George Clooney.
All these white people you guys drool over don't give shit about you. They see you as bunch of monkeys. Brad pitt and George Clooney don't just appear in any kind of Hollywood movies let alone an African movie. We don't need white people for validation.
I prefer Genevieve to Stephanie. She's a natural talent.
@12:43pm LMFAO!!!!
What a wonderful story line to read. is quite interesting and educative. Jene (Genevieve bravo) u r really going places. i wish u gud luck n success.
@anon 9:34.u are such a big mouthed little Idiot!y wil u cal smbody ODE simply cos u passed an info.
Mr/Miss/Mrs Ode, I was at the AMAA, seated at the VIP btw just behind the table where the Hollywood stars were seated. Isiah Washington did not attend it! So shush it!...Meggy!
Wow! Can't wait to see this movie.
- Maudleen
@Chi, am sure everybody here knows that story. Its always on E! Thnx all the same...Meggy!
@Naija babe, God bless you big time! I wonder when blacks will emancipate themselves from color slavery...this is so sad!...Meggy!
Thanks the other @Anons..see me see trouble o!!..don't want to give too much away just in case..As soon as my friend spotted Isaiah @Radissons..she sent me a msg..saying..he acts kinda Gayish..which is quite ironic..
To think he wasn't even at the AMAA's..LMAO!!..
Yes!!..who cares about dem Clooney and Pitt..kinda sad when you hear Genny carry on and on how she would love to work with Johnny Depp and J.Roberts which is fine..but she completely overlooked the array of Top Black American Actors/Actresses..shows her depth is what she sees@the movies..
@ Anon 12:38 pm
I'm not deceiving myself. I support people who look like me that are doing something better with themselves. I could care less for Dr mcsteamy or mcdreamy whatever his name is. I don't fall for popularity. Whites, Asians always look out for themselves, they got this far not because they are extremely more talented than us, they know how to support, encourage, pump one another up better. I mean, most of you fell for that right, since you are so white washed. From their skin, hair, everything a white person does is right.
Learn how to give constructive criticism not bash, insult, abuse all the time. Don't downplay Isaiah Washington just bcos he's not your popular WHITE A list Hollywood actor. These actors that are well known started from somewhere, they didn't automatically just get well known.
He got fired, because he said something that most Americans/Hollywood are overly sensitive about not for his acting. I'm happy for the dude, at least he's still able to work somewhere, even more proud it's a Nollywood movie and Genny is branching out.
The movie will flop because most of you guys are already pessismistic, second nature to Nigerians. I mean, look at the condemnation already just because you don't like the actors in it. How many Hollywood movies do people still see even if the actors are not your favorite, are mediocre or the movie wasn't that good. But, you still saw it because of the way the actors and the movie was pumped up. "Doctor Bello" might not be the perfect storyline but the next one will be better, you start from somewhere.
Let's learn to appreciate rather than destroy each other all the time.
@anon May 12, 11.37am I was wondering when Omotola will be brought into the picture and bang, your comment. As you are part of the script writers or producer of the movie, you were there when Omotola refused. I already see you have a complex. Do you know how hard black actors in hollywood have to struggle for movie roles? and yet you call them z listers. FYI, that's why the likes of Tyler Perry and co make movies for their brothers and sisters. And those oyinbo ones you mentioned don't make films that flop, right? You have a low level of intelligence and a serious complex. I thank God for the internet. Try and get smart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i.washington is a d list actor in US...he was taken off grey's anatomy...i gues naija ppl still dey watch old episodes....google y he was taken off d show....he a racist...smh
@Naijababe- well said, you have said it all. All we need is to encourage our own and is high time we started it
little wonder why we this country has remained the way it is. Instead of commending their effort some lazy, no good idiots are busy bad mouthing.
Which wud u rather see, Beyonce and Rihanna or Ben 10(by Aki n Paw Paw) abi which one... God help Nigerians and their negativism.
Na for your face this movie go come and make a bust. when they are counting their money, u go dey dere dey count ur comment and waiting for another post to blindly criticise.
little wonder why we this country has remained the way it is. Instead of commending their effort some lazy, no good idiots are busy bad mouthing.
Which wud u rather see, Beyonce and Rihanna or Ben 10(by Aki n Paw Paw) abi which one... God help Nigerians and their negativism.
Na for your face this movie go come and make a bust. when they are counting their money, u go dey dere dey count ur comment and waiting for another post to blindly criticise.
Apart from being Nigerians and in the same acting business, there's no way Steph can compare with Gene...
Steph has very good looks and physique that is all.
When it comes to acting she is too cold and not real. Her fake accent even gives her away all the more. Note sure I've heard her speak pidgin before sef.
Well sha I'm happy for her and now that she don marry Nigerian/America her forced American accent will hopefully get better over time.
As for Genevieve, I will watch her movie any day, but was almost already getting bored of the stereotype - rich girl, rich boss, rich single mother rich rich rich... true jare and after having don the role so long, you just had to become rich.
And now that you are rich(considerably and compared with your fellow actors)please take on other roles. looking forward to seeing the movie.
I agree with the comment on the script, it doesnt have to be Fetish or black magic becos its a Nigeria or African. Please give us some credit we deserve more even though most times we have mean, negative and nasty people around.
am jealous!!!! you guys should leave Isaiah alone he is a fine actor and pls google why he was fired and stop saying rubbish. i am proud nollywood is going beyond our regular rituals and home breaking story line! huh!
i was gettin worried
biko Anon 5:59 thank u oooh, dat steph Okereke dat speaks one hanging phonee like dis, pschewww, abeg she wldnt have been right4d movie, im nt such a fan of gene tho, she acts like her shit dont stink but shes way better than Steph
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