It's no longer news that movie director Daniel Ademinokan has separated from his actress wife Doris Simeon. What I hear now is that all efforts to reconcile the estranged couple, who have a son together, have failed as they are heading to court to dissolve their marriage.
Na wa oh...such a young couple... what are marriages turning into these days???
So sad!They look so good together.
Why nauw! Such a beautiful union., devil don do over time, see their cutee son, what wil u guys tell ds boy later in future.. Divorce is not d best, trust me, plz try and reconcile for d sake of ur son..
But why? Why? Ehn why?
Sad, wonder what happened...
I can't help but think of the child in the middle. They'll make him taste growing up in a broken home. Y can't they just live together? I'm a victim and it still hurts growing up n seeing my parents apart,it's not fair. I wish there was nothing like divorce
This is kind of sad cos they seemed so happy together on both their facebook pages. But God forbid me, I didnt see the relationship lasting long sha o
How sad!
I Thot they were good together but they know better!
WTH is happening to marriages of our generation?
I reject divorce IJN,Amen
when boys and girls starts getting married...
expect things like this
Sad that we live in times when we throw away damaged things instead of trying to fix them
I love this couple o!
What could have happened, like seriously?
Eyaa, fine couple.
This is really sad doris is my fav actress i still remember her interview after she had her son she was so happy. God knows best, i wish them the best for the future *sigh*
Divorce is a western idea, this should not be inculcated into African culture.
Whatever happened to 'happily ever after'!! Plz ladies!!! Don't over pressure urselves into marriage o! Break-ups affects u gurlz d most!! Plus don't marry 4 love ooo! Males bonds r calcified by loyalty n not dis so-called love! Marry a loyal male friend n remain loyal urself.
Wait, hw dumb is dis statement u jst made?*bbm confused face smiley*
You guys still dont understand that women these days get pressured into doing so many things , you think she is blind to the fact that other actresses are mates that are not as beautiful as she is are driving in nice cars and are traveling all over the world thanks to our married men that wont let other marriages rest? Please when Nigerian women start understanding the fact that money is not happiness then marriages will last , use our parents as examples , no matter how broke our fathers were at that point they still stay even if the man does plenty rubbish but now , women are even looking for excuses to run and as for guys , you will run after any vulnerable girl that is under 20 because she is still naive .. I read somewhere that nowadays women just go after the money and nothing else these days , but imagine this , if women were not really into guys with money and guys with brains , dont you think guys will be spending more time in the library or trying to improve their selves? Not being singers , rappers , artists , yahoo boys .. Women can help the world..Food for thought
Ndo nu oooo
The latest trend now is for boys and girls to head to ikoyi registery with a few friends and within the hour they are husband and wife. Marriage is supposed to be for men and women,who knows what it really means to say 'I DO' and not for boys and girls who do not know the real meaning of for better for worse. I'm sorry to say this but the truth of the matter is there are going to be more divorces as long as this recent trend continues,especially in Lagos.
See the way they re smilin' as if they won't divorce till Jesus comes..Na waoh for marriages of nowadayz
where did people get that idea that divorce is a western thing?
Na wa o! I still saw this people in ovation last year or so talking about their love for each other and plans to dominate their industry.
Am serzly not happie abt this , we all kno dat we r all bound to make our mistake , buh they r too young nd think of d blessing dat ties them togeda(their son ) nd get back togeda ..
I don't knw why are u ppl surprised... Celebrity marriage have expired date. I remember seeing dem on d train in London years ago dey reli look luv up and my best friend said dey luk gud only as boy friend n girl friend but not as married couple and I asked why.. She said it can never last bcos dey both wil be getting attention and it wil put pressure on dem so omotola my dear friend I knw u alway come here, I hail u 4 ur prediction. Never d less I just think nollywood women are trying to copy hollywood but dey dt understd money pass money. U make vow b4 God u shld ve dat fair in u, try to work it out n if it doesn't move on but I dt support divorce. I reli pity d poor child. Marriage now come wit start date - expire date not forever anymore. Peace out, bank holiday is over I got work 2moro morning. Linda more grace to ur news LoL
very well said. i thank God i got married to a man blessed wit both. but if i were to choose one, il choose loyalty over love.
pls ladies, marry a guy u r frnds with and who will stay loyal to u. love dies, d frndship and loyalty is what will keep u guyz 4eva.
d couple look really lovely together. i wonder y they broke up
Its the devil agenda to break the union of marriage in these last days. Its up to you to succumb to his lies.
he is breaking marriages,, singleness is on the rise and faggotery is also on the rise. He has a serious agenda.
Dont fall for it.
This is beginning to piss me off. All these people should grow up, abeg! I don't know the reason for the divorce but when a woman or man's life is not at stake, why divorce? Didn't ypu claim to love this same person at one point or the other? What happens to the little boy? I'm tired of all these selfish people who just get married because everyone is doing same. I'm married and I know its not all milk chocolate but dark chocolate too but divorce is certainly not an option for us. These people should please sort their differences and stay together. It's never rosy/rosier (if there's a word like that) on the otherside. Ejo!
Hmmm! True that.
why now?it can't be that bad eeh pls give yourselves time to think this through your son needs both of you okay????
Nobody knows what was going on in their marriage to make them divorce. It is better they separated now before we start hearing another murder story (take cue from recent stories). the lesson from this is, be sure it is God's will before you venture into such a lifetime event.
Dese pple av abused d word '4 beta 4 worse till death do us...'Pple tend 2 gt married 4 d fun of it,sm just 2 b on record dat they r married.I wish u guys well.
Na wa Oº°°º! Dem neva reach court ni?
And wot's dt gist about Stella Damasus being in the mix as per the tension between these 2
Kai dis aint good atall. Ppl really need to realize dt a divorce doesn't guarantee a better relationship wt sum1 else in d future. If love, tolerance, friendship nd determination cldnt kip d previous marriage alive, wat magic wld sustain d next. Shio
Na wa o...obodo e mme bi go o...May God help us pls...this is not the way life should be...Married ppl should stay togeda till death biko!
It’s so sad to know that the aim of marriage is widely abused. The question is: what is the driving force for marriage? The heart of God bleeds to know that the first institution created is been treated with levity. May God intervene and heal our homes. Please note that it is better to remain happily single than have a broken home – you will be accountable for your marriage in the presence of God.
The earlier the better abeg before one kills another.
aw...they look so happy. i guess pictures are deceptive
Eze, as much as divorce is a bad thing, don't blame it on the west abeg. Even before Jesus came and died on the cross, divorce had been in existence
I take God beg you, the voice of man is the voice of God, don't divorce as people knows both of you as happily couple, restrict devil, reconcile the issues, be together and lay a good example for your son. A beg biko, E fi iye denu, Pleaseeeeeee.
I don't know y pple allows devil to use dem like dis, divorcing is d work of d devil and @ d same time, wat msg a u passing across to d yonger ones. Try and fix tins out pls.
dIVORCE--my favoryt sport!--gud news odaz are JOININ me in d act--soon d rest of u wld JOIN--
What a lovely couple, but what can led to this beautiful couple to dissolve there marriage what are they teaching us?
it appears to be a normal incidence in the movie/film industry
it better the look well b4 they marry
@ KinK u must be mad.
Its a sad thing to see this beautiful ones departing...m
@Angel: its so sad, i wish something could be done to reverse this situation. What is hidden to us all is open to God...only God knows their reasons of seperating...
Na wa to even say, they had a reality show and lookd happy 2geda! Whatever it is I guess u two can work it out..Dnt allow d devil get d glory..God is d one that shld take d glory, its only a stormy situatn which most marriages go thru but the decision u make determines if ur ship sinks or sails again..Plsssss esp 4 ur cute son!! Abeg, Biko, Dalu Doris nd Daniel
Na waaaaa oooo, devil at work, it is not our potion IJN.
There are so many issues we probably dont even know about. In every single marriage the point where couples will GROW APART will always come. The trial now is can you endure until that storm is over or do you allow the seperation or irritation to keep growing until you can't stand to see each other any longer. In every marriage there is the smooth, the storm and the peaceful calm. Which one you choose to endure is at your beck and call. We need to understand this before we go into any marriage and just know after the storm there is calm...I was not in this marriage and cannot blame anyone but I wish they understood that it is not supposed to be happily ever after but really for better for worse as long as lives are not threatened
Devil is @work!this is heart breaking!
i rmbr dis ws aw dey divorced in a muvie dey both acted 'onitemi' exactly after a son....nawa o...i so luv dem o...pls work it out naaaaaaaa.....it bera be dat muvie o...sad*
I smell 'SD' fishy....hmmm
So saf seen that film :-(
I love this couple together. What happened now?
Their movie Onitemi was so good. In the movie, she left her husband too, maybe that's their real life story. Sad situation, i hate divorce.
So soon..feel sorry for that child..especially in 9ja where in-laws are so interferring..people laugh at renewing vows..but its a great time to take stock..and should be encouraged...for both though..the grass is never greener on the other side..especially if the relationship is not physically abusive..the rest with good counselling and time apart can heal..get to miss each other a bit..but divorce..nah!!..
Nobody knows why the marriage is being dissolved. Shocking that so many ppl can read these ppl's mind to know how their life was when their house door was closed. The fact that the divorce is mutual speak volumes. They are the only two ppl involved in the marriage; they lived it, knew it, and if they have decided to move on then so be it. Folks acting up on here like it's their life and business. Worry about your own marriage and do your work in it to make sure it lasts.
i just wonder why so many marriages are falling apart these days. ha!
Divorce is an English word. Can anyone tell me the meaning in our native language in a single word. I am highly sure of Yoruba. None! Let's get back to our native family values and stop being westernised. Marriages in olden days were pleasant and firm.
In as much as divorce is bad and hurtful especially to where kids re involved but 80percent of broken marriages re as a result of Men being womanizers and have refused to put their prick to where it belonged. Women tend to b more faithful than men unless say d woman na waka jugbe or has love for material things. But asides that,Married men in dz country now follow young girls lik derz no tomoro forgtin their family even go bout spendin all der cash on dem while yur wife de houz dey drive mercedes benz,yur girlfwend dey roll infinty!(God is watchin y'all) and there usual words wud bé Men wud alwz cheat nd wud alwz bé Men! Not all women can sit back n watch her man cheat on her like its no big deal n wen u d woman tries u wud b sent packing.Men love yur wives a little more n stick to them lets see if yu wud hear divorce lik we hear evry now n den? May God bring bck d happiness yu both found bf marriage, Amen!
Oh! Wat a world of misery, a high rate of crumbling marriages and stil yet a high rate of desperation by singles into dis same tin calld marriage, na waoo may God help us all
Such a beautiful union., devil don do over time, see their son, what will u guys tell ds boy later in future.. Divorce is not d best, believe me, i personally don't support divorce. even God hate it. plz,try and reconcile for d sake of God..
Kunle what century are you living in?
Anonymous@ 2:53 In ONITEMI she did not leave her husband o.....it was only a DREAM!!!... abeg ...how many 'years' ago was the movie sef..
..however I am still very short of words as to WHY on earth are they dissolving their marraige...I really really love this couple.
i saw dis guy in abj wif stella damasus,so if i were his wife i wont grant him a separation,cos i already know were hes headed too,rubish
@Magixian do dey look lik boy n girl?U must b a toddler physically or mentally 4 dt comment.
OMG! so this is him. I use to envy this womans husband.
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