Don’t f**k with my old bitch, it’s like a bad fur / Every industry n—– done had her / Shook the tree like a pumpkin just to smash her / Bitch is breaking codes, but I’m the password.”Ouch Chris Brown, be nice! :-). Well, immediately Rihanna heard the song, she unfollowed him on Twitter, Tweeting...
How did Chris Brown respond? By unfollowing her back, and tweeting...

Hehehe. Mr Chris Brown, you should have been nicer on that freestyle.
ONOME says.........
Lindooooo why is this news??#sigh#
Truly I dislike these celebrities,I dislike their silly childish infantile behaviour.I loathe their seemingly disregard for a normal decent lifestyle.Their selfishness and churlishness is totally annoying and just sick....
Oh why do I even bother?Not that they read LIB:(. No offence lindoooo
Hahahahaha,they should rest..biko!
CB is just a foooool! It's obvious he hasnt gotten over her. I'm sure he's still wishing he's still banging her. Idiot!!
Btw, tot RIRI featured CB in a song just recently. Dis world is crazy
these two are using eachother to stay popular and sell records
*yawning loudly* nxt story plz.
He probably wasn't talking about her. There is this his ex-girl from basketball wives LA forgot her name that is known to have been with a lot of people in the entertainment industry and also athletes.
Cb is becoming too raw and vulgar. Atleast she makes more money than he does and she's what no 8 most influential person in the world. CB behave ooo, b4 Jay z comes after U̶̲̥̅̊.
They both have really found love in a hopeless place. Lol
*hiss* I am so over these two
I don't blame Rihanna for feeling bad, even if she isn't actually a slut(promiscuous girl), CHris's insinuations are bade enough
Rihanna is silly. And so is Linda Ikebeji. Chris Brown is a handsome and rich celebrity. There is NO doubt that he must have countless ex girlfriends. Why then conclude that he was referring to Rihanna, even when no name was mentioned?
This venting na waya. Normal people are not idolized. That's why u're "onome says" and they are celebrities. Abeg go hug transformer
This is not nice little chris brown
Who is the password? Chris brown is drunk or high on some shit...
Dey r both she gets its over..get over it riri..nxt gist pls
I don't like this bug head for fking with Ri.
*yawns* oh ok good if she knows she is a HOE but he didn't mention her and she sure isn't the only one he dated in the business
They are humans jst like u and I, with feelings also. Poor Riri.....hmmm...guys are Mean. Bi
CB can't believe u cud say somtin dis harsh abt ma RIRI babe pls move on 2hell wiit him n dt his short gf much lv RIRI
wat is wrong wit dis chris sef mtcheeeeeeeeeeeeew
CB is crazy,perhaps RiRi sud βε̲̣̣̣̥ blamed cos she W̶̲̥̅̊ȋ̝̊̅ι̥ι̥ still go back τ̲̅ȍ CB.silly pipu.abegi linda next,
Team breezy go ahead m flush!!## dizy mode activated..nxt story pls:-)
and youre so sure he was referring to Riri how? he has had girlfriends AFTER her!
ROTFL....Yes o, "Pass the mic" is the new slang in town o, thanks to Muna :)
Em... So wen exactly does CB plan on growin up? E obvious say den neva get ova demselves. Boda CB, since she don dey break d codes, abeg shove ur password for pocket jor. Irukiru....
You bother because u wan speak grammar no ni...
both of them should get a life.
Karrueche is winning!
Hehehehe drama!
Before you know it they will start following each other again kmt CB nigga pass the fucking mic joor
is she just realizing that he has no respect for her?msheww
And at last there is a person with a functional brain! I couldn't have said it better myself
Dont think he could get over her as long as they are both in the music industry nd why do u think he dyed his hair and had all those tatoo all over his body.....#just to divert attention#....I dislike him so much.
First I thought Rihanna was just trying too hard to get Chris back but now I would say Riri STOP! First he beats u, now he says BS about u. Clearly he's still a child and not man enough for u. Let Karueche be smiling, CB go soon do am shege. No be so e dey idolize Rihanna b4. Silly Mofo
Hahaha I remember when she followed him last year and fans went crazy and were attacking her, she was insulting them. Linda pls post a link to that post again. Good for her! Hahaha
Abeg go hug transformer is so STALE........ Upgrade ur slags biko!
Rihanna should hit her head on the wall
na waoooo dey wil stil cum bak
Good for her, doesn't she know per-marital sex is bad?
Anon 6:45, ure so funny.Linda Ikebeji indeed.
Linda pass the mic mehn!
but mr.brown did not mention her name and she is not the only celebrity he has dated(natalie meija was one of the many) so why is she vexing? GUILTY FUCKING CONSCIENCE! the bitch knows she is indeed a hoe and has distributed her box around otherwise she won't be mad chris exposed her
Draya... I'm sooo sure he was talking about Draya.
enough already! are they the first couple to break up, why are they disturbing us with all these news sef, abeg both of them should move on.BIKO!!
we shld all knw by now dat Chris brown doesn't have any sense of humour...anyways i luv him for his dance and music not his personality and it's so glaring dat he is not willing to change dat for the world so free d guy abeg.
Dis post was gotten 4rm Mediatakeout! Any1 who blvs any story 4rm d@ site definitely has no brains! C'mon did he mention Riri? Is she d only ex he has?
I knw ryt! Ppl r here insulting CB, he did nt mention any name... Only a guilty pesin will react dis way
Linda u got dis gist 4rm Mediatakeout! N it's obviously a nt true! CB did nt mention any name so y r Riri bin immature! Is she d only ex he has! I lyk both artist. N pls stop making CB luk bad! If u av 2 tap gist 4rm Mediatakeout it's beta u confirm it's authencity 1st! Mediatakeout is full of shit n dey write a lot of stupid thns! U shld knw 4rm d comments sef d@ dey r full of shit! Most of deir posts dnt make sense, dey jst try 2 start drama.
well haters gona hate
chris didnt say he was talking about her so whatever she wants to think that is her business!
and you guys should stop hating it is better you reserve your comments to yourself than say shit!
grow up!!!!
Best fin ve read all night u knw! Pips just say silly fins on here wivout knwin d story! Shez slept wiv JT, kanye, aston, drake, CB, 1 basketballer n I cn go on n on n on! She gave him std 4 christ sake!!
N yea plus Jay Z!
Am wiv u on dis 1
Oh pls shez d industry's slut!
Before dis, there has bin reports tat Rihanna is the dog in the industry, so I wldnt b surprised she was d one he was referrin to... Plus her reaction afterwards showed guilt....
Finally, he is coming out with the truth. Riri is an industry ho. Everybody don hit it. Chris beat her up when he found out she gave him herpes and she was acting non plussed about it. Do you know how many niggas she has run through since Chris? Now she's beefing his current babe. She's all over him on twitter but he's older and wiser now. She went from hating on B calling her old to now wanting something stable like what B has.
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