I met this amazing, enterprising guy that comes from a good family background, he's nice and sweet, but the problem is; he has a health challenge, which is Trimenial Neurolagyia or something, it has to do with pain in the face and all.
Now the point is; to date or not to date him? He has been single for a while, my own fear is how bad can this whole challenge get? He wants to get serious but I'm scared. Is this a problem a young woman can deal with? Please I need your advice...
If u really Love him Go ahead to date him,health should not be the issue, and can get better if u believe in miracles take him to healing School, and expect God to touch him and tune thing around for him, all things are possible to them dat believe............
Healing is Gods' childcare's bread and all things are possible to us who believe, believe and allow God bring health back to him....... date him
Is nothing off limits to you Linda??? Why would you put this information out there??? Thats really unfair and silly to be honest. If you do get serious with him(which i sincerely doubt after this stunt of yours), how on earth is he supposed to trust you with any info?? Girl, grow up please!!!
Linda...this babe....why are you putting your business out there like this?? Dont you think the guy will read this and be a bit perplexed as to why you are telling the whole world his business?? as in...I tire for you sef....
LOL 1st of all its Trigeminal Neuralgia (correct spelling).
1st of all, its mostly prevalent in older people, and more females than males. So Linda talk true, did you make this up, or is this real?
2nd of all, if indeed it is true. What is the severity of it? Does he get severe facial spasms, and how freq does the pain occur? Less severe forms can be controlled with threatment, either carbamazepine or gabapentin. In some cases, surgery might be the only main stay.
3rd of all, are you really sure its Trigeminal Neuralgia, there is a possibility that he was misdiagnosed, esp if diagnosis occurred in Nigeria...
Love can heal all wounds. I advise that u seek Gods face in this so u can know if this is genuine or not but I know that with love many things change. Am a witness to that. My husband went on to marry me even wen I had some health issues. Today, I feel no pains. I didnt go tru any operation and I know Ive succeeded.
if you can cope wt it,,,,you can go ahead and date him...........but you should think carefully bfor takin this decision, so that both of you will not be frustrated.......it is Wellif you can cope wt it,,,,you can go ahead and date him...........but you should think carefully bfor takin this decision, so that both of you will not be frustrated.......it is Well
This sounds like a question for wazobiareport.com's aunty ngozi. why dont you ask her? lol. On a more serious note, pray and search your heart to determine if it is love that you truly feel. God heals all and love conquers all. Go get you man babes!
lol, this is not about me...read guys!
@doc, why would i make it up, i've never even heard of it before. if i was going to make it up, i would have googled the correct spelling.
The condition does have a cure, although its very expensive and is not available in Nigeria. Its called 'Cyber Knife'. Its a procedure that can be done in India. Please follow the link below to read a story i wrote abt a woman who had that condition for 10 years but got her treatment in India. Linda, you have my contact if your friend wants to get in touch with the doctor from India. This is Adeola 4rm NEXT.
I want to beg u not to date a lady for any selfish purpose or motive and if truly u love her you can go ahead and all will be well if both of you can pray to God and seek His face. Her challenges is very small to what God can handle.
Just believe me.
Her main problem is that she's worried about how to sickness might affect the relationship. So the most advisable thing to do would be to go and find out a little more about the illness and see how it can be managed. If she feels that it would be too much for her to stay with the man if his sickness is hard to manage then she should not bother. I also agree with "Doc", he should go to another good hospital to get checked up. Nigerian doctor can be somehow. Good medication should do the trick.
Trigeminal neuralgia is just pain in the facial area which can be controlled by medication. Just like some people suffer from migraine, its easily controlled and there is a solution to it. it does not kill and its not infectious. her children cannot inherit it so she should go on soun.
Awwwh Dear Linda, sumtimes in life things we don't bargain for r wat comes our way but it won't b fair to push it aside witout trying jas cos its not wat we want.
Am in a r/ship wit sum1 dat is having pains on his waist at times..it bothers him buh i kip prayn dat 1 it will all go away. I can't leave him cos he is nice n i love him.
i jas researched on this "Trigmeinal Neuralgia" for its causes buh dere's no clear cut causes. i tink u shuld logon to dis site it will b of a great help.
i love u so much linda n i want to c u happy
@ Venus and Teniola, READ WELL WELL b4 U make comment. What Linda wrote is "A READER OF THIS BLOG", she's clearly not writing about herself.
Well as for me, I don't know wat the disease is all about but I do know that there is a God of wonders, so she should date him if she sincerely loves him.
well to the babe that needs advice... I guess should be sure u really love him and you are willing to stick to your decision to stay through thick and thin! the condition can be managed so God on your sides, u'll pull through!
@Linda... mehn see disclaimer! lol
@Kanyi..abi o..lol
trigeminal neuralgia pls
Only you know your capacity for sharing in the discomfort of another.
If he is a good person, and you want him in your life, go for it. Afterall, there are people who knowingly get married to terminally ill folks.
people please endeavour to read well before venting and accusing linda. its so bad dat its almost like a personal vendetta against her. so much willingness to fink negative of people.
reading is fundamental folks.
Anyways to the young lady, go and research the illness first, then ask to be present at his doctors appointments etc. From there see if u can handle it. If not back out. It is not very easy to care for a sick partner.
*Hiss* Some people on this blog are too fast. Do some of you actually read the blogs well or do you just comment for attention?!
see question, "Is this a problem a young woman can deal with?" most of us don't even know what that is...even if we do (in theory), we can't relate (in reality)...so please this is not a question we can answer for u. to each his own, only u can answer this question.
if u can deal with it - great! good luck to the both of u.
if not - waka pass & save both of u the trouble; he'll find someone who truly loves him just for who he is.
again one man's meat is another man's poison..
Linda, u dey try o. person go come ur blog, abuse u finish, and u still post them comment. i dey hail u!
Is it genetic? can it be transferred to the kids? On the other hand, can you exercise faith? if not then dont go ahead cos you will kill him with your fears of his health and you will get unfaithful.
To reader:
You obviously don't like the guy, its just seems like you checked off his characteristics on your list-good family, sweet. If you liked him enough a) You would be able to explain his condition as opposed to saying "Trimenial Neurolagyia or something"..honestly that just comes off as ignorant and disrespectful, almost as if you are blowing off the validity and possible seriousness of the disease.
b)If you need to ask this on a blog then emm, i think you have your answer.
Please don't date him for HIS sake if you are not going to be in for the long run!
if you cant answer the question for yourself.. then then answer is glaring to you.
trigeminal neuralgia is a big name for a condition that causes pains on one side of the face.the pains are terrible,but manageable..it is not a cancer,and its not an infectious disease either,and it is not heritable so the lady in question does not have to worry about contracting it from him,bearing children with the disease or the disease cutting the guys lifespan short.....it is treatable,and what the doctor simply does is to kill off the nerve on that side of the face.once the nerve dies,the patient feels no more pain on that side of the face,but may also feel some numbness in the same area,so the choice is the patients to make,either you live with the pains or you live with the numbness.......they have some big name for the surgery,but i wont bother anyone with that,the long and short of it is what i explained above...wishing you the best...
trigeminal neuralgia
Wow,you are concerned about just dating him not even marrying him? Means you don't like him enough to want to date him.And if you were that mature for a relationship, you wouldnt be asking us whether to turn left or right.
no wonder SSSCE failure rate in English is so high!!
Date him. I have similar condition but my pain is the right side of my body. As long as he takes medication to help with the pain, it is not really too much hassle. HE is the one that is dealing with pain not you. You will be fine.
i disagree that Nigerian doctors are not good enough...for ur information one out of every five black doctor in UK or US is a Nigerian...
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