If you have any information about Enioluwa or the nanny no matter how trivial, please call 07085534788, or the nearest police station. Enioluwa's mum is an ex-staff of Airtel and can be reached on this number - 08022228422
Please spread the news on Twitter and Facebook. Thanks
Please Linda get the woman to email you the nannys name, photo and last known mobile or landline numbers, including the phone numbers of those who gave referenced when she applied for the job. Those people's named, photos, cctv or video footage (any image that shows the nanny's face), address, and phone numbers should be published. It can help find the missing child. I hope the mother of the missing child took and confirmed the references of the house-help before allowing before giving her the job. I hope she did and didn't trust her child with a complete stranger. I hope they find the child.
••• BD •••
Enioluwa what a beauful name, God will protect him and he will be found and return to his parent safely in the name of Jesus.
God will guide and protect Enioluwa in jesus name. he will be found save.
i declare nothing but curses for anyone that will take a ten month old child away from the parents because of money. The money will be a curse to them.
dat nanny won't go far. d mum must av her bio-data and contact addy. dis shud be relayed to d public.
concur with the first 3 anonymouses.
amen to all the prayers.
Our prayers are with this child & d family ...he WILL be found through THE GRACE OF THE ALMIGHTY FATHER AMEN!
nothin wil happen to baby Enioluwa cos God luvs children nd he wi protect Enioluwa frm harms way God wil expose them its just a matter of tyml
Can the IDIOT that stole this precious baby return, please.
All these kidnappers, it's crazy when they do it to grown people now, babies? God go punish them one by one.
Someone said to me, housemaids or nannies or whatever are necessary evils and i said to that person, they are not necessary at all. They cause more pain than pleasure. I had my own share of the pain when my house help packed my things and ran away till date. I concluded that whatever i can't do by myself will stay undone. I agree that having the pix of the nanny will help trace her faster. I pray the boy is too hot for them to handle, hence they won't have a choice but to return him.
May God make the nanny to have sleepless nite untill she returns the baby.she will known no peace in her life, in Jesus Name Amen.
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