Desmond Elliot

D' Banj

Jim Iyke

Obaro Ibru

Alex Okosi
Dare Art Alade
Tuface Idibia
Ramsey Noah
Who is Nigeria's finest man? I am going for Alex Okosi. I've seen him real life and for the first time in my life I felt like toasting a guy? Or did I toast him? Can't remember...lol. The guy is breathtaking. Some women are so lucky. So who is your own finest Naija bobo?
Alex who? Naija's Finest Bobo? God Forbid!
There are so many goodlooking guys in Nigeria, good looking and well endowed(if u know what i mean). I dont want to mention names but P L E A S E! Not Alex.
miss/ms trya, no offense but, why always d hatin? i think everyone is alllowed to their own opinion so i feel u shud jus say who u think is fine rather that diss d pple others say are fine.. no offence o! ABEG sista no vex.
As for me, whether he can speak english or not, TUFACE scatters ma brain everytime. he is just sooo cute u know!
Alex Okosi is fine abeg!!!!!!!!
Tunrayo since u said everyone is entitled to his /her opinion..why are u complaining about mine?
Please let me express myself!
Tunrayo did anyone tell u respect is reciprocal? Please respect urself!
Mr. 'shineshine bobo' NOAH is a classic hot guy for me and that yke guy is not bad either, loving his big eyes. Linda we love your blog, keep it coming girl.xxx
They are all so handsome!! I simply couldnt choose - I am so spoilt for choice!!!
Im with alex, but only coz I want him 2 hire me! lol, but that Chidi guy! YUCCK! he looks like he shd be on a packet of relaxer abeg!
alex okosi...
please how do i get in touch with him...
he is hot
alex ? never heard of him...he looks decent sha..but not the best looking..
my piks are chidi mokeme, RMD, femi brainard...
well just read Alex okosi's stats...hmmn not bad...iguess hes added on my list..lol
am sory tyra. i dint mean to get u upset. am sory again n i'll try 2 respect maself next tyme. peace!
whot da hell is that FAT old man doing in the list - i mean Ramsey nouah? and who said that ruggedman was buff?
sorry dee... dis nigerian broda is single
are u kiddin me??/
desmond elliot's is d finest of all times
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