Beyonce was recently listed as number 5 on the list of the 'Sexiest women of all time'. Angelina Jolie came first. That to me is biggest hoax of the century. Angelina is a beautiful and sexy no doubt but the sexiest of all time? No way! Beyonce might not be the sexiest woman of all time but she is far sexier than Angelina. What do you guys think?
am beyonce's greateeeesssssstttt fan for real men so i am biased in evrythin dat involves her. but seriously, angelina jolie has d sexiest lips in d world, and she's so great in actin out any role given 2 her if u know wat i mean?? she is always sexy in movies but asides dat, she's not sexy. so i'd say angie is d sexiest female in movies but she's not in real lyfe. if i may ask, who is?? BEYONCEEE!!! duh!
Angelina Jolie to me, isnt a pretty nor beautiful woman, she has a square face like a man's. I wouldnt climb over Ellen Degeneres to reach her.
She has the sexiest lips my brown ass! Her lips look like they have undergone a wrong surgery,it doesnt fit her,it would be ok if she was black or puerto rican but a white woman wt big lips?not sexy!She only has this plain Jane look that says "I am cool but dont cross me",people think thats hot and i agree,she may be sexy but pretty? No way! Sexiest? U guys need to come to Nigeria and see hot, sexy girls. Beyonce is hot but enough about her!
Angelina's face is too drag, beyonce has more softness and awesome sex appell to her beauty.
Just came across your bnlog and am loving it. As per the topic,Jolie is very sexy, ther is just this aura of mystery that draws peeps to her.You compared her with beyonce, aishwara rai(AR).AR is beautiful but sexy, i dont think so.Beyonce trys too hard to sell the sexy image.she is sexy butmos def not sexier than jolie.
This may be a long time after you blog, but I'll just add mine. Beyonce!!!!!!!!!!
Whao!!! that woman. Men are just going to drop dead some day when she's walking by.
Gad, may be she flaunts it, but that's what makes one sexy. Angelina, yes I'd pay half my salary to kiss her lips, but beyonce, I'll walk the desert to see her dance.
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