The mother-of-two looked every inch the fashionista dressed in a velvet jumpsuit which she paired with nude stiletto heels and draped a black coat over her shoulder. Prior to the show, Kim and North went backstage to hang out with Ariana Grande and North got to sit on the singer's lap and play with her.
Trust Kim to take photos of such moments and share online. Kim also shared a photo of her daughter meeting popular photographer Ellen Von Unwerth with the words "Learning from the best... Ellen Von Unwerth"

... Merited happiness
God for them... dee
Trust Kim to take pics. Wouldn't you, Laura or everyone take pics and post? Didn't you post your pic with abike dabiri. I really don't know what you have against this woman who doesn't know you,
Blood is too powerful... Looking at North and al u see is Kenya West..
Kim Kardashian the attention seeking woman.
penis exercise program that works
-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds
U are a Fool for mentioning Laura..
Linda is doing her Job and doing it the Best in the game ..
Deal with it Hypocrite.
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