She warned him to stop, saying that people don't offend her and men who hurt her don't progress in life. She said she told God to greatly punish any man who offends her and mentioned an ex whose wife had to call her to beg for forgiveness on behalf of her husband who hadn't progressed in life for ten years because he did her wrong. The mother of two warned Babatee to stop if he wanted to continue bearing Babatee. Watch the clip after the cut...
Oshi ati iranu..... Attention seeking whore.
She get Time sha
Who is she?
Wonders shall never end
nawah ooo..this is a crios issue...they both should move on
Na wa oooo d woman looks frustrated and crazy
Na wa oooo d woman looks frustrated and crazy
Na wa oooo d woman looks frustrated and crazy
All this ex drama sef
What that? That's some serios shit on here I tell ya! And it's for this simple reason I find it hard dating yoruba chics. There's always an eliment of fetishness with most of em. As for babatee, he had better go plead forgiveness from this chic and move on, if not!!!!
Is that why your hair is dirty and unkempt?
He'll has no fury like a woman scorned!
Jesus is Lord.
Dis is ridiculousness at its height. Very annoying, am ashamed on her behalf.
O ga o. He better begs. As in really begs. Plus Mrs Bustline Abi Woss your name. Fight with sense na. If anything happens to this gentleman now, the whole world has gotten evidence against you.
When you fight dirty do it anonymously, no text messages, no phone calls and definitely no videos. Leave no breadcrumbs.
As you get mouth reach you still be learner, still dropping names.
Rep of yesteryears na hin u dey use. OSU boy show u now, u dey crumble.
And bitch if you gon make a video, fix yo hair! Damn.
Mr X
Curse kwa?
It is well
She seems bitter!! I'd be wary!
All is fair in love and war
she's acting funny Aunt Linda
I don't know them and I don't care about their problem. Linda take note!
I don't know them and I don't care about their problem. Linda take note!
So was he supposed to keep the pics there after you guys split? Rest madam
Watch d cursing clip? Say who come die kwanu.
Hia...a scorned woman. People need 2 understand that just cuz ur relationship doesn't work with some1 doesn't mean u shud b enemies.
This is madness must she go the extent of making a youtube post on this? Na wah this internet craze, odiegwu ooh! Nigerian pple!!
Abeg excuse us this demonstration of craziness.The two of you are not matured.Dont you know what goes round comes round.All these curse you rain on people will come back to haunt you or your children one day.You better move on with your life and forget Baba Tee. In life you gain some,you win some.
The pain of a Woman. Wrong moves dear but I understand. Find in your heart to forgive and let go.
Hmmmm. Mennnnnnnnnnnnn. Okunrinnnnnnn. God will continue to save us from them. Different encounter wiv different men, thou there are still nice and good ones out there but they r not much
This one na real heartbreak and must she leave her hair like a witch? This is really serious, this guy is in hot shit mehn!
This is really scary!
Love gone sour
Why is she making mouth now? What ever ur differences, pls gbagbe jor and move on. Which one is all of dis?
Nigeria men really need to learn hw to treat to their woman right.most of them r so mean
Aha! I wouldn't dare watch d video. God help, and save her frm hate. Its well wit her.
Hmmmmmmmmmmm its well dont understand how a young man will made tears come out from his elder GF like thaat. Its bad but she is in Love. You see the reasons why its always good to keep our relationship while young. Bros better be your self else e no go better for you. But they all know where they meet sha.
I feel sorry for her, she must really be in a bad and dark place to have gone on YouTube to say all dis, but at d same time I feel silence is golden u don't need all these, why don't you leave him to God. Pls take heart no man is worth going mad for.
Aunty Justus is here! Link up let me totorii u!!
Dis is deep oooo. But yetty silence is golden.u only went a step further to embarrass urself. Yetty u dnt need dis. If truely he offended u. Fi Ija fun olorun Ja.
And y will I want to watch video
Gosh she's sensitive. What's so embarrassing about him removing her pics from FB when the relationship is over? Calling the Fashion Police to issue a citation for her appearance in this clip. She's beyond busted.
Mtshewwwwww I'd rather use my mb to search for obj's recent pictures dan watch dis
A woman's scorned must be dreaded.
Their Palava.
Yetunde, I would like to see you on this matter. I last saw you Palmers Green while you were hustling to feed BabaTee in London. Please, take heart! Most Nigerian men do not worth me; That is why I stopped dating them.
Yetunde, forget this omoale called BabaTee because he will soon dump her for a richer woman. Yes, she wore your clothes and used boldface to cover up. Do not threaten him because death may be looking for him anyway and people would accuse you like that pastor who died after fighting with that singer. God will judge us all.
As for BabaTee, you are cruel. She brought you to London as a JJC and struggled to look after you. Leave her alone. There is no free launch in London.
I will not watch. Serves her right. She's still hurt, if not why go through all this? Next time, stick to your own type of men. You were warned about this man but didn't hear. Your threats are empty. "Agberos" like Babatee have stronger jazz than your own. Move on.
must have a mental problem
This is too childish!! She has just ruined her chances of getting another man!! When u r hurt, be careful what choices you make...#copythat
She most be acting
Nawa ooo..she could have at least combed her hair
Chai ... Baba tee has stepped on a wrong toe
quite touching. Feel her pain especially after all these years. There are more honorable ways to end a relationship than make it nasty and hurtful.
Agbaya! Old cargo better go n take care of your two children instead of embarassing yourself cuz of a man. Shameless ugly thing. You be God?!!!
Eyah. Such a pained woman... Pretty damn dangerous one too... Just because he deleted your pictures from "HIS" facebook thats why he would suffer for 10 years like the other guy who's now begging you? Or is there another thing there she's not saying? My God, desperate and pained woman finding it so difficult to move on. Look at her boasting of her fetish ways hiding under the umbrella of her God.
Yetunde I am disappointed in you!! In fact, I am ashamed for you and womanhood! Wth! What in the name of God got you entangled with baba tee in the first instance? You have a child/children, wetin you dey find? Dildo no dey market if baba tee na d only man standing? SMH. See the level he has reduced you to! You that used to write that beautiful column in City People magazine abi na another person? Haba! Crying for that thing called baba tee because he removed your pictures from Facebook? You don't have to resort to being a witch for a dude like that my Aunty. Mo fi oluwa beyin (abi na how dem dey spell am?). Shut that idiot outta ya life and LIVE AGAIN! A word is enough for a supposedly intelligent woman like you.
Ehya.......Shez really hurt.
But there is no need for all this, Yetunde rather dust ursef and pick up ur life and continue living.
BREAKUPS will always happen weda we like it or not.
Omo...this is serious.
Idiot girl,old cargo,senseless.why u wanna marry a young boy compare to your age.prostituide.
Ehya.......Shez really hurt.
But there is no need for all this, Yetunde rather dust ursef and pick up ur life and continue living.
BREAKUPS will always happen weda we like it or not.
So Yetunde ,,,God is now your errand boy that does your bidding to punish his creation or punish people you have been fornicating with..Don't make me laugh..You have succeeded in embarrassing your poor kids
This is very embarrassing. She shouldn't have sent that video to him. Abi baba tee get bomb dick? #confused
In your pains yetunde, don't make yourself God. Rather look up to God in your situation and he will heal you of all broken heart and agony. I can see frustration around you and if not properly checked could lead to sanity. Yetunde needs help immediately and fast too.
Whenever u hurt someone that truly loved u, pls try as much as possible to beg for forgiveness b4 moving on, cos the future will b unbearable, especially if u promised marriage, weda man or woman . If u feel u hv escaped, pls and pls go beg the person cos ill luck will still be waiting for you in front and at that time, u may find it difficult to locate the person . Don't ever allow pride to destroy your future
Some men are bastards... i remember mentioning one bastard here on your page Linda and he started calling me even coming to my work to try to embarrass me because my words have started to come to pass and he hasn't even started ... I pity this Babatee you don't offend a good woman who was GOOD to you and did not cheat on you. WARNING TO MEN out there BE CAREFUL HOW YOU TREAT WOMEN... It's not by force if you don't want let her GO ABI?must you be mean to her? haba
I must say, this is a very pained woman.... nothing like d fury of an angry woman as they say. Baba tee, I ll advise u set things right asap.
All this because he removed your pictures from his Facebook?...But aunty Bustline, what is d problem?...if u guys are no longer dating since whenever, what then do you expect?...All this nonsense that she's talking, as if she's d only one that has "eleda"....crying over a little boy like her life is over....Aunty please pull yourself together cos u look and sound crazy....you already have kids, allow the young man to date a young person who will give him kids too. Besides, what do u want your kids to say when they see this crazy video of their mother acting kukoo over a man....pls aunty not all relationships last forever, so please let it go
Yetunde are you God
Yetunde is a damaged woman already. She has no moral at all
Some Yoruba women are crazy...shit! She didn't even make any sense. He removed your pictureson his face book and you decided to do a video looking like a Boko Haram victim? Madam please o, it haf do, the young man say he's not interested anymore, u self remove all his picture from your facebook and move on with your life., shikena!
Abeg Babatee, run for your life o, this woman doesn't look or sound stable..lol
first of all i don't quite get it. if your ex husband deletes your pictures from his Facebook page, how is that your concern? and why cant you block him and move on with your life? and why do his friends feel the need to keep telling you what hes doing and what hes not? okay, second you are placing a curse on any man that upsets you, what about the men you have upset? did they all place a curse on you? this video is so unnecessary and so not needed. deal with your issues privately and cut all ties with the ex husband if hes not adding value to your life.
Abeg speak English abeg. Na yoruba movie?
Bush woman.
Well truth be told Babatee didn't really embarrass before today, or whatever embarrassment u think he gave u is small compared to what u just did to your self.
This is the ultimate embarrassment!! I sha hope your children don't get to see this because its shameful.
Babatee, please go and call all the elders in your village for odeshi, because this woman looks like d kind that will strip herself naked in d middle of the night and curse a man because the man no wan do again. And next time, stay away from clingy cougars.
She could have worn a wig though...or done her hair up a little. She looks even more pathetic...she should borrow a page from Toke. Just because you're heart broken doesn't mean you should look horrible.
Relationships should be private, oh mehn i don't understand, everybody should just keep their business to themselves, understand how it hurts her tho, But the point is that if anything happens to BABA TEE 2morrow all fngers will point at YETUNDE BURST-LINE.. she's kinda hurt tho....Sorry abt dat
True talk
True talk
Oh the pain of heartbreak!!! One thing's for sure - there's better joy ahead
Pls let's try to be careful in all our dealings. It doesn't take anything to be considerate no matter what. May God help us
So is that why she looks like a mad woman here? Unkept hair and runny nose?
Shuuuu... Further embarrassing yourselves in public coz of man. Tufia
Men sef, forever trying to embarrass their partners in public.
Hmmm recently gone through this. It's not easy at all. But now am stronger. Never leave anyone heartbroken cos the future awaits bitterness
Ayokunnumi says so.... Ardent reader
Yetunde it shall be well with you. Be strong
I pity this Babatee of a man. It is better done now to avoid any future and spiritual problem. He that has ear, let him hear.
He has caused this Yetunde much pain. May God forgive them both and even me.
What the *uck is this, she just succeeded in embarrassing her self more, shuuuuuu there are better ways to communicate this.Pull yourself together and bounce back, mehn ain't worth this piece of shit u just displaced .
Yetunde, try to move on, men will always be men! #okbye!
I can see this woman is hurting soo bad and she needs to find peace in her heart. The guy must have really hurt her and he is too proud to even let the sleeping dogs lie. Pls someone should help this lady before it's too late. She is seriously hurting mehn!
Why not move on with your life lady ? i know it is painful but this social media sef , must personal issues be taken to social media ? Na WA O
Few months back you granted an interview and was sounding like a Don Dada now you're crying? Bitch please!
Don't allow someone ruin your happiness cos you are in charge of it
This goes to show how desperate she is,where is her integrity? Who cares about the whole world when you have a failed relationship, why bring this here?you have 2kids and you are too old for all these ACT of shame.....you can't play God to anyone in this life,he has moved on so please do the same.Stop allowing his little girlfriend who is not near you in your so called class and status to be insulting you.Linda please this is no news stop making these desperate people popular by sharing their silly love/fail relationship....
Women go through a lot sha all in the name of marriage may God heal your heart dear and help you find a better man
Madam please stop this nonsense... see your hair that you used to do video because of one maluu that has moved on. Stop fooling your old age and suck it up. All this swearing will just scare men off you.
firstly she is emotionally broken. She is not able to handle this situation the best way. Probably when she gets her self she may regret this video she posted. For now all she needs is consolation, love and attention so she can rebuild her self. I feel for her tho but then its life. expect disappointments from people. i guess she was too relaxed that's why she met the unexpected.
Like she is the first bitch that has been fucked up..
Let her chill...
It is well dear. God bless and comfort you. Xx
Instead of crying over ugly Babatee, you better come and marry me x
A life of hatred, and curse's leads to frustrated life on earth....
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Wow! I just received a call frm Etisalat wishing me happy birthday in adv and telling me d package they hav for me just for my birthday (Sunday, 12th July) - free airtime to call any Etisalat line, and free SMS to last for good 7days.
Am so proud, and happy. They made my day, and thank God I switched away frm dat go slow netwrk of MTN to efficient network of Etisalat.
Thumbs up, and more power to their elbows. God bless them abundantly for making me feel so important.
Etisalat is d best network in Nigeria!
Wow! I just received a call frm Etisalat wishing me happy birthday in adv and telling me d package they hav for me just for my birthday (Sunday, 12th July) - free airtime to call any Etisalat line, and free SMS to last for good 7days.
Am so proud, and happy. They made my day, and thank God I switched away frm dat go slow netwrk of MTN to efficient network of Etisalat.
Thumbs up, and more power to their elbows. God bless them abundantly for making me feel so important.
Etisalat is d best network in Nigeria!
Wow! I just received a call frm Etisalat wishing me happy birthday in adv and telling me d package they hav for me just for my birthday (Sunday, 12th July) - free airtime to call any Etisalat line, and free SMS to last for good 7days.
Am so proud, and happy. They made my day, and thank God I switched away frm dat go slow netwrk of MTN to efficient network of Etisalat.
Thumbs up, and more power to their elbows. God bless them abundantly for making me feel so important.
Etisalat is d best network in Nigeria!
Wow! I just received a call frm Etisalat wishing me happy birthday in adv and telling me d package they hav for me just for my birthday (Sunday, 12th July) - free airtime to call any Etisalat line, and free SMS to last for good 7days.
Am so proud, and happy. They made my day, and thank God I switched away frm dat go slow netwrk of MTN to efficient network of Etisalat.
Thumbs up, and more power to their elbows. God bless them abundantly for making me feel so important.
Etisalat is d best network in Nigeria!
I don't understand yoruba, but I could feel her pain. Be stronger than your pain, time ll heal this hurt. Kpele ma.
This is so unnecessary Yetunde. I am sure your children will be so proud!
Lol...pure undiluted madness from a 44 year old mother of 2, attention sealer number 1, is baba tee the first guy to dump you, with all the men and boys you are sleeping about it, i personally don't believe this video because yetunde is a big bloody lair, slut, fake ass bitch and a low life MF....how many men and boys did she sleep with while dating baba tee and which her ex husband came to beg her lol.. yetunde get a life please, you are too old for all these.
But na wa oh! You for still try package na. It's not the end of the world na. Who says you won't get better man? Abeg relax jor and pray more...
Ur right my darling.
Please shut up. She is in her house, in the comfort of her home and she's sad. Do you stay glammed up in your house when depressed? All you unrealistic LiB readers.
Whatever that guy did to her must hurt for her to look like that and make a video without caring how she looks. May God be her strenght
The tears of a woman left lonely. Sorry madam.
Recently I went thru heartbreak, it made me stronger n it was a great eye opener for me. My dear, dont let any man dictate ur happiness. It is well move on. God is still on d throne.
Yeye dey smell... next please
Painful though Babatee am so disappointed u replied in such harsh manner since u think Shez lying ur silence would have said more. Yetunde u shouldn't release video rather hide ur face from the public 2 avoid further embarrassment. U self way know say comedians no dey shame u go dey engage urself with media dispute
Oh my she's really heartbroken...I feel so bad for her but I feel it's better to hold your peace and let God fight for you..you don't have to even make a YouTube video...God is working...this is soooo sad :( you love someone so much and then they treat you like trash...Aunty yetunde..please find it in your heart to forgive him...Jesus died for our sins who are we not to forgive..you can find joy again if you let go,let God take charge and move on..I know you're very hurt but trust me,time heals all..don't sit and think...focus on building your career and building your relationship with God and your kids....God bless you
Is that why she is looking so unkept haba!!!
Is that why she is looking so unkept haba!!!
In my own opinion "kole to yen now"!!. Yetunde, you are just making Baba happy. If I were you I will rather set my energy on the things that will make me happy now. This guy will be sooooooo happy that he means so much to you. Pls and pls set ur energy on things that will make you happy.
Hide yourself and nurse your wound, time will heal them. You public tears will not change things. Pls shed your tears in your closet and come out happy because more vedeos like this will make Baba T happy.
I never comment on this page before, this is my first time because i was so touched by the emotional feelings of this woman. Sincerely , i found true love in this woman's heart. You speak deep down your heart when you're betrayed by someone you love. Her words are full of emotional that nearly brought tears to my eyes, most especially towards the ending part 2:49. I once felt this way. I pray God guide you and direct your path to the man that will be your partner and bestfriend. That reminds me of R. kelly (When the woman love).if you need someone to talk to or share your feelings with when you having bad time or grief feeling, or the world seems not friendly with you, talk wit me on mikyadex@yahoo.com or whatsap me on 08098772280.
Time heals! Its well
@ Yetunde, u don't need all dis. Let God fight ur fight 4 u. If truely he cheated on u. Don't turn urself 2 God n don't feel bad abt a man dropping u 4 anoda lady. An yoruba adage say " pashoo ta fin no iya le o be laja fun iyawo". So pick up urself bk n move on.
Women :) I understand them very well...This whole thing is = JEALOUSY! She's just mad that the guy has moved on,They deleted your pics,So what? Very sensitive person!
That woman is the epitome of razzness.
All these are unnecessary, must she make herself a sorry site? Nayy, Yetty you disappointed me. I expected you to be more matured and wiser in this issue. This is totally uncalled for, babes move on, don't wallow in self pity and besides is that why you are so unkempt? You alone are the source of your happiness. You don't need any body to make yourself happy , stand up, dust up your,ass and live positively. Don't sound too desperate cos that, is,the picture you are creating . Forge ahead and leave Babatee alone, if he actually hurt you, karma is real and will deal with him at the appropriate time. Don't play God and remember to leave vengeance to God alone. It is not the end of the world nor your life.
it'z nt d end of lyf madam,it'z part of lyf.Life goes on
Lil, Madam u can't involve God in immorality.
God avenges for the decent people.
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This is a video she sent to him privately when they were not talking and had issues. The idiot is using it to embarrass her. God will punish him. Idiot fat slobby small dick element
Looool ... I love that drama alot
I wonder oooo
Frustrated indeed. Shey noget shame ni
Na we gangan be babalawo hehehehehe u no know abi. Cow
Madam yetty . watch your tongue....
Jobless Yoruba woman.
Asewo notice me freak. Olooorun Olooobuuuku meaning smelling whore.
-Sade to nsooju
She has no shame. Please don't waste yours. A lady with 2 grown ups. Apology of a mother. Were pombele. She should be locked with Kemi Olunloyo in Aro mental hospital. Sade to nsooju
dis serious shit
I love you Mr X. Lmao
Honestly madam you don't need this, relationship shouldn't be do or die affair, if Tunde is embarrassing u, d one you're given ursef is even more. Must u replied him? Moreover u don't expect him still keeping ur photographs on his Facebook wall whn u two re not together anymore.....
How do u want his new girlfriend to feel? Madam forget about Tunde, move on with your life n stop acting desperately..
When a relationship clashes yes is true one must get hurt.....so unfortunately you're d victim.........painful anyway.....
But move sister....
Crocodile tears
i get that she is hurt sha..bt making that video n looking like that doesn't make sense to me at all...
Oooooops!!!!!! So glad I ain't Babatee....yipeeee. #going back to drink my garri that I soaked with petrol. Its gonna be on youtube....Linda get ready to blog on that.
there is no saint on earth but 'women, beware of Men' you will be glad you did.
Healing doesn't come fast but may God heal you, Yetunde, Amen.
u r soo right dear. i feel her pains. shes depressed and down. may God see her thru. its well.
Babatee be careful ooo
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