The response to Chibok girls by GEJ's govt was unimpressive and unfortunate - Buhari | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Wednesday, 8 July 2015

The response to Chibok girls by GEJ's govt was unimpressive and unfortunate - Buhari

While receiving members of the Bring Back Our Girls group at the state house this morning, Pres. Buhari said the response from the past administration immediately after the Chibok girls were kidnapped was very unimpressive and unfortunate. He said it portrayed Nigeria in bad light in the international community.
“We cannot rationalize the government’s incompetence in handling this issue,” he said. Oya now, let's see what this government will do. We dey wait!


Unknown said...

Sai baba go-slow, we're waiting for your own strategy.. At this point we need less talk but action..

Unknown said...

Bia baba blu abi na slow....if its unimpressive then do to give u 30 lashes of cane for that your bony ass b4 u start work? Onye wayo!

OSINANL said...

This Baba-go-slow always blaming GEJ for his incompetency... This old man has nothing to offer Nigerians


Fool always bashing and blaming GEJ to gain popularity. How abt ur response to d escalated attacks of BH.

Bishop Dammy said...

Hmmmm. We hope good strategies are on ground now sir because as it stands, things are not okay at all. Isah 54:17

Unknown said...

Buhari and APC always playing the blame game, okay, now he's on board, let's see hw far the Fulani man can go.

Unknown said...

And yesooo @ linda. Hehehehe "we dey wait" I love the sound of that

Faithesco said...

Mbok,enough of the talking already,get to action mister and put ur fucking chest down 2 d wheel


Fool alw bashing GEJ jst to get attraction. BH now attacks wit swag. Wat been ur response.

Unknown said...

weak man aka baba go slow.

Unknown said...

Oga you are talking too much sir...we are yet to see any valuable action from your administration. Now Boko Haram is on the prowl like never before, bombing with reckless abandon and you are here condemning the last administration. We are getting impatient abeg!!!

Pastor LUV Adimorah said...

Leave GEJ's govt nd get ya own 2 start working

Juliebabe said...

This man self, he is becoming annoying joor. Act he won't act, his own is to be looking for GEJ trouble anyhow. Now that he is the president, he should do something about the missing girls

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Work n stop complainin.pple re also dying in ur govr

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

campaign mode! opposition things! you re now in charge, no need for opposition from you anymore.

we all know the former administration didn't handle the chibok issue well. we've moved past that. we are now at the point where were asking : what does this administration intend or plan to do about it??.

we are tired of hearing about the problems. what are your solutions mr. president? abi ur waiting for the 'fullness of time'?????

Unknown said...

Yes Linda, let's see what this government will do.Mtcheeeeeeeeew,is it not his people that kidnapped the girls?GEJ tried but the wicked northerners did not allow him sleep with his two eyes closed.Evil people.

ary said...


Unknown said...

You have said it ALL. Lets wait to see how impressive and fortunate his government will handle it.

Unknown said...

We are waiting to see what you gon' do

Anonymous said...

He's a stupid man by making such comment but he's right shaa.... GEJ is a woman


Unknown said...

Well said Linda, We dey wait to see what this Government will do to rescue our girls.

TK said...

You better stop all this your blame game and start working or are you telling Jonathan administration is responsible for the recent bombing? Ode Oshi

Anonymous said...

Linda, you always sound bias...lets hope for the best abeg.

Anonymous said...


Buhari Withdraws N1.2Trillion In A day, N3trillion In A Month From Empty Treasure To Rescue States.
From An Empty Treasury : Buhari Aproves N400 Billion For Workers Salaries

From Empty Treasury, From Empty Treasury, From Empty Treasury,
From Empty Treasury, From Empty Treasury, From Empty Treasury,
From Empty Treasury, From Empty Treasury, From Empty Treasury,
From Empty Treasury, From Empty Treasury, From Empty Treasury,
From Empty Treasury, From Empty Treasury, From Empty Treasury.

Goodluck left $30Billion Foreign Reserve, $2.09Billion Excess Crude Account, $5B from LNG 2014 Dividend, $4.3Billion SWF according to Hope For Nigeria and information in the Handover Note.
Regrettably, President Muhammadu Buhari have the gut to tell Nigerians that he met an empty Treasure.
Liars and their world, N1.2trillion from Empty Treasury.

Buhari have spent nearly N3trillion just a month in Office without Finance Minister or people around him that are knowledgeable about Financial Management. N3Trillion is 68% of Nigerian 2015 Budget (N4.425Trillion) squandered in a Month.

APC !!!

Anonymous said...

Yes d government's response wus unimpressive and unfortunate, but where we expecting Buhari to get us d girls,Ve u all heard what d outgoing British High Commissioner has to say about d chibok girls, that they were located but could not b rescued cause of d casualties dat would ve come out from such attempt.There is nothing Buhari can do to get d girls immediately he has to study d situation as a Military expert and know how to go about dislodging and possibly rescuing d girls that is if they r still alive.The situation is bad already and we want a 73 year old who is meant to b a pensioner probably sleeping @ home to perform magic, how wicked and callous can we b as a nation to think dat our Ageing fathers should keep working to feed us.I weep for dis country.As Oby she quickly gathered herself and her political cohorts to Aso rock to go c PMB cause of d bashing her group got from d public last week.She has lost steam to keep d group relevant, in d days to we will know what d group stands for

Anonymous said...

Oga get to work and stop talking

Unknown said...

Torpedo fired.

Unknown said...

Yes o, we dey wait o. And I feel its really becoming too late. Most of the girls must have given birth by now.


Unknown said...

Always finding excuses .,,, baba park o if you no get talk

Anonymous said...

Na to dey use Jona shine...He hasnt done one meaningful tin since..and Boko boys are bombing everywhere.Relocated boko boys to ekwulobia prisons that i heard is not a maximum security prison..Empty strategies, empty heads, evil talks.

Anonymous said...

Buhari you talk too much. Let's see what you can do. Baba go slow!

Anonymous said...

Baba ''GO SLOW'' just bring back the girls!enough of ur Jonathanisation of every problem!we employed you to help solve the problems Jonathan caused and not to recite them!abegii!!!

Unknown said...

Buhari, pls work n stop stalking, b4 u knw it 4 yrs will be over. At dis tym we r losing it.

blizy me said...

Linda u re very......I don't want to use d word stupid, so it is after 1year dat they will find the girls abi? Wen they hve bin sold and shared abi? U better begin to think b4 u talk or rather shut up if u don't know how to think logically.

Unknown said...

Story teller,

Unknown said...

I hope dis wil mak d difference so dat they wil not b going around d street marching around as observed during GEJ era.

Unknown said...

PMB, talk is cheap. We want action. Tired of all the BS's of our leaders.

Busy Fingers.

Anonymous said...

Is this guy still mentioning the past administration in current situations; oga wake up ooo ur no longer opposition party.. Profer solutions and stop crying up and down! Today it's empty treasury tomorrow it's slow response from previous administration.

Anonymous said...

Linda you sound biased, everyone knows if GEJ had used the same strength used during election campaign towards fighting Boko haram at the start when this girls were kidnapped am very sure half of those girls would have reunited with their family but he was very relaxed, it is very difficult now to find them because most have even left Sambisa to work for Boko haram in various states as suicide bombers. Gabby

NMaa said...

We v seen what u can do nah. Anuofuia.

Unknown said...

Linda Linda! I follow u dey wait oo,live GEJ alone nd do ur work Baba go slow

Anonymous said...

Bokohari mr. big mouth, baba go slow, shut up. You are now presidend of the northern Nigeria, you have finally destroyed nigeria

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Yes o we dey wait.

Anonymous said...

Buhari was named by Boko Haram as their representative when the ex president considered negotiations and I think it is wicked of Buhari not to have used his vast contacts in Boko Haram to get the girls back till now. I am sure Buhari will get them back but he is waiting so that it does not look like he had known all along where the girls were. Buhari never offered his services to the ex President or any ideas but as he and his henchmen of evil have always done he is still using the girls for propaganda and campaign forgetting that the elections are over. Buhari just get the girls back. Your visit to your Nigerien and Chadian brothers who are probably keeping the girls for you should at least yield immediate result.

Anonymous said...

Linda I have noticed you are sort of very biased against this government...I would advise u remain neutral otherwise your blog may loose traffic and patronage if you become partisan. It's very obvious you favour post that put down this government. Note Aso Rock is quietly watching this blog.

NaijaDeltaBabe said...

Solution pls

Anonymous said...

those times that i was moved by this type of statement is far, Jonathan performed way better than this present govt. to me it seems dey dont even knw dat dey r already in office. dey think dey r still campaigning.

Unknown said...

Ok.....we don hear GEJ govt is a mess so is now 38days sinx u were in govt and over 99days sinx ur party won the elections...we are waitin 4 ur prompt response...tnx PMB "baba go slow"

Anonymous said...

Linda, pls don't being biased. Your last comment on this article is really uncalled for considering your position as a blogger. I suggest you leave Nigerians to make their own decisions. We know you are a PDP member and you should keep your comments concerning APC to yourself

Unknown said...

All Baba go slow does is rant, condemn and never act. Pls enough of the past govt, what do u intend to do? we are tired of hearing what d past govt did or did not do. Baba do something and stop the noise.

Anonymous said...

talk is cheap!!!! They should act fast

Goaldyn Boy said...

The earlier this man quits his blame game, the better for him! Before he knows it four years would have elapsed, and he will still at the blaming stage! He should go and fish out the Missing Chibok girls now!... So he couldn't inform the BBOGG when he will find the missing girls?!!!

Unknown said...

Hope we can rationalise your inactivity and nepotism for the past 38 days.

Unknown said...

GMB go and kiss d toilet sit my friend, quit talking nonsense n start acting, as far as I can remember BH was already on d run b4 Goodluck left d office but within weeks now dey ve bounced back, n ur dere talking shit....hence u said ur better off, do better then!!!

Okowright Balaxy said...

BABA GO SLOW I thought immediately you entered you will order your Boko Haram boys to release the Chibok Girls, but the reverse is the case. Boko Haram activities have increased since you took over power. FOOLS like you made GEJ's administration ungovernorble. But KARMA is sure, the same elements you used to frustrate GEJ's administration will backfire on your own administration. EVIL OLD HAUSA COW!!! Brainless man!

Nky said...

It's your time to act..

Unknown said...

Buhari bring back d girls. Nd stop complaining. Ur complain is becoming too much u dis old man

Mikkyjanec said...

Rubbish. Am still waiting for him to see how he will act

Calros said...

What has your govt done so far about the chibok issue and recent bombings? Stop condemning GEJ govt and focus on achieving your campaign promises.

Unknown said...

Linda it seems. You don't wish this government well..I noticed that.

Unknown said...

Lindiway, can you for once do your job without being baised??? You are a professional, no fall my hand. If you know what I mean. Linda take note!

Anonymous said...

Linda abeg make this app ppl no catch u oo. We all knw pmb will not do anything impressive for naija n trust me this chibok girls, he won't Find dem wit d way he's goin. Very clueless president.

Anonymous said...

One would taught that by now the present administration led by Buhari would rescued these girls,but even the activities of the insurgents have increase drastically without ant proactive actions from the govt, it is sad to know that the present administration hasn't done any thing significant.Let them get down to work and stop making noises. BIKO! Leave GEJ alone do ur own work make see jara!

Anonymous said...

Linda Ikeji, Buhari is right.the immediate response from GEJs administration was very poor and BAD...... It's been over a year since this girls have been captured, Buhari only came into power a lil over a month ago. As a forensic investigator, the initial response is KEY in any case and it been solved. We can't blame it on technology or juju. It can't be possible transporting over 200 girls in Nigeria with a truck o and no one saw a thing. Haba! It is possible that the girls will be found however, their state of mind needs to be psycho analysed thoroughly before they are let back into the society. Some of them at this point won't want to rescued because they will have accepted BH as their new family. Some of them will be wives, mothers or in love so we need to understand that. It is not gonna be easy for the new administration but all we can do is support them and be advocates in our own lil way. It is not just what administration did what and when but all of us coming together as one and helping out. Linda, what are you doing to support them? U r a role model ryt? Apart from Aluu 4, what other causes r u fighting for?

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

A time has come when Nigerian wont take the words and promises of our politician seriously, why GEJ all the time? why not just face ur work and make Nigerians proud huhhhh!

Unknown said...

For window blinds and curtains please call 08160856785

Anonymous said...

Heyyyy!!! This man is still talking. This man is really still talking and playing blame games? Reality is fast approaching Sir, don't worry. If u don't roll up your sleeves and get to work, u wont believe your eyes.

Okowright Balaxy said...

This old FOOL is still blaming GEJ, you have been there for over a month yet no changes! Stop complaining and perform the miracle you promised Nigerians during your campaign. Now I believe Patience Jonathan that Buhari is brain dead. He has forgotten all he said during the campaign.

Anonymous said...

But more people have died since you assumed power. How about that for a topic, Baba go slow?

Anonymous said...

And your weak, go slow, traffic laden, crawling, sleeping, and unresponsive government is putting us in a good light?

Anonymous said...

Na Jona matter u still dey? U better wake up from your sleep @PMB. U still dey sleep. Something tells me you think you are either still in Daura or back in 1983.

Unknown said...

Oga presido, leave oga Jona alone. You know what's up before u decided you were gonna run for president. Now you're a the presido , start delivering ur promises #we can't wait for change# no money for treasury but you sign money for state governors who squandered state fund for personal use. # is our president not prophet Elijah

Anonymous said...

Unfortunate for you indeed. Now crawl out of your complaining bed and get to work, Mr. slow motion.

Anonymous said...

Leave GEJ alone, and get down to work!

Anonymous said...

Have you rescued the girls yet? Have you in any way helped the killings that have been going on? This man must be....make i nor talk.

Anonymous said...

Baba Go Slow please do your work and stop complaining about the previous govt. We did not vote you to be hearing all these unending complaints. campaign is over. Go to work. Bring back the Girls.

Gentletee said...

Its not enough to cast aspersions. We are waiting for you o sai buhari!

Anonymous said...

How are they responding to the bombs exploding everywhere, Linda like you said we dey wait!

Anonymous said...

Old fool what have u done since the recent bombings? Nothing

Anonymous said...

Linda, nor be small wait o. This man is almost amusing me with his remarks. This man that has not even lifted a finger to fight insurgency since he assumed office after 5 weeks is still yapping about.

Anonymous said...

Even Osinbajo face show say for him mind e dey say " oga presido go slow, this Jona don do. Make we begin work, abeg."

Anonymous said...

Even Osinbajo face show say for him mind e dey say " oga presido go slow, this Jona don do. Make we begin work, abeg."

hocee said...

Baba .....enta bush oooo...go carry dem cum house..u don too dey talk

Anonymous said...

Oga, crawl out of Daura farms and start working

Unknown said...

Linda na wa o, take it easy. Its like u don't want this Government to work from what you post. Its better you clear ur hangover from the last admin. Everybody knows they were slow to act and they don't deny it. The first lady came on air to tell us that there is God. Claiming it was a conspiracy when the girls were long gone said...

PMB was right.

Anonymous said...

Linda, na mouth the man dey o. He they blame GEJ for everything

Unknown said...

Buhari is insane!

Anonymous said...

Ok o, PMB we don hear. Abeg leave Jonah, he's now confined to the annals of history. Oya

Anonymous said...

Old fool what have u done since the recent bombings? Nothing

mature said...

We are beginning to get very impatient with this administration. Is it about good s peaches ? Why not leave the past administration and concentrate on governance which you have been elected for. We are recording much more deaths in your administration against the promise you made and you are still talking about the response of the past administration? . Please I beg of you, do not disappoint us. To whom much is given, much is expected.

mature said...

We are beginning to get very impatient with this administration. Is it about good s peaches ? Why not leave the past administration and concentrate on governance which you have been elected for. We are recording much more deaths in your administration against the promise you made and you are still talking about the response of the past administration? . Please I beg of you, do not disappoint us. To whom much is given, much is expected.

Anonymous said...


meggy said...

This man no well for sure. Do ur own baba go slow

Anonymous said...

Baba go slow...Baba chief blamer...Baba cry baby

Unknown said...

All this man does is talk and blame others. Oya fine Jonathan didnt fo anything ok then what about u mister? Instead of wasting ur time with ur long and useless talk do somehing about the girls and the boko haram attacks mtcheew

Unknown said...

Oya take this origin drink to calm yourself down after a wonderful comment.

opiro said...

Linda I am so disappointed that you can loose your sense of objectivity( the first rule in journalism) by making a sarcastic statement about an issue that if the previous govt had not treated with kid gloves initially, we would not be where we are now..or have you forgotten that the govt even denied that the girls were missing and it took the intervention of the foreign media to alert us to that fact?..pls just post news and leave your opinions to you dont misrepresent facts

Unknown said...

All dis r history, and story tales dat we r not really interested in listening to...

All we want is BRING BACK OUR GIRLS ASAP. Case close!

Anonymous said...

Oh Shartap!!!

Unknown said...

Plz wia is dat bonario? Guess he wnt comment now cos it baba go slow.. alwz supporting dis criminals dat call dia selves APC. Bonario tell ya baba go slow to quit talking and start working ooo

Lib freak

Anonymous said...

opiro you too leave ur opinion to urself. we dey seatdon look. its not by buhari making mouth

mature said...

Is she right or wrong? Please air your opinion and leave Linda alone. It's not about APC or PDP. It's about our president to realise that we recording more deaths in his administration than any other. Yet he is playing blame games

Jojo said...

God bless u

Anonymous said...

It will be hard to see Bonario,Aboki,Davido's driver,Bonita etc in this

Anonymous said...

Don't mind that stupid old woman linda that won't go and marry!

Anonymous said...

Don't mind Linda... Like she doesn't know.. She is busy being one sided.. Also she didn't put everything he said just that small part... Stupid dirty skin bitch

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

God blessss uuuuuuuuu!! All she knows how to do is put this govt at every little opportunity she has.. What is she doing to help dis government.. Wishing dis government bad. Uselessss woman..

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ur daddy is a big Fool though!! Son to a fool.

Anonymous said...

Really disappointed in u Linda.. Watch ur back!

Anonymous said...

Buhari bokoharam and chibok girls is no longer GEJ's problem to fix. You knew the situation before promising Nigerians heaven on earth, so quit the blame game as you are no longer the opposition and put down your head to work.

Unknown said...

All dis r history, and story tales dat we r not really interested in listening to...

All we want is BRING BACK OUR GIRLS ASAP. Case close!

Unknown said...

All dis r history, and story tales dat we r not really interested in listening to...

All we want is BRING BACK OUR GIRLS ASAP. Case close!

omo alayo said...

Linda I know u are pdp u never like sai baba,but u will be put to shame soon

omo alayo said...

Linda I no u never like sai Baba u be pdp we know but u will soon be put to shame

Anonymous said...

Not only chibok girls, even boko haram has lingered dis much becos of GEjs sluggish, clueless and lackadaisical attitude to issues... may God heal our land! Sai buhari!!

Anonymous said...

Wisdom.will not fail u

Anonymous said...

For u linda I insist u take a course on writting etiquette, u r damn unprofessional!!! Trust me..

Mandy said...

Aso rock ko! Olumo rock ni! Ogbeni,park well

Anonymous said...

Lol you said he is supposed to be sleeping and collecting pension "did anybody ask him to run for presidency" please let his government bring back the girls. Your comment made no sense jareh

Eze said...

Wot do they gain from this unnecessary and unwarranted confession...are they being paid for it or wot......I think somebody somewhere is playing games just tot get at tyga........maybe the kardashains are abt to dump they are making up stories as usual

Casey DM said...

...It is a pity that, even in Government; he is still doing blame game. Few days back, GEJ went on Facebook to urge Nigerians to support Buhari and the war against BH is a war that all hands must be on deck. This MUMU GOAT and Aboki is abusing GEJ administration. It tell you people a lot. When the reality hits Nigerians fully, they will see what they have brought on them self with this WAEC-LESS man. Don Casey

Anonymous said...

Anonymous u just said all dat was on my mind
Thank God i still hv people reasoning like me

Anonymous said...

Would you have said this if she agreed totally with wat mpa buhari said? Even ppl dat voted for apc r starting to regret cos all dey know is talk talk talk no action. Enough already about the past administration abeg! You wer voted cos of all d magic you promised Nigerians so enjoy the seat. Work!

obynoshegun said...

We understand that the previous government failed, his references should not be at them. Let he correct what GEJ did not achieve and stop laying blames

Anonymous said...

barrack obama inherited a senseless war against iraq from george bush jnr. it was the major talking point during their electoral campaign season over there

immediately he came into office he stopped 'yabbing' bush about this war and set to work. you dont hear him taking about bush's mistakes at every turn rather its more about him and how competent he is. even with that, he receives flak every single day.

the reason Nigerians voted GEJ out of power was because many people agreed with the point that he hadn't done well on a number of fronts.

when a sitting president keeps telling us what we already know, instead of telling us how he is planning to remedy yesterday's mess, he begins to look like he cannot handle teh job he was voted in to do.

Ugo said...

Linda obviously a staunch pdp supporter. What do you expect the government to do if after all these days, 1 year + to be precise and the previous government did nothing. Those girls are scattered all over by now

Unknown said...

Oya na bring them, we want to see our girls..Incompetence oshi

yusuf said...

Yes oooo, GEJ response to these girls were not good enough.
But, You, our dear Baba Go Slow is making things worst for we that voted you in and Nigerians at large.
Must we come and FLOG you b4 u start to fulfill ur campaign promises?
Pls, we don't need stories, let's take it that you are too slow in action, and not that you don't have any strategy at all.

Anonymous said...

Just shut up if you have nothing to say.

Anonymous said...

Miss Linda,u are alwz so sentimental with the way u write your story and the way u make comments,and I believe its bcos u are an igbo girl. You should just be here to do ur own business not create enemies for urself.

Anonymous said...

Mad man like u Mr president. Olodo man lik u

Anonymous said...

What is wrong with this new administration? All you have done since you got into power is blame the old administration, can we move on? Can we see your plan?can there be some strategy? This is no longer campaign sir,you're in power now stop blaming and start working,if you can't do the work then get out,you're becoming an old nagging wife. If you had a plan no one will think or remember pdp, we will be too caught up in your own action

Unknown said...

BAbA Go slow, has nothing to offer.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
#TomatoJos# said...

Tell them!!!

Anonymous said...

I have painfully noticed in recent weeks how you are always quick to accentuate the shortcomings of this administration. But this right here is a new low for you! Was that last comment really necessary? Linda, you don't have to like president to do your job professionally. Except you know something else we don't know.

Nicole said...

Not just swag dear, impunity ! I'm also tired of the bashing . Can we please have some progress ?

Unknown said...

Lets see how he will respond!

Unknown said...

Lets be objective, not to attack personalities. All attacks should be directed to issues.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Law of KAMA..Linda yhu b like say yhu b GMB baby ooo....abeg tell ahm make e go work..GEJ better pass ahm..

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

U just spoke my mind. God reward u immensely for dat.

Anonymous said...

Buhari act first let Nigerians judge.
~D great anonymous!

FRESH said...

But he is responding.Believe in your country people.Arise oh compatriots! Nigeria's call obey.....

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 7.31 u knew u had so much power to effect change with ur vote, why didn't u do dat in 2003,2007,2011 when he wus still within d limits to put his best now when he is meant to b sleeping we wicked Nigerians went to bring him out to rule. U obviously ve to give him time even ur parents who r old can't respond to certain issues briskly d way dey did when they where much younger it's just science.We r lucky Buhari is fit dis is because he did not leave a reckless life in d past never d less u won't now over borden him our problems and expect a quick fix.He will respond to our issues @ his own pace.When he lost 2007 election and he shaded tears m sure people like u laugh @ him them alongside many Nigerians but this what he saw dat made him weep for his their country. We ve no right to put Buhari under pressure cause we Nigerians brought upon ourselves d problems we fave today and not Buhari so we have to grapple with our problems, lend him d much needed support he needs to succeed as a President.

Unknown said...

Pls what can u do about it fast fast

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