Coming to America is my favourite movie of all time...and Lisa Mcdowell - Eddie Murphy's love interest in the movie - is one of my favourite movie characters. The character was played by actress Shari Headley who was 23 at the time in 1988. She will be 51 next month. She's pictured right at an event in New York yesterday and as you can see, she hasn't aged much! Amazing!
Omg!!!😳😳😳😳😳... I don't believe it..
Still pretty. Liindaobserve
She's looking so awkward now🙈🙈🙊
She aged so badly..
Aww she looks prettier @ 23 biko... nice to know anyway.
M speehless...anyway thank God for blogging.
Beautiful woman
51? Wow... She's still pretty!
Beautiful woman
Still of mind and a healthy lifestyle
dat is to tell u dat u can,t escape age
Wz a cutie
Am still tripping for that movie, is the master piece of all time
Wow!!! Just wow!
Aging gracefully but still looks good
Beautiful aged with grace
Still looks good at her age.....
SEems like u did dis for me cos anytym I c d movie, I search d net 2 hear sth abt her n to c wat she luks like now
Beautiful woman
***adult content***
She's beautiful
Still looking stunning!!!!!!!!
Wow I could die to meet her though, I've always been love struck.
~D great anonymous!
Lisa- "Dad why are you acting all nice to Hakeem?"... Dad -"I like the boy"....Lisa "Daaaad"... Dad - "Okay Lisa, he's rich, the boy is rich, he's got his own money, when i say he's got his own money, i mean he's got his own money".. Dad hands Lisa a Zamundian dollar which has Hakeem's face on it... Dad continues - " He's a prince, you did it this time Lisa, you hit the Jackpot". Hahahaha.... Coming to America. Classic!!!!
She's suppose to be 50 and not 51. She still beautiful!
Wow! HBD in advance
Wow, still look so young.
She's still beautiful
Ewu! Choi! She's still so fine. Doesn't look her age one bit. May God give ma a baby mama that will age as gracefully as her. I need to have a baby. I need to carry my own little ewu love junior soon. Please who will be my baby mama bcus I no get money to marry. Have you seen her? Tell me have u seen her? Ewu! Ewu! Ewu!
Ewu! Choi! She's still so fine. Doesn't look her age one bit. May God give ma a baby mama that will age as gracefully as her. I need to have a baby. I need to carry my own little ewu love junior soon. Please who will be my baby mama bcus I no get money to marry. Have you seen her? Tell me have u seen her? Ewu! Ewu! Ewu!
Wow! Beautiful r wt smile, she didn't age much @ll
Wow still pretty after so many years
Wow! Beautiful r wt smile, she didn't age much @ll
Awwwww, she has aged gracefully. Linda take note!
Okiie, notice to all LIBERs. Didn't want to do dis before but I gex I just have to do it as a disclaimer. One idiot on dis blog stole my identity, my name & signage. So please any negative comments on dis blog is not coming from me but from the thief cos I would neva say anything bad about someone or wish anyone evil. So I have gone back to using my old pix & my email address is ( Linda take note!
Wow!!! Stunning is d real word
Remember her? Just watched the movie fir the 20th time last week. she still got it! Ageless..
She still look young. Beautiful.
Busy Fingers.
Wow!!! Just wow!
Awwww nice
*lib's namesake*
Oh wow shez a beauty eh......cant get enuf of dat movie still rewatch till date
Wow.... Black is beautiful, she luks younger than her age.
Wow, she still still stunning
She starred in a TV show with Haile Berry I think. She played a DA
She looks like an African now not an African American.
She really didn't age one bit. The black skin is amazing
Good genes
That smile tho
Coming to America my favourite movie o
Amazing! She dn try oo. My favourite too after titanic.
"Slow and steady wins d race"
I guess we have one thing in common then!
I love coming to America so much, i watched it repeatedly till i crammed all the tunes and words... lol
Age has taken it toll on her, but she's still good looking though.
She's beautiful still! Nice!
Still pretty....
Moye says so via BB Passport...Courtesy LIB......
Aging so gracefully.
Epitome of beauty
Million dollar smile...beautiful!
Good genes.
This is what the word stunning describes ..Not all those half naked women u post.
She's still cute.
I bet u don loose count of watching the movie
Hahahahha hahahahha. I love you for this. Hahahahahahha.
Still beautiful
Even with the age, she still looks pretty.. Always liked her smile in that movie
Pls xplain how she has aged so badly?? M sooo damn sure words failed you, thats why you couldnt define your pick of english. #agedsobadly#gobacktoschool
Eddy Murphy sef na Grandpa
How has she aged so badly?? See your face with that horrible make-up at your age!
Wish u HBD, and LLNP for ur BIRTHDAY - Monday, 22nd June 2015. God abundantly bless u, and everytin dat concerns u. I wish u all dat ur heart desires IJN, and a prosperous life on earth.
Wish u HBD, and LLNP for ur BIRTHDAY - Monday, 22nd June 2015. God abundantly bless u, and everytin dat concerns u. I wish u all dat ur heart desires IJN, and a prosperous life on earth.
She has some slight resemblance with Ethiopian-born model Liya Kebede.
Doesn't look 51 at all. Still pretty.
Hmmmm...... Make up
She was so pretty in dat movie, was my fav character. That's d best movie Eddie Murphy has done till date
She's still beautiful but better when she was 23. I love chihahua's
You're the example of people who don't look at casts and crew when you're done watching a movie
She is still beautiful , she still have that smile.
"Good morin my neighbours. Fuck you. Yes! Yes!! Fuck you too" lol I remember that shit well
shes still a beautiful African queen after all these years. Am still interested in her. The older the better.
Loooooooool, I really love that guy for it , lmfaooooooooooo
She looks better at 23??? Wow that's shocking becos normally, pple look better at 51 than 23. You are such a genius
Shut up if don't have anything good to say
Shameless choice of words...see her badly done makeup..
Did you really just say that? I think Linda should have an award for dummest comments...please where are African Americans from?? Europe? SMH
Who be this nnenne wey resemble dwarf? See your ugly face and short arms
You resemble all those short igbo wicked aunties..i know say u go get beer beer for chest sef
she is still beautiful...bark like a dog
I can see no change mehn...
Yea Linda mine dat movie
You even look older than the lady.if you live in a glass house don't throw stones
U just learn that English abi? "Awkward"
She still ggt d smile buh she looks more beautiful!
Nnene george.that woman is now over is not a curse ,but when u are that age you can never look half as good as she looks now.that i can assure you of .anuofia
Dont worry a goat if a goat will hav a son for you.ewu
Just as it will soon take a toll on you.with your ashawo waka
With or without makeup.u no go fine reash like that wen ure 50.
In James earl Jones voice 'let them wait am talking to my son'
Lmao @ "see your face with that horrible makeup at your age"
But NneNnenne George I think for a lady you have a very loose tongue. If you're not married then u should consider that this could be part of the reason and if you are married then I'm sure your husband is dying in silence.
Get a life!!!!
That movies is a masterpiece, I loved her in it. I have it on my phone.
I watched this movie again just this weekend... I love watching it when I want to day dream about a rich prince (from wherever) coming to whisk me away
Mist this ur birthday wish be on every comment? Please, too much of every thing can be disgusting.
Nnena, let's see how you look when you're 51. You currently look like you're 40. So I'm guessing it will be a horrible sight.
Beautiful woman! And that smile is one in infinity, it can blow one away... Choi!
Fabulous actress
Gosh, just viewed your profile now, your make up is the worst I have seen so far, you sure look older than your age, chai.
Good gene .
@Nnenne, hhahahahhahaaaaa, Eiyaa they wan chop u raw! Anyways u brought it uponn urself!
Beautiful woman....
Madam nnenne mu o..why na..that ur kpomo lips will put u into trouble...ifele o nakwa eme gi?
Blogger!!!.this woman has aged...she is still is tough every where. ...she doesn't even look like her younger self..your analysis is off the mark..
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