Aggrieved nurse calls out auxilliary nurses in Nigeria... | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Monday, 22 June 2015

Aggrieved nurse calls out auxilliary nurses in Nigeria...

An aggrieved nurse just sent me this email. I have no idea what auxiliary nurses are but please read..
I need to call the attention of the ministry of health and the nursing and midwifery Council of Nigeria to wake up from their slumber. It's not a new news that Auxiliary Nurses have taken over the private hospitals, there by giving bad name to the profession and causing the death of many. Can u imagine the penalty for those training killers?  N1000 at the expense of peoples lives. I know of one hospital in Egbeda, Lagos state that duplicates registered Nurses license and give it to auxiliary Nurses.
My dear country people it's not Nurses that are killing your babies, or causing them lasting deformity, neither is it the registered Nurses that circumcises your child wrongly, it is those killers called Auxiliary Nurses that don't know the scientific rationale behind what they are doing.  Nigerians if you love yourself, your family, your friends, SAY NO TO AUXILIARY NURSES. And to the NAMCN, keep sleeping, keep increasing license fee, keep increasing  examination fees and don't do the needful, keep collecting bribes and form blind eyes to the issue, till your grand childs leg is deformed by an auxiliary, or till you are sick and you rushed to a private hospital where an auxiliary administer your drugs wrongly to facilitate your death.
Chief nurse Onome on behalf of the Registered Nurses.


Anonymous said...

Seriously, it is really bad in this country...smh

Trendyify said...

Uwa nka sef, everybody wants to be a nurse

it is well

Unknown said...

Mtcww..she no get talk

Anonymous said...

Please post my comment Linda

AC£S said...

How do we differentiate?

burberry said...

It means nurse eliza

Angie said...

But how can one know an auxiliary nurse or a residence qualified nurse?
The nurse is really pained, and couldn't clarify her point.

AQO said...

Auxiliary nurses are unprofessional nurses.

Jesus is Lord.

Alloy Chikezie said...

This is serious. There are so many unprofessional nurses this day that are not even literate, they can only speak Yoruba especially in most small private clinics, May they're the auxiliary nurses.

Your comment will be visible after approval

Anonymous said...

True talk.You have really spoken the minds of many nurses.Thumbs up.

Davido's driver said...



***adult content***

Hate post

Anonymous said...

Wahala dey oooo!!!!

Unknown said...

Nice one.... Just hope something is done about it

Unknown said...

To the crying nurse - u may have had encounter with bad auxiliary nurses bt I bet u not all of them are bad and NT well trained! Get ur fact! I'm a daughter of one n I'm so confident abt it cos she's better than some so called trained nurse!!!

Andaswap said...

that's where we get quacks from

Unknown said...

This issue should be looked in2.

Unknown said...

The goverment really need to look into this though.....

Anonymous said...

Oh so they have a school now! The NMCM really has to wake up and do something ASAP. It's really annoying now, haba. That poster should be taken down immediately!!!

Ladun Liadi said...

Fill-in-the-gap nurses, not as well trained as d pros, not as professional, not as ethical.

Anonymous said...

Linda for real u dont know auxiliary nurse? Na wa! But know all Kardashian gals hissss. Anyway this is so true d govt should do something. Hospitals just train anybody and call them nurses just bcos they dont want to pay real nurses.

Anonymous said...

Onome is so right. The rate at which these auxillary nurses are increasing is alarming and the stupid good for nothing NMCN are doing nothing about it.

Unknown said...

#word. Those nurses are certified murderers. I saw a hospital where dey already put piroxicam inj in syringes. As a pharmacist, I inquired and d nurse told me it was to save time. Just imagine

Anonymous said...

Oh so now there's a school???? The NMCN really has to wake up from their slumber and do something about this ASAP. Haba, it's very annoying na. That notice should be taken down immediately!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh so now there's a school???? The NMCN really has to wake up from their slumber and do something about this ASAP. Haba, it's very annoying na. That notice should be taken down immediately!!!

Unknown said...

Lmao dis person sounds bitter...I fink she is actually complaining abouh d increment in fees m not d duties of d "auxiliary nurses" .. she actually wished som1 deatth

Anonymous said...

This is a wicked country where life is meaningless. I support this writer. Nursing council is only interested in money. They sanction nobody. Private hospitals are full of auxiliary nurses.

Nenelicious said...

True talk am a certified registered nurse,bt d case of dis quacks called auxiliary nurses is given our profession a bad name.NAMCN should beta do sometin quck abt dem.

Anonymous said...

This is a wicked country where life is meaningless. I support this writer. Nursing council is only interested in money. They sanction nobody. Private hospitals are full of auxiliary nurses.

Anonymous said...

Nursing as a profession is not respected esp in dis part of the world due to the laissez faire attitude of the NMCN. Its high time this aux.nursing is scrapped.

Unknown said...

Hmmm....Nigeria,where anyfin goz.but as a doc,u kno it's economically friendly to employ auxiliary nurses dan d trained nurses

Anonymous said...

Haba Linda.if you don't,please use your dictionary.

Auxiliary nurses are supplementary nurses or nursing assistants.

Unknown said...

Auxiliary nurses are indeed taking over the hospital, especially the private clinics like she rightly said. It's about the the nursing body fight and put an end to this.

funsho henri said...

As a health care assistant or nursing auxiliary you help professional staff to look after patients in hospitals, nursing homes or in the community. You carry out basic care tasks, working as part of a team under the supervision of a qualified nurse or another qualified health worker such as a physiotherapist

Chop Chop said...

Let Auxiliary nurses respond or make statement.

NaijaDeltaBabe said...

It's a terrible situation o

Unknown said...

Nne Onome, I agree with you on this. Linda take note!

Okiie, notice to all LIBERs. Didn't want to do dis before but I gex I just have to do it as a disclaimer. One idiot on dis blog stole my identity, my name & signage. So please any negative comments on dis blog is not coming from me but from the thief cos I would neva say anything bad about someone or wish anyone evil. So I have gone back to using my old pix. Linda take note!

Thatigbobabe(Lilyflower) said...

This is serious!

Anonymous said...

Auxiliary nurses are people that are trained in private clinic like nurses. They didn't go to nursing/wifery school. They are trained by the private drs they serve under. They original intended to be like cleaners, or those that do menial jobs in the private clinics but these drs will teach them how to give injections, take temperature and also help them to do surgeries. The reason these drs use them it's because they don't want to pay the trained nurses.

Anonymous said...

Pls send this write up to nursing world.

Anonymous said...

Pls send this write up to nursing world.

Anonymous said...

Well said, it's high time this menace is trashed. It's really getting out of hands. We don't know who is who again

Anonymous said...

Heavenly Father.
Daddy Buhari please you need to read this and act fast.
I taya for nigerian.

Anonymous said...

Nursing Council my foot. Mcheeew. All they are interested in is money. Foolish people from A- Z.

Unknown said...

Wow!!! Something must be done..

Anonymous said...


Dami Olusegun said...

People need to knoe that there is nothing like auxiliary nurses in Nigeria. The Nigerian constitution does not recognize it.
A registered professional nurse is one who went to either the school of nursing for a 3-year course or the university to study nursing. Both of them must also seat for and pass the licensing exam of the nursing and midwifery council of Nigeria. Anything short of this is false.

Will you ever see a quack or auxiliary nurse in the government hospitals? No!
They are found in the those mushroom and substandard private clinics and maternity homes
owned by doctors and even qualified nurses where they commit various atrocities.

Any hospital or clinic that you find these so called auxiliaries is a fake hospital. They are only after uour money.

As a patient it is your right to kniw the qualification of the person administering treatment to you.

Do not patronise the quacks. Let's get used to sanity. Do not patronise the 'auxiliaries ', you do so at your own risk. They are not registered professionals nurses.

Anyone who trains them is also a criminal. Report them to the police.

If you want to establish a clinic ss a doctor or a nursing home/maternity clinic as a nurse, employ the registered professionals. Do not employ some ladies to start training them on the job. That's criminal! We are in an era of change.

Unknown said...

They're health care assistant...some of them are not qualified....if they inject you, say bye to ur bum bum {some tho}

Anonymous said...

Nurse Onome, u have done wonderfully well

Anonymous said...

The name "Nurse" is the most Battered name I've ever heard of, at least in Nigeria . I'm proud to be a good Nurse. More proud of nurses like Chief nurse Onome. Big shame to the old bad eggs!!

Anonymous said...

What do u mean by that?

flaky said...

We are not talking sentiments here we are saying facts that has to do with human lives. Most of the auxiliary nurses commit terrible atrocities that has led to irreversible death and permanent deformities. The doctors who are MDS of private hospitals are the one training them, they are spoiling the noble profession. Auxilliary nursing should be eradicated.

Jojo said...

They just have to look into this case. Thumbs up to the one who voiced it out. Enough is enough

Anonymous said...

Hw many pple has ya mother killed........? N is it ya dream to become an auxillary nurse?

Anonymous said...

At olaide how many people has your mother killed?u better don't run away ooh,do u want me to tell u how many people your mother has caused kidney failure, due to her poor knowledge of pharmacology? Bia if u don't want to cry this night,run away from this blog now. Rubbish,do u know how many abortions your mother has done for innocent girls that has cost them their lives? I ll report your quack untrained mother to d police to be dealt with.

Unknown said...

Chief Nurse Onome is not smiling at all. I kinda understand where she's coming from though. I wish the appropriate authority gets to read this.


Abraham Ndu said...

Lolz..@Nurse Eliza... iwu Onye ohafia?

Juleslouis said...

Auxilliary nurses r those nursaes that go to learn nursing like its fashion designing. Some of them r good tho but risky. Most private hospitals use them so they can underpay them. This country sha! God dey!

Anonymous said...

U r a big idiatt

Goaldyn Boy said...

Whenever I go to the clinic and the doctor hand my file to a nurse to give me injection, I'm usually scared to the bone! It means that if the nurse doesn't like your face, she can mix concoction or overdose and inject you!

I recall the last time I visited the Clinic, I met this light skin beau nurse. She has this sexy and inviting bow leg that will make you imagine doggying with her. Her backside is like that of a goddess. She told me she likes my name and I started chatting her up! In the course of our conversation, I discovered she is from my part of the country! I almost forgot that I was sick and in the clinic! The only thing that occupied my mind was how to take this damsel to my bed. My woman has been away for a month so I was libidinous. I calculated the amount in my meager bank account and reckoned that it will be enough to sway her to my bedroom. I was able to wheedle her phone number and other vitals! She seems an easy but irresistible temptation. Still at the clinic but after seeing the doctor, a still voice came to my head - "Goaldyn Boy, you should be praying to God to heal you and not committing adultery which will offend God! What if God gets angry with you? What if God decides not to heal you?" There and then I had to hit my senses back in line. I made up my mind not to go further with her!!!

Anonymous said...

All the Nurse Titi dem. I remembered one who injected her own daughter and the girl died

Anonymous said...

Police and nurse...Husband and wife. Say no to quackery tho...

Anonymous said...

your mother knows very well she cannot defend herself if a legal action is taken against her either by an aggrieved client or the government. You should read clearly, you mother isn't a nurse at all according to the international council of Nurses definition because she does not have a formal education. SHE IS A QUACK and consequently a KILLER trained by another greedy killer.

Ladun Liadi said...

Economically friendly?
To think U took d hippocratic oath...

Anonymous said...

that is in countries where they are formally trained and certified, they have names like CNA,LPN in the united states. the name auxiliary does not fit the ones in Nigeria, THEY ARE QUACK NURSES NOT AUXILIARY.

Anonymous said...


Bunny said...

You can easily identify an auxiliary nurse in a government hosp, but in private hospitals they get employed to act as chief nurses because these hospitals can't afford or refuse to pay professionals. These auxiliary nurses use people for trial n error

Anonymous said...

A line had been set on my hand in readiness for the surgery, a small girl auxiliary nurse came towards me with a half empty bag of an intravenous fluid ( drip) that had been lying there, probably used on someone else weeks ago, I watched in disbelief as she came close, and the anesthetist stopped her and her rubbish. They really would have seen a belligerent me that day if she had come too close. They inject you on your butt and use the same wet swab they initially used to clean the surface to be injected to press hard on the injection site so as to stop the bleeding. Apart from the risk of infection, that thing is very painful. ...the way they go about the job may make you think you are in a very dirty place.

Anonymous said...

Seriously dis is a big issue, I nearly lost my baby on April dis year becos of one incompetent auxiliary nurse, whose was giving wrong foetal heartbeat checkings 2 d doctor when I was contracting. Telling d doctor dat everything was ok when my baby's heartbeat was slowing down. If not dat d doc decided 2 check for him self nd found out dat my baby's heartbeat was weak already nd has 2 rush me in d theatre with an oxygen on me so dat my baby will survive within d 15mins of operation. I wld hav lost my baby bcos of an unprofessional lady putting on white nd calling herself a nurse. All these nurse Eliza dem( auxiliary nurses) are jus not it at all.

Anonymous said...

Most of the so called Matrons and reputable doctors are the one's training this auxiliaries, just last year myself and my friend were job hunting, fresh registered nurses we search for job everywhere online, applied to some private hospital, government job and different site , okay fast forward we got a job at a big private hospital in ogun state even though the pay wasn't that good we accepted the offer like that , we noticed only ourselves and the matrons are the only registered nurses in the hospital, those auxiliary girls would wear slippers to work, discuss patient with other patient relatives they know nothing about confidentiality in nursing, one of them once give the wrong oral drugs to a patient, I discovered her mistake and corrected her only for her to say all this registered nurses sef nothing would happen to the patient(in Yoruba) I and my friend had to quickly rush to give the suppose patient gastric lavage, the thing that really pissed me off is that ,they talk in theater room they gist and even bring some of their friends in other departments like the pharmacist to discuss while surgery is going on, sometimes they even wear their shirt nd skirt to the theater without changing to scrubs, I tried talking to the doctor about it and he told me he's still training them and that's y he doesn't employ registered nurses because we are just too proud, we tender our resignation letter and left, in as much as we wanted to touch someones life, we wanted to serve humanity we just couldn't spend a month in that environment where d image of our profession is shattered and nursing was turned upside down there even the matron was part of the people training them ....we beg NMCN to see beyond fighting for power and money, they should fight for the image of nursing profession, for those interested in our story we got home and kept job hunting d only job we could get are all this private hospital then the thought of working with auxiliaries again we didn't accept d job offers then we were looking for a school nurse job, fast forward to late last year still no job someone told us about Canada visa and that Canada needs nurses we applied and we got it, now we are both in Canada pursuing our specialization in nursing here, we hope to come back to a Nigeria with better health system, to clarify things am one of those people that belives so much in Nigeria am the no travelling type before, but what I experienced within those job hunting days change my perception towards that, even when I told my mum I'll try Canada she said I thought you're d true naija babe because I once got a good paying job in Qatar (accommodation and car inclusive)nd I refused to go then because of my luv for naija, all d same no place like home we hope to come back home in d future

Giftie said...

All dos private clinics u enter and. U see a young girl dat has probably not seen d walls of a higher institution, most of dem get trained on d job, dey re not profeesional Nurses.Try looking for a child"s vein wen ur baby is sick, u will see dat Eliza Nurses abounds dis days

Giftie said...

All dos private clinics u enter and. U see a young girl dat has probably not seen d walls of a higher institution, most of dem get trained on d job, dey re not profeesional Nurses.Try looking for a child"s vein wen ur baby is sick, u will see dat Eliza Nurses abounds dis days

Anonymous said...

You are blind retard for making that comment...I guess you one of those she's crying about.

Anonymous said...

Her point is well clarified;like crystal clear...maybe you should check your brains to know where the problem from. Just maybe.

Anonymous said...

You are blind retard for making that comment...I guess you one of those she's crying about.

Unknown said...

I went to a state hospital and a university graduate. I mean a doctor was asked questions even the patient knew wht is was and the educated patients there were surprised...and that's even a doctor not a I think they should be well trained before dealing with humans

Anonymous said...

This is a serious matter oh,I remembered how an auxiliary nurse gave me injection that almost paralysed my right leg,quack nurses run the private hospitals as nurses .nigerians pls shine ur eyes oh.

Anonymous said...

Auxiliary nurses don't have professional training. They are quack. Some privates employ them because they are cheaper.

This is so bad. Toying with people's lives.

Pls visit

Anonymous said...

Madam Motunrayo, u call her a crying nurse? She should cry after spending 3 years or more to get the basic general nursing qualification and during this time, she read different professional books, had hours of clinical experience in the hospital in training and then graduating and having to prove her worth before ahe gets employed.....So my dear daughter of an auxillary nurse, if she cries, she has every right to.

Anonymous said...

You are the most foolish person I have seen for the past 40years. What is the meaning of this comment of yous? How does it fit into the subject matter? Anuofia,,,ewu

Anonymous said...

You are an idiot who is unable to understand written words......Senseless comment.

Unknown said...

And what has this your filthy story got to do with the post?

Anonymous said...

Ur mom is nurse eliza, she should not work in a hospital. Mbanu!!!!!!! Hei!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Auxiliary nurses of now we're the ward maid of old. Drs are the enabler for selfish reasons. Most of the auxiliary nurses can barely write down the temperature of patients. Change has come and Buhari must hear this

Anonymous said...

Auxiliary nurses of now we're the ward maid of old. Drs are the enabler for selfish reasons. Most of the auxiliary nurses can barely write down the temperature of patients. Change has come and Buhari must hear this

Anonymous said...

I am Pharmacist and I know what this quacks can do. They no nothing about drugs, pharmacology and not to talk of basic nursing skills. Poster you will be amazed if you go to suburb they have literally taken over the work of qualified professionals. Like I say this is a reflection of the state of the country. My cousin is a nurse in the US and when you see him you would be proud of her profession. As a pharmacist I see them rubbish drugs and I keep crying. The funny thing is their clients are as gullible as they are. Educated people don't patronize these quacks. Only illiterates like them do. A word is enough for the wise,

Anonymous said...

Bia Linda, why did you erase the phone numbers there? Pls we need those numbers people just need to go to Jail. I remembered when my brothers wife went and registered at a private clinic for ante natal my dad was livid. My dad warn her she will be held responsible if anything happens to his grandchild. Thank God she obeyed. There are more qualified people in government owned establishment than all this quack private hospitals

Anonymous said...

Hello, good morning. I'm in school of pharmacy. Why don't they put piroxicam inj in syringes?

Anonymous said...

Well,i really do not encourage quacks in the hospital but the truth is that some of those trained nurses are better to work with in terms of attitude and commitment to the work. Nursing profession is more of practical than theory. If you compare the attitude of nurses in teaching hospitals to that of private hospitals that use auxiliary nurses you will know the reason why most doctors use them.

Unknown said...

Auxillary nurses are those dat learnt nursing skills without going tru nursing schools or Universities....I didnt even know we still have them...considering the fact dat Nursing courses is now available in the Universities......
Are we now going to start asking Nurses to tender their cert before we allow them treat us? Becos before now aux nurses dont use white..but now...everyone uses white

Moye says so via BB Passport...Courtesy LIB......

Lyn said...

Is it also economically friendly to put a life at risk? I don't think so.

Anonymous said...

Guess. You guess.

Anonymous said...

And which hospital did you go to? You should have reported it. You might be saving a life

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

ATTENTION: Nurses start training Auxilliary Doctors

Zika said...

Good write up.Imagine a hospital where there is only one registered nurse and others are auxiliary nurses.NMCA pls do something abt dis and stop collecting bribe cos it's becoming too much.

Anonymous said...

@Goaldyn boy . just imagine de wot u spent tym writing . well y dont u just make it a script or better still a novel ,ehhhh.

ary said...

So what is an auxiliary nurse?

Anonymous said...

Thank You Linda for this post, there are several hospitals guilty of this, amongst which is 1 notorious one in Surulere, Off Adeniran Ogunsanya. Adebola street to be precise. This hospital has been branded fake among local residents and would rather self medicate than go there for treatment, some many people who went there with full nice bum bum end up coming out with abscess. Please Lin, i would appreciate if you post this, maybe the necessary bodies in charge would do something about this. Isnt there some sort of body that should do yearly inspection in hospitals? I know in the U.S they have such and during such inspections they ask necessary questions and when u fail, ur licensed would be seized. Please Chironna Medical center is among this hospitals that should be visited, and please this visits should be unsheduled biko, my little sister is currently limping due to an injection that was not properly administered. Miss Linda , u take God name beg you. Please Post. Thanks and God bless.

uzor onwusa said...

deliver us from evil o lord.

Unknown said...

She's so right,only God cann help dis country

Unknown said...

NMCN kip sleeping is rilly annoying,dat mortality rate kip increasing owing to the silence of our so called nursing council,do ur work nursing council and stop increasing licence and exam fees.

Unknown said...

If u dnt hav anytin to say pls shut ur mouth,until ur limb or relations own is affected.

Anonymous said...

Very true. These nurse Eliza can kill. It should be totally abolished

Anonymous said...

U are so daft

Anonymous said...

Thank you

Anonymous said...

Dear motunrayo .... That ur mother is an auxilliary nurse n is good does not mean she's doing the right thing. I ll like to know what u studied n see if it is ok with you for them to employ an auxilliary over you who is formally trained. And besides can an auxilliary nurse tell you d anatomy of the person she is taking care of?.

Anonymous said...

Linda, auxiliary nurses are nurse eliza or quack nurses.

Anonymous said...

Your mom is a killer girl. Ask her the functions of paracetamol am sure she doesn't know. Anuofia like you

Anonymous said...

Your mother is a quack. My mother is trained nurse/midwife. She retired as a chief nursing officer of a federal medical center. There is definitely a difference between her and an Eliza nurse. I avoid private hospitals because I want nothing to do with Eliza nurses.

Anonymous said...

Govt should make them to be properly trained as nursing assistants instead

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this alert

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

And is not cheap at all, so i see no reason why one cannot go to the hospital

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