Karrueche went on the Instagram fan page, Chraeallday, ( a page dedicated to Chris and Karrueche) and
asked that they delete pictures of her and Chris from the page.
Instead of getting sympathy, a lot of fans cursed her out and thought
she was petty but this twitter user's comments @deegood were extra
special. If you go on that page, the insults are real.
Drama lol
People wey get fans. Shioor. Lindaobserve
She is really mad o
She shd go n rest abeg...enough already
Kae really dos like attention gosh
Na force?
De didn't even cuss her out well....yeye crayfish! Mtchew!
That's really not necessary, How does she still feel something strong for him?
Photos: Wizkid parties with Emmanuel Adebayor & co in London
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Childish. She should deal with it jare.
Royal jujuhood, you're a sick demented fellow, for always going as anonymous to reply urself and also appearing as anonymous to curse out anyone who says something to u that u do not like. I'm going to make u feel miserable.
That's really not necessary, or does she still feel something strong for him?
Photos: Wizkid parties with Emmanuel Adebayor & co in London
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Internet trolls are realy crazy..they have time and she also has time
It's well Kae, you will surely get over it.
She just wants attention! N yes @deegood extra special! I lik d replies!
Dts childish of her jare wats her problem ur no longer wit d person again y tel pple 2 delete ur pixs wit him, inshort d fans are stupid if dy do does she even hv any fans to start wit mtchewwww!!!!! Ode.
For their back pocket...
She get time
Dats nt done....u cant ask ur fans to delete pic of u n ur ex jus bcous ur no longer dating
Chris has a new girl in his life n he is damn happy..
Deep mehn.. deegood is badh.. lol. True talk she told kareokee or whatever her name is. Delete won't make u get over it.
Karate, you are beginning to seem like you like drama oo, if you want breezy back cos u obviously still carecare,then do it, but cut the crap
Asking people to delete the photos is rather childish.
she should deal with it cos that's her claim to
fame anyways.
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Karrueche get a life already!!!
She didn't need to tell em that....Am sure Rihanna n Chris had a page too but she neva told em that.....Deegood said d rite tinz to her!
Hmmm! It's well
Indeed she is petty. Sometimes some tins in our lives r special, and they r pecial until tins goes d other way which should not call for exhibiting hate for one another. Real love stays even if its doesn't wrk out.
Psychotic Bitch.
I 'm jubilatin that Dude Brown got that Whore pregnant cos its the only ish that will kinda got him off the voodoo spell cast on his innocent self by the Tran family n Z ain't gonna be ashamed to admit that my prayer n fastin shitz can be attributed as the sole or one of the major antidote that acted n is still actin to render the spell ineffective.
So, cos Bitch Tran is hookin some gigz here n there, she's beginnin 2 feel important as if she got a life before meetin CB. Fuck u K and u can bet ur skinny self ain't gonna last out there coz u ain't got the Lookz nor the intellect to ride the waves of fame.
Once again, Fuck Karreuche Tran n other mofos that will pollute my space.
Human being, will neva mind thr biznx nd respect other's feelins,nd opinion
Linda I am amazed at the efforts it takes you to scour through millions of stories to pick up lively and entertaining ones. It must take hours and loads of dedication, I truly don't envy you but I commend you.
Lmao! A lot of mean people in this world, they no send you lol, she should just move on already mtewww!!!
LMAO....This 1 na serious mata oo
good for her
LMAO....This 1 na serious mata oo
I don't blame her though, they are over. Why does the fan page still exist?
Sori gal
Some people still get sense for that country self......
good for her
She should behave like a grown up jor, if they delete the pics and eventually she n Chris got back in the future, what will then happen? please karrueche pretend like nothing is happening Biko.
I'm tired of this Karrueche and Chris Brown ish. Lady need to go and chill.
Linda cogitate
They shud stop this drama..
The baby pictures Chris is posting is getting to her
She is a mumu, can't she report to instagram and get it removed!! And for cry out loud it's a fan page for both of them!! Which doesn't affect her physically!! No be her pose for the pictures?
Hehehehe, LMAO @ #she was never in love with him. Linda take note!
VERULE Says-beautiful is life
Okay. And to each, theirs.
And to each, theirs.
Eya....You can't feel her pain...sorry bt ur pics will be there for yearsss
Trans cant just ask people to do that
Am begining to doubt if dis babe truly loved CB, funny girl..
Chris Brown bet Y? The gal is pained
Jobless people...dis karrueche sef, na attention seeker!!!
U can't feel her pain....sorry dear it hurts!!!
Sorry is her case
She should get off social media to avoid the drama or accept whatever without ordering anyone.
So who is she to tell her fans what to do with their pictures? Abeg she should park well. I guess she misses d fame and attention. Deleting d pictures won't mend her so called brojken heart. She askked for her heart to be broken!
She should just ignore na....
Chai. Fans can do a lot in writing sha
Lol I like dat 1 word... delete
I feel ur pains sugar!
Does it make any differencey dear?
Kae should move on already. Chris is having a nice time with his daughter and tour. Asking fans to delete ur pix is being petty. Just let it go dear, though its gonna be difficult, but time will surely heal the hurt.
Lool @ mad extra
Attention whore
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