OMG! Captured Jordanian pilot burnt alive in a cage by ISIS | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Tuesday 3 February 2015

OMG! Captured Jordanian pilot burnt alive in a cage by ISIS

Oh dear Lord! Why aren't these world powers trying to eliminate ISIS once & for all? The 27 year old Jordanian pilot who was captured by ISIS militants after his warplane crashed while he was conducting airstrikes over Syria in December 2014, has been killed in the most despicable manner.

The terrorists released a video today showing the brutal murder of Lieutenant Moaz al-Kasasbeh. He was burnt alive while locked in a cage. The Jordanian military believe he was killed on Jan. 3rd.

In the footage titled 'Healing the Believers Chest', the militants pour petrol on Moaz, who's wearing an orange jumpsuit, and set him alight. He was burnt alive within minutes.

A few minutes after ISIS released the video, the Jordanian government moved five ISIS prisoners to another prison & released a statement saying all 5, including the failed female suicide bomber whom ISIS had originally demanded Jordan release in exchange for the pilot, will be executed tonight. 

Jordanian king Abdullah, who is currently in the US, will cut short his trip and will be immediately returning to Jordan to deal with the issue. Hope no country tries to talk Jordan out of this. Too bad!


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Unknown said...

ISIS will roast in a diff part of HELL.

Unknown said...

Our problem is the issue of religion and the more we come out of it, the better for we all. Let's love one another and forget this issue of muslim, Christian thing joor

Anonymous said...

AbokiDaWarriBoyFebruary 3, 2015 at 10:52 PM kill urself! Islam is satanic! It represents everything evil!

Mr. Dreamcast said...



Unknown said...

My goodness! This people are heartless God pls save us

Unknown said...

AbokiDaWarriboy we all know what Islam stands for; violence, cruelty and all sort of evil. Islam was founded on violence so nothing good can cm out of it, cursed people

Anonymous said...

Na only u dey. Thnk. Pple and Linda are jus emotional for nothng. Dt pilot killed mothers, fathers and children. I'm sorry it's war and d only thng I feel is for d country. Pple thnk thnk thnk! Do not let mainstream media tell u wht to thnk. He was a murderer who killed even d innocent. I am a christian jus incase some of u thnk dis is religious fundamentalist muslim.

Subomi said...

so they called Jordan's bluff. The end is here

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

May his soul rest eternally!

Unknown said...

Height of wickedness aswear these ISIS people r just heartless RIP man

Unknown said...

Sad something :(:(:(: RIP

Princess G said...

Amen @ burn them all in hell. What a brutal and painful way to die.

Princess G said...

Chai, so sad. God pls end this terrorist madness for us.

Unknown said...

Whaow. I really like that. I wish I am Jordan president right now

Unknown said...

This is the reason why I will never trust any Muslim. Terrorist or not. I believe they are all the same!

Unknown said...

This is the reason why I will never trust any Muslim. Terrorist or not. I believe they are all the same!

Anonymous said...

Will you get the fuck out of here.

Anonymous said...

Will you get the fuck out of here.

Anonymous said...

Allah will judge everyone accordingly.

Anonymous said...

Aboki Yan like a matured Muslim . Understand why people Yan like this. They Are people destroying our faith and religion and that's the fact

Unknown said...

Thank God the jordanians are very angry and would retaliate in a crazy way lord help us all

Anonymous said...

@anon 11.46pm - is that an Islamic terrorist threat on Lib??? These fanatics....smh!

Anonymous said...

@abokidawarriboy- Islam is a violent and intolerant religion. We see your actions and they speak horror!

Unknown said...

Hmmm... What a painful death...

Anonymous said...

I 'see' d peace in ur tone....

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

So that's how someone who practices a peaceful religion replies?shame.

Anonymous said...

@Aboki and your 'peaceful' response to his allegation adds credence to his statement that Islam is 'indeed' peaceful...

Grace n Truth said...

You? You that support Islamist Buhari calling Lord not to forsake you? It is either you have been jazzed into stupidity or you are genuinely ignorant that Buhari's boys burnt a chrich with 70 Christians trapped inside, that over 2000 people are killed in 2011 by Buhari's boys 12 of then youth corpershon and Buhari refused to all them to rider despite Wole Soyinka asking him to . Buhari's response was that they were angry thus justifying the murders. So you are either a hypocrite or a spiritually blind person.

Unknown said...

This is cruelty beyond comprehension.

Let your kingdom come.


JOJO20 said...


Anonymous said...

You're a very very stupid goat you this foolish daft called Abokidawarriboy....bastard guys are the same, you will never allow somebody to freely say his or her mind...I wonder what sort of religion you practice where people are slaves to stupid belief!!! to jell with you and your damn religion!!!! Bastard!!!! So tell Chile wetin him wan hear, and watch me tell u and your stupid religious fanatics wetin una no ever wan hear...bastards!!!!

Unknown said...

World power have not be able to eliminate ISIS and you people are blaming Goodluck concerning BH. Fighting terrisom is not easy, I keep wondering how GMB plan to wipe out terrorism in 6 months if he is not their boss and knows the right button to press. Nigeria youths wise up.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

hmmmm ISIS! but y?


Unknown said...

Where are the world super powers, these lunatics should be gassed to death. Just wipe them off the surface of the earth

Anonymous said...

You must be very crazy, stupid and foolish, you are totally a disappointment to a society. Is now apc that will save nigeria, ur brain dead indeed. Most apc's members were from pdp, ask yourself what positive change buhari did during his tenure, now buhari, tinubu obj, are now saints!!! Ugly bitch

susan chukwuka said...

Father have mercy!

Anonymous said...

No Jordan just has to execute those five!!! They have to! This ISIS is made up of demons!

opidmoney said...

U are all fools for saying bad things about my religion....Islam preaches peace u BASTARDS...stop regarding Muslims as bad people...Whoever u are Mr/Mrs Anonymous,fuck u and your fucking family......

Riketoke said...

Only God can save us. This is too bad. RIP PILOT

Unknown said...

This guy's dnt own a heart

Anonymous said...

The world is watching .
Since all the world super power that gathered to fight IS can not defeat them
But I know one thing all these can not happened when Bush was President in America
The world greatest problems now is wrong leaders
Many of the world leaders now are agent of darkness

Anonymous said...

This is too bad, this pple are heartless Visit this blog and get the lastest in Africa.

Lekan Ashas said...

<a This is barbaric, callous and certainly unislamic. Islam teaches peace and tolerance and freedom of religion. Hence, there should be no compulsion in religion. Even in killing an offender (if necessary as a last resort), you need to show mercy, that is what Islam teaches. For those of you who always criticizes Islam almost on every act of ISIS, ALSHABAAB, ALQAEDA, BOKO HARAM etc, let it be known that Islam abhors evil deeds. Love for all, Hatred for none.

Anonymous said...

The only country that has proved that it can fight terrorist in the world is Is real
Isreal understands that civilian living with terrorist are also terrorist
Isreal throws back to anywhere that bombs come from even inside the schools
Isreal don't care about what CNN will report
Because they know they are friend to terrorist.
Israel will use air ,ground and sea to fight terrorist
Up till today Gaza is still desolate
I pray that this IS will provoke Israel very soon
I don't think that this Obama is really fighting them .although it appears that he is fighting .but something is wrong somewhere
Very soon Israel will help the world to defeat these monsters

Anonymous said...

Have u guys tried to understand what is happening?. The pilot guys was probably a muslim and was callously killed by the ISIS. Definitely there is more to this despicable act than religious issues

Anonymous said...

How will he do it
Buhari will convert you to Muslim
Then you don't know Christ that you believe
You are only displaying ignorance
A fool like Jonah

Anonymous said...

Buhari's people!

Oskirin said...

too bad.wallahi...ds is nt islam.if i were 2 b ds guy knowing fully well dt im abt 2 die,i wld av fought one of dem any how.den i will b satisfied.just cnt imagine d kind of curse 2 place on dem.

OMA said...

just 27, GOD!

OMA said...

just 27, GOD!

PATALEX said...


Anonymous said...

Sharap there @ aboki. U knw Hw many tyms we've heard this rubbish u're saying? That's d stupid xcuse muslims give whn their own display acts of violence. Calm down jor. Maybe d original folks dt started Islam had peace in mind, but 2day, it's pure VIOLENCE!!! Ok, since d boko haram n ISIS are unbelievers like u claim, whc religion they come be? Christians? Abeg tell urslf d truth jor

Unknown said...

You got no right to call every muslim out there heartless! at least say some! not every muslim wanted this to happen dont mess with some peoples religion pleaseee,

Unknown said...

look thats a peice of shittt! the fuck muslims are not animalsss! get your ass together! we have allah, i get that you guys dont want whoever as a predident but you guys dont got to say everything towards every muslimm!!!

Unknown said...

Why are they so heartless?

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