It has become necessary to address this Press conference to correct some wrong information in the Mass Media concerning the outcome of the Council of State meeting which was held at the Presidential Villa yesterday.
Firstly, President Goodluck Jonathan is not interested, neither is he engaged in in any form of subterfuge to pressurize INEC to change the dates of the 2015 Elections.
The President, like many Governors and Citizens of Nigeria is concerned about the State of preparedness of INEC for the 2015 Elections ;especially as it concerns the guarantee of the rights of every Nigerian Citizen who has fulfilled the conditions for INEC’s Voter registration , and may still be disenfranchised from the Process of Voting at the General elections.
The Security situation and the danger that the current war against insurgency in some parts of the country may impose on the conduct of elections in the Affected areas
The impact of the situation above on the overall credibility of the 2015 elections.
Secondly , I wish to state categorically here that at no time during the entire 7 hour meeting did the INEC Chairman , Prof Attahiru Jega insist that the elections must hold on the Feb 14th and 28th 2015 as published by some Electronic / Print Media. Rather Professor Jega gave the Council a report on the Progress so far made by the INEC on its preparedness for the 2015 elections.
In all its submissions the only process that was 100% concluded was the preparation and availability of the Voters Register.
All other processes including Provision, distribution and collection of PVC’s, printing of ballot papers, distribution of Verification machines and other non –sensitive materials , recruitment and training of ad hoc Staff were as at 5th Feb 2015 all “Works in progress”; with some assurance that all will be ready on or before 14th of Feb 2015.
The Chairman also mentioned clearly that given a little more time INEC would be in a better position to perfect these processes and its readiness for the 2015 Elections.
Also in his Presentations to the Council the INEC Chairman, stated clearly that for the electoral process to be free, fair , and credible there are other matters which were not under the control of INEC principal among which is the issue of provision and guarantee of Security of Lives and Properties.
The Security Chiefs were unanimous in their advice to the Council that it will be impossible for now for them to guarantee security of electoral materials, INEC Staff, and the voting population in the areas currently engulfed by the War against Insurgency.
Some opinions were therefore proffered that elections may be allowed to hold on the 14th Feb in the 32 states not affected by the current War against terrorism; while local elections may thereafter hold in those areas after the security situation would have improved.
The President made it clear that he cannot in good conscience endorse an electoral arrangement where people from a section of the Country would be excluded from the Electoral process, due to no fault of theirs, or by virtue of just being unfortunate residents of an area under siege of terrorism.
According to Mr President, this situation will tend to confirm the deliberate falsehood already being propagated in some parts of the Country that he was encouraging the war in the North East to ensure that voters in the APC states of the North East were not allowed to vote in the 2015 elections.
The final conclusion was that INEC should in view of the several submissions made in the Council, by the Former Presidents, State Governors and the Security Agencies, go and consult further after which they should communicate their decisions to the Nigerian People on the suitability or otherwise of the February 14th and 28th dates.
For the avoidance of doubt, Nigerians are hereby re-assured that there has never been, and never shall be any plan to cancel the 2015 elections, for any reasons whatsoever. It will not happen, and the May 29th date for the swearing-in is sacrosanct. All talks about interim government arrangement is pure fiction.
The consideration behind the possibility of change of date is to allow those who may be disfranchised from voting on the 14th February to have an opportunity to exercise their lawful rights to vote and participate in the general elections.
The new wave of successes being recorded by the Military in the War against insurgency, especially with the arrival of new effective combatant equipment and machinery, plus the newly revamped cross border co-operation with Niger, Chad and Cameroonian Military, offer a very genuine hope that in a very short while, the situation in the affected states will be brought under such reasonable control that will guarantee safety of the electoral process and electorates in the war front region of the North –East at a no distant future.
We repeat that the only set of people who stand to benefit from a shift in election dates are Nigerians who desire to vote and have not been able to collect their Permanent Voters Cards (PVCs) and other innocent citizens living in the war zone who may not be able to vote on the 14th February. We also wish to recollect that in 2003, 2007, and 2011 the elections were held in April, and the hand over date was not affected.
We therefore challenge the opposition to tell Nigerians in clear terms, what dangers the change of date from February 14th portends to the electoral process or to the Nigerian electorates. It will also be good if the opposition tells us who stands to benefit or be disadvantaged from any shifting of date and how.
This administration remains committed to a transparent, credible all inclusive free and fair elections,
and will ensure that it employs all powers available to it to guarantee that this happens without any infringement on our sacred constitutional provisions.
Thank You
Dr Doyin Okupe
Senior Special Assistant to the President on Public Affairs
Well, he shudnt be... wasn't he d 1 dt raised d issue in d council of states meeting..let us be done wit dis election once nd for all biko
Na una sabi.
INEC has bin compromised. #oneandonlynwa@gmail.com#
F U Doyin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! straight from Ethiope East...
Blah blah blah, wateva
Na dem sabi election or no election
Mr Doyin looking like a cartoon drawing
Moye says so via BB Passport...Courtesy LIB.....
We don hear.. But GEJ go pack go back Otueke soon.
Good Gej till 2019
As a psychology professional...something is wrong with this press statement...this is a disassociation from what's going to happen in the next few days from INEC...I smell date shift big time.
Now u address him as Dr? Lol how much are these people paying you Linda. Or na threat? U just keep campaigning for dem. And u post only d mistakes of APC.... God help Nigeria. everybody has a price!
Free and fair my ass, after u all gave Ekiti pple an agbaru...
Wa'eva man!
@Carlos via Nokia Lumia
So this man still exist??? Been long sha.....see his mouth like jonathan is not interested in changing the election date....
•••••••••QUEENMAYA•••• •••
Mk person hear word wif this election!
True talk. APC over to u.
Keep on defending your oga.we don hear
Well written.
Dey better not change d dates.
Illiterate opposition! Why border urself my dear Okupe. Silence de say is d best ans for fools!
Must he mention the opposition party to pass his message? Smh
To cut d long story short, Mr Okupe, so una don resolve to move am to April be dat na? God pass all of una. Linda take note!
This man expects me 2 read all dis? u dnt look like my lecturer, u r nt taking me on any course so pls stp giving me a handout 2 read everytime
This man expects me 2 read all dis? u dnt look like my lecturer, u r nt taking me on any course so pls stp giving me a handout 2 read everytime
What is saying...cheeew abeg Feb come and go o.
Boring politics news
oh tomorrow will tell
#Commenting thru Glo 4G LTE
Sounds good enough BUT anything that comes from Okupe, FFK and cohorts are taken with a pinch of salt by me. Moreover, I do not believe politrickcians. I hold on to my opinion because politicians are very deceitful. The elections should hold on that day. We've got other things to do. Chadian army chasing Boko Haram, Chadian army chasing Boko Haram, Nigerian politician says there will soon be peace. Feb 14th jor, all ye liars.
We the mugus of Nigeria believe all that you say in your press conferences and twitter.
We the mugus of Nigeria believe all that you say in your press conferences and twitter.
Story 4 d gods. #happyfriday
Election this, election that. Nawah. We don hear oooo
fat bastard
Who that stupid man go support before
I dislike him
We have heard u, but don't shift date. Let this election come nd go already.
Time means nothing to you guys. That's why you are presenting to us, your Principal, GEJ, for another 4 years. And that is why you want to postpone the elections until everything is 100%. Life is good, everything is running smoothly for you so you don't mind time.
next....expecting more from d fat belly okupe #xavier9jaforLib
Who cares, story 4 d gods
We don hear u Mr Mumu Okupe, what we know is that election ll hold this month gaskia.
⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥
can this fat man go and sit down who thought him how to tweet he is always there making all sorts of unwanted comments
A fool @ 40 D O
Shut-up okupe, stop talking rubbish that was exactly GEJ, plan before to postpone the election, we no PDP party as election ringer infact we no PDP party as the most corrupt party, in the hole africa, under GEJ! PDP party government Ekiti state. Governorship was rgged, my people wake-up and take ur destiny into ur hand oh!!!! Vote for #change# don't let people deceive people party, deceive u.They are coming again! Shine ur eyes well, OJB, called them hawks that surround GEJ, Its has been proven that we are not moving forward. For past 6 years now, all what they do is to recycle themselves, and continuity embezzlement of Nigerian money, people deceive people party, that is their mentality, my people the rain may fall, the sun may shine, but doesn't disturb the snail to get to its destination. No matter what people deceive people say, about GMB, u nd I'll overcome them! Nigerians! Wake-up! the time has come my people lives matter. PDP party and corruption insecurity darkness no electricity bad government must go. Dear Nigerian's pls forget tribalism especially we the youths, we need change in our country Nigeria, pls lets vote right nd make Nigeria a better place for u nd I,ur children/unborn children nd the next generation. We re tired of CORRUPTION, GREED, ND INSECURITY, etc. That has eaten so deep into our past nd present leaders, the unfair treatment to the masses especially,the rich getting richer while the poor are getting poorer. Its so sad. May God continue to be with us Amen. Vote for #change# vote Buhari and Osinbajo. For president on the 14th.
If you guys play with Nigeria because of greed only God knows what will happen.
Nigeria decides
Slap urself,muchi muchi princess
*YAWNS* I just want this elections to be done and over already
This is a disgrace! So after 4yrs doyin and govt are tellin d world that they r not ready. Wat is that u will conclude in 2mnths that u failed to conclude in 4yrs. If the opposition lyk u said are afraid bcos its apc states y r they pushin 4 the election n u pdp r afraid. God punish u and ur pple for this useless lyf u r makin us go thru
Indeed!!! Its now govt electoral comm gec not inec
Word friend word!! I noticed linda mocks apc and neva do same to pdp. Y dnt u stop the election talk since u r 1 sided lyk NTA
So u r a fool 4 makin a comment. Dull
That election has to hold. Only if they want us to know that they are not credible and they are loyal to the federal government.
Doyin shaaaaraaaaaaap
I no dey believe these people again! Them don too lie for me.
Doyin durin uwarka u talk too much haba
Most commenters got it wrong due to their sentimental gusto. My take is: If 2003, 2004 and 2011 elections were successfully held in April why the inordinate hurry to hold 2015 elections in February when most people of Owerri North Senatorial District have not collected their PVCs?
And yet, they had amp amount of time to prepare for the 2015 election but they didn't. Now they want to move the date to allow them manipulate the system as much as they want... smh
If Free and Fair wins - Buhari wins.
If Bribery, Intimidation and Rigging wins - Jonathan wins.
Dont like this dude but I may agree GEJ is not trying to postpone the election, read most of the other part of the text and its just blah blah blah
This man sound is funny. Allow the polls to go on then. you had 4yrs to prepare for this election, why didn't you start the military attack ever since? so if not for election you wont show any seriousness to attach boko haram? change is now. feb 14th
Story from the gods
Na wa for this Doyin ''Okpo'' guy o
Na wa for this Doyin ''Okpo'' guy o
Na Wa for this Doyin ''Okpo'' guy o
Why did you wait until the Council of State meeting was over with before telling us that is not GEl's plan ? They decided that elections must go on,now you come out and say it was not your bosses plan. You guy's need to go and learn the art of spinning. You must think we are stupid.
Why did you wait until the Council of State meeting was over with before telling us that is not GEl's plan ? They decided that elections must go on,now you come out and say it was not your bosses plan. You guy's need to go and learn the art of spinning. You must think we are stupid.
na lie... jst saying
This man called Doyin Okupe is the most devious and dubious liar and deceptor this country has ever produced. He ranks in the same category as Femi Fanikayode. It's a shame that they are both from the southwest, the region that has produced some of the most brilliant and most patriotic Nigerians. History will not forgive him.
This man called Doyin Okupe is the most devious and dubious liar and deceptor this country has ever produced. He ranks in the same category as Femi Fanikayode. It's a shame that they are both from the southwest, the region that has produced some of the most brilliant and most patriotic Nigerians. History will not forgive him.
God bless you sir and aalso bless our most democratic president, President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan, who has, since his being as the president of our dear country, brought the true meaning of democracy into play viz: free, fair and credible electoral process and a true freedom of speech environment friendly. Let God decide who our next president becomes but let Nigerians remember that the man in GEJ never to attain the height of power he so occcupies now like his counterpart who can't speak same about themselves. APCs n its supporter you'all have heard it, let's know what you guys stand to loose if the scheduled general eleection be postponed. Sometimes i ask myself if GMB has been told would die on or after February 14....#smh
My joy, happiness and appreciation is that, the President has made enough noise about the postponing and atleast 70% of Nigeeriaans wishes February 14 stands, so when eventually anything go wrong, INEC (as an independent body) and the electorate have themselves to blame. And please, let no one with a long mouth come out tomorrow and say that the President as the C-in-C has every right to have stopped INEC from carrying on with the general elections after his plea to stop it and so be blamed for any unfortunate situation(s).....A word, they say is enough for the wise only.
If you guys in owerri north senatorial district have not collected your pvc, then that's your problem; the election shouldn't be postponed for that. You guys are the supporters of Jonothing and his failed leadership; he had 4yrs to prepare for this election. You don't have the moral latitude to complain!
U are a fool
I no sure say mr doyin no they lick oga jona yansh ooo..the sight of him disgust me'like he never will have anything good to say.Tufia
Nice one and he spoke well but d elections shouldn't b postpone...
I pray and am wAiting earnestly to hear d news b4 d end of today. Thumbs up to INEC they r doing great job.
It is sad that #GEJ isn't ashamed of Doyin. Even GEJ supporters are wishing he is changed now but as usual GEJ isn't a leader. CHECK OUT THOSE AROUND GEJ!!! We need change!!!
The truth is that the Yoruba elite are only supporting Buhari APC because he picked a Yoruba man as Vice, would they have supported if he had picked Amaechi or Okorocha…the ibos and south south must unite, this is not the first time Yoruba are betraying us in the south, I discussed for 2 hours with my father today, and he really broke the whole thing to me….it’s only in the south we say let’s be objective …..
Have you guys ever seen El Rufai insulting late president yar adua, despite he ran to exile because of him…GEJ is not the best, but they are only doing this to him because his from the minority…we south south should mark this down, we will regret this….President shehu shagar was a criminal, but the north still gave him second term….
if we want to be fair to all regions in Nigeria , Yoruba did presidency for 8 years, …the highest ibo has done in 16 years is senate president ….southerners open your eyes,….it’s shameful that any ibo man will vote apc, a party that doesn’t even recognise you people, the senate presidency have been zoned to Bukola saraki….and you people are here talking about Apc
so there is no ibo man that could have been Vice PresidentiCal candidate to Buhari right?…what happened to Olisa Agbakoba ,madam oby ezekwesi, pat utomi etc…lets wake up
If we want to talk about been objective, are they couldn’t have gotten a good vice presidential candidate in the entire Ibo ( south east region) or south south
This is an insult to these 2 region,
if you see the federal civil , why we southerners are entering from level 7 and level 8, the northerner come as consultants for 2 years, after 3 years, they are made assistant director, why we southerners are still struggling to grow gradually, that is why you will see a northerner 45 years old is already a director or permanent secretary, a southerner will be 50 at assistant director, by the time hE or she is 55, he will now become a director @ 55″ they will retire him
Look at the judiciary for example, the next 3 Chief Justice of the federation from the north, why do you think it’s so, please check the last 4 chief justice of the federation…imagine this is civil service,….what happened to the office of character commission that is suppose to balance the whole thing, I work in Abuja …I know what is happening, you people are sitting on Facebook , and saying rubbish….i pity you….
I don’t know if its the education we think we have that is making us in the south been stupid, is sanusi not educated, is el Rufai not educated, is bukola saraki not educated, why can’t they all be objective enough to say, let’s allow the presidential raise be open to every candidate or every region, why are they fighting for their region….
You people should continue doing objectivity there, we will shut down the entire economy of nigeria on the 16th of February if goodluck loses…we are not fools…watch and see …that is why dollars is going up, because every one is stocking dollars so as to run away when the war start
Because of boko haram, president goodluck made a northerner national security adviser(NSA) , he gave a northerner minister of defence , he gave a northerner inspector general of police, please what do you expect him to do, put ak47 on his shoulder and go to borno state himself abi
This man is an idiot. You are busy distributing bribes ranging from $30 to $50k to people to shift election date. Thunder fire your mouth
What of those around Buhari? Are they any better? The likes of Atiku, Tinubu who is using the taxes we pay in Lagos state to fund his lifestyle. For your information see wealth amassed by major financier of buhari campaign organization and before 1999, Tinubu had none of these:
1. Oriental Hotel
2. Falomo Shopping Complex
3. First Nation Airline
4. Lekki Concession Company
5. Apapa Amusement Park
6. Maiyegun Land Project
7. The Nation Newspaper
8. Renaissance Hotel
9. Tejuoso Market (Joint ownership)
10. Ikeja Shopping Mall
11. TV Continental
12. Converted Lagos Poly land for TVC
13.Owned NNPC Office building in Lagos
14. Radio Continental
15. Owned School of Nursing building in
16. Tax Collector of Lagos State (Alpha Beta)
17.Wife is a member of the National Assembly
18. Son-in-law is a member of the NationalAssembly
19. Daughter is the President-General of MarketWomen Association
in Lagos
20. N4 billion government financed property for self at Queens Drive, Lagos
21. NICON Building at Idejo street
22. Earns about, N5bn monthly from the 20% he gets from lagos state revenue
23. Has the sole contract to collect Tolls at all Lekki Toll Gates for 33 years.
Tinubu acquired all these wealth
the above and many more not listed after he became Governor of Lagos State, first in 1999 and won his second term in 2003. He remains Governor Emeritus of
Lagos, controlling the State's treasury through his protege Governor Fashola.
GEJ is the best president so far, Goodluck will rule again. 08038454113
God bless ur my brother, i made the comment right above yours. I'v discussed with my colleagues at work and this was what i told them, 95% of the northerner clamouring sai buhari isn't doing so cause he's done anything feasible to them but doing doing so purely on sentiment grounds, similar goes for the westerners and just as you've rightly said it, its on a sentiment grounds also. The "pull him down" symdrome applied on the president isn't just that he has failed but a pure beef, you can all(APCs) disagree for all i care, cause its as obvious as life.
the Anonymous who said "This man is an idiot. You are busy distributing bribes ranging from $30 to $50k to people to shift election date. Thunder fire your mouth"
i give you 3 days to prove your point else the same thunder fire you prayed will... mtcheews dont let me complete it. God have mercy on you. You just speak what you dont know simply because of the bitterness you harbour. They are many of you kind...
Thumb up anon.feb 7 @9:03, thanks for your painstaking fact finding, how I wish you will extend it to Oga jona and the crooks that surrounded him but I know you will not, because it your likes that promulgated hatred campaign against buhari and thanks to you for that because you make the guy more popular. If I may ask, must you(PDP apologist) dance to opposition tune(dummy campaign)? If you think you've really worked (as you claimed) why resulting to abusive,witch hunting,blackmailing and hatred campaign? Tell us what you have done and what you will do if elected not all thing baseless accusations!
Of course he isn't! Why would he want to be caught in the seat on May 29 and no president has been announced, he would have to vacate the seat nah! So it's in his interest the elections should hold as scheduled!
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