Morgan was taken home where he will embark on 'aggressive out-patient treatment' to heal from the serious injuries he suffered. The comedian, who suffered a broken leg and broken ribs, is suing Wal-Mart over the crash, saying that Wal-Mart should have known that its driver had been awake for over 24 hours and that his commute of 700 miles from his home in Georgia to work in Delaware was 'unreasonable.' The suit also alleges the driver fell asleep at the wheel, causing the crash.
Get well soon.....talk2vicann@yahoo.com
It's a miracle he survived. All the best.
Eeyah. Sorry Tracy
I wish him quick recovery.
Wat a pity. Wish u qucick recovery Tracy. I'm out ***CATCH. ME IF U CAN***
which him quick recovery...nkemdirimeverista111@gmail.com
Be healed. Pretex4luv@yahoo.com
thank God his alive
Wish him speedy recovery.. Oyindamolahharvey@yahoo.com
Quick Recovery !!
Eyaaa but thank God for keeping you alive first...
May God grant you quick recovery, amen.
Get well soon bro..sue dem I support u..............................#KingOfKings
Seen, noted!
Instead of him to thank God he survived he's looking for someone to sue. BTW Georgia to Delaware is not unreasonable. I've done Georgia to new York which is even further in perfect condition. ..
He definitly has evrytin to thank God for... He was dat close to death and fortunately, he is stil alive. I wish him d quickest recovery
I wish him quick recovery
Quick recovery Tracy
CoolDiva speaks!
Eyaa sorry dear thank God fOr ur life
eya. ogunaomi@gmail.com
Mehn them really chop the dude leg o but america and sue na five and six i swear....
Hope he recover soon
Dry Bones Shall Work Again. (Linda's Man)
Thank God his leg wasn't amputated because I heard rumors of that... its only God that can save us all
Quick recovery tracy.
Get well soon. Pls you can go ahead to sue Walmart cuz dey have wrecked many peoples lives... Hate the company with passion. Msthewwwww
Jenny says
Moye B
Sorry bro, get well soon. ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥
i wish him quick recovery,but he should God that he is alive.... onyinyeonyeama@nokiamail.com
'Unreasonable' not having slept in 24hrs. Over sabi, PARK WELL!
My favourite black comedian! Thank God for life.
U wat?!?
Get well soon
I wish him quick recovery
Wishing him quick recovery .
Pele dear!
thank GOD for ur life.remembr GOD for this second chance.get well soon.
Ok! Better be reasonable cos life aint got spare
get well soon.. patoswife@gmail.com
He's alive praise God
Ugo Mara mma, pls shut up there! He's suing to teach them a lesson so they don't repeat this in the future and risk other people's lives too. He's lucky to be alive but his friend died in the crash , so it could have been him or anyone else on that tour bus. Only for that daft walmart driver to be saying people are making a bug deal out of it because a celebrity was on the bus or else it would have just been a misdemeanor on his records. He wasn't even sorry or apologetic about the life that was lost. If somebody like Tracy doesn't sue, then these people and big companies will just be risking the average man's life on a daily basis......... Just Me
He's so lucky not to have had that kind of accident in Nigeria with our Doctors on strike and all the rest, next thing is death even if the doctors weren't on strike. he's alive so, should give thanks
Get well soon.
*d cheerful 1*
Speedy recovery!
Get ova t jare,wil d suein brin back ur dead frd?na u sabi shaa
~@iamJbankz Olamide's PA~
Get well.. *hugs*
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