What is wrong with this photo? | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Tuesday, 25 June 2013

What is wrong with this photo?

This is a screen shot of Nadia Buari's Instagram page. You have to be really really into amebo thingz to see what's missing here...Lol. Like I always say, it's my job! Hehe! #decodeifyoucan. *wink*


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Anonymous said...

As an Amebo Proffesional i see that Jim Iyke Is missing....


Anonymous said...

Jin iyke you mean?

Anonymous said...

Lol linda u eeeh where my broda jim iyke hmmmm

Anonymous said...

JIM IYKE.......first person to comment

MizAnonymous said...

Jim Iyke

Anonymous said...

Linda, if Jym Ike no dey talk am. abeg no drag,drag things u hear?

wunmi said...

jim iyke is missing

Anonymous said...

where is uncle Jim? hehehe

Anonymous said...

No Jim Iyke!

Anonymous said...

lol..linda u no well. where is jim iyke in these fotos???

Anonymous said...

Eyaaaaa no jim iyke...it is well

dara said...

Jim iyke is missin

BARBIEEYY..... said...

Linda dis ur eyes sef???????
Plz whoz using my name? stop copying mbok invent urs copy RAT.... MSTEEEWWWWWWWWW

Anonymous said...

she has removed the pictures of jim ikye

Unknown said...

Seen it

Anonymous said...

I dey c teddy on her bust ooh

Anonymous said...

Jim Iyke?

Anonymous said...

Where is iyke?

Yugaga said...


Unknown said...

Where is jim iyke

Anonymous said...

Jim Iyke missing

Anonymous said...

Our "bad boy" pics are missing ni? hehehe! one month love affair.

Anonymous said...

Jim Iyke

Anonymous said...

Linda! The pictures are too far away. I did not see anything jor.

miss kdd said...

Lolz @ lindodo its ur hubby Jimmy dats missin.

Anonymous said...

Well the last picture I see something there

Anonymous said...

Linda abeg da pix ar 2 many.nt nyce at all. @UCHE FACE

Anonymous said...

Jim Iyke is missing...

tushed trends said...

Lol maybe a "prince charming" check dis link guz: Send a Burberry Kiss with
Google: http://tushedtrends.blogspot.com/2013/06/send-burberry-kiss-with-google.html?m=1

reggy said...

wat happened to jim iyk's pix dem nah,anyway na dem sabi.Orishirishi,lyndu biko post dis wan inuna

Gistfactory said...

No Jim Iyke.Linda,i'm yet to be on your blogroll.Merci.

Anonymous said...

Where is that dick head called Jim ? Hehehe abi hin done leave am like he did 2 dat Kenturah babe ? Even the Nadia is a very confused b*tch .. She has no class @ all 4get her yellow skin (I am light skinned 2..lol ) but on the real tho She was married 2 Michael Essien and has dated a hand full of semi big boys .. Why settle for something less ? That's what u get for not making good use of your God given brain .. Maybe he has moved on to Yvonne Nelson ( that one wey yansh 2 dey scratch am ) another Iyanya Saga in a bit ( na joke oohh ) ..... ~Debbie~

Anonymous said...

Her oga @d top Jim I. is no where to be found #amebofins.

Anonymous said...

Where that foolish boy...errmmmm whats his name again...that nollywood lokito!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah Jim Iykey abi wetin be im name again?

Anonymous said...

Is the break up official or still whispered in the corners? Good riddance to bad rubbish I will say**my Opinion***

Anonymous said...

Its jim iyke dtz missing#toolz

Anonymous said...

Jim Iyke is missing in all the pictures.

Anonymous said...

Lol!!!.... Linda you don start again o.. anyways Jim Ikye is missing in all the photos...

Unknown said...

Her Beau: Jim Iyke. I had all along thought that it was a publicity stunt. She is more than that boy.... Really theatric.

inspireify272b3120 said...

Jym Iyk Missing.....Lol

Anonymous said...

Jim iyke is missing

Shadylaj said...

No male in any of the pics.My amebo na grade 1!!! 1st to comment o Linda

Anonymous said...

Jim Iyke is missing

Unknown said...

Jim Iyke is not there anywhere. I'd always thought they were acting. You know, theatrics. She is far above his level forget the hypes around him. Honest, its the truth. Too much for him.

Anonymous said...

Jim Iyke is conspicuously missing in the collection.

miss pepe said...

Jim missing????

maryam said...

She deleted the pix she and Jim iyke took to clear the break-up rumor.

Anonymous said...

hehehehehehehehehehe. the missing OBJECT is so obvious. and that OBJECT is Jimmy d iyke. lmao

Anonymous said...

Her mr lover man jim iyke is not there

Anonymous said...

Jim iyke is missing...delia

tytylorpe said...

Jim iyke d suppossed lover m I can't see o!

BeBe said...

No Jimmy? ...

Anonymous said...

Its Jim-Jim da Iyke dats missing joor.

Unknown said...

Pix not clear.

Unknown said...

Jim Iyke is not there. It was all theatrics.

Unknown said...

Jim Iyke aint there. It was all along plain theatrics. I knew and was not fooled all along.

Anonymous said...

but where's the pic of her and Iyke in a car?

Unknown said...

Jim Iyke is missing

Anonymous said...

Yim iyke is missing•

Nneka said...

Jim iyk is missing

Richway said...

Aunty linda tell us #Whew

Anonymous said...

Oga Jim Iyke is missing....

lamdalicious said...

jim iyke is missing

Richway said...

#Whew.. Aunty linda tell us

Richway said...

Aunty linda Tell us o

Anonymous said...

Where is D̶̲̥̅̊ lover boi

kadi said...

No photo of her and her so called love of her life jim ike

Anonymous said...

No pics of skittle(or is it kitten...lol). Mr Iyke had berra look into this situation.

Anonymous said...

No pic of she and jim iyke?

Anonymous said...

Aunty Linda pls post my comment, first 2 comment o. There's no Jim iyke dere oooh

anthonia said...

Pix of she and her boo! Is missing....*hmmm*

anthonia said...

Pix of she and her boo! Is missing....*hmmm*

Babykingsway said...

Who is this girl? Is she lesbian? This is so pathetic

Anonymous said...

Not everyone loves to show off pic/pics of boo! Please carry your amebo go elsewhere!

Anonymous said...

Maybe Jim Iyke was the photographer na....Lol!

Unknown said...

Whr is Jim I as U

Anonymous said...

Confirms that she broke up with JI..

Anonymous said...

na u know o

Unknown said...

Hey U̶̲̥̅̊...​ĐØи̲̮̣̥̅̊ 'T̶̲̥̅̊ ßє̲̣̣̣ too myopic...there åя̲̣̣̥є̲̣̣̣ just pics

PowehNg said...

Perfect but Linda's crush on Jim kills me.

@EDDYSYFAR said...

Jim iyke is on leave

Unknown said...

Gush must he be there ???? Mehn I taught her boobs were amputated,c'mon they got other things to do ....

Anonymous said...

she is definitely into women, mean she might be lesb...... hahahaha

pretty T said...

our boo of life is not there. but wait Linda stop stalking these ppl

L Y N N P O P E S said...

Jim Iyke

Unknown said...

jim iyke is missin

Anonymous said...

d crazy jim has gone AWOL

Unknown said...

Jimmy is missing, guess she's kinda shy of him..

Unknown said...

Jimmy is missing, guess she has deleted him from ha lyf......

Anonymous said...

Whack grammer! Gosh! You shud read yo' line agn.. Be real douche!!

Anonymous said...

Whack grammar! Gosh! You shud read yo' line agn.. Be real douche!!

Anonymous said...

Stfu..! You shud knw more abt a page before blogin on it! It iz written at the top "gossips"! So if you dnt like it,get out,and face your own freakn life! Mtchwww

Lex Macquin said...

Linda u just give us jamb assignment come dey dia dey chop money from adverts abi? clap for yourselve oh!!! if d post dey dia ds time nxt year i go find wetin dey wrong u hear.

ozopili said...

she is with a white guy there is two piux not jim

Ms Z said...

How come everybody Ȋ̝̊̅§ talking about jim iyke?well I noticed she uploaded d JUNE pixix bfor MAY,in my calender may comes bfor june. Linda oya my prize.

Anonymous said...

not a single picture of jim iyke now....

Anonymous said...

Linda!!! you too like this Jim sha. . the pictures of him are actually there on her instagram page . . dont tell me you took the time to photo shop this. leave them alone abeg

Anonymous said...

that arab pic was the same outing wt jim iyke.

baby mama said...

Must she take every picture with Jim Iyke? He's her boyfriend, not her siamese twin for goodness sake. Linda, oya, wetin u see?

Anonymous said...

Where is Jim, her Fake Lover Boy...Adults dt Behave like Babies, Abeg mk i go do my office work, na dir my salary dey oo

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Jim Iyke no dey oo...lol!!! amebo!hehehehehehehehehehehe!!!!

Anonymous said...

i call him skittle he calls me space, i call her space she calls me skittles. high school love

MC 2013 said...

jim iyke jooor

Ekpenyong said...

There are 3 people in a relationship.

You, your partner and your couple. That's BOTH of you forming a UNITY. That unity is really separate from EACH of you. It's the 3rd entity in your life when in a relationship.

Even in a serious relationship, you still have your separate lives and moments away from each other. This goes too for MARRIED couples.

So, that bro Iyke Jim is not in any of those pics doesn't mean a thing. What's more, these cannot be all the pics Nadia has on her social network accounts. So what's the big deal ?

Please, chill you all or better still, chill off. Give them some space. Let them breathe. Let them live. Not sure they owe any of us anything.

Iamlani said...

Why do you even put that fool Jim Iyke on your blog? Linda, I swear you give the guy tooooo much attention.

Unknown said...

The arabian guy beside her no be nomad o, na correct oil money be that. She don comot her newest pic with naija boy. Linda dis amebo go land u for gbese

Unknown said...

She don dey do arabian guy? Her recent pic with naija boo don fly for the bigger fish

Anonymous said...


girlie said...

i cant see her boo

Anonymous said...

she's got a female lover..........hehehehe

Anonymous said...


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