Well trust RiRi to respond. She posted a photo of the journalist on her instagram with the caption:
"LOL!!!! My money got a bad habit of pissing people off!! If you sincerely wanna help little girls more than their own parents do, here's a toxic tip: don't be amateur with your articles, you sound bitter! What's all this about hair and nails and costumes and tattoos?? ....That shit ain't clever!!! That shit ain't journalism! That's a sad sloppy menopausal mess!!! Nobody over here acts like they're perfect! I don't pretend that I'm like you, i just live... My life!! And I don't know why y'all still act so surprised by any of it!! "Role Model" is not a position or title that I have ever campaigned for, so chill wit dat! I got my own fucked up shit to work on, I'll never portray that as perfect, but for right now it's ME!! Call it what ya want!! Toxic was cute, Poisonous Pop Princess had a nice ring to it, just a lil wordy! And P.S. my first American Vogue cover was in 2011...APRIL!!! #ElizabethAnnJones"Read the article that made Rihanna angry HERE
Love me some Riri #nohomo#
Rihana is mouthed I lyk her.Linda pls post my comment o
She looks old.yeah first to comment
Calmjoyc says so
Wow what a shit reply. That part that says role model is not a title or position she campaign for. Okay, she said it all, parent let's be the best role model to our kids. Isn't that not the genesis?
Learn the secrets to burning fat and eating healthy
Yeeeeeeeeee! Sorry ouch! RiRi na this old lady you come finish like this? This mama sef, you should have checked Riri's record first now.........abi they didn't tell you that Rihanna no well at all!!
The lady in the second pix looks like micheal jacson.Abeg linda post my comment oo pls
she is nt a gud role model at all
Plain Drivel!
a Mtcheeeew 4 me!!!............NEXT.
The journalist looks like an old witch
It's Riri Biatches..I love the reply..too cute
All these people clamoring for 'first to comment', is there an award for it? Anywho: I like it the Rihanna way, responsibility shouldn't be thrust on people who don't want it.
Rihanna, don't mind the racist rag called Daily Mail.
I've read Liz jones' articles on the dailymail for years. She just loves trouble and this Rihanna's response will make her happy. Riri shouldn't have given her the time of day.
nice reply.
Omoh I trip for ur response RiRi love, u gave her as she asked for it. Loves it #according2Linda
Okay this is what happens when an idiot (the journalist) decides to pull on thhe breasts/nipples of a madt woman(RiRi).....You gonna get chewed up and regurged out...
Dat extra income you need is here! http://Money4Refer.com/index.php?refcode=79232
Linda you know that is not a real but edited picture of the journalist....but as usual because you like Rihanna you would do this
Love her reply,she never claimed role model so don't force it.
She's just an entertainer just like others.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
I love riri! U get mouth jor
Lol! Dnt u jez laaaaaaav rihanna
riri dropin tha tizzart once again
riri dropin tha tizzart once again
Rihanna is inflicting so much harm on her person and is spiraling out of control. No love, no strong family ties but loads of money and famzing fans. Material wealth can't make up for the void she feels in her personal life. I wish someone could bring her around to accepting that she has massive problems.
Live your life ehhh, ehhh, ehhh, riri no send anybody, god punish devil.
I love riri so much...can't they just leave her alone,like serzly not making sense at all...Everyman for himself na...Linda please post my comment
Liz Jones is a miserable, attention seeking hack. She's always spewing bile and is best ignored, hopefully she'll slink back to that cesspit that spat her out.
is it me or did anybody else notice the journalist looks like the witches we see in old disney cartoons
RiRi you dont ve to respond to every shit you hear
people in the UK are alwys so bitter mean angry and judgmental you should see the comments about kim and beyonce
ok i get that rihanna is upset but the part about the role model not being a position or a title #bitch watch wat u say more than half of your fans are little girls and yes sad as it is some of them look up too you put ur damn clothes on
Personally i am not a fan of Rihanna, but i loved her response to that journalist because Rihanna never branded herself as a role model to anyone, so why should it be her responsibility to be a role model to young girls? The problem is that society expects you to act a certain way all the time, Rihanna wants to be a bad girl, then abeg let her be, and if she was that horrible, she would not be selling so many disc, its the people criticizing her that still go back and by her discs.
i dont get why everyone feels the need to be naked the entertainment world is promoting lots of negative things alcohol drugs going naked
Rihanna is shameless even she knows it and she isnt ashamed of that
Oohhh Rihanna..I love dat reply..nice..I like d moni part....................THE DON
more than half of ur fans are little grls put on some clothes bitch
i literally know what every single part of rihanna's body looks like
and i wonder why chris brown beat her up i know i would
you didnt have mouth like this when chris brown beat you up smhhhhhhhhhhhh
posting nude pictures doesnt make you matured you silly little girl
But she has said it before that she dose not want to be a role model to anybody.
Everybody is happy,that riri insulted the lady.some responsibilty can had even if u don want it.rhianna is a overgrown baby and a spoilt brat
RiRi did not apply for the job of role model so please Aunty Journalist leave her alone in peace for now until she comes around!!! It appears some of them do not understand the implicaton of fame in a society and the impact their personality makes to everyone. Until then, Riri is not watching the same TV channel as u madam!!!
hahahahahahahahahahahaha!!! if i love riri a little more it might become #homo! bad bitch! love u
I applaud liz for having the balls to write what most of us were thinking anyway!, Rihanna is Ignorant , Silly girl as evidenced by her ridiculous and mis-spelt response to that article. i wont deny that most of that isnt due to her '"talent". She had the machine cranking it out at this point. I just wish that she would wake up yo realize that exposing all the details of her Life for young people on Twitter and FB isnt the way to "Live Your Life"
She never wanted to be a role model, she never asked to be a role model, just because she behaves in a certain way doesn't mean she's encouraging children to behave that way too. I couldn't care less if she smokes cannabis or not! It's her choice. I'm a die hard Rihanna fan, listen to her music, and I have no interest in smoking cannabis. Don't always expect celebs to educate your kids, Parents shld pls do their job.
Truth be told,Rihanna has influenced lots of girls negatively.Most 9ja girls who now smokes Kush got there shit from Rihanna.They all wanna be bad like rihanna or barbie shit like Nicki Minaj.None of them wanna be Aretha Frankling,Susan Boyle,Beyonce,Cece Winans etc.Rihanna is this fuckd up cos of Chris Brown,after the beat-up she got from Chris,she wanted something to show her to the world as bein transformed to a bad girl so she picked up smoking and all other wild stuffs she didnt start her career this way.
Droping my GUN in a corner to dance riri 'man down"omo mi riri aiye wa gbayii.
Shes got problems but i love her rants.
Love u Riri!
See d woman face sef
The journalist isn't lying!!!
Rihanna.I is not is Bad Girl everybody knows that and she said so herself am not surprise with things she does.
Gosh. I Love Riri's response Mehn! Datz da Shii*. She never campaigned for role model' lol. I'll always love Riri!!!!!!!
Why I love RiRi!
~D great anonymous!
Well said Ri
Dats ma Gal *Riri*
abeggy... that journalist jst dey look 4 attention ni jare... make she go park well jor...
See by I live this girl RIHANNA? She's mouthed.... Best reply ever.
I am indeed dissapointed that majority of comments made,so far has not only supported Riri but has gone a long way to suppirting immorality. Now hoe many of you wld wish his/her child to go d rihanna way and most of you claim to be xtians. Nawa oh.# Johannes#
if na naija celeb reply blogger lik dis, som yeye hipocrites go begin talk wia is our moral and shame nw it gat to do wit a white una dey support her.. chei naija... i hail thee. can i ask u pipu dis simple question? wia is our brain? y cant we use it wen needed?.. anywayz i still lik riri nd she is a good singer.
jst lyk a loaded gun ready 2 release a bullet. riri jst dey fire dey GO! Though i dnt lyk u again sha# back 2 bed#
I luv Riri 2death man,d writer is the toxic witch...lyk she aint bad...#swerve
Yes, be the role model first. Then learn how to proof read before publishing :p
This is why she is fit for chris brown and deserves to be hit, she talks with NO DECORUM. ZERO she is TRASH
I love Riris' reply. Go girl!
R u one?...Fool
Am lovin riri,nd still lafin @*sloppy menopausal mess*abeg dis edede journalist shld rest nd leave d girl alone.evn riri is still young nd i suppose still needs a "role model" herself
U can say dat again..lol
speechless...nt a gud reply tho, but wat cn i say, its rihanna.
Buh d journalist aint wrong
speechless...nt a gud reply tho, but wat cn i say, its rihanna.
Yea! She meant it when she said " I got my own fucked up shit to work on". This girl is in trouble.
Love me some Riri.... am so happy rihana put her in her place. Am a big fan of daily mail getting my daily gossip but over d year ve read Liz Jones article but sorry her journalism is nothing but hate. she's such a old bitch ready to attack.
Rihana is a 25yrs old hip hop artist n u want her to be role model? nope @ dat age u wana parry n ve fun and wat happened to ur parent as ur role model?
I have friends dat got married early n dey all saying they wish they wait a little bit more to ve fun so Miss Liz Jones eat ur heart out.
#Team rihana.. #rihana London concert was mad fun.. #cant wait to see her again.. xxx
Our Nigerian celebs are useless.I thought I would see a post of ojb in India receiving treatment dis people are wicked and shameless beyond words good nigerians please let us join hands and save ojb bcos our so called celebs hve signed dis death warrant,donbaba,ay,lindaikeji god will keep on blessing u guys
The OLD CARGO who calls herself a woman should shut her mouth. This only shows her racist tendencies to non-Whites. Is she claiming that there are no white Musicians there doing the same things she accuses Rihanna of doing? Drug, nails, tattoos, all of those nonsense. Like we say, see pot whe dey call kettle black. The old woman should look around her first before going far to Rihanna. Although I still do not subscribe to the life style of Rihanna but I speak for her in a critical leftist thought. WHITE RACISTS AND THEIR WHITE SUPREMACIST IDEAS
Sowie So Called Celebrity,what do the younger generation tend to gain from you? masturbation? nudity?#check yourself,the end is now!
I concur
I think ppl should mind their biz, train ur kids d way u want dem to grow, don't leave tv stars to train them for u if u don't lyk their ways...
Lol linda, dat old woman reminds me of d granny in Drag me to hell movie.. Anyways rihanna shud kno dat lots of yung girls see her as such.so riri, remember, Great power comes great responsiblity .-fineboy1pimple 2a6f2335
Now that is my bitch Riri! U mke moi proud! Mouthed Barbadian beauty! Keep moonshining n mollying o jare, u only got one life to ur name
You see why i love Rihanna... Damn! the babe is so real
Thumbs up Riri, pls live ur life!!!
I love u riri ,sample her
Riri its true......yhu weed tel me wat ur children would do....U̶̲̥̅̊ truly not a role model......U̶̲̥̅̊ popular buh U̶̲̥̅̊ aint doin d right fins
Riri its true......yhu weed tel me wat ur children would do....U̶̲̥̅̊ truly not a role model......U̶̲̥̅̊ popular buh U̶̲̥̅̊ aint doin d right fins
Lovin u riri , good reply
Much as her comeback is too bam but its not deserving at all. I would have applauded her if it was a diff ish.
Ganja don scatter her head.
So she doesn't know that once you become a celebrity automatically some people look up to you?
mschewww! yeye fowl.
'Isn't' and 'not' don't go together. Thank me later.
Rihanna ko gbe se ran anybody o!!!
In other news Abike Dabiri suggests N5million as cash bond for Britons visiting Nigeria
And she is not aspiring to be one. Read her comments well.
And she is not aspiring to be one. Read the post again
Rihana na die,I lov ha die
I love this...
Rihanna may be the queen of the moment but i think this journalist has a point here. how many of u bothered to even read the article sef before passing comments. ndi lawyer ukwu mango?may she take am easy sha so that she doesnt someday disintegrate like Emy Winehouse.....just saying
RIRI.....you coool
I just loveeeeeeeeeeeee Rihanna
Make Rihana park well jo, Rihana is a mess, and what message can probably come out of a mess if not a mess!
Uhmmmm riri is just one crazy girl.
Elizabeth the writer, see ur face, frustrated witch. You wrote this article so that you could sell and make MONEY Becos yo knw that twill fetch your broke ass loads of cool cash.. THIEF... Ban ur great grand kids from listening to RiRi... ur loss!!! IDIOT, #RihannaNavy
whatever it is..Rihanna is just a bitch that needs love and care.fuck ur money..fuck what u are..fuck ur fucking loosed attitude. u just act lyk a bastad at tymz. God ll punish all d negetive influences u av place on ur fans.am nt an hater nt just cool with ur silly way of life and u thinking ds life is a free life.GERROUT.i love ur "we all want" sha.
Ppl in limelight have a responsibility to act right....it is seditious that some kids look up to these ppl...the journalist lady nailed it....we live in very dark and perilous times...God pls deliver our children from these perverse ppl...Lord pls have mercy and protect our kids...Lord please show mercy!!!!
"..."Role Model" is not a position or title that I have ever campaigned for..."
End Of.
Oh please Rihanna if you are that rich, why did you have to sleep with a Nigerian man weeks ago just for money? Speak no more or else i tell the whole world. A word is enough for the wise.......................
I imagined her pic painted green (elizabeth ann)and the wizard of oz witch came to mind.
I dontknow why some of your adults and stupid useless parents praise this DEMONIC WITCH called Rihanna.
She is evil and dark so dont you dare call it ART.
Any parent who does not reprimand their kid to listening to the evil witch just like GaGA, white girl Kesha and all them bitches - you are nothing but a lazy useless parent and dare i say adults.
Read your bibles in these last days and when you see a demon, it will be clear as ice. Every music and movie coming out these days is targeting our kids and controlling their minds.
i wish this girl as well as gaga, chris brown , kesha will just leave this world already, but then again the Devils Play ground (entertainment industry) will breed another batch.
go Riri, go Riri, go.
go Riri, go Riri, go.
go Riri, go Riri, go.
go Riri, go Riri, go.
Role Model or no role model.......I LOVE U RIHANNA
Rihanna done finish this lady ooo
RiRi and EJA NLA will be so good together.
Is this woman Michael Jackson`s real mama?
Rihanna......go smoke your weed.....i dey behind you 24/7
that white bitch is crazy, every pop-star have their faults... and PS she is bitter she was probably rejected at some piont of her life... fact!!!!
no be small thin ooo, she this yeye woman why won chop rihanna with words, them no tell her b4 b4 say rihanna no be small tin?
Givenherthethetimeofday...cock shit, her reply was so on point even Linda can't do better. Haters hang transformer wetin d old hag go come tell lindsay or Paris, na she smoke pass abi una think say Bey no dey shine eye
How much/many clothes Madonna wear n she is pop queen...
The world hates the light call it fun living a life that you knew not were it came from or were it's going now men exchange good for bad and bad for good..
Wanna b barbie, I never see o n in as much we idolised MJ how many wore singlet/studded gloves etc. Ds idol thing na fantansy n if u r frm a Proper home change ur name to Bey make u hear am. Parents do ur n let entertainers do theirs
Givenherthethetimeofday...cock shit, her reply was so on point even Linda can't do better. Haters hang transformer wetin d old hag go come tell lindsay or Paris, na she smoke pass abi una think say Bey no dey shine eye
But honestly honestly...This reporter hit the nail on the coffin, this one is the damn truth...the truth hurts (which is why she took the time out to reply)...Although she seemed like she blasted the woman back in her response but there is sure traits of painment in it.... Rihanna's behaviour isn't normal behaviour and it is sure not a bevahviour that should be cut with anybody, so Badgalriri fans stop making excuses for her ! PS: I really do not want this to come across as me being judgmental but we can all see this...
Oh pls,leave riri alone.....everybody can't b good.....there are peeps who love the bad shit,good and bad makes d world balanced..so kEep your holier dan thou attitude to yourself.we don't fucking need dah.I like riri's response cos this bloggers think dey can write anythg and celebs will shut their mouth.but no!riri's got dah shit.
@anon 9:09pm, spectator, and this is news abi? Becos you are a virgin ba? Horny fool.
There is notting better than living ur life the way u want n makes u happy without giving 2fucks wat society has map out for you to live like(cos man can't b satisfied). Who told u d likes of beyonce, serena williams even Oprah (so called role models abi pretenders) don't do worse shit in private. Abeg riri has said it all, she dint come to ds world. 2 campaign 4 role model position so madam cruella-looking oldass journalist, live ur life n let her live hers... When she is getting wornout like u she wld probably come around. #Sexiest#TeamRiRi#TeamFashionistas#
I personally don't call smoking wEed, taking drugs ooo.its a natural plant made by God (Non-weed smokers just tryna make that Good shit look bad all d tym), lol... Its better than all u cigrette smokers, n alcohol addicts @ least my Riri aint on crack then I wlda bin bothered(cos dat shit is a mess). But 4 now, my bitch4life Riri is cooling. SoFuckWatY'allThink. #RiHannaZNavy#
There is notting better than living ur life the way u want n makes u happy without giving 2fucks wat society has map out for you to live like(cos man can't b satisfied). Who told u d likes of beyonce, serena williams even Oprah (so called role models abi pretenders) don't do worse shit in private. Abeg riri has said it all, she dint come to ds world. 2 campaign 4 role model position so madam cruella-looking oldass journalist, live ur life n let her live hers... When she is getting wornout like u she wld probably come around. #Sexiest#TeamRiRi#TeamFashionistas#
The daily mail article was trash! Liz Jones saying that Rihanna's outfits are the kind that invite rape is just plain low.
nawa 4 dis gal o.
na so
na so
I believe most of supporting riri abi na roro have poor moral backgrounds. And would reply ur parents same way as she did replied d jornalist. Every artist out there should be a positive role model both on n off d stage. With all d drugs, guns n nudities in vogue., which parent in his right senses would want his or her child watch these crackers.
Lol, it's just a matter of time before Riri spirals out of control, and I hope you die hard fans will be there for her, I love her music but not her person, she seems like a violent person!
Sabrina how much did d Nigerian man pay her? Ode in ye
I'm with Rihanna on this
Chic wants to be left alone.
I would have given the journalist audience if she didn't sink so deep lyk she's beefing.notice the picture captions.did anyone read those? Whewww!she was just looking for what to say,saying Rihanna is drinking frm champagne bottle without glass.her nails are bad.d way she moves her hands and body.this is just shit.
Evn the commentators dissed her.asked her if amy winehouse is a good rolemodel.
No star is a role model.starting frm Clooney to Jolie to Halle Berry to Reese Witherspoon to Beyonce.All pose nude,semi-nude,sleep around.evn if some have changed now but @ age 25,they were worse,despite how they try now to do humanitarian things and support Obama.
Rihanna is the live n let live type.She doesn't ever diss anyone's dressin,music or opinion.She doesn't go 4 humanitarian causes.she donates anonymously(evn if she does).SO WATS THE FUSS?shez not pretending to be good,kind or caring.duhhhhhhh
DM should get a life.Anti-Kim,anti-Rihanna,Anti-Mancity,Anti-Chelsea
This world has actually come to an end for people like u to support this kind of demonic behaviour, so sad, SMH
Whether she calls herself a model or not the fact that she's out there, she is so she should cut that crap she's sayin, she's the kind of people the Bible warns about in the last days
1-0, Rihanna
gud comeback from RIRI d lady woke trouble up n got served on a golden plate
if it tonto dikeh that said somtin lik dis, or cossy orjiakor hell would have let loose on both of them.. why are u pipu bin hipocrites.. na wa oo most of d comment here still dey suprise me.. anywayz it cos she is a white geh so i guess mental slavery still dey worry most of una.
@ bonario n y`all that like her reply u don't have to claim to be a role model, she is a public figure a lot of young people are watching her, some of them r talented or gifted n they will be misled by her attitude n character. entertainment is good but lets face it we are loosing our moral or have lost it pata pata
i jst love tis riri no time for bullshit.
nigerians are wicked sha. So d only thing una fit tell dis girl is to 'live her life',wat lyf.lyf of drugs,alcohol,nudity and f***ing.so if rihanna was ur sista dat is d advice u'll b giving her. So, wat was she expecting dat she'll bcome famous nd noone will look up to her. See,d rubbish she is saying,who ever asks to be a role model. Ma dear, wakeup call, as a celeb pple naturally will look up to u,and dey won't ask ur permission first. Grow up. Instead of u pple to tell her to work on herself to be a beta person, u pple r encouraging her. Shame on y'all.
oppps my RIRI
Liz Jones the journalist who still wishes she was young and always trying to slag people off for living their lives. Rihanna shut her up.
How pathetic! Woman, look for a cheaper artist to pick on, apparently not Rihanna. Lolz
Welcome to the era,where wrong is now right,immorality applauded over morality.Am so disappointed that a lot of people took sides with Rihanna.
For the purpose of understanding,maybe a lot of us don't understand what a role model means.A role model is a person that you admire and try to copy.You don't have to become a celebrity to be a role model.You never know who's admiring you or trying to be like you.Thats why the way we live our individual lives is important cos you never know whose life you can change either positively or negatively all by the way you live.
Rihanna is a bad role model ,no mincing words.And believe me,she's not ignorant.she knows what she's doing;the work of her master.
truth is that the article hit a sour spot wit riri, the reason she reacted the way she did. all dose people shouting 'i love rihana' and all liz article was written esp 4 you! we tlking abt young girls, wen some grown up girls be formin badass! tlking dirty jst so dey be labeled as cool!
Foolishness is when you think people need to ß̍̍̊ε̲̣̣̣̥ perfect before they can corrects you........see all ••••ish people thinking in the same direction..... Fuck ya all... And U̶̲̥̅̊ can also start training уσυя kids to ß̍̍̊ε̲̣̣̣̥ like her if you wish...
Foolishness is when you think people need to ß̍̍̊ε̲̣̣̣̥ perfect before they can corrects you........see all ••••ish people thinking in the same direction..... Fuck ya all... And U̶̲̥̅̊ can also start training уσυя kids to ß̍̍̊ε̲̣̣̣̥ like her if you wish...
na wa o!d woman sef b like w...
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