Dear LIB Readers: Please Interprete this dream for me | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Sunday, 17 March 2013

Dear LIB Readers: Please Interprete this dream for me

A LIB reader sent this and wants you all to help her interpret her dream
"Been having this dream that I'm in a class room, secondary or University classroom writing exam or test and nobody answers me when I ask questions and I'm always the last person to submit. I have never finished before. I have been having the same dream since last year. What does this dream mean?


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Anonymous said...

Maybe you should focus on the exam and stop asking questions. Last time i checked, asking questions during an exam is similar to cheating. Reflect on your life..are you in anyway cheating or have you cheated your way to get to the top?

Anonymous said...

It means you are anxious about something and you need to be very careful bcos you are standing a test of you life. However no course for alarm just relax, do your very best and leave the rest to God. Cheers

Anonymous said...

No,I didn't.

Anonymous said...

Best comment so far

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:27pm, CLAM is at Omole junction. It's a very powerful and prayerful church. I'm 36, female and still single.. Every suitor I meet would like me initially and after a while, they will disappear. The last one was magnanimous enough to tell me one man appeared to him that he should leave me or else something bad would happen to him. He refused and 2 days after,, he was sacked from his banking job and things went awry for him.. Anyway, he left me and he secured a better job a week after leaving me.. I knew he wasn't lying cos this strange man appears to me in my dreams to forcibly make love to me. At other times, he appears to me physically when I'm alone and makes life hell for me. I still have marks on my body to show for it. Someone introduced me to Clam and I thank God for deliverance. I'm still single though but the spirit husband has stopped pestering my life. Linda, pleasssseeee post.. They have services on wednesdays and sundays, 7am. When you get there, you'd be told of other programmes..

Anonymous said...

LIB Readers as dream interpreters! Interesting.

Unknown said...

In Class, means a group or a stage.
Now you not finishing means you werent prepared.
Asking People means you are depending on people who would fail you.
Exam means an opportunity for elevation

Action Point:

1. Prepare
2. Ask God To Show you the area you need to prepare in.

It might be marraige, husband etc

Unknown said...

Go to mfm defo nt a good dream

Anonymous said...

Means you are destined to be a successful Yahoo Yahoo.

Anonymous said...

God loves you so much to reveal this to you. Praise be the name of the Lord.I will advise you to go to Mountain of Fire and Miracle website and get some deliverance prayer points on stagnacy. Declare fasting and praying for yourself. You can also go to MFM church for deliverance. God will surely hear and answer your prayers. Shalom.

★★PRINCE CHARMING™★★ said...

Thanks to all the LIB dream interpreters, like I said earlier, I know nothing much about dreams, I only stated the natural concept of dreams, I didn't trash out the spiritual concept of dreams, I didn't just state that because I don't know much about interpreting that in the spiritual aspect, I can't just do the normal guess that most people are doing and thinking of the obvious, dream interpretation is a gift and not guess work, those of you who mentioned Joseph and Daniel should know better, and to you who asked if I was an atheist, I am a full blooded believer in Jesus Christ, my mansion in heaven is complete already, yeah yeah!!

Anonymous said...

It means disappointment and lack of trust.

That one time you needed people's help the most, no one paid you any mind, because it's ever man for himself.

I also feel it has a Lot to do with your friends.

Maybe you feel you cannot count on them.

Did you have a missed opportunity that you blame on a friend?

Do you feel that you can easily count on your friends?

Do you feel that you're currently suffering stagnation, on account of someone close to you?

Do you have people you could actually go to, with your problems?

Do you feel that people use your weaknesses against you?

Our real life problems sometimes manifest in our dreams.

Olivia B

Anonymous said...

People are full of insinuation !
This dream simply means;This dreamer will live long and he/she will be the last to die amongst his/peers.

Anonymous said...

pls pray hard its a sign of not getting what u are hoping for at the moment may God answer ur prayers love

Pastor Teju said...

Your dream simply means you have been demoted in the spiritual realm and you need prayers for it not to come to pass in the physical if it has not started yet. You need to pray for your job security, finances and family. I pray the devil will not rejoice over you this year in the name of Jesus.

Nekosi said...

I Know Exactly what that dream means(Serious). It means that YOu have to realize that you cant depend on anyone but God and yourself. People will not be there for You at your convenience. They will be there when its convenient for them but God will always be there for you. Stop trying to gain the approval of others and stop playing the 'Help me' card. You are Stronger than you give yourself credit for. Work for what you want and you will not finish last. Seriously.

Anonymous said...

Pls the dream is just to discourage you,i have dreamt like this before;when i bought a car and i need to learn how to drive i always dreaming that i could not drive but over decade now i have been driving.Nothing comes easily in life just be determine and remain focus,it is nothing.Hope you are born again.

Anonymous said...

U beta go wash ur head for bar beach

Unknown said...

Hun... everything requires prayer in life...

Unknown said...

Prayer is the solution... to virtually everything...

Anonymous said...


obinna said...

pray against the spirit of stagnancy...

Anonymous said...

hmmmm I've had similar dreams like yours about 7 times on different occasion i.e i saw myself in a class room, in the hostel, school premises, trying to collect my admission letter etc. the thing is I was working in a financial institution but suddenly in 2010 i lost my job and anytime i try getting another one i kept having dreams like those mentioned above but then i got seriously involved in church activities aside d time i used for d small biz i started and I NEVER stopped lifting my voice to God in prayers to intervene and terminate my stagnation and u know what? God answered my prayer this January with a great Job. So i would advise anytime u dream such again, RISE AND PRAY against Stagnation and Never stop praying till u get a miracle.lastly I'm planning to return to school for my Masters so d devil will stop using it against me. God is on your side.

Anonymous said...

if you are looking for job you will soon get,relax and pray

Anonymous said...

Dear dreamer, I've read the answers given to you here.its all good but here is mine: you are too lazy for your own good,you like procrastinatiin and you have misplaced priorities.check yourself first and you have time to come on interne and seek advice from libers but u cannot go seek a Pastor to lay hands on you ? Some of the folks here spend their days cursing celebs and you want the same mouth to give you advice on such spriritual matter? You don't love yourself.since you have access on internet giige dream dictionary for christians u'll find more. Www.dreambible.c

Anonymous said...

A lot have said what they have in mind. please, this is a serious matter, issues like this require special attention. Every problem has a solution,thank God for the revelation at least is half solved. Total commitment to God and prayer are what is needed in solving this problem. is not about running from one church to another, create a quite time for urself and listen to ur inner mind while you seek for deliverance.

Unknown said...

hmmhn, just b prayerful cos only God can turn situations around no Oga at top can o.

Anonymous said...

Pray against stagnation

Anonymous said...

I don't know if i'm the only person that noticed the dreamer was trying to dub...why would you be asking your fellow students questions during an exam. Why not ask the invigilator?? Dreamer would probably finish his dream on a good note if he did things right....*just saying*

Seun Sanni said...

The person should pray against untimely death.....

XL avenue said...

Like my Mum will tell u... E be like say na Malaria fever wan come. quick quick go take Anti Malaria drugs. E good say u detect am on time.

memphis said...

Interpretation--- yur classroom exams r challenges in real life yu may or are already facin. Askin qustns in d exam hall means yu neva prepared for dis challenge and yur lookin for solution from an impossible angle (askin qustns). yur d last to submit means yu didnt prepare, yu saw d challenge, nd yu were conquered. So pray nd prepare well if yu havent met dis challenge. its a warnin. always prepare.

Unknown said...

The dream simply means that at a later stage in the not too distant future, u would be faced with a trial so difficult that no one would be willing or there to assist you. You not finishing the exam simply means you might not be able to overcome this trial or challenge coming your way and it's could be in form of death. Take that dream seriously, could be a matter of life and death.

Anonymous said...

I dont understand why you will be asking questions during an exam in the first place? Of course, no one is willing to cheat to get in trouble. You definitely wont finish if you keep wasting your time asking others questions aswell. Just Pray about it and God will guide you.

Anonymous said...

The dream needs to be taken seriousness. It is a sign of Stagnation and backwardness. It is an Anti-glory dream and God is showing that you need to pray to recover your glory. Please take this serious and talk to someone more spiritual to give you more guidance.

Anonymous said...

My dear, ignorance and lack of understanding is the reason why we all(especially Naijas) interpret dreams wrongly however, let me give you an insight into dreams, types and its interpretation. There are three different types of dream which is also further broken down into sub types as well, there is the literal dream, false literal and symbolic; literal dreams are dreams that are in touch with your current reality, the messages in the dream are usually literal e.g you are currently looking for a job with Mobil cos you have sent in in your application in reality,then you now had a dream where you got an appointment letter from Mobil to start work the following month, three days down the line after your dream, you get a call from Mobil telling you to come pick an appointment letter to resume work the following month. Secondly, the false literal is usually a scenario created to reveal your mindset, an information or a direction though may not necessarily be in touch with your current reality but the message to dreamer is usually in the thoughts, emotions and conversation and not so much in the images that you saw in the dream while the last one which is symbolic is usually not in touch with reality generally e.g you see yourself flying or floating in the air in the dream. Now to the interpretation of your dream, anytime you see yourself in a class room or taking test or exams,especially when you have left school a long time ago or not currently taking any classroom/certification course, it is an indication that you are going through a learning process in preparation for the next big phase of your life,now here is the thing after the whole learning process, you are then examined and tested which is the exam you have been writing but in your case you keep writing because you haven't passed it yet,it seems like you are failing and you will keep writing the exams until you pass, also i noticed that you don't even know the seasons of your life. You are currently being examined on whatever basis,it could be a character traits or anything,you may need to pass some character test before certain things are committed into your hands but for clarity you will need to ask the Holy Spirit and he will reveal it to you, clearly soliciting for help around as indicated in your dream may not offer much help to you at the moment because for a fact help isn't coming from people around and because you are usually not prepared for this exam, you always the last person to finish, an indication that you are not well prepared for the exam cos anyone who is prepared for exams don't go around asking questions from people in the exam hall. This is clearly a false literal dream and the message was in your thoughts/emotions and conversation.Clearly you need to pray for wisdom, knowledge, understanding and direction or better still ask the Holy Spirit for what you should pray about and he will guide you.Lastly, mark my words, the day you pass this exam, you will have another dream similar to that of a graduation party or convocation or most probably start to see yourself in another class.

Anonymous said...

It definitely signals backwardness and or stagnation. A repetition of it shows the urgency of the intervention it requires. That God has shown you means He wants it sorted but He also requires your will to make it happen. I counsel you go on your kneels and sort yourself out with God. All the best.

Anonymous said...

someone mighty disappoint u when less expected,u will be left alone n confused.Therefore pray against such

AbujaKeneth said...

i think you have been having malaria

Anonymous said...


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