What did she do? Reckless driving and providing false information to a police officer, all while on probation for shoplifting in 2012.
The misdemeanor charges stem from a 2012 car accident in which Lindsay's car rear-ended a truck. When police officers arrived at the scene, Lindsay lied that her assistant was the one driving, plus they found alcohol in her car. She managed to avoid jail today. Nice outfit by the way :-)
Oh her days...smh
Yeh..I like d top!
Not d pants!
I was more interested in d fit dan d bloody sentencing!
P.s..wat did she shop lift thou?
Is she klepto like d late Queen mother?
Billie jean
At least this would clear her head and mind from her being a slave to substance abuse. Such a beautiful young lady, I just pray she comes out clean after all this.
Wow linda go to bed. Ur commenters been cracking me up tho
Pls is she still loaded? She's not done anything in a while. Well hope dina Logan Abi kilon PE e is happy with her product.
She will grow up,just a matter of time
Oopsss,not again
Na wa. This babe has seen more jail walls than any other celeb. Am sure she has a gallery of mugshots.
Do u understand d simplest English? Or u have reading problem
Of course. And for a repeat offender like her, all she'll get is Rehab in a 5star facility and supposed Community service... Bullshit!!!
Must u always comment? Gosh! U r such an irritant!
Prince charming is sooo jobless! Don't u work or sleep? Always commenting on every story! Linda post dis comment cos I ve noticed u dnt post comments wen referring to prince charmin, abi na him be ur prince? Tell us oooo...hian! Btw post dis comment!!!
Go and sleep mr commentor!
D babe is not serious,she wld keep on offending
This broad shud give it a rest can't remember the last time she was on the news for something positive... But yea linda cool outfit I likey.
Lol... She is broke as hell now just feel so sad she had to waste her talent, she was a wonderful actress.
There is no growing up in hollywood...when there are fresh talents to discover, your either in or out.
Tell me about it.! Real bullshit.
She is spoilt is all
If it was a black person performing like dis drunk, they would hav locked dat person up n thrown d keys away long time ago. She has lied in court n always violating her probation, d only time she was actually sentenced to jailthey said it was filled up n she was let go.
Lil Kim lied in court n was sent to prison promptly. Now, dis trash has bn given an 'award' for her madness.
The wahala of bad upbringing is a contributory factor to this girl's issues.
Poor thing!
I like Lindsay..
Shez a proper rebel
Why can't they send this girl to JAIL for once?apparently none of this rehab or community sentences is able to reform her..
There is something I like about the whites.they serve you what you deserve. How I wish we can practice the same here.our judiciary has failed.not to only us but now to the whole world to see.may God help us. @wisper2raw on twitter
Linsday needs to be thrown to a six months jail, she is always in and out of court, she is never sorry, she needs to really spend six good months in jail n she will mellow
No coment
I hope this girl doesn't end up killing herself from a drug overdose.
What's nice bout d outfit biko?
as always! na her way
Despite all her shortcomings and frequent clashes with the law, she never gets a proper sentence. She knows, thats why she keeps doing what she's doing cos she'll never be sent to jail. Keep it up Lindsay.
Please ask oh!I was about asking too
Eyahhhhhh! What a pity, dis lady i̶̲̥̅§ to pretty 4 dis bullshit.
Abeg mk she dash me her shoe b4 she go.... Lol
This babe will always get into trouble.... Wish she can rily serve d jail term not lettg her go after few hours due to overcrowding! She's jst wasting her life.... #sosad!
I really liked her so much but I guess there's just no changing for her. She doesn't even try to become a better person & its disgusting!
I also hear she's to pay $150 not $150k na wa for this babe shaaa o
Abi o! She hasn't made a film in like forever and she's always in one trouble or the other. And I feel her mum is not helping her!
U guys should leave him alone
Abi o! But come o, if you keep commenting on Princes' posts, you too no get work?
Its funny hw sum of u r admiring her n her dress, she z an outright tiff(oloshi) she cld av bag more stiffer punishment, wonder if its in 9ja here wot fate will befall such act, stop promoting stealing in high places with ur big grammer pls for younger generation sake!!
I don't think she's a rebel, she has a problem!
Abi o! But come o, if you keep commenting on Princes' posts, you too no get work?
As people in my side of the world would say, "No surprises there."
Chioma Lindsay is a SHE and not a HE. Smh
Lindsay sort it out mehn. cant believe this is the same cutie i fell in love with in parent trap. she was soo cute.
LOL...and after all this drama she still can't act to save her life. Anyhow she'll do rehab and be in and out of institutions for a while (never going to jail, note) and then when she turns 30 she'll write a Tell-all book and make some more money. God bless Hollywood *smh*
Loved this lady nice........but now not so sure anymore. She needs to get her acts straight. Too bad,wasted talent.
linda pls see t0 it dat next time she d0es any 0f th0se crimes again, she is remanded in naijan cell f0r just 3days n ah tel u, she'll giv m0ther theresa a run f0r her m0ney.
Y shud I lik cloths dat luks lik rag is it bcos its white?senseless gul every day wahala,she go soon die wif al dis drugs wey she dey take
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