My attention has been drawn to recent media reports that I am bleaching my skin and the continuous nature of this wicked, unfounded and absolutely unnecessary misinformation have compelled me to once again respond.
These stories are absolutely not true and do not in any way put food on anybody’s table, does not add value to any body’s life and can only be described as mischief.
Truth is that even if I was bleaching, I do not owe anyone any explanation, but I am not bleaching, I have not bleached and I won’t bleach.
I love my skin just the way it is and I do my best to keep it healthy and nice.
If God has remained good to me and continues to make my skin nicer, I do not see how it should be a problem to someone.
In a society that largely frowns on skin bleaching, it would be unfair and very unkind to falsely accuse me of bleaching when I am absolutely innocent of that charge.
As an actress I take different pictures under different shades of light and with different shades of makeup depending on what the picture would be used for.
It is therefore not strange to find different pictures of me looking different. It does not mean I am bleaching and one does not need to be an industry player to know this.
Even in movies, depending on who the director is, there are different lighting angles and brightness levels that can be used to make a character look different and this is no secret. Even a change of weather can have an effect of one’s skin.
I want to use this platform to assure all persons who have expressed worry about these reports that there is no cause for alarm because I am not bleaching, have not bleached and would not bleach.
There are more prudent and beneficial things to focus on and these frequent distractions are of no use.
I should have spent this time focusing on my new movies or memorizing my next script and not responding to false gossips.
Thank you.
Sincerely yours,
Yvonne Nelson
I don't even see what is the matter with bleaching..
Whatever makes one happy and confident
No wahala!
Bleaching absolutely wrong is like going under the knife for enhancement of any kind..#truebeauty never hides
obviously there is a problem with skin bleaching as it is not good for your skin and health!
yvonne Nelson has a nice colour, very smooth and brown.
its good she didnt sucumb to bleaching cus it would have ruined her skin and looks,
Yvonne Nelson...I have your medicine. lol.
Since she is not bleaching, den she is rubbing cream,we r not blind,,lol very soon mercy johnson go tell us she is also not bleaching,. Mtcheeeewwww anyway miSs nelson we dot care if u bleach nor rub cream nor tone, cuz it wot reduce d price of garri which iz 1 and half cup 4 100naira
Enough said! #yawn#
Silence is golden most times she shouldn't have bothered responding
Who the heck is she? Never heard of her!....she fine though :)
Are you kidding me? Oya bleach naa you will turn to coke and Crush and we will sing that fela song for you- *you dey bleash o you dey bleash*
DUMB idiot! Why go thru the stress of releasing a statement! Who the hell cares whether u bleach or not?hiSsssssssss.....TC
This one wey iyanya don brush her teeth with in d***
All this grammar just to say there's no chemical reaction on your skin. The accusation must have hit a nerve. Its all good miss Nelson.
Dis girl na mumu o,so she has d time to come and be defending wot pple said, ewu girl# one fact shaa shez a damsel so pretty jare!
Mtcheewww,I literally felt like puking readn this ,the constant repetition of bleachn in d statement sef dey vex me pass,she sounds like a toddler,beta run 2 mummy & tel her dey said u bleachn,nonsense,she has fallen her hand she doesn knw 2 her nw she sounds smart & defensive. Over vex dey wory me nw sef.mk I sleep jare.gd nyt Linda.
she doesn't look bleached.
Linda I don't understand ur blog,again!to comment on a post bu big nsogbu!!!meanwhile I love dis babe she is not bleaching!Yvonne Nelson I av ur medcine#in nyanya's voice#
This girl irritates me .
Who cares?
The Yvonne Nelson I know is black as fuq...
The Yvonne Nelson I know is black as fuq...
Who cares tho???? Its ur skin mehn, so itz not my bizz. ‾̴̴͡͡‾̴̴͡͡
Honey/lemon soap aka dudu osun makes you lighter(in your shade though)
Haba,pple sef,leave the babe abeg,u beef my glory,u end like story.dats my own
Linda plssssssssssssss post my comment
You really have time miss nelson!
I think she has a lot of time on her hands to be responding to bleaching accusations.next pls
She's bleaching. Even though she may call it "toning" or "maintaining" her skin. Everyone can see she is bleaching. Who is she fooling?
yvonne has a nice body stature,really nice one
People are stupid. Is this not just ordinary light effect. Women you guys can talk trash tho.
Okay we haf hear!!!!
she is not bleaching but only hypoing
Very shallow! Like this girl has time sha! This statement is foolish and makes no sense. Why do I think a naija celeb will never reply to stupid allegations like this!
My Lovly Yvonne,u really wasted ur Precious tym to explain urslf...ppl will talk dia rubbish..u shuld know better things to respond to nd not stupid talks...I wonder if na dia body evn if u D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ bleach.. Idle Gossips nd rumour mongers...pls live ur life
I knw ur nt bleachn dear, dnt mind critics
She is not bleaching people. Pls take a look at her knuckles and her knees. No matter how much ones colour is being changed by bleaching agents,some parts cannot hide. She might just be toniing. And even if she is bleaching sef,how does it concern anyone na??? Abeg u people should leave the lady alone o! Nawa...
Hian she really has time linda
Go girl yvone nelson roll am, while tonto dike z getting high @eddyPayne
Bleaching or no bleaching. So far what you do makes you happy and beautiful just keep looking good :)
even if she is bleaching, its her choice, i see no reason for anyone to have a problem with that.
Yvonne, there is a big difference bw a movie and a home video production.You know where u dey for now.
She obviously has plenty spare time, abeg comot make we c road like we care
There's a diff between bleaching and tonning of one's skin. Tonning is to maintain your complexion and that's exactly what she's doing and its nice on her. I don't see anything wrong with that. She's a pretty actress and I can see she tries to maintain not just her complexion but her physique as well which is a very good thing. Most of our actresses don't care about their figure, they just eat anything they like, get fat and start looking old,they should learn from her actually.
Very cultured and brief response unlike Tonto Dikeh who will start fighting like a tout.This is a typical example of how a celeb should behave.
Na waoh she is not bleaching nw
Yvonne abi na weavon, U̶̲̥̅̊ get time ooh! All these ten page letter just to explain weda U̶̲̥̅̊ dey bleach or not. Who cares if U̶̲̥̅̊ bleach! Na ya body and U̶̲̥̅̊ owe no one any explanation! U̶̲̥̅̊ no even happy say dem no talk say U̶̲̥̅̊ get HIV.
This gal must be jobless to ve time to respond to bleaching rumours!pls wen will u respond to Iyanya rumours too?Btw i ve never seen any one bleaching that will openly say,pls I'm bleaching o .So Yv shld pls park well and stop bleachin cos d cream is ageing her.
Skin bleaching now a news headline?? Dont we have better things to talk about?? HOUSE OF ZINNO
This babe get time o.
Like u said its not their biz,so let them talk,talk is free n cheap too
See speach
Omo see reply over something so trivial! We are in for it the day she is accused of something more serious. When she was accosted for selling fake lv bags why did we not see " so long a letter". Ewu gambia!
"I should have spent this time focusing on my new movies or memorizing my next script and not responding to false gossips."
LMAO. She cray.
Whether she bleach or she no bleach, how does it affect the price of fish in the market. Na her body, na she no. E no concern me jor. She get tym to reply to such rumors or truth, whichever one is correct.
Yvonne should pls stop lying & take several more seats! She's getting lighter by d day. Anyway, it's her skin, her life. She's beautiful! But FYI, we ain't fools!
She get tym to dey answer jobless pple. She bleach she no bleach,who's problem is dat. Dats y I like Genevieve, she no get tym to dey reply faceless pple.
Ok bleaching club in warri its no longer called bleaching its called soften so me no dey bleach i just dey soft base on one side u understand sha ? If u dont ping me wen u r 18
She did not bleach but she wash her skin I wash mine dubia linda if u see me I be like oyinbo.
Na wa!!! This girl no get job so if somebody should say Yvonne has a fake weave she would probably respond by saying all my weaves are 100% human hair and I take exceptions to reports saying otherwise.
You are just idile!!
Duh....dnt care but shez definitely bleaching
Erh!!! Then u r toning nii or mayb ur body cream or the water u drink has some hidden bleaching ingredients. Watever u r using luks darn gud on ya
U dot post comments again
Really,dis talks abt bleaching and all is becoming annoying and has become a cliche...wat pple fail to understand is dt wen u strt earning cool cash and u r always in an air conditioned area-ur car,ur home,offices,places u visit,u become fresh and ur real complexion comes out..not having to stand under d hot sun,biking,takin commercial buses....abeg enuf of dis bleaching talks..its their life,their skin..as for me I cnt see a bleached yvonne nelson
Abeg make we here word we have all seen the before and after looks.... Especially that Tonto Dike, until they turn to Micheal Jackson before they stop...... What ever happened to the saying that "BLACK IS BEAUTIFUL"....... Just saying!!
Abeg whose bizness? Do what makes u happy.
Yvonne Nelson, i have your medicine ... You dont need Tura or Zarina or Shirley!!!
Yvonne Nelson, i have your medicine ....
She even get tym 2 respond self
She has already responded na, besides I luv ha clean knees, pls how can I tidy mine??
Who cares if she's bleaching or not....how does it add food to my table
Who cares if she's bleaching or not....how does it add food to my table
Yeah! You knew u shudda been doing somthing better yet you replied! The irony of life!!!
She has tym o.
she always had good complexion.
check out this new website
am a writter on it y'all...lol
Nelson baby I luv u, u r d true defination of beauty. U av a perfect skin , body and height. U r humble and very brave. Trust me bad belle pple ,dey r simply jealous . U r blessed and thr is absolutly nuthin anyone can do abt it . Go girl u r a very talented actress ..
Æ” is she writing an epistle,who's business is it???
*iyanya's voice* Yvonne nelson,I have ur medicine.. Lol ! Way 2go girl !
Leave yvonne alone o..she has a beautiful skin n she z takn k of it...hi linda,bye linda#CHOKOLATA#.
Lik srzly who does she tink she's tlkin 2? Kids? Haba nau let's nt put t as bleaching she is enhancing n lightening up d colour of ha skin lol... My dear ts ur skin do wateva u want wt t na ur luck n lik u said u owe no 1 any xplanatn so ds statement was uncalled 4
Its your Life.
Its your Life.............
This is a gorgeous lady dat should not be involved in such classless act. Bleachin is 4 d likes ov tonto decay, rukky senseless nd toke (turkeyskin) makinwa.
Its Iyanya, he's giving her medicine!
If she like let her bleach her eyes out,how does that concern us?! #walksaway#
Her skin looks healthy with a nice glow. For her to take this effort to refute these claims cud only mean she is not engaging in the act.
Nice good to know you ain't bleaching i mean you are a beautiful black barbie no need. Pls what is the cure for oke inyu aru? too much mess my bobo nyash dey lick ooo, help the guy ass no fit stay one minute without talking oke inyu any cure thanks.
Abi o critical observer, its really not a big deal but ppl wud just never mind their business.
Big lie!! She is bleaching jor...y'll fil free 2 attack me..hehe
Lolll...ur wicked o...lolll...okooo
This epistle just because "u bleach, I no bleach." Its ur body, pls urself just dnt irritate my senses
she must be very idle right now...nollywood pls do more movies and call her since gollywood has refused to produce movies..hmm victria beckham is too skinny we re waiting for her to make a press confernce to direct this,and kim kardashian bum is too big,rihanna is bleaching ,beyonce skin is too white 4 a balack american..lets wait for them all to address this..as if they have the time.smh p.s i love ur figure though
bbe u even have time to reply with speech
Cool reply from her
Dushess of dublin-4 ya mind abi?
Yvonne Nelson all d way...go girl u rock...bleach or no bleach
Why won't she reply, see comments attacking her already. If I can "bleach" my skin to look that good, I WILL! She "chuk" d cream for una mouth? Headache worry somebody, anoda swallow panadol! Madam, carry on jare!
I get her anger.wen I wz in skl, I got soo tanned cuz of sun exposure and I'm naturally light skinned.Once I changed my enviroment after grajing my skin tone returned to its natural state and I even got lighter. I faced a lot of harrasment and accusations of bleaching. It wz hurtful and upseting.derz jst so much that cud alter natural skin tone and also make it better. Some people need to calm down with the "bleaching attack". Dark or fair..we all good looking.
All of you guys are hypocritical with double standards. You constatntly accuse people of bleaching but when the person take time out to refute your claims, you ask who it concerns you. You can never please people. You can never win with Nigerians. Linda very soon, they will start accusing you of bleaching too.
I'm so tired of this damn silly FOLKTALE.I do not bleach but I hav had darker knees and knuckes since I wz a child.And so do millions of other Human Beings.Uneven skin tone can be natural. It can also be a result of hyperpigmentation which easily affects africans, even asians.So skin "bleaching" is not the only cause pls. RME
Its easy to call it trivial when you're not in her shoes. Being constantly probed over ur skin tone can be very Frustrating. Especially since its a sensitive topic in african culture.
As they wash, the soap enter your eye? Oya spell Dubai well...lmaoooo :)
Thank u jor. A sensible reply. Diet alone can chagnge your skin tone. Radiant skin doesn't mean bleached skin.Chick is chilling and taking care of her self.
Bleaching has levels this days..so sophisticated...gone are days of black knuckles and ashy knees..the Yvonne I saw@Eko Hotel at the AY show was def much lighter..unless she's tonned down..
She's not alone Rhiana..Bey..Tonto..Rita..Ekanem have all tonned up a shade or two!!
I did not even expect her to reply this, to me its not a rumor, it is absolutely nonsense. when did bleaching become a scandal
Who flipping cares what she does with her body. Irritating girl.
So make she no rub creme so u go open your yeye mouth and yab her that she no dey take care of herslf abi?
Tonto Decay indeed!!! I laff siddon 4 ground
. <=))“
^ ^
no she's not bleaching and pls mind your business,go take care of your skin
Don't force ur opinion on others..If that's how u feel,fine! It doesn't mean everyone has to do what u mean
I use coconut oil all over my body; as well as on my face and everyone keeps telling me I'm getting lighter. Is that bleaching in you guys vocab as well?
Hisssss! please leave the poor girl alone and face pertinent matters in your individual lives!
Omo men, i find it ironic that many of the people here bash people that bleach meanwhile didnt a recent survey say that Nigerian women are the top bleaching cream users in the world? Even those that will claim they are "toning". All u hypocrites, if u or ur mama, aunties etc dey bleach/tone(all the same) then u really shouldnt be opening ur gaddamn mouf yabbing people about bleaching. And while we're at it, wearing weaves/wigs (esp those that arent ur natural hair texture) bears the same symbolism as bleaching. So if you're gonna knack people for one, pls dont forget the other.
Most naija women bleach, even though the ones in denial call it toning, LOL! So y'all really shouldn't saying ish!
Most Naija women bleach. Even though the ones in denial call it "toning" LOL! So y'all really shouldn't be chatting ish! U hypocritical lots!
Buhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahehehehrhe! Oh! Anony 9:01 AM, u've jumpstarted my weekend with a healthy dose of lafta! I luv ur honesty joor! U can use body scrub 2ce a week,(neutrogena body scrub is rili nice) also lemon juice n cotton wool but not on d days u scrub oh! 2 avoid stories dat touch. Always use extra moisturizer on ur knees n elbows. When u knee to pray u can use a pillow or something soft.
YVONNE IS MY GIRL BY FAR,, SHE AIN'T BLEACHING,,, THE BABE IS TAKING CARE OF HERSELF, IF SHE DID NOT, YOU WILL SAY SHE LOOKS DIRTY,! Abeg YN carry on,look good but next time don't respond,, build a celebrity thick skin for all those shit,,,, Linda your readers sha get mouth,,, well the comments make the blog happen!! #teamYN
cmon now yvonne!!..stop dem games...
Lin I take my phone beg you, answer lady oke inyu aru biko. This problem de disturb Nwa guy na eh.
I beg Libers who knows the cure or remedy for farting, tusa, wind. Pls make we help a fellow woman in need before her bobo fart choke her to death.
Lady make you sef no de cook mede mede for the man and make sure he opens his bowel everyday. He could be intolerant to some foods like milk.
Lol its not the likes of u that knows her now. Do u even have TV.... Ode oshi!
After that? Say another.... Iskulu lmao
Anon 08:11am
Pls what is the skin washing called in Dubai? Me am going to Dubai next week and am interested. Pls give me some info so I can enquire when I get there.
Twat! Who is she fooling...if you like bleach till you turn white.i don't give a rat ass..mscheeew
Nne biko release statement and tell me the name of ya cream oh..if na bleach you dey bleach e no concern me as long as my skin resemble your own.NNe biko nu..God bless you as you comply
See spelling
Exactly! I don't think she's bleaching..
She's nt that black..have seen her life..
Yvonne attended my school in Ghana. Her face was on da school brochure! Comparing her colour then to now, she had better shat up! She cannot deceive us! She has bleached! All the celebrities bleach! KwasiaAsem Yvonne!! Me too I've bleached some.
Detoxify, colon cleanse Ok.
yvonne uses the complete set of makari. i went to makari shop in osu Accra and the lady they told me to use makari products like yvonne
Abeg o bleach na bleach..... Different light of shade can't go from supper dark to super oyinbo small black suppose dey please her Knuckles na dead give away.... Ok bleach is good :d. Like everyone say its not a big deal I have hear enjoy your new yellow skin... Its like success is all about being yellow wait o amma be there soon and say different light of shade na em do am...... www.elixirmnv.blogspot.com
Amanda pls wen u ve done ur findings lemme knw 2.tanx
she is a damsel.........one of the black ladies i do admire, genny, omotola, steph, weza solange, chika ike etc, they are good to go but she is just down to earth as well, dnt mind the bleacher people accusing u, u hear, hugs much
I believe her and I am even more of a fan. Yes, people whether changes and even some natural skin regimens can brighten your skin. Not everyone is bleaching, sheesh! She's such a hottie, no homo.
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