Kim K and Kanye West make 2nd red carpet appearance as a couple | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Kim K and Kanye West make 2nd red carpet appearance as a couple

The first time they appeared on the red carpet together was during the Venice Film Festival's premiere of Kanye's Cruel Summer in early September. Yesterday was their second appearance. They attended the Angel Ball in New York. You like Kim's outfit? Kanye killed it!


Anonymous said...

horrible! she is out of shape nw. too bad

Anonymous said...

what the hell is she wearing? she looks awful, she needs to break up with this stupid Kanye and she should go back to her style before.

Anonymous said...

Hw is she outta shape, I guess ur eyes r glued.

Anonymous said...

What kind of dressing is dis? Looks like Kanye wants her to look like a beyonce by all means. This style isn't kIm's at all!

Anonymous said...

Kanye looks way much better than kim plus kim's dresss sense reduced drastically.#smh#

Anonymous said...

Trashy, the outfit would have been better without the slits

Anonymous said...

Kai...what's wrong with this couple! Kim looks horrible and kanye west is spoiling her life!! He will soon relsease her sex tape! White trash that's has been cummed on by all blackmen!!

Anonymous said...

Anon 10.48 plz how is she out of shape,Biko tell me....

Warri Girl said...

They bought look gorgeous, I like the colour of the gown.

Anonymous said...

Haba, why lie?

Anonymous said...

Linda can u pls leave Kim/Kanye alone? Biko

hun said...

U which shape do u have? All u guys know how to do is yab other people wen u r not perfect.

Anonymous said...

what is this.. this lady's dress sense is just deteriorating by the moment. smh

IVORY CHI said...



baby cute said...

ok kim is very sexy, but the truth is wen kims wears cloths bigger than her, she looks fatter and unsexy,kim u r very hawt!as in i will be the happiest if i v ur stature but pls keep showing the curves, stop wearing bugus dresses!

Unknown said...

They both look great.

Anonymous said...

Chic for Bey while sexy for Kim. This is too chic for Kim

Anonymous said...

Terrible gown,Kim why nah .Kanye looking good as always

Unknown said...

Kanye should be the one to blame for Kim's trashy outfit, he told her that she should throw away all her clothes and he decided to buy her a whole new wardrobe, but whatever it is you can't be fuqing with their clique.

Anonymous said...

Wats goin on dear Kim, pls bring sexy bak, not lookin Kim in dis dress, ##kaffy##

Anonymous said...

what is she wearing? Kanye's influence on Kim's dressing is really bad oh! These days she's looking trashy. Pre-Kanye, Kim never got it wrong on the red carpet or anywhere else but these days she's having a lot of fashion fails. Abeg she needs to chill out on overly trying too hard for him..

asanwa baby. said...

Kai Kim K oh to think I just defended your sense of style. I love you but these ur dressing nowadays aint doing you justice. Love the color of the gown, hate the sleeves of the gown/dress and most of all despise the slits, it would have been nicer if the slits were sown close. Meanwhile I think Kanye is bad influence on kim and she should break up with him and go look for a billionaire white haired man who would treat her nice joor. *my thots*.

CocoSharmell said...

Kim's gown looks lovely but its a lil tacky on her!...still love you kim but you can do better,....way better!:*

MJ said...


Anonymous said...


Peoplewatcher said...

She doesn't look happy in that dress

Chikaka said...

I quite like the dress. Maybe it's the colour that i'm attracted to.

SOS said...

LMAO!!!Easy with d Racist comment

Anonymous said...

Nawa for una ooo...who say kim is out of shape...i still see her this last weekend, I fit commit bcos of her..this girl is beautiful, you go look her 100 times.....if she just say yes to me , i will always serve her breakfast personally in bed everyday...

Anonymous said...

Nawa for una ooo...who say kim is out of shape...i still see her this last weekend, I fit commit bcos of her..this girl is beautiful, you go look her 100 times.....if she just say yes to me , i will always serve her breakfast personally in bed everyday...

Anonymous said...

Absolutely no 'fashionista' or stylist on here! I feel sorry for Nigerians for their lack of exposure. #God help us

Anonymous said...

u pipo shud check kim oo....der must be somthng rong cos i dnt get al her 'fashion gone wrong' recently. mayb derz a problem somwher! buh kanye looks responsible in dat outfit i must say.

Anonymous said...

Kim just settle down dey fat...

Anonymous said...

For some reason Linda loves to look for her horrible pics to dish! What about her really nice ones. There's a better pic on Eonline, were kanye suprised her wiv her bday cake. Or u can take pics from her blog. I just feel u arnt doing justice to kim k's pics. Kanye looks amazing! And kim looks nice too. It dint just come out well in dese pics linda posted. Xx

Anonymous said...

1. Linda u keep posting not so cool pics of kim k lately,not doing justice for her fashion justice.
2. How can some pple compare bey and kim? Totally diff sense of style. So nobdy shld say kim is tryna copy beyonce.
3. How is kanye influencing her dress sense? Well I really don't blame yal, its bcos of the kinda pics linda gives, because there are way better pics than this. That how she posted the pic of naeto c's wifey n kim k, when they wernt on d same level of camparism. This gala event up there has better pics! These ones here arnt cool. :)

Anonymous said...

Not quite right for Kim. Early days, she'll eventually get it right.

Anonymous said...

This is wot I call printing mawuri, its gud she's now a born again n attends deeper life bible Church. Hohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohoho. +evercherri+

Anonymous said...

This is wot I call printing mawuri, its gud she's now a born again n attends deeper life bible Church. Hohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohoho. +evercherri+

princessa said...

Kim's dressing has bn odd since Rome, from that green peplum dress, to d white lace she wore for her bday, maybe she is trying to change her style or hide her fig a lil

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

She is not even comfortable with the dress..a big noooooooooooo

Nekky said...

This dress is so not Kim!!! Dunno if that's the style but d dress is too big on her. Anyways, no one is perfect. She can't get it right all d time!!

Anonymous said...

Dat person is ryte, kim k is outta shape. She luks bloated and her dress sense has detoriated, mke ona c truth, talk am. Na pple lik ona de dciv tonto dike.d truth won't kill u.haba

Anonymous said...

Really Interesting... Hmm

DITLO said...

does she not have a stylist again?

Eby said...

Itz tru dat kim has a killin shape n stature.Bt she shuldn't wear big, free dresses.Dey make ha look fatter dan normal.N datz def. Nt ha style.She alwayz wear her clingy shape flatterin dresses.Anywy dey dnt luk dat bad 2geda.

Anonymous said...

Lol..all blackmen including ur granfather.

OneHawtNaijaChick said...

She has been looking terrible since 'kimye' started.

snow white said...

Notice me notice me... Kim please enuf of u. Stop trying u can neva b like beyounce...... Dress is so nt good on I don't understand. Just b ur self.

Anonymous said...

What in the world is she wearing? Her dress sense has gone down the drain.

Anonymous said...

obvious that everyone loves to see kim on fitted shape dress. nothing wrong with her dressing to me sha, they bought look cute,

Anonymous said...

they both look cute, nothing wrong wit kims dress, must she always be on a tight shaped dressed.............

Anonymous said...

Dear kim...this dress is like ur sleepn robe

slimzyose said...

i dnt like wat she's wearing

tinupearl said...

dis gown is ugly on her

Anonymous said...

GBAUM!!!! He is tryin to dress her as someone else. Her hair looks horrible, but I like the dress, I like the colour and the bottom half, top half needs to be fitted more. It's too baggy sha.

Eya Ayambem said...

Since Kanye, Kim's fashion sense started going... going... gone!!!

Anonymous said...

U r a dullard. #thatisall

Anonymous said...

U must be really frustrated. U pple claim to dislike Kim but are the first to read posts on her and even comment. If she is not relevant and she is a cumm bucket, why waste ur time on her? Rubbish

Anonymous said...

I tink kim is jst wearing it 4 kanye's sake

Anonymous said...

From this ur horrible pic, I can see ur own fashion sense and am sure 4 u to use ds pic, it must be ur best. See who s saying sm1's fashion sense is going. Omg. U r not even supposed to be allowed to use the word 'fashion'

Anonymous said...

This Warri girl, your English gets on my nerves seriously! Which one be "they bought look gorgeous?" I advise you to make a dictionary your companion. smh

Anonymous said...

its was not at the venice film festival, it was the cannes film festival in france.

Anonymous said...

How do you know Kanye wants her to dress like beyonce? Are you in his mind?.... Kanye looks smart and nobody said its a sin to try out new things.. Isn't it called fashion? ...*walks out*

Anonymous said...

They look great 2geda,I dnt rili like d dress bt it doesn't look dat bad on her.

Anonymous said...

Lind pls post my comment for once,plssss.I love u.

Anonymous said...

what's she wearing? Kanye looks dapper.

Just Me said...

they both look like clowns!!!!

Blessed said...

Kim, Kim, this dress is captial NO for me. You die well for Joan Rivers (Fashion Police) hand.
My prayer for KIM is that this relationship with ruthless and proud Kanye West doesn't end up in disaster.

veeon said...

SHE LOOKS EXACTLY LIKE BEYONCE!!!Kanye loves beyonce so much and he wants to be on jay's level so he is trying to make his bitch like beyonce.. It wont work. kim has a sextape. THE END...
tbh.. kim is pretty in her own way.. but she should quit the crap and get back to short and tight boobtube dresses. thats what we know her for

Anonymous said...

Now that's very rude and very very mean! Haba! Must we be quick to attack our selves. U don't vn kno her! Make we dey take a #chillpill o!

Anonymous said...

She luks swt, she is just too beautiful.

Anonymous said...

I actually gt d luk kim ws goin for..she's try to do d whole greek goddess thing bt unfortunately it didn't quite meet d mark...d whole thing jst luks chunky n d hair is kinda messy...n rily her style had depreciated sinc she started dating kanye...used to like her daytime luks a lot bt nw she has traded in d blazers for small tops

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

kim n K
great brands

Anonymous said...

TM? Toke na u be dis? *holds laff*

Anonymous said...

Toke? O_o!

YEMA said...


Anonymous said...

Her hair is a mess!

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