Current Miss Peace Nigeria, Ify Concepta unveils stunning pictures
The organisers of the Face of Peace Africa Pageant has
extended the sale of forms for the highly talked about beauty pageant to
Monday, November 12, 2012.
Face of Peace Africa Pageant is a new beauty pageant
from Blu-Moon Imaginationz, a media and film production outfit in Abuja. The
company is owned and managed by Miss Ify Concepta, the current Miss Peace
Nigeria and one-time runner up for Miss Imo and Miss Tourism. The auditions for
the beauty pageant is scheduled to take place in three key cities; Abuja, Port
Harcourt and Lagos.
Every contestant at the Face of Peace Africa Pageant
will win amazing prizes; the winner (Face of peace Africa 2012) will go home
with $10,000, brand new car, 1 year movie contract with Blu-moon Imaginationz,
1 year Beauty routine with Bold & Beautiful, a trip to The Gambia. 1st
runner up (Blu-moon model) will get $5,000, 42 inches Plasma TV, one year movie
contract with Blu-moon Imaginationz, one year Beauty routine with Bold &
Beautiful and a trip to Ghana. The 2nd runner up (Blu-moon Image) will get
$,2000, 27 inches Plasma TV, one year movie contract with Blu-moon
Imaginationz, one year Beauty routine with Bold & Beautiful , and trip to
Obudu ranch. Consolation prizes will also be available for other contestants.
Speaking on the beauty pageant, Ify Concepta shared
her thoughts on the qualities she and her team are looking for at the pageant
‘’we are not only looking for females who are tall and very beautiful, we are even
more concerned with the intellectual acumen they possess, we are looking for
females who are very reserved and articulate, females who are good public
speakers and can command respect wherever they find themselves’’.
‘’the Face of Peace Africa Pageant is one that seeks
to empower the African girl child. We need ladies who have a passion for
humanity. We all know that the average African girl child is bedevilled by many
social vices, that is one of the reasons why at the Face of Peace, we are
looking at making the girl child famous and successful’’ the beauty queen
register for this competition, models are to buy forms at any branch of Zenith
Bank PLC for N5, 000 or log on to www.blumoonimaginationzfopa. com to fill and
download the form. For more enquiries, please call: 08130537539, 08035927275. BB:
2997B169, 290AD60D
Awww. See our queen. Nice one Queen Ify.
Nice bt hw come she is d present Miss Peace Nigeria n she is already planning her own outfit so much dat she hz sponsors who re ready to put so much into a first time eva pageant? A lil tricky bt I wish her well. #justsaying# slikky
Dey cudnt hire a better makeup artist...
I want the 10k dollars o. Hope this will be different from the wuruwuru of Most Beautiful Girl in Nigeria.
9ce concept,weldone queen ify
Na wah oooh, diz life na small world, ify nw Miss peace!! I rmbr wen she use 2 trek round owerri wit her dark bf, desperately hunting 4 modeling jobs, and wldnt mind if she will be paid,na wah oooh, na she d talk in dollas nw..
*crying*how do I sleep dis night?dat second picture na wa!
Dahz life!@vegas
Ur such a hater las vegas babe (in ur dreams)
Godz time iz da best....gud for her.
@ Las Vegas babe
Moral lesson is: concentrate more on how to be something in life rather than poking your nose into what other people are doing.
Ugly gal duno y most igbo gals wunt go and face their books and make a meaning outta their youth mind you guys am an ibo chic
this girl is even prettier than the miss nigeria herself
Her make up artist should be fired!!!! Or rather the money she paid shld be refunded!
U who is callin smbdy ugly,r u fyn urself or can u create a human being fool lik u,if they dnt want 2 go 2 skool nko hw does it concern u
Wait, so she LOST the contest for Ms Tourism etc and so crowned herself Ms Peace Nigeria?????
Bwahahahahahahahah....clap for yourself girl..you're a fucking genius.
Caveat emptor ooo, I will bet $1000 that the $10000 prize will NEVER be paid out! Who wants to bet me?
And you this Linda, be careful with your use of the adjective "stunning".
Y don't u put up ur pix 4 us 2 see mama pikin? Lyk seriously I tink u shuld'nt be here cos ur baby nids ur ATTENTION!!!!!!!
How much is form for the show? I have so models. From Omega Prince
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