Which is hotter; Cossy's posterior vs her birthday cake? | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Thursday, 18 October 2012

Which is hotter; Cossy's posterior vs her birthday cake?

Since some of you guys can't get enough of Cossy, here's more...lol. Which one is hotter?


Anonymous said...

Eeewwwwww...... This should be censored Biko. My eyes r tearing up @ d sight. She should stand on d road @ nite in that outfit. She'll get the answer to her question there.

Gbabe said...

Disgusting, showing the world what no one else but your lover supposed to see. Smh

Anonymous said...

in one word, CHEAP! but obviously she doesnt care huh!

Anonymous said...

I fink she's foolish.

Anonymous said...

Cossy should stop this madness of exposing her dried and expired yash to the public. Monkey yash is far better than her maggot infested yash.

Anonymous said...

She belongs in a trash can. Linda is you that cannot get enough of her because of you we get to know she's still a fool. i Just had to comment mschewwwwwww

Anonymous said...

None at all, both look disgusting. Anything Cossy is disgusting

Bee Dazzler said...

sure this lady is a human being? to expose herself for public view free of charge. not even nice anyway. but then, i would advice her to cover up and see how beautiful she is.


Anonymous said...

Now I'm starting to think that cossy pays linda 2 talk abt her on dis blog... Its not even funny anymore... If U don't have something educative/informative/really entertaining 2 post, then don't post anything... Dats my opinion though, U dnt have to take it...
Post my comment...

Anonymous said...

Silly Girl that needs a life and JESUS.


None of d above,d first looks like a burnt bread.

~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310

Anonymous said...

D cake obviously..its sweeter nd definately doesn't ve aids nd herpes! Damn u cossy,bt I wanna squeeze ur boobs tho

sokomighty said...

Pls linda a beta view of that pic will ♍ake sense cos I don't even no which part of her body is dia...

Unknown said...

luks disgusting...

Chykes said...


Anonymous said...

This girl don dey craze, seriously she needs a check up or deliverance. aah aah

JayJ said...

Lol. Cossy sha

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Linda if I see any post abt cossy again I'll stop coming to ur blog. The babe is a whore an ashewo abeg stop posting her retarded pics here.

Anonymous said...

Dear Linda, now I am really really convinced that this lady need some help after seeing these pictures and her posture by the stairway. whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatttttttt!!!

Bookees said...


Unknown said...

The birthday cake is much better.

Anonymous said...

abegi!!!!!!!!!!!!!! na the cake jo! who sabi am sef! pshew!

Anonymous said...

Linda stop taking the love and patronage we show u for granted. The more u give us rubbish news the more we loose respect for u. Stop all these rubbish about Cossy! Enough already. Haba!

That Girl said...

Got 3 things to say:
1. You, Linda, are the one who cannot get enough of Cossy. You keep humoring this attention-whore. (Pun intended) And if you post, yeah, we will read. Ignore her and help us do same too.
2. The cake is not hot. Had no idea what it was sposed to be. I guess she had to add the bum pic so we can figure it out. Not hot at all at all.
3. The stretch marks on that bum are screaming 'cover me up!' The least she coulda done is apply foundation to mask it for the pic. Or better still, put some damn clothes on.

Anonymous said...

Sadly Cosy has succumbed to such cheap publicity stunts, this is borderline pornoghraphy in my humble opinion.

chrisnyash said...

D nyaaaassssshhhhh!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

I pity those dat ate dis cake,not knowing wat it stands for! Haba cursed one,get a life.

Unknown said...

first class eediot

Anonymous said...

Stupid ho!

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Linda,wat's wit u and dis so called Cossy??u are becoming a suspect

michelle said...

Oga o! *lips sealed* http://www.gistville.com

Anonymous said...

Linda, walahi, you no well! lollllllllllllllllllllllll. Which kain wahala be this?!?

slimzyose said...

seriously i dnt wnt to insult dis gurl bt sowi to say dis is d higest point of stupidity,joblessness & irresponsibility, it's so pathetic to see her stoop dis low so as so get attention,i feel 4 her tho,bt she jst keep acting like a cheap,lowlife,gutter bred,never do well slut,may God hlp u Cossy

kcee said...

Who are those guys that can't get enough of her. They never talk of better babes na cossy dem they look.
Am disapointed with any man who dey look cossy. Plenty girls are out there.

Anonymous said...

Linda am getting really pissed with you. you never post my comments.

anywayz, she had better ask for a refund if she paid for that sorry excuse for a cake. WTF. looks like d work of a 5 yr old using plaster-cine (not sure i spelt it right but y'all get)

lizzy said...

This woman really needs to get a life fast. #smh#

B A R B A R A said...

When did we start condoning such? I thought Cossy was out of the picture for good but now it does seem like she is back on the horizon *sigh*
I now understand when people say God does have many different children

Dr. Rukevwe said...

But seriously, Linda, this is kinda getting too much. Why must you continually post nude pics of this lady? You seem to forget your blog doesn't have age restrictions so any kid out there with internet access can see these.

Please stop promoting nudity on your blog. Thanks for listening.

And for those who may wanna find something wrong with my comment - I have right to my opinion, please.

Nilla said...

Mtsheeeeewww! This Cossy na big fool!

Make convulsion no catch pikin abeg.
Onye ara.

Anonymous said...

these Linda sef,u can be very annoying,cant even figure out wat the first picture is,talk more of the second,pls cossy is old skool give us new skool gist pls

Crystal said...

eeeeewwwwww....none lin

Anonymous said...

None of d above bitch

Anonymous said...

Linda if not for the respect I've for u, I would have abused u well today. Why are u giving Cossy free publicity? Is she paying u or what? Give her back her money then, before u lose some fans over this ur Cossy worshipping.

Anonymous said...

dis old cargo shld give it a rest and settle down b4 menopause catch up wit her. on a second tot YOLO enjoy d ass life

Anonymous said...

bia linda, pleas leave cossy alone ooooooooohhhhhhhh she has her life to live and she is livin it to the full. please leave cossy alone

Warri Girl said...

ATENTION!!! madam cossy

Anonymous said...

Dearest Linda, Please ALWAYS follow immediately any Cossy story with another non-Cossy story. The neck of my laptop don almost break from having to suddenLY close my laptop when I open ur blog. Jo, biko, laptop is very cost and childrenS must chop

Anonymous said...

Gotta love dis mad girl sha. She doesn't send anyone. At all

Anonymous said...

Seriously speaking, the cake is waaaay better.

Anonymous said...

her cake looks better

miss pepe said...


Anonymous said...


Unadulterated Insanity. She would relax when all the muscles relax as a result of over-exploitation. If you watch her closely, she now parades a very wrinkled face...a matter of time

Unknown said...

its her butt i think.. but seriously did she drink OMO...With all d strech marks nd green viens both d cake nd her aint it @all well some guys would like me no likey she is jus 1 mental charcter

Anonymous said...

I'm sure u are d one dat can't get enough of her Linda...she is jst thrashy

Anonymous said...

CHECK OUT THE ADVANTAGES- THE FORMER IS CHOLESTEROL FREE AND THE LATTER IS CELLULITE FREE. You go Girl!She is being herself while many others are truly hyper=wayward in their classy suits. linda post this one ooooo

Anonymous said...

Oshisko...*longhiss*....none is better. So disgusting. This lady should go and get a life. I only pray it will not be too late before she realise what she's doing. #Born by mistake#

Anonymous said...

So disgusting,she is a cheap ass bitch,hisssssin

Anonymous said...

See most of dem hypocrites... Dats ow they talk, 2moro u wuld see most of d girls sleeping around with alhaji nd married men without condoms nd ur here condemning cossy... What makes u different frm her? Leave d lady jare...

Ola said...

The cake definately looks better. What kind of nonsense is this? This girl needs deliverance. Mtscheeeeew!

Unknown said...

Kim k wanna b. rubbish!!!!

Anonymous said...

I GUESS d bakery forgot to draw some stretch marks on d cake.
Billie jean

Anonymous said...

See wetin money the turn person to..

Anonymous said...

we are together, I can see anything, and don’t want to imagine, let her show for view.

Anonymous said...

Bona bona lmao @ burnt bread!

ella said...

Hahahahahahahahahaha,u pple shud leef cossy alone o..its her bori nt urs ok!

Anonymous said...

cossy is sick upstairs


Anonymous said...

She just lookiing 4 attention m suure nobody. Is ready. 2 give 2. Her. She shud jump into d ocean

Anonymous said...

linda pls stop posting this cossy of a girl in yr blogg,she is demonic and possess,disgrace to her family,pls post my comment.

Anonymous said...

Pls that cake have been infected by virus no one hould eat it. As for cossy she needs Jesus

Anonymous said...

Shez disgustin..really waz she xpectn to hear her stupid ass?? Smh#n rolling ma eyes#

Anonymous said...

Dirty gal from Aluu!!!

Anonymous said...

Lwkm @ burnt bread! Dude u r funny abeg!

Anonymous said...

Lol u guy will be shocked that there is some one lovin this look and ready to marry her. Another mans meat is another mans provision ooooo!

But to me she is mad sha!

ary said...

Not all guys believe me! There is not desirable about cossy! Is it her over sized boobs or her tiny waist abi na her tiny voice? Which one can't we get enough?

homesteady said...

Dis gal is d most foolish person in d world....since she thinkz she gat it all.....let her go into porn naw nd stop beatin around d bush.....COSSY I HATE U...b*bitch

Linda too said...

Hey Linda, no insult intended but are u a Lezbo?I don't understand ur relentless obsession wit Cossy...pls don't make us a part of dis strange obsession abeg...

Anonymous said...

rain dey pour ontop this cossy brain sha

Anonymous said...

There is nothing wrong with her behind... It doznt look horrific in any manner, u lots are only saying this because she's cossy.... Won't u leave er to live her retarded life the way she desire's..... The only P I've with er is the way she shakes her boobs in d club every second a guy walks pass er,

Unknown said...

Her birthday cake na. no stretch marks or tatoo.

Anonymous said...

Best thing to do is to stop commenting whenever its a cossy orjiakor post so linda can know we are tired of this crap!

Anonymous said...

Weytin dey do this cossy sef. I think she's Jst a cheap slut seeking for publicity n new customers. She shud get a life joor

Unknown said...

Let he who has not sinned cast the 1st stone, Cossy is a master degree holder and she has built her house,what have you bloggers achieved?
As for me, I no go lie,if she come my way,I go like straff am with condom sha o!

Anonymous said...

LINDA, u dont wanna post my comment huh cox i told u to pls leae cossy alone huh?

Anonymous said...

Old hagm how can she noit realise she's getting too old 4dis crap. Btw linda biko post stuffs that we make me com bck, else I go decamp abi deblog u find and blogger with news n better gist. Hian.. If u like nor post my comment

Anonymous said...

=)) .•´¨)
¸.•´ ¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸¸.•´(¸.•´(¸.• =)) нεнεнεнεнε=D =)) :D


Me sef wan squueze..lol

Anonymous said...

Linda open bellanaija and take a good look @ their site. They don't upload trash like this but real entertainment news n gossip. Not asking you to do exact, m just saying I'm tired of cossy

Anonymous said...

After her frustrated life, she'll tie scarf and enter church they form miss goodie two shoes. Brothers in the church beware of cossy and the likes. Linda u must be in love with her iam sure

Anonymous said...

Linda open bellanaija and take a good look @ their site. They don't upload trash like this but real entertainment news n gossip. Not asking you to do exact, m just saying I'm tired of cossy

Tkay said...

They both look lovely but cossy I don't care what most Libers say, majority of them are hypocrites who can't get enough of cossy, always commenting and hating. As for me I want to bury my head in the first pix for 3 hrs before I consider ur gigantic lovely boobs.

Tkay said...

Why didn't U jump and pass to the next topic. Hypocrite

Anonymous said...

See strech marks oooh! Cossy dear! Pls cover up ur bum or better still go get some lipo or laser sugery for those ugly stretch marks. U built a house so what ? Many girls b4 you have also achieved that and lots more...............!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Even me too. I don't know d part of body it is

Anonymous said...

Even me too

wendy said...

Disgusting bitch !!! kip wondering if she would ever go τ̲̅ȍ Heaven .

Anonymous said...

the cake

Anonymous said...

this is disgusting, see stretch marks all over the smelling yansh

kebony said...

Na wa oo,she really needs deliverance cos she is definitely in sane.

Anonymous said...

Ewo... Cossy for ya mind nw ur ass fresh.am sure d cake will be sweeter and better

Anonymous said...

iz zat really cossy?

Anonymous said...

Those of u talkin abt the stretch marks on her bum bum,una own worse pass.make una free this girl pls.she no send any of u.e go surprise u people when she go marry

clevadani said...

wats dis?wats her point.smh

hav u visited http://naijamustchange.blogspot.com 2day?

BLOGLORD said...

Tonto, charles haff finished u. please just respect urself and forget about the idea of ranting n cursing on twittter with ur 'is' and 'was' english like my own. this well written piece which happens to be a constructive criticsm nailed u left, right and centre.
miss dike, take a vacation out of the country, while there, find a solution to ur black kpomo lips....let Naija recover from ur bomb then sneak back in.

Anonymous said...

There is nothing good about your boobs, it has slagged, please we are tired of that dustbin u call breast,

BLOGLORD said...

am tired of cossy!

Anonymous said...

Cossy, u need Jesus.

Anonymous said...

Cray ass dude!! Lwtmb!

Anonymous said...

Thank u! I wonder wat is so eww abt it!

Anonymous said...

So what if she has a masters degree and has built a house? Is that enough reason to be indecent? See you quoting bible there, and u will still fuck her? Hypocrite oshi.if u like use 100 condoms on dat ur chewing stick dick, you will still catch disease. Madam Masters degree why d hell did u bother wasting money? Prostitution aint a course in d university.

Anonymous said...

Linda say d truth, is cossy paying u to advertise her?

Anonymous said...

Tkay or whatever u call urself u disgust me, burying ur head in cossy's pussy for 3 hours ? Wtf I love eating pussy more than any nigerian man but I won't condescend to cossy's level. Her's is a public latrine

Anonymous said...

She must think she's a human barbie doll. Very soon, the breast will fall or she'll meet rituaList or a serial kkiller. Y does she flaunt it 2every guy. Honestly as a guy I don't find her boobs sexy. Its too big. My opinion

Anonymous said...

Both are disgusting!

Anonymous said...

Eze u are right. There are many respectably married hos male n female who are tearing cossy apart- ng from owerri

Anonymous said...

So true oooo. I haven't heard that she stole any ones bf or husband yet some neices are snatching aunties hussy

Anonymous said...

Yes oooo many guys will say ladies that dress like dat r trash yet they fantasize abt them. All d girls in playboy mansion na hot cake after hugh hefner. 9ja go surprise when this girl go marry

Anonymous said...

Linda is high time u stop loading us with this grossly disgusting,offensive and insane pix, views and individual. I dont know why we keep promoting such in our already turn society.

Anonymous said...

where is the value for human beings and women. Tomorrow we asked y women seem to have lost value and why they are not treated in this or that respectable way (and you always lead the pack Linda) but its despicable acts like this and the promotion of it that encourages that. We and especially all you that feed public media esp women, should know better to downplay it even if you aint got the balls to speak against it) than to promote it. UTTERLLY DISGUSTING AND UNFORTUNATE; It's our younger generation of women who are looking at all this that am majorly concerned about.

You better post my comment Linda whether it pleases you or not

Anonymous said...

If U̶̲̥̅̊ α̲̅я̩̥̊ε̲̣̣̣̥ still a Virgin or better still were till D night of ur wedding then condemn Cossy...if U̶̲̥̅̊ aren't shut up cos you α̲̅я̩̥̊ε̲̣̣̣̥ in the same shoe with her. Funny buh U̶̲̥̅̊ might see urself in hell & see darling Cossy with the Lord above anyday she decides to give her life to Christ be sure it'll be total unlike most lukewarm Christians forming Holy Mary here. Linda post A̶̲̥̅♏ jare.

Anonymous said...

If U̶̲̥̅̊ α̲̅я̩̥̊ε̲̣̣̣̥ still a Virgin or better still were till D night of ur wedding then condemn Cossy...if U̶̲̥̅̊ aren't shut up cos you α̲̅я̩̥̊ε̲̣̣̣̥ in the same shoe with her. Funny buh U̶̲̥̅̊ might see urself in hell & see darling Cossy with the Lord above anyday she decides to give her life to Christ be sure it'll be total unlike most lukewarm Christians forming Holy Mary here. Linda post A̶̲̥̅♏ jare.

Anonymous said...

Lin lin post it all. Bellanaija has its own. If the blogs r the same why visit them? The more sensational the better joor

Anonymous said...

Gossip is gossip.whether on bellanaija or lindikeji. Gossip is ugly and salicious and if u r visiting the blogs u really love the ashiri. So shut up and read!!!

Anonymous said...

Many brothers in churches ignore the demure sistas when they want to marry and go for the forbidden after all bringing the soul is kingdom work. Don't be fooled most guys like this even if they don't tell u. That's why a house of rep member cheated on his holy wife

Anonymous said...

You would be shocked those u will c in heaven as u r peering in from outside the locked gate. Don't judge ooo

MJ said...


forextrading23 said...

is she married?

zita said...

Pls you people such not pass judgement on someone that u haven't met b4. Cossy might have her boobs in your face most times but I swear that the lady is one of the most brilliant and friendly person that you will ever meet. I meet her personally very recently and I had to change my former perCeption about her. Cossy is a smart, young, independent woman. I don't care what u say about how she makes her money but she is sure investing it very wisely. Why not go and make ur own instead of bashing the young the lady. She's just simply misunderstood abeg!

Anonymous said...

U lot are just hypocrites, most of you here wank to fully naked girls on the internet (porn)...So Its okay for you to do that but your here criticizing cossy for showing HER body erytym. What's d diff btwn both of you!!! Most of you will still save these pictures on ur fone nd do the deed later with em... Hisss!! I don't like the fact that she exposes herself the way she does but good luck to her... The more you keep commentn, the more pictures she'll put up cus ur just giving what she wants... ATTENTION!!!

Anonymous said...

cossy dis, cossy dat, r we better dan her? wat is she doing dat nobody on earth has ever done? she has built a house wit her way our life and some ppl on dis blog wish to be like her, so y condemn her like she is d daughter of SATAN THE DEVIL?

Anonymous said...

lol@burnt bread. bonaro please oh dont kill me with laugh

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