The attendance in Benin, Abuja and Calabar was massive, the talents were impressive, and for the talentless? It was an easy task to show them the door.
“I know Nigeria’s Got Talents, but this is torture” Dan Foster says to a group from Abuja, “I hated it, every bit of it” Henshaw on the other hand was quick to say to Forty Eight years old Ndanyomo Ogbonnaya.
“The content you have is so bland and tasteless, even underground average, you no reach” Yibo Koko says to Peter Nweke
All over the world talents in search of the big break scramble to
audition for The Got Talent series. And as a matter of fact we should
be expecting more with Nigeria’s Got Talent. The country is
buzzing with enormous talent, And with Dan Foster, Yibo Koko and Kate
Henshaw, the bar has been set even higher.

Watch episode 5 below...
As the Culling episode approaches, judges are expected to narrow the number of contestants down to 100, and then 50. Sponsored by Airtel, Nigeria’s Got talent airs on NTA (4.30PM), AIT (10.30PM), SOUNDCITY (6.30PM) The UK fans are not left out HITV UK Sky 193 (8pm), STV (8PM), TVC (9PM)
Website: www.Gottalentnigeria.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/ NigeriasGotTalent
I read this post on Bellanaija yesterday and saw some of the comments that were being made about Kate Henshaw just wanting some attention if not she would have cleaned the tears from her face.
I think that is totally unfair, everyone is entitled to that one second of emotional display and who knows when if the picture wasn't taken so fast she was not even aware of it.
Hmm na wa o.....if there's one thing naija is got...thats talent but i dont like the fact that we r copying all the shows they are doing abroad..nigerian idol, elite model show, etc....lets re-brand...#just passing by#
Cry Cry Lady....
Dear Linda apart from the tears am sure behind is the pain of loosing this youths to the cold hands of joblessness when our leaders cant properly channel resources to better their lives. God save us in nigeria. But the vein for neck shaaa hmm no comments
There's no more Hi Tv in the UK again o, been missing since the beginning of the week.We are just left with AIT and Nollywood!
Wait a min, I don't get the crying part cuz some people couldn't make it through. Abi is she pregnant cuz some people go through some really weird signs of which excessive crying could be one of them. If not then she needs to get checked.
Hitv is off air for the past 3 days!
Dnt even lyk d show in d 1st place,dy r too sentimental wit deir judgment....smh
she sure does not luk pretty crying...a def no, no!!!
really it is a great oppurnity for many nigerias atlease to show what they got,please keep it up
is great oppurnity for nigerias to bring their desireable triat and show the world that they are really capable in all their doings.
i just love kate.she has a cute stature and she looks ever young.i admire u and wish to have ur kind of stature even tho av got 3 kids in 10yrs of marriage,i still long to look young like u.
Prolly been going thru a tough time after d divorce. This is understandable.
Pls is it everyday cos u jst gave d details of d time
This is serious
love you at linda ikeji.......no homo
i just love kate.i like her ever looking young stature.i would like to have her kind of stature even tho i have 3 kinds in 10 yrs of marriage,i admire her,keep up that which i admire.
she crying cos shes goin home to an empty house.boo-hoo...
i just love kate.she has a cute stature and she looks ever young.i admire u and wish to have ur kind of stature even tho av got 3 kids in 10yrs of marriage,i still long to look young like u.
Always an actress
Have U̶̲̥̅̊ visited http://naijamustchange.blogspot.com 2day?
I watched the show on Sunday. Kate Henshaw is so easy with the tears. If she is laughing real hard, tears come out; It happened in last week's episode of the show when a contestant was singing in a very funny way. I felt for the guy sha.
The most impatient of all the judges IMO is the 'Big Dog' Dan Foster. When a contestant isn't flowing well, he doesn't waste time to press the red buzzer, followed by Kate. Yibo is the most patient of the three. He is nice with his choice of words.
When I heard her speak regarding Jude James, the albino guy's performance, I was surprised. I think it's a thing with Nigerians; we tend to judge individuals based on their physical condition and appearances. We don't give them a chance at all until they prove us wrong. She just exhibited the typical Nigerian traits IMO.
This is d show where u get to grown ups embarrass themselves all in d name of displayin talent dat isn‘t even there.Our employment rate must be sometin like 50%.
I'm sorry but this is totally off...I'm in nig at the moment and my jamican friend is bugging me for the egyptian milk, she's aware of the price as well. I'll be going back soon but I don't know where to get it from...any ideas? Pls I don't need any insults, just helpful answers PLS POST LINDA.x
oohh so emotional.
Some one said She probably may be going through tough time after divorce. I think that is correct. Divorce is not easy even though those involved tend to pretend that all is well. She has lost her shine and no longer glows
With that big vain on her neck some one still says she is looking young . I wonderooooohh, That was how those fake celebrity friends of late Whitney Houston kept telling her She looked fabulous even when she looked old and so unkempt as a result of substance abuse.
i tot charly daddy and yinka davies were the most annoying judges av ever seen until i watched nigeria's got tqlent and saw this extremly fake woman called kate henshaw
Rita says...
she is just copying Jlo since she always showed emotion in American idol but with less finese msheeeew. copy cater nonsense!!!!!
I believe she is been carried away with d performance of d talent show
I believe she is been carried away with d performance of d talent show
I believe she is been carried away with d performance of d talent show
I believe she is been carried away with d performance of d talent show
I believe she is been carried away with d performance of d talent show
Bonario abeg say something. Wht is really happening,haters I will never forgive u
she is emotional,she is human being with feelings and showing pity to those who cldnt make it, are u all so hardened, and insensitive abeg free her jorrr, but then again, she shld get ready for more tears because so many will be evicted as well, lol
Gosh I love Joshua Essien's Voice.... I almost cried!!! Wow that guy is good!
Please watch the last video, then you'll see why she was crying. She's only human, I cried too cos really the albino was judged by his looks even by me. But beneath all of that was raw and unexploited talent.
He sang with passion and guess what, no one taught him how to play the keyboard or to sing. But he learnt on his own. Now imagine if things were different for him, I'm sure he woulda been a top artist by now.
Plssss my dear Nigerian bloggers, let's learn to appreciate our own artists.
Saying dat Kate hens haw is seeking attention or coming out of a divorce is mean and wicked.
Can we just look at her as a judge on d show and not snooping into her private life???
Is she losing her beauty? Looking gaunt in the face.
Come on guys! Her tears came real n uncontrollable. James sang "heal d world" by MJ n trust me,I ws stunned! His voice was somethn else. I mean d albino. He sang just lik MJ n played d piano. Kate wasn't d only one dat felt d impact of d song;d audience applauded it too so pls,smtyms,we shed a lil tear cos we re touched by somethn reali sweet. I bet if Dan n Koko wr females,dey wld shed a tear too. Slikky....
Whats up with her new hat style.
Ahh thought it was only me .. Scrolled up and down looking for that channel mcheew
Asin ehn! I soo would knock them out if I saw them! Bloody bullies!
Ahh thought it was only me .. Scrolled up and down looking for that channel mcheew
Are u not just a fool?
This kate henshaw sef...that fedora no fit u pls take it off.
I'm trying to see dis clips and d no of advert is just much and too long. U get tired before d main stuff actually strts . We get DAT 10mil is Involved buh dey shud try to make d adverts short
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If you waste time which is d 't' in there you will be here looking when others are moving...
Plz tell them,I love u chinky!!!!
Are u not just a fool?
i love Kate but pls whats all the crying for? its all dramatic if i must say! i dont watch the show i wish i could but pls i dont imagine anything that will make her cry,why dint she clean the tears off her face, all for ratings and unnecessary attention
Thank God the show is over,i personally cried for the two mumus that wore pampas and also their show of shame*hiss*
Some guys are so quick to judge, If you saw that yellow guy's performance, you would be touched and moved, I was and I really understand why she cried...its only normal cos she got feelings!!!!
Nigerians celebrate mediocrity a lot. I felt I needed to watch the johnny/Judith or woreva performance. It was manageable at its best. I would score him a 4.5/10. Nothing particular about his voice. Now where is Omawumi? She is one talent that "wowed" me. Katie cried cos that particular song is very moving and mj's death is still very much on people's minds.
You should see kate in real life. U go fear, she is skinny. When she smiles its not from her heart, she does it cus she needs to. I saw her sometime ago, when she was around her friends, she would laugh a bit and the next thing it looks like her thoughts have wondered so far away out of reality. She just looks morose and then she gets herself back.that's what I saw. Its really sad what men do to women.
Thank you so much Linda for posting this! I love that our country also encourages good talents and rewards them too.
I love Andre Blaise's presentation he puts life and fun into it and he is quite comfortable in his skin.
Does anyone in Canada know which carrier one can subscribe to NTA or a Nigerian channel with? Thanks all.
Na wah o.... Y'all just love to castigate naija in everything. She was (˘̩̩̩.˘̩̩̩ƪ) cos of the albino guy. And for the ones saying we always judge pple before hand, like say na only us, abeg watch BGT the one of Jonathan Antoine and Susan Boyle, and see how Amanda regretted that she judged Susan before hand, the previous year, and repeated d same BS with Jonathan in another year. So no be only us dey do nonsense.
Thanks for posting this
shes aged o
Hitv is now on 232 as KleanTv
Intrstin! Linda is dere any way we can download all dis
Kate should please stop loosing weight,her friends are not telling her the truth . Her beauty is fading real fast. Watched her ONGA programme couldn't believe what I saw. Please is breaking my heart that you are aging this fast all in the name of looking good.
It's probably PMS :)
Why re most calabar guys have the same tone???
See ds wan o....who told u it was eviction that her cry? U better get detail b4 u post dumb comment here
I bet you Guys would av shed tears if u were in the crowd, the sound system didn't do justice 2 the albinos voice,it made it sound ordinary on tv
Maybe d albino reminded her of her oyinbo ex-husband
I have a problem with the show. So if a lady with a outstanding high pitch soprano voice that sings opera wins, what is her future in the entertainment industry in Nigeria. Singers and dancers have a better chance of succeeding but any other talent......well your guess is as good as mine. America has the structure, institution and industry to encourage talents. The Nig version should be adapted to fit our needs.
We don hear naaahhhh, wetin happen?!!! Do U want us 2 recite ur comment as memory-verse ni??
We don hear naaahhhh, wetin happen?!!! Do U want us 2 recite ur comment as memory-verse ni??
i watched the show and i don't see anything to cry for beside it is not micheal jackson that is singing so why the f**k is she cry?..........Afterall the show doesnt make sense
have u listened to micheal jacksons song 'heal the world'. that albino contestant in benin rendered this song though not perfectly but watching him and seeing him struggling to make something out of his life is touching.i felt it, knowing what its like being albino in this part of the world.kate got so emotional watching him.
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