Mother of twins commits suicide by jumping into Osun River in Ede | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Sunday, 14 October 2012

Mother of twins commits suicide by jumping into Osun River in Ede

A few days after she was delivered of a set of twins, Mrs Shekinat Abdurazaq, 27, allegedly committed suicide on Wednesday when she jumped into the Osun River in Ede.

The incident occurred at about 3.30 p.m. on the Osun River Bridge on the Oke Gada Road. It was learnt that the woman, who hailed from Ede in Osun, delivered the twins 11 days ago.

An eyewitness account revealed that shortly before Abdurazaq jumped into the river, she reportedly prayed and gave alms to beggars around the bridge head.

One of the eyewitnesses, who identified himself as Selia Mojeed, said that people did not know that Abdurazaq wanted to commit suicide, else they would have prevented her from doing so.

Although efforts to speak with her husband failed, it was said that the woman had no outstanding problems with her spouse, family or neighbours before the incident.

Efforts by sympathisers and passersby to rescue the woman failed as she was said to have drowned immediately.

Shortly after the incident, her husband who also attempted to jump into the river was prevented from doing so by onlookers.

The police later whisked away the deceased’s husband and placed him under safe custody at the Police “A” Division in Ede.

Contacted, the state Police Public Relations Officer, Mrs Folasade Odoro, confirmed the incident.

Source: NAN


BLOGLORD said...

Hian! what do one call this now? bizarre things happening constantly and daily. God help ur children o!

Slimy said...

Dis is really heart breaking, bt no mata wot d problem might b, suicide isnt a solution, may she RIP.

Anonymous said...

Lord have mercy. Why take the life God gave to u? Some people are looking for life but don't have it.

Anonymous said...


Please read below and educate yourselves.

Postnatal depression is a type of depression some women experience after they have had a baby.
It usually develops in the first four to six weeks after childbirth, although in some cases it may not develop for several months.
There are many symptoms of postnatal depression, such as low mood, feeling unable to cope and difficulty sleeping, but many women are not aware they have the condition.
It's common to experience mood changes, irritability and episodes of tearfulness after birth – the so-called baby blues. These normally clear up within a few weeks. But if a woman experiences persistent symptoms, it could well be the result of postnatal depression.
It is important for partners, family and friends to recognise signs of postnatal depression as early as possible and seek professional advice.

Anonymous said...

Post partum depression sometimes causes suicide. Is important to have strong support system post delivery.

Anonymous said...

The problem wey dey this world plenty. I feel her too. I wish I could go back to my mother's era-where things were a lot different

john jacob yaktal said...

I live in Ife & its been d talk of d town. The news is fast spreading like wild fire. Hmm. From one hell 2 another.

lilian said...

the number of suicide cases in Nigeria is rily increasing at an alarming rate. Dat was how a full grown man committed suicide in port harcourt last week. Dn't know their reasns,bt its definitely nt worth their lives. Its quite a pity.

zoomzoomzoom said...

It was probably post-partum depression.May God comfort her family.

Anonymous said...

some mothers experience a kind of mental instability after childbirth.guess thats what happened to her

Anonymous said...

It might be post natal depression, it happens to the best of women.

Anonymous said...

Postnatal depression. May her soul R.I.P

Anonymous said...

suicide is a one way ticket 2hell,wishing her gudluck where ever she is.

Anonymous said...

Nawaoo, God hv mercy. Wot will happen to d new born babies.

Anonymous said...

lyk i v sd b4 she is an ogbanje.

Anonymous said...

People are so cruel. This woman was suffering from post Natal depression, and here are some casting her to 'hell' I mean show mercy just as God shows us mercy daily. May her soul rest in peace and may God grant her family fortitude to cope, amen.


she was probably suffering from post natal depression and no one noticed or maybe there were not aware it existed this could have been prevented rest in peace

clevadani said...

Suicide È‹̝̊̅Úª never an option
If U̶̲̥̅̊ r A̷̷̴̐͠ Nigerian.den U̶̲̥̅̊ must visit Ʈђi§ blog

Anonymous said...

but linda what is happining in d picture above?

Anonymous said...

Y do ppl just assume she's going to hell? Who r u to judge some1? R u God? Judging is also a sin. Just pray for her soul & keep it moving

Anonymous said...

No husband? So so bad! Leaving d kids motherless, wrong to take life! The family take heart.

Anonymous said...

No husband? So so bad! Leaving d kids motherless, wrong to take life! The family take heart.

Anonymous said...

this is sad. may her soul rest in peace.

guys visit my new blog for exciting news and entertainment: much love xx

Anonymous said...

its sad smh

BLOGLORD said...

What's happening in the picture above? i should think its the osun festival.people from all works of life pay homage during that period. they worship that river like a demi god. people scoop water into gallons, buckets for a bath, a drink... believing it will cure some ailment ish.
its their tradition. if u witness it u will ask urself one question. who are those serving God Almighty?

Anonymous said...

Yea it was probably post-natal depression. This is really sad because my understanding is that PND is temporary. If only there was enough awareness about it, these kind of things wouldn't happen

Angeleyez said...

The stress of carrying another life in a woman's womb for an average of 9months takes its toll one way or the other. Her hormones are all messed up and all over the place. She is susceptible to postpartum depression(PPD). She can snap at the slightess provocation! There are so many triggers, who knows what she was passing through. I feel horrible for her babies n hubby. The awareness of PPD should be brought far and wide. How sad!

hian said...

postpartum disorder. feelings of helplessness.unexplained or indescribable feelings after child birth. so sad

Anonymous said...

OMG,RIP TO THE LATE POOR MOTHER...follow my blog for more news and gist here at

anonymous said...

I don't understand what anon8:18 is saying. Do u mean there is any justifiable reason 4 one 2 commit suicide? Post ante- whateva my foot. She b the first woman wey born twins? Abegi.

and so? said...

post natal depression, a lot of women go thru it, hormones raging, child or in her case, children to care for, teary, emotional unstable, etc, google it n read about it, some women kill their babies, its not closely monitored in nigeria as compared to other developed nations, sad, may her soul r.i.p.

Anonymous said...

PND can also manifest as the mom's try to harm their babies also, please keep a close eye on new moms if they start pinching or inflicting pain on the baby for fun or calling them names, starving them on purpose or watching them cry without doing anything please raise alarm o, there was a case of a woman who stabbed her babies to death as a result of PND itz everywhere even in naija

dr. ada said...

This is postpartum blues @ it's peak.
Nawa o!

anonymous said...

Post ante naaaaaAaaaaaaaaaa. Mtscheeeeew. Dis is purely manipulation. I used 2 tink newborn babies bring joy 2 their mothers. Could dis b DEPRESSION????????????

Demi said...

BLOGLORD wtf!!!! ur on every single fckn post on this blog!!!!! Geez dnt u hav a mutherfckn life or somfin? Ur Always first to post a comment on every damn story. Omo tk it easy men, Linda doesn't pay per comment! She'll never give an award for commenter of the year either, so pls in all sincerity get a fckn life!!!!!

Unknown said...

There has to be a reason for her act...there's more to this...

ije said...

really sad,its easy to crucify people but the truth of the matter is that you never know what she was going through,i had post natal depression when i had my son in the states,so many thots came but God intervened,not easy at all,this is me who had it all going for me atleast i was able to afford to have my baby in the states,imagine this lady who is probably struggling with life and then BAM ,twins! dont judge anyone you are not in her shoes.

Da-zi said...

Another sad day in 9ja!

Linda, biko wats your email address? There's a controversial story abt one of d big churches trying to forcefully take or buy off an old man's land in anambra state...I've told one of d sons to contact you but am not sure he knows exactly how...This needs to get out there asap..
Pls dont post d 2nd part of my comment...thanks!

Anonymous said...

Am sure linda didn't include post natal whatever,dis what we yorubas call EFUN ATI EDI,dis is d handywork of d devil.4dat am changing my comment,she won't go 2 HELL,i pray that almighty God 4give her 4her SINS.

Da-zi said...

Another sad day in 9ja!
Linda, biko wats your email address? There's a controversial story abt one of d big churches trying to forcefully take or buy off an old man's land in anambra state...I've told one of d sons to contact you but am not sure he knows exactly how...
This needs to get out there asap

Da-zi said...

I forgot to add, my email is

Anonymous said...

I said it's not a must! Kilode!!!

jhumanji said...

#True talk# I had it too when I had my son.Believe me,it wasn't easy o buh wit God,luv 4rm family members esp ur spouse and yes! Professional advice I pulled mums pls watch out for postnatal depression and seek help fast before it eats deep into u.

Anonymous said...

You are an ignorant bigot

meethey said...


Anonymous said...

Yes its Post Natal Depression ,it almost cost my life and child's when I was in the United states of have my baby , all alone ' with nobody to help me out was I depressed , by the time I had my baby I almost strangled her to death , feeding her , her tears , I had a cesarean section , the pain of carrying my baby . It was so painful Brest feeding her and her not taking milk I die finish .
But my doctor noticed and got someone to speak with me , be my friend and help me out , assigned a priest to me , quick quick I booked a flight back home less than 2 weeks .
So y'all castigating her , with two children in this our useless society hmmmmmmmmmm only God can judge her oooh not you guys .

Fearless! said...

My first guess too!

tith said...

I was about to write the same thing.

Anonymous said...

Abeg carry ur backward self outta here!

nenyeAD said...

Days after giving birth, SOME women go into severe depression with suicidal tendencies. People should closely watch new mothers.

Anonymous said...

@ 8:18, hell is a common grave of people, of which is certain dat every body is going, u shuld try n read ur bible well. Yoruba people cAll ds "ABISINWI"Mm

Anonymous said...

Bloglord!!! "what do one" u must be a tabonlord.

Anonymous said...

Ure so ignorant,its alarming!
How dare u say that!

Anonymous said...

Chei!!! O ma se oooooooooooo, imaginE 9months of carrying ds twin n pains she went tru labour, we need God's kingdom oooo cos ds is SAD. All in d name of PND yeepa!!!

Anonymous said...

No Bloglord its nothing biazarre as u say. Its post partum depression. said...

Running away from responsibility. poor mother. who will take care of thw twins now?

Anonymous said...

Post Partum Psychosis

Tani said...

Anon 8:51 and co r d reason pple will still commit suicide when pple like 'em dont believe in d entity called depression, post partum or not. Belief u me, depression is an illness that warrants medical attention. Noone can say for sure if this woman had Postpartum blues or not. Pple probably didnt pay attention enough.

BLOGLORD said...

...and u that notice me on every post what are u????
my friend behave urself! no let me run enter ur life. pot calling kettle black.
uve just displayed ur highest level of stupidity.
stupidity personified!

Anonymous said...

Linda, u didn't post my comment! Wow! Now I undastand why pple complain u don't post comments,anyways, no hard feelings. *smiles n walks away*

Sakara said...

Sounds like post depression, she needed counseling! Care, support nd maybe love that she didn't get RIP young woman

Anonymous said...

Sounds like depression , the kind women go through after giving birth . Don't judge her , if u av never been through any mental illness like depression , you will never understand y some just commit suicide . You just won't ... May her soul rest in peace

Anonymous said...

From some comments, i can see sheer ignorance. When will people stop making this statement'don't Judge, are u God? If you judge, you're a sinner.' That's the same statement some people will keep making until they land in hell. Instead of you to educate yourself on what sin entails, you'll be castigating people who try to enlighten you. In case you don't know, suicide is a sin (if you are a Christian), and don't start asking me to show you the bible scripture please! the fact that you don't even know shows how 'Bible-illiterate' you are. So if anybody says she's gone to hell, its the blunt truth. And let me also add, for those of you who don't know better than using swear words and insulting people who share their humble opinion on this blog as if Linda ikeji is your daughter and you command authority on her blog, 'cursing and abusing' others is also a sin. So it's the same hell you'll find yourself. Linda, i sense you're very selective about comments, i hope mine passes your selection test. #passerby#

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

U r so ignorant. Pls educate urself b4 u start spewing foolishness. Just because she's not the 1st to give birth to twins nko. So she has to feel the same way other mothers feel? It's stupid ppl like u that thinks everything shd be 1 way. Ode iranu

Anonymous said...

& u mind ur fucking business. Y does it bother u so much if he comments every time?

Anonymous said...

So the world is based on what U think? U ignorant ppl just kill me with the stupidest comments. Educate urself dumbass

Anonymous said...

Let me guess, ur logic is along the line of "it's voodoo"? *sacarsm*

Anonymous said...

Exactly my point. PND in my case was jt for a few days after birth, I was always teary. But support from family helped lots and in less than a week was back to my normal self

Anonymous said...

My dear if u have no idea about pnd don't comment. This pnd landed my sis in the hosp for 4months. Yea in some women its hightened in some its goes in a few days to weeks.

Anonymous said...

Exactly my point. PND in my case was jt for a few days after birth, I was always teary. But support from family helped lots and in less than a week was back to my normal self

MJ said...


Colade said...

Wt a horrible act! Ds is no depression @ all.. Its just intentional... Y d alms and prayers... Same process as dem suicide bombers.. God help us

4 STEPS TO PEACE said...


I feel for d kids she left behind,no situation is worth taking ones life.

~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310

Anonymous said...

Clevadani stop advertising ur blog here. Opportunist

Anonymous said...

U call it suicide rite? Woman must hve gone back to whr she belongs nd dats water realm!

Anonymous said...

To learn more on why bad things may happen to a Christian, pls read this blog ...

Buks said...

Demi but why bodi dey pepper you for Bloglord matter , see war oooh over who post first naaah waaaaaaaaa . I suggest you leave wh
At ever you are doing and stay put so you'd post first jobless man .

Mama Mia said...

time to make nigeria aware of post-natal depression.

Anonymous said...

Pls don't be in a rush to condemn what you do not understand. Probably you don't know much about Post Natal Depression, but if u had read previous comments carefully , which says PND clears, but in severe cases the outcome could be either pschosis or suicide. in our communities, so little is known about this, so people adopt the same attitude you have * is she the first to have children?* it sad. More counselling should be given to family*especially the couples so mothers can be given more support. * in fact the economic situitation in the country could be a major factor; don't forget we are different and our level of handling stress also differs.

Anonymous said...

You might be surprise.......abi Linda?

Anonymous said...

Illitrate, go google Postnatal depression or

Anonymous said...

Postpartum depression, the stress of having 2 babies, the lack of sleep and rest. Probably did not have enough support system. May her soul rest in peace and may God comfort the husband and watch over the babies. Amen. Men pls take more notice and care of ur wives most especially after birth, do not let the pampering and doting stop after the baby(ies) is out... D

Oscar. said...

Post ogini ? isn`t this what is referred to as abi sinwin...slight n temporal mental disorder few weeks after birth, except if it`s her first birth thats when the husband can feign ignorant otherwise he should have known better. so pathetic may her soul RIP.

Anonymous said...

thanks 4 understanding dis post they way i did.i only shared my sincere opinion,but abusive words was wat i get in return.

nunulicious said...

sounds like post natal depression to me. May she RIP and God comfort her family...a good healthcare system could have avoided this.

Anonymous said...

Abeg educate me o...which is Natal or Post postpartum??? question meant for doctors only!!!

Anonymous said...

i seriously believe it is post natal depression as i experienced some things after child birth as well. so not everything or case is voodoo. i remember waking up at night and looking at my baby like how did he get here. whatever the case, may her soul rest in peace. so sad........

Anonymous said...

i seriously believe it is post natal depression as i experienced some things after child birth as well. so not everything or case is voodoo. i remember waking up at night and looking at my baby like how did he get here. whatever the case, may her soul rest in peace. so sad........

Anonymous said...

Wtf is dat stupid demi saying, if its dat paining u, prolly u ask linda why she posts bloglord's comment first, dumbass!! Maybe u get a fucking life as well and go rest ur modafucking ass somewhere ..idiotic fellow, and fyi bloglord is female

Anonymous said...

Postpartum psycosis

Warri Girl said...

Crazy mad couple

Anonymous said...

Post natal depression at its worst. May she RIP and the children be properly taken care of.


Anonymous said...

It think it is time there should be an awareness drive about PND and how it affects men and women.

Anonymous said...

I see ignorance spewed all over this blog. Knowledge is power, guys educate yourselves.

childsplay said...

All nigerians are in a movie titled IMBECILES

Anonymous said...

Na lie, na wetin she tell yeye osun say she go do after she give am twins..she kept to her promise ni oo..yeye osun shindren..

Seyi_Jetli said...

The end is now.
If all these things that are happening is still a surprise to you then you will be caught unaware too.
Christ arrival is very close.
May her soul rest in peace.

Anonymous said...

Weird ... Ella

Loisy said...

Postpartum depression! Clear cut but extreme case!

Loisy said...

Postpartum depression! Clear cut but extreme case!

Anonymous said...

Probably post partum depression.

Anonymous said...

what a pathetic story

Anonymous said...

Definately Post natal depression, especially after having twins its twice the dose. Unfortunately there isn't enough awareness about this condition in Naija which is very sad. As u can see from d ignorant comments being made by pple esp the guys who like her husband had no clue and didn't pick up the signs his wife must have definately somehow expressed. we need awareness. May she RIP!

Anonymous said...

It's the same thing. British call it postnatal & Americans call it postpartum

Anonymous said...

Definitely postpartum depression, never believed it until my son arrived and every little thing made me cry. People don't understand that being a mother to a newborn is not easy especially if its your first time.
Thank God my mum was arround to help me with the baby.
After a few days I was ok.
More awareness in Nigeia Should be made about depression. We can't keep saying its a White man's disease cos it can affect anyone.

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