But here's the thing about this relationship and why a few of their family and friends are against the union. K1's ex-wife Alhaja Shalewa (nee Masha) is the younger sister of Titi Masha's father; making her Titi's aunt. So K1 went from uncle-in-law to boyfriend/husband/baby daddy!
And oh, Kwam 1 has a wife and daughter who are based in Canada...#dramathings :-)
Some men sha, nkan nbe
I love you linda
Oloshi maa ni omo titi ke. Oju e maa ja!
I'm not only against u, I'm praying abt u, socialite bitch. Haba! No matter how bad u are, ur aunty's ex husband. If dey were together, ull straf him one this one dat u claim to be in love
Linda,did u just say 'a wife',dude has wives everywhere,Alhaji is just insatiable and this Titi lady should enjoy it while it lasts..smh
Asewo!! Not only a married oooollllldddd man, ur aunty's ex. Ill be waiting
MsT: O ga o. Se alhaji no no say hin don 2old 4ds kain drama? Well,I wish them well all d same! Ki olorun ma so won.. Amin!
Aram(Abonination).when they are not indians,he should have tested his microphone sumwhere else nau.
KWAM1 has fallen my hand. He seemed like a responsible old man with brains. Lesson learnt: dnt judge a book by its cover
Lobatan o!
Ife ne me.
- Menakaya's Baby.
but what is wrong wt this guy? is this Shalewa not Oyinda's mother? and this man s stl having babies @ this age = anyway v always known Wendy's overhype love was going to fade soon, na so he dey carry them for head, depriving them of getting better men infuture
welcome Titi Masha, d man don build mansion for Ijebu for una, bedrooms plenty for dia
Thats why he is a Muslim.... God knows best!
Hmmmm babban magana aboki man in police station
Odikwa shocking.. wetin person no go see 4 dis world.....
technically there is nothing wrong with their relationship since they are not blood related morally is another story especially if he is still married to the wife in Canada this one is a #hotmess
Kaaabo omo anifowose , I hope you have a DIY HIV kit always on you , what a useless role model for your Fuji fans , what with all your children scattered all over the world you are a disgrace .
Na wa ooo! Seems like Respect n self Values r being thrown outta like gabbage these days....guess wen she delivers he will also fall in love wiv his own daughter n marry her...smh! Wateva helps them sleep @ nyt
Wat a nasty old man & disgraceful niece . Ori awon ppl yi oma pe ke ?
she even looks like his wife that lives in canada
No be Yoruba man, long story, their women get use to it. This is not a tribal issue ooo, na fact, and most yoruba people tells me is part of their culture, so all the insult, back to sender.
I can't believe this! Though I haven't seen Titi in a while and the last time we spoke she was still married to her hubby. Since wen did all dis nonsense start? And to fink her mum aunty Mosun allowed all this? Na wah oooo o ma ga ooo
Agbole iranu. What nonsense. This man is utterly useless. This story alone brings bile to my mouth. Even the stupid girl is even more useless. Both of them combined r "Uselessness Reloaded". Awon were.
Incredible! Wonders shall never end.Grandfather has decided to marry grandaughter.Kwam1 will hv about how many wives now nd many many children.. Upon all never satisfied. U hv created another history in Masha's family.Abacha . MSCHEEEEEEEEW.
This girl is a disgrace. Your aunty's ex? she even looks educated sef if there is such a thing. I hope Wendy feels stupid now. When she was doing baby wife and wasiu was showcsaing her daughter more than they rest of the his other kids, she was all happy. Obviously there is no satisfying him. it is useless trying to please a man like him
YORUBA people and their philandering.This is so so 'OBNOXIOUS'...
Na wa o!
Read all the latest posts on nigerian blogs
This man wey get big prick
hian,her aunties's husband,her 1st cousin's daddy.she sold her shame 4 200 naira credit.
Lmao @ K1 went from uncle-in-law to boyfriend/husband/baby daddy!
Lol...I swear, girls that do this kain thing ehn. OMG...all I can do is laugh. She's just another baby mama out of the many he probably has. Lol
K1 DE Ultimate, i tired for una, una con dey change women like cloth to the extend of marrying 2 women from the same family.
Na so Fuji people dey do except Ayuba. from K1 oko wosilat. Oko Alimat Sadiat mo gbere tawi de, K1 de ultimate eki OKo Jemilat, Oko Wendy, now na Arabambi Oko Titi.
Na wah for u ooooo
Shame on her!!! I've know Titi since high school...gosh she has changed!....plus her mother is also an enabler, always looking the other way. Not surprised... Her first marriage did not last because it was an arranged marriage. Her parents wanted her to marry some known ffamily friends and see what happened, it didn't last long. Shame, shame shame!
typical yoruba man!
Na real drama things. Can't wait for the show down. Hehehehe!!!
Yoruba people and their drama. Smh!!!
They are muslims, they can do what they like.......
honestly, its mostly yoruba men that do this nonsense. no offense to anyone. but I see it everyday even in my personal life. smh
*shee ra Ayinde shee ra Ayinde eeeee*
My knee-jerk reaction was to read Kwam 1 d riot act but my rational instincts got d beta of me. It takes two to tango! Apparently he didn't force himself on her, they r both willing participants! Consanguinity dey 4 dis union biko! Cld it be they've been secretly "eyeing" each other while dis 1st marriage was subsisting? Abeg e get as e bi jare, d whole thing appears too untidy! Dat's betrayal naaaa! Of all d men in d world, she chose her uncle?(by marriage) both participants r very disrespectful! How wld KWAM 1 feel if his ex-wife gets pregnant by n wants to marry his brother's son? Pple will even raise an eye brow @ a friend who does dis to anor friend,let alone a blood relative!
This guy won't stop dis is disgraceful act....SMH
Na wa o! Anything goes in Naija these days as long as u've got the money, fame or power. Our moral values has gone to the dogs, things that were considered abomination a few years ago are what we now flaunt about with no iota of shame.People throw caution to the wind without considering the effect their actions would have on those around them as long as they are happy. He might as well get marry to one of his daughters then, what's the diffrence???
Yoruba and husband snatching and wife cheating things. That's their way of life.
Baba ooooo!! Oluaye Fuji Mayegun General gbo gbo aye ki eee!! AND SO? Alhaji is entitled to more than 1 wife. "Ex" emphasis on d 'Ex', its not as if he is in a relationship with aunty n niece @ d same time!
Unending Drama! Massive outburst!
I cnt comprehend, he's goin to dump her pretty soon mk she no worry.
Wot goes round comes round Useless gal.I wonder wot dey see in d man sef(kwam1). he has many children frm different women in 9ja nd yet sm women dey opens der uselesss pu**y 4 him. Joor pack ur sef. As 4 u linda enuf of Bad news bring us Good news o
Not just drama tinz, more like Jerry springer tinz. Kwam1 supose don tire or retire for woman/baby matter naaaaa
Linda ur blog caption shd be News, Gossip, Events,Gossip, Entertainment,Gossip, Lifestyle, Gossip,Fashion,Gossip, Beauty,Gossip, Inspiration, Gossip and yes... Gossip, Gossip, Gossip,Gossssssssssssssssssip
Mscheeeeeww!! Eating the left over of another woman's dish.
A wife and daughter in Canada ke? He has women and children scattered all over the world. Infact he more women and children than late sikiru Ayinde barrister. He impregnated Bisi Omo logbalogba now, but she was asked to abort it. K1 has always bin an uncontrollable skirt chaser. He f's anything in skirt. I pity his daughters cos nemesis will caught up with him thru them. Ire o.
Wonders shall never end!!! What rubbish?
K1 marry diff women every year where is d one he sang abt alfa gone n some women no get shame ur kid will be d. 100 is it a must u must u must marry a musician ni mzshew
You can imagine the rubbish, your Ex wife's niece na you see go marry......all this men self na wah
sickos. smh
At what point shud Nollywood come and make dis into a movie? how can someone be planning to marry their cousin's dad! Yoruba will never cease to amaze me!! to think that she even has a child for him...SMH
but doesn't he have many wives? I went to primary school with one of his daughter and then met one of his son in toronto and they dont even know each other
Serious drama things. Maybe there's a kwam1 juju in the 'aunty's' or 'ex-wife's' or 'now rival's' family
Strange tins are happening diz dayz may God help us
Kwam 1 has more than one wife and a daughter
This man is juss an old fool,hope he knows all his kids and trains them sha!
his name is Wasiu, he is allowed to marry as many as 4 women. he is also not tied by blood to his ex-wife's niece, although it sounds outrageous there is really nothing legally wrong with it...........In Nigeria we like to make a big do about morals, yet our leaders are morally bankrupt. Live and let live jare, life is short so if that is where they find their happiness, Almighty bless them............."Let he who is blameless, cast the first stone"
So right now Kwan 1 is about to become the father of his sister-in-law's son who is now his wife... lol
Anyways goodluck to them cos he had wasn't married when he met her.
Young girls of these days shaaa.
How e be say na aunty husband come dey enter ur eyes. U wan dey chop wetin aunty bin dey chop abi? Chop am well o.
Linda Gbeboru
Ewo ndia aga egbu nmadu o! Another youruba flick
Linda, he also has a son called mustapha, he went 2 my school. He is a singer nw called musty marshall
K1 true Ofemanu man. What do u expect frm a yoruba man? Frivolous lyf style! Rubbish..
Wen ll ppl com 2 understnd dat sm tins r jus nt rite n sm ppl r off limit no mata wat u tink u feel 4 dem
HMmn ur own aunti's husband? Even if na ex-hubby e nor mata, remember dat she is ur family, so if kwam1 leaves u nko like he left ur auntie den big shame will den fall on Ñž☺ΰ! Cos den u will run back to ur family wit shame! #restmycase
For kwam 1's moneys, even Alhaja would do same to her niece given the same chance. No be women? Smh...
Hehehehe!!!! Linda Linda, all these titles for just one person. I salute oooo
Hmmmm Na wa oooo. Infact speechless... I don't ve anything to say to kwam 1,but titi titi titi hmmmm Na wa ooooo.. No shame at all.
Typical, shameless, African, Nigerian man. Who cares, but TiTi, hope u knw dt wot goes around, comes around, maybe ur immediate younger sister will make u d next victim.
I just wonder d way people are living there lives. What is wrong in mith marrying 2 wives? Must u av concubines impregnate dis marrying dat because u are rich or famous. How culd a sane person marry 2 sisters,either he divorced one doesnt matter. Biko enjoy life small small
This is wat I call abomination!
Am not suprised one bit.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
This is totally crazy.
http://barbsiesmusings.blogspot.com/ (Nigeria's no 1 makeup blog)
Some women are so desperate to have a man; they will do anything. With all the kinds of men in the world, na her own former uncle she go marry? How will she explain that to her children?
Linda did you say they are in love? ifele anemedikwa some people? tufiakwa!
Smshhhhh diz is no news, yorubas r. Natuarally polygamist, they marry n marry over n over again, is nothing to them.they can marry their sons girlfriend sef.
Plus he has 36 oda kids from 30 women.
Linda am so confused abt dis younger sister,uncle sister,aunty's father thing.my brain is twisted right now.i dnt knw hw to re-organize it now.u v seen wht u caused in my brain.lol
D same way he treated her aunty is d way he will surely treat her. useless niece. Viviy
yea i believe d fact dat dey are married cos she is always talking abt her husband(am going home oo, ma husband is home, oh i need to cook ..... for husband to night)no wonder we rarely met d husband since he never in the country. hisssssssss. rubbish. pls stop calling/using the word socialite for her. she nobody(no job) d lace shop is for her mom.
disgrace thing. your aut's husband.
ladies/women pls lets learn from this. nothing like hugging nd kissing your in-law for fun or greeting d oyinbo way. its leads to FEELINGS ooo
It's ethically and morally worrying that all that time he was married to the aunt and the girl was calling him uncle....hmmm ok.
I'm not judging and will leave it at that
linda you are better leave people to have their private life oooo
hmm..what would yewande .his wife in canada say about this...she flaunts k1 on fb like he is some kind of young ,single family type.kwam1 has numerous women all over the place with children,i dont know wat women want from this kind union.
What a shame!
I'm just sorry for the kid!
na wa oooooo........no be small family drama to come,on a serious note,d babe no try at all.....haba aunty ex husband.....i just dey imagine if na my niece be dat
Woooow..not like am surprised or n e tin...its a tin d@ happenz...buh common is d babe d@ stupid...I blaim d babe 4 acceptin @ first....
Ahhhhhhhhhhhh! Grandpa.E tun somo at this age. E se aye re ki e ma fi omo yin se iyawo.
Hmmmmmmm (picks a glass of soda)doesn't matter jare what maTters is where u find happiness so far u nd ur wife are not together then no problem
Pls dnt generalise dis issue. It happens almst evriwhre mind u.
Most men dnt hv boundaries these days I blame we women we encourage and take rubbish that y a guy openly chase his wife's sister, niece, cousin etc n not see anytin wrong with it. Hisses
Wat else could she b lukin 4 if nt money..dat is d main reason she gt married 2him..greed wud nt let her c him as her aunt's ex hubby cuz d only fin she can fink o'is money money money!
Women sef too are gold diggers Neva want to start fresh with a man it's sum else's husband that has made it they want and when d man dies is when their eyes will open the real owner of the man is entitled to everything he has in the eyes of the law while the gold diggers get nothing. True what they say everyday for the thief one day for d owner.
You imbeciles, the Masha family is such a big family, not everyone who bears the bears the same surname is related. Titi is an enterprising, beautiful and successful lady. How she chooses to live her life is nobody's business.
..........and kwam1 is married to my friends' mom.which is neither alhaja,titi nor the pple in canada. I fink he has like 5 - 10 wives..so Linda,it's complicated mehn.
K1 has never in history stayed with 1 woman for 5 years, pls start doing count down for this niece turned baby mama, ask Jemila b4 wendy. He is a chronic skirt chaser. Bisi Omo logba logba use to be his girlfriend too.
yoruba men and women na their way be this. why is polygamy in our blood sef? ahn my father had 4 wives, and my mother stupidly became 3rd wife. plus his other concubines and children outside.
This could have been a man from anywhere in Nigeria.
Please don't turn this into a tribe thing
Who is this Apata student casting mustapha like this?
Wat would yewande igbo do, did she not snatch him from someone too? I wonder where some ladies have thrown shame to. Shameless, stupid and callous Titi, u shall soon be doomed for putting porty on ur aunt's face. Wat goes around surely comes around. Money, na wa for u oooo. see wetin u don do to human beings.
next biko
To God. Be the glory.. The problem facing Nigeria as a Nation is much more than the love affair of 2 people, either cousin inlaw or brother mother or. Father sister.. Let us all face the problem affecting the life and living of the people.. By United Nation suggestion and dictates on good govenance, a good and working nation is expected to vote 26% of its budgets into education, another good portion of it into agriculture and many more things to ginger growth and development ot its. Citizery.. Go get urself busy with why Nigerian Leadership is voting less than 10% into education in its 2013 budget presentation to the National Assembly and not up to that percentage in Agriculture, rather than taken ur time discussing the love life of individuals.. Hope someone with listening ears gat me..
Will u s t f up?!!!which successful? U call her running her mum's shop success? U r an idiot! Doesn't she av kids by her hubby already? Wat is she doing wit her aunt's ex hubby if not for greed! I pity all dis women, wen he dies then they will know dat they are in sum big shit! Rubbish gal!
Una no get eye, una no see the kind diamond and gemstone earring wey the babe wear? she is not a gold digger, she is a go getter. She is already MADE, besides all of you are jealous, y'all wishing you were in her shoes, don't even lie.
Linda why didn't u post my previous comment? Hehn?
Yoruba men sha! Kai!
Na waaa ooo u lot shuld mind ur bizness abeg d man has more dan enuf moni 2 tk kia of everione even u linda so u guys shuld fink of somefin else 2 write
Wats ur own u v d mans family history in ur head if he shuld ask u out nah u go 1st jump leave d man arabambi 1 I hail u joor goo on
Goodness some of you igbo people need to stop. It stopped being funny. Same goes for some of you yorubas that comment on this blog.
What in heavens name do you mean by what do you expect from a yoruba man? That's just silly. It could be any Nigerian man. Just go and hide your small ethnic biased mind at him please.
Please Free that man jare.....YOLO
Yoruba men this, yoruba men that. If you non yoruba people know so much why exactly are you still always too happy to marry them. Some of the comments here just annoy me. This ethnic nonsense will never stop. Because you speak another language and your culture is different doesn't make you superior or less to any other person from another ethnic group. Stop the generalisation, its not cute anymore. I could easily say igbo men have nasty body odour and hausa men are not circumcised. Its all bullshit anyway because only a fraction of that ethnic group could be like that and is not limited to said ethnic group.
Dear Miss Ikeji please I plead with you, stop posting comments that incite ethnic hatred. Thank you.
Baba Kwam1 u 2 much carry go u no force the baba she give u honey and u lick am abi nothing do u
shame suppose catch the shameless woman way no get respect for im sister is she not aware dat this will bring her sister more pain and trauma oloshi
I can't believe this!
I ain't gullible like others!
Hahaaaaa can't stop laughing oooo , yewande don semPe lol! I knew wasiu was up to something when he asked yewande to relocate to Canada , no babe can have wasiu heart for more than 4 yrs, this is titis time ooo let her use it well
Interesting, so Titi's kids and Alhaja Shalewa's kids will be cousins and siblings at the same time. hehehe
So confusing
Have U̶̲̥̅̊ visited http://naijamustchange.blogspot.com 2day?
how somebody go say him Mama stupid. Na crase de worry you oooooo
Its either u are 1 of his exes or his kid! The man is shameless incase u didn't know. His life is an open book for every1 to see. He might think he's enjoying but all his kids will pay for it 1 after the other. Am a guy so he can't ask me out. And I know a female friend that slapped him for trespassing. Agbaya man.
MADAM TOSIN! I'm sure the comments on this blog aren't only those of Igbo's and Yorubas. I also dont c anywhere in those comments that states the blogger is Igbo. If there's any person being stupidly tribalistic now its u, why do Igbo's ve to take the blame for the comments already? Better still refer to directly to the people making the comments dont make it an Igbo/ Yoruba thing abeg.
Im not in support of any tribal comments though. Lets put the sensitivities of others into consideration while commenting. TOSIN TAKE NOTE!
I'll keep saying it, Nigerian men are dogs! Tuehh!!... The girl sef is just a big horny fool!
yea Titi Masha of ISL school
Eba mi ki arabambi ooo, oko yewande oooo hahaaaaa sorry oko titi oooo! Kwam one I hail u sir , yewande can't say nothing cos she self snatch Kwam one from her friend , na runs level and she wan die there and taught she wld be Kwam 1 last bus stop , I pity her shaa! I heard Kwam 1 just completed his mansion in ijebu so the man needs a new wife too , new house new wife , afteral yewande the control all the properties in Canada!
some people are so dumb,if u are to write a comment be sensible bout it,wat has religion got to do wit this,personalty is a different thing entirely,those idiots that killed ALUU4 were christians oo,if they were muslims we no go hear word,so idiots learn to differenciate btw religion nd personality.linda post my comment oo.
Yes! It is the same Titi that went to ISL, when to university in UK. Obviously it has nothing to do with being educated to know better. Her morals has said it all. She doesn't have any. As the saying goes..."it is how you get him that you will loose him".
haba wetin now men don fininsh for market abi the inlaw thing never tire kwam. besides the wifey wey dey canada we sabi am now chei men are wicked sha and women are devils
lindus post e kwa my comment.
Lol@my mother stupidly became 3rd wife!
U r a fool!!!
Very common among yoruba. I see them a lot in Ireland. There don't send, there will sleep with your husband if there know he has money. Kai! Canada and Ireland is their breeding soon
Lmao!It surprises me that these women don't realise how fetish most of these yoruba men are.Every thing they do is to widen their own coast and reduce yours.Btw omo yoruba to ji na ni mi
& as for those of u pitying yewande in canada,cuz I know she's the brain behind dis so dt pple ll feel 4 her sorry ass....did she tell u dt she has slept with some of her husbands frnds & her frnds av slept with the man she calls her husband all in the name of runs.she got to him through runs & her initial plan was to spend his money during her mothers burial bt she sceamed her way in & was also able to gt rid of jemila so she shld live with her present situation.majority of those writing nonsense won't mind warming his bed & some of u r presently sleeping with him so wot r we all talking abt.....allow them pls & face ur various problems for you only live once & dis life is too short to be too interested in other pples business
I'm pretty sure this' you Titi,i don't blame u as the short man's jazz no get 'to be continued',na for part 1 he start and finish
Lmao!It surprises me that these women don't realise how fetish most of these yoruba men are.Every thing they do is to widen their own coast and reduce yours.Btw omo yoruba to ji na ni mi
Hian!!!this one no be incest again o na OUTcest
Linda the gist sourcer i hail, nice aproko
Which diamond? Which gemstone? Lolz...abeg na lere I dey stay before I moved out to where I reside now, we all dey roll together before so forget that made story! She chop gbese pass anytin else. I wanna belong by force! She does not av a dime in her name! Its not hear say, I sabi her wella! Its shameful dat she could eva consider sleeping wit kwan1 let alone get preggy by him. All dis gals dem sef! O ma ga ooo
Warri girl pls it's "they" not "there". Kindly write properly if u must comment. And yeah, You're welcome!
Very shocking to read this news about Titi Masha. Can this be the same well educated, born in Silver Spoon Titi that went to ISL, then went to Bellerby's College, Brighton and UK Uni. The Titi I knew was one classy and well respected girl. What happened to her? what is this I am reading. Pls Titi take care of yourself, why are u in this type of story.Thought you were happily married, I will pray for you because I cannot imagine what you saw that has made you take such a decision with an already married man. Is it your religion,love or what? What is wrong? I am really in shock Titi.Pls u people should stop abusing her, you do not know the whole story.The Titi I knew had respect for herself and others.
Titi you've always been a wave maker
Your mom didn't become the 3rd wife will you be alive?radio without battery!
so what happen to Wendy? mama Isabella! huh mehnnnnnnnnnnn!!!
Lobatan... Titi Masha oju e ma ja..enjoy it while it last..oniranu oshi...
Hello. http://incomepart.com/ref.php?page=act/ref&invcod=74661
Am sure this is Kwam1,go and sleep jor,oniranu. You are part of the people causing problems in naija. Aljannah is sure for u.
Madam linda pls u haven't posted my comment.
hmm..waiting to hear what yewande would say....thought she had on a wedding ring lol..to a marathon husband who distribute it like its going out of fashion.
Is this not d same titi dat went out wit Adewale Ayuba!smh what a he-goat kwam1 is.
Madam linda u haven't still posted ma comment ma
Another blogger says Kwam 1 got his friend's girlfriend pregnant. She went to him when her man refused to take her back, with the hope that he could help settle the rift. O ma se o!
Wasiu is a playboy and does not love any woman. Women do not allow him to rest. Wasiu should start using condom aka ora like fufu wraps.
I think Titi Masha will suffer in the long run because she has no proper job. She was helping her mum to run a store. She was probably insecure and fell for Wasiu. What a stupid affair?
I wonder how this man manages to hook these well educated girls. I used to know Yewande as the daughter of a professor at OAU Ife and from a respectable background. I was horrified to hear that she is married to Kwam 1. Now people are saying that this Titi girl comes from a comfortable background. I hope he is not using juju on these girls because they are too classy for him.
Jumoke you will die a hater, after worshiping the ground Titi Masha walks on for years, she eventually frustrated you beyond endurance, because you could not keep up with her pace and level. Jumoke moko moko, we dey give BJ @ 20,000 naira a session. Please go and breast feed your toy boy ok.
@ Anonymous 3:38 PM. I am a Warri Girl, English is not my first language. Urhobo & Pigin is my first language. If i want to call them "there" I will. Call police for my head. Grammar teacher. Nonsense!
Canada needs to start clamping down all these illiterates that don’t contribute to their system
Chioma Udoye of Daleko market that sells bags of rice that lives in Soleky in Aguda market, near Aguda police station, are you pained? You know she wears diamonds for real and you used to borrow from her, don't deny it.
Mowunmi O while are you joing the train of the haters, afterall Titi is your cousin and both you and your daughter have benefited greatly from her kindness.Go and find a way to settle with you baby daddy Kush, that if Mama and Mummy Kush will allow.
Stupid Linda didn't post my Gbenga Islander comment. Kwam 1 does jazz for these babes. Nothing new.
Senname of badagry which side you sef - yewande or titi, if you seat on the fence, the fence is likely to collapse o, this is the clash of the titans.
Seki williams oleeeee onijekuje barawo, alayi lo ju ti agbaya, seku seye, now you're glued to Titi like a rat stuck on cheese, when you were not on good terms with her you used to chat with yewande on K1's phone.
Titi Masha very proud and arrogant girl, always showing off and frustrating her friends with her jewelry, bags and designer things, no wonder they all hate you... lol
A behaviour very common with my isale-eko peeps!
My people, twale o!
Oshi ati iranu.
Na wale akinkugbe dey cast am
Dont mind them o. When people of d same color and cultures cant live together without being tribalistic, nd then u complain that a white man is looking at u funny!!!! Monkeys
Yorubas on this blog should get a grip on themselves. When someone makes a bad comment about you, that person is not necessarily Ibo. There are other tribes in Nigeria and on this blog besides Ibo and Yoruba. The last time I checked, Nigeria had 344 tribes altogether. I am Ibo and I do not support racial comments but you guys attack Ibo people even when its obvious from some commenters' IDs that they are not Ibo. Other tribes are observant of how yorubas act, not just Ibo people. Someone makes a bad comment about Yoruba and you guys are like, "what about Ibo people?" Y'all remember Gbenga? He attacked Ibos both for Ibo related and unrelated posts on Linda but no Yoruba protested against it.It was so bad that Gbenga would scorn innocent people that were lynched by a community because they were Ibo. When you guys get a dose of your medicine, you're like "all Nigerians or Ibos are like that too." Please, enough of your nonsense! Linda is Ibo.If she was as tribalistic as you Yorubas,you would not see half of your comments on here.
Ah ah where is wendy??? All the noise kwam1 made of wendy now its Titi? Ah this man prick too dey scratch o!!!
@11:11, which one now??
We are talking hot gist you are preaching politics??
How are they intertwined??
Even if they are both Muslim and "allowed to be polygamist", what they have done is immoral!
@ Tosin Smith and 11:39, I totally agree, this tribal rubbish needs to stop!
I can also say Ibo Men would do anything for money......I lie??? And Hausa men are dirty with their Kelebe spitting all over.
How do you all feel?
Please stop generalizing.
ALL men are ....we'll, CAN be DOGs.
Linda, you MUST post my comment oh!
Thank u anon 11:13am..u will surely know that anon 10:14am is her pal..awon oniranu birds of a feather oju yin ma ja shioooooo..very soon very very soon..
Holy Smokes !! cant sop laffing but seriously this can happen to any tribe . Its just cos most of the news Linda posts here are mainly from the south west and affect more yoruba pple than other tribe ...
Pls stop hating ... Muslims can have as many wives as they want Oh sorry na buffet
Ewwww ewu God forbid in her shoes my ass..already MADE kor jazz MADE ni u had better go suck on a lemon..
Nnenna, you must be married to Senator Patrick Obagbiagbon with all ur epistle!
This is frigging hilarious. The Titi Masha herself has made it to this blog and she is exposing all her haters by name. At least you know those who hate you....but it does not take away from the fact that you are an Oniranu girl. You ought to be ashamed of yourself. Kwam1 is old enough to be your daddy and he should be a no go area cos ur aunty had had him already. Alainituju omo disgrace
Idiot like u...enuf moni,sadness n hiv galore
My greatest mentor...God bless all you do sir even leave titi tomao and go for her mother am always with you sir,,,,(long life)and you all arguing over him...do you know aw many millions d couples av made today...U̶̲̥̅̊ all should get up and do sumfin wif ur lives...YOLO
Ppl should think and know the true story before juging a nobody. Fatiat masha was brought up well she was born and fed with a silver spoon. She doesn't need anything frm kwam1 only god know best. So Linda n d rest of ppl mind ur own cup of tea.
Wow!!! See hot gist! The main the main gist is in the comments section! Things dey happen o! Nkan be! O di egwu! Kawai!
After all they are not related....lol......another woody allen lol
Kwam1 has a penchant for small girls. The funny thing is,he's so protective of his daughters. The evil men do!
Ghen ghen, dis is getting more interesting.... Hehehehe *grabbing my bowl of popcorn and a bottle of coke* pls keep mentioning names, it gives d comments more personality, if U knw wot I mean *wink wink*
Madam niece una no do well sha oo... D truth is bitter bt oh well, we hav 2 say it... So ur pikin go be what 2 ur aunty's pikins nw? U go be stepmother 2 ur cousins... Hahahahaha, wonders shall never cease... U still got a lot 2 learn in d morality class... #okbye
I'm just so disgusted about some of the comments I have read here,so what if she's with Wasiu?who cares?and why bring in people that have nothing to do with it,smh...lets get a grip of ourselves and focus on more important stuff plssssss!
You people don't know anything. Some women go after kwam1 willingly while he uses big time juju on some. All in all, whichever way they get there, he uses their glory to help himself.
U are very stupid for saying this. Ur igbo or wteva tribe u are frm dnt womanize shey? Small minded thing! I'm nt supportn Kwam 1 bt u guys need need to stop making tribalistic comments. SMH.
Like seriously, its getting annoying! I dunno y sm pple here wld judge a whole tribe based on just 1. Person's actions n to think that most of them are dating or married to a yoruba guy. Tell me wtever tribe in Nigeria where at least 1 man has nt womanised before? U guys shld go get a life & not add to Nigeria's issues with ur sick tribalistic ways.
... Btw, I wonder why Linda is posting such comments sef,
Dnt mind the ode with such a small mind. And when you check, her B.f or husband myt be yoruba yet they come here and run their dirty mouths. Dunno why some pple have to be so tribalistic.
Bros, hw I take cast am? Am just saying she was wrong. Shekinah!
Dis is so serious...........
Dis is so serious...........
Honestly, u hit d nail tyt. alwayz hypn dem, old fool darn olojukokoro babez
Thanks in favor of sharing such a nice thought, piece of writing
is nice, thats why i have read it completely
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