Her husband of 20 years is on the verge of divorcing her, but Pastor Esther Benenoch wrote on her BLOG that she'd marry him (Bishop David Benenoch of Communion Church, Lagos ) all over again in a heart beat.
One of the best decisions I have made in life is being married to my husband. It's one thing am glad and grateful to God for. As achievements go, while many women are fighting to make a name for themselves,with all sincerity and I believe it, my greatest achievement would have been my husband and my family. Nothing fills me with joy as being Mrs Esther Benenoch. It may not sound like much, but for it is a big part of my destiny. I know what you are thinking that may be that's why this has befallen me, I still do not regret it. God is faithful. And so inspite of all that is going on, I do not, and will never regret saying I do to my husband, and I will do it again in a heart beat even though I do not understand all that is going on right now.Continue to read the full article she wrote on her blog a few days ago...
Regret is an emotion that we should not give our selves to as believers. For as an emotion it does not take us far with God neither does it give us the spiritual results that we seek. Feelings of remorse is temporal and has it's foundation in the flesh, it is carnal and therefore can not please God. king Saul regreted his actions in not killing king Agag and sparing some the cattle and sheep. His remorse was fleeting and not heart felt because first he blamed the people and he did to save face or gain respect from Samuel and the people.
Judas Iscariot also regretted his selling his Lord Jesus for 30 pieces of silver, but he went and comitted suicide after wards . In Matthew 27vs3 ''when Judas who had betrayed him, and saw that Jesus was condemned he was seized with remorse and returned the 30 silver coins to the chief priests and elders'' In vs5 it is written ''so Judas threw the money into the temple and left. Then he went away and hanged himself.'' This is the result of regret. This how far it can go, hopelessness, dispaire ,and destruction. The reason for this simple, regret stems from the wisdom of the world, it is carnal, soulish and therefore lacks the power to save or transform us.
One of the best decisions i have made in life is being married to my husband, it's one thing am glad and grateful to God for. As achievements go, while many women are fighting to make a name for themselves,with all sincerity and i believe it, my greatest achievement would have been my husband and my family,nothing fills me with joy as being mrs esther benenoch.It may not sound like much,but for it is a big part of my destiny. I know what you are thinking that may be that's why this has befallen me, i still do not regret it,God is faithful.
And so inspite of all that is going on i do not, and will never regret saying i do to my husband, and i will do it again in a heart beat even though i do not understand all that is going on right now. But my marriage is a walk of faith; much like my walk with this awesome wonderful Lord of my life,Jesus. I take seriously the word of God ''the just shall live by faith and not by sight.''
For this reason i say no to regret, and yes to mourning and repentance.
Yes to mourning and repentance because it is of the Spirit of God and it brings transformation .
Regret -----no, because regret is false religion having a form of godliness but denying the power of God to save to the uttermost.
Repentance----yes, for it admits the powerlessness of self,and wholly acknowledges and depends upon the power of God to save.
Regret----no, for it is temporal and often like a dog goes back to it's vomit. It is mere words and letters and often kills--like judas, see psalm76vs34-36.
Repentance---yes, it is action ,obedience,humility,brokenness and admission that i am helpless without God. Repentance definitely yes--- because it causes my heart to follow hard after God who alone upholds me with righteous right hand----Psalm63vs8.
repentance --yes,because it causes my heart to sing'' O God my help in ages past,my hope for years to come.''
Repentance---yes, because it says with a broken heart to my God and my mercy--''to whom shall i go to, you alone have the words of eternal life.''
Repentance --yes, because it causes my heart to sing,'' great is your mercy and faithfulness,your loving kindness is better than life.'' It praises the God of second chances, and says to Him,''create me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me, cast me not away from your presence.''
Regret---no, For it walks away in defeat, but with a hard heart, unyielded, impatient to wait upon the God of all flesh who causes all things to work together for the good of all those who love Him and are called by His purpose.
Repentance--yes, as it waits in hope upon Him who makes all things new and says to the Lord---'Lord when you said to my heart seek me, my heart says to you, your face O Lord will i seek, for my goodness comes only from you.
Repentance---yes, It brings you face to face before the Lord with whom we have to deal and keeps you there until He turns your mourning into joy and dancing again, until He lifts your sorrows,so you can no longer stay silent; but sing and dance and rejoice for His joy has come. Repentance and mourning cleanses the soul, as through tears and brokenness, you recount the countless blessings of God, His righteous acts of salvation, help,deliverance, and trust Him for new blessings.
Regrets ---No, for it blames God and others and does not remember past blessings, neither is grateful.
Job did not regret, neither did David they mourned and repented for for failures and mistakes. You are a child of God, do not regret, His love is greater and stronger than our mistakes and Failures. There is no need or room for regret in a believers life, that's the way of the world. I leave you with these words of encouragement; in Acts the bible encourages ''repent and be saved[delivered] that times of of refreshing may come,, then Matthew 5vs4 ''Blesssed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted'
Lord teach us to mourn and live a life of repentance on this side of eternity so that our weaknesses, failures, mistakes will not prevail against us, and we can be every thing you have called us to be; a people of power and praise,holiness so we will show the praises of Him who has called out darkness into His marvelous light on earth.
Who u say make e read ds long turanshi?
She is a strong woman. I pray God gives her a reason to smile re her marriage. Trying period but God will see her thru. You shall be a testimony. Amen. Hugs
Summary pls
After reading this, I think her husband shld b ashamed of himself after going public abt his proposed divorce.
What has she done dat she can't be forgiven? A man of God dat admonishes his brethren on a daily basis wnts to divorce his wife of 20yrs , I mean.....this is jst a sad case.
wow! she really did it and she's repentant!SMH
Now this is an epitome of maturity....I don't know what happened but this woman certainly has self control.
Pastor Mrs ------- the lord would uphold you . It is well with you and your marriage in Jesus name.
Now that's a woman with the spirit of God dwelling in her!
Very insightful...
my goodness
Mr & Mrs Benenoch are both delusional.
Hmmm....I suspect infidelity or diabolism.
Hmm!read that twice to try understand her repentance and mourning message in connection to what her husband's earlier statement implied... i think there is much more to this story-i will shut up and wait for it to unfold.
check me out---tongryang-pantu.blogsopt.com
Enough of these cheating, selfish, fraudulent men & women masquerading as preachers, pastors, bishops! Enough already of all you bull*crap.
They use the name of God and His church to magnify their lives and create wealth and comfort for themselves.
They are nothing but vultures and foxes.
Woman, your marriage died even before now. You truly can not honestly say you did not see the signs, his lies, deception or your own state of denial every morning you look in the mirror.
Please move on with your life and create a loving home & space for you and your kids.
leave the fool alone. Get it in your head that he does not love you anymore, you do not complete him anymore. He loves someone else and himself. Quit making a fool of yourself.
I am fed up with people like this woman. Always preaching but failing to see what is up her nose & skirt.
As for the man, loneliness is now your best friend and companion, you are nothing but a false prophet whore, a man not fit to be called bishop or pastor you are nothing but fraudulent nasty piece of lying cheat.
You better disband your church because you are deceiving your church members, manipulating their minds and leading them astray!
God has truly exposed you for who you truly are.
And for people who would say do not judge, please stop drinking ignorance juice because these people are wrecking lives and they need to be exposed of their fraud which they perpetuating against those who are helpless & needy!
Well i pray your faith will heal you bc i know with God nothing is impossible. Hold on to God Madam u triumph at last.Aaaaamen.
The woman should go her knees and pray 2 God 2 restore her marriage n if d man dosen't have A̷̷̴̐͠ change of heart,he's going 2 HELL FIRE straight*no apologies plz*
Well said! May God continually uphold her in these trying times
NYC-1 says: "Regret" to the best on my knowledge is to feel sorry for something bad one has done. Perhaps, her meaning of regret is limited to the definition of what her marriage has turn out to be. If that is the case, then she is right in all respect. Anyone is at liberty to respond positively or negatively to what has befallen him or her. She chooses to be positive - good for her.
The problem I have with her is that her examples of regret from the Bible is misleading. Judas is not the only one who regreted his action; Peter also regreted denying the Lord. Judas and Peter show of regret were noble and commendable. The only difference between Judas and Peter is that, Judas repented unto himself by commiting suicide, while Peter repented unto the Lord by asking for forgiveness. ****** I am sorry for writing too long comments; its just that sometimes, this is the only way one can make the point to refute wrong concepts.
So did she cheat or what's the whole epistle about?
Was all that long message really necessary?Linda Linda how is dis news
Straight from a wounded n bleeding heart. D God dt sees all things will see u through.
Did what?
Sori 4 her
If U̶̲̥̅̊ r A̷̷̴̐͠ Nigerian.den U̶̲̥̅̊ must visit Ʈђi§ blog
Aya rere. good wife
its so difficult to believe someone like this can be unfaithful. whatever the case the husband should please forgive and by that i dont mean take her back and punish her for the rest of her life. if he cant forgive then he should just leave her, she must feel terrible already. Men do same without remorse and nobody antagonizes them like this :(
So Nigerians can't read again and we are expecting progress. How is this a long article?
This touching! Lord pls intervene!
Barbielicious abeg what did she really do?
I still wonder wht dis pastors and bishop teaches,and wht dey rily expect frm sinners
She really did what @ Barbelicious? Am confused here.
From this write up.Truly the woman go nack another apako outside.Anyway,the man shud forgive her,as she ve realised her mistake.Afterall,we dey offend God and he dey forgive us..
This sermon can give sum1 headache sha but finally finally d long and short of the matter is Daddy, Mummy is sorry! Haba Daddy 20 years is not a small tiMe oo, she has given too much 4 u to evict her just like that nah! I dnt know d full story oo but honestly nothing pains a man more than finding out d woman he loves did 'illegal waka' "especially" if d man is "strictly" legal, it takes only 'Spiritual' maturity to 4get it. We pray daddy will look @ it spiritually n 4give mummy so d ministry can continue to move smoothly.......
I think the reason your husband is hail bent in divorcing you is not that
he caught you in the act but may be because he may have caught you several times and have warned you and now he just want to bring shame and disgrace to you . If this woman is what she preaches or what she pretends to represent I see no reason why the husband should not forgive her and council the divorce.May be she is living falsehood who knows.
Smh for you. She did what? Response without knowing the actual story
Aight...d repetition of repentance and no regrets sends d signal that she did commit adultery......hmmmm....but then again that's where the preaching of forgiveness comes in.....it is well.............
@barbielicious, she really did what? stop being an idiot. She is showing amazing dignity & self control; how does that translate to admitting to ur spurious suspicions? Idiot!
Barbie or watever u call urself,are u naturally dump or u just practising stupidy? She did what? or u no sabi read OLOSHI na ppl like u dey destroy marriage,may the thunder of God distroy dt ur hand and may u keep shaking ur head all the days of your life
Bikonu what is this woman talking about?me no undastand anything at all
*yawns* Linda this write up too long naa....abeg i go read Α̲̅♍ tomorrow.i wanna sleep...
Tatafo...she did what eh????? Remember JUDGE not so ye shall not be judged...
She rely did wat
And how exactly did you arrive at this conclusion? From this same article? I'm not even surprised. Someone who calls herself barbielicious will naturally be infinitely daft.
Repentance,, forgiveness and divorce are 3 different things.....from what she wrote above, its obvious dat she must have wronged d MOG most probably by banging some oda dude......so its left 2 d man of God either divorce her or not, there's a limit 2 which we all can stomach issues, may b seeing d woman every time afta d ish makes him angry, nd he doesn't wanna continue sinning aginst God, dats a way 2 look @ it...b'cos ur wife or gf screws some oda pesin nd u were able 2 4give ha nd continue, doesn't mean anoda man will b able 2 4give ha and continue. DIFFERENT STROKES 4 DIFFERENT FOLks.d guy is also human...please
Wow. Very typical of women especially my nigerian mothers. Always find it so hard to blame the man and walk away. We are such softies. It is only the new age females 23 to 32 that are kind of hard hearted and can end a relationship without thinking much of it. Pastor Mrs, may you find peace and happiness soon. This is not the end of the world and I am sure you know that
I have listened to this woman minister, and I must say she is really gifted.
Its a pity we do not realise that the devil is out against families and marriages...and the men of God are falling big time. Madam Esther Benenoch, I pray the Lord to win this battle from the devil on your behalf....because the number of sheep that would go astray from this.....
Pls summary it 4 us.
Really did what abeg
she wants him to feel bad...babe i beg carry go!!!
linda abeg if u put long turenchi for us, always summarise no be everybody get the strength and patience to read all this grammar.
This is a true Godly woman.I admire her faith.Women like her are rare to find to be honest...
Eeyah dats true love o..i pity her sha-msm.
Saint Barbie.....wow! SMH@ you....so that's the point of this whole discuss? The main thing for you here is to prove "she did" or "didn't do"? Okay.
She just admitted guilt. Maybe we shoud not be quick o castigate her husband
Honestly wat has dis woman done dat her hubby can't 4give her being a man of God himself abi she tried 2 kill him na wa oo abeg linda cnt u summaries ur write its 2long ni
Mrs Benenoch I feel you and the power to worship God even in this dark trying times. In the past weeks there have been stories of Christian men divorcing their wives and I kept saying to myself"oh Lord what is going on in the church, please keep us safe".
Well today my lawfully wedded husband of several years just walked of our marriage and has moved ahead seeming without me. I wept my eyes out but in the midst of it, I choose to worship God cause that is the only thing that has always given me joy.
No one should accuse me of infidelity or the likes, because my hubby has been my one and only and just like Mrs Benenoch, I will marry him again at the drop of a hat.
To all ladies and even gentlemen who have had their love thrown back in their faces in the form of rejection, STAY STRONG, LOOK UP AND FOCUS ON HIM WHO IS ABLE TO MAKE DRY BONES RISE AGAIN, it is not over until it is over and we dearies will have the last laugh over our enemies.
Na wa all these christian leaders abi wetin den call themselves....... If na Muslim leaders dey do this . Linda blog for don crash with comments. Na God know who dey serve him.....
i hate stories Like This. Pastors should Have forgiving spirits.
I hail her strength in the face of this kind of trial, whether she comitted adultery as implied by her hubby or not, he has no right to go public like that. But then of recent some men of God are making me believe that they dont practice what they preach. Am sure that in his years as a Pastor he would have counseled couples with his kind of issue and am sooo sure he told d wounded party to hold on and forgive. Why cant he do same?
Too long Linda, but she's tryn to avoid wots on everyones mind. Y exactly is the husband leaving her. She's claiming ignorance. The truth would soon come out....
May God heal ur marriage IJN. Amen.
i stand with her. i do not have details of what happened but am proud of her. God will surely vindicate her in the end. what a woman!
If she did anytin, her husband pushed her to it. He has a share in d problem n he should be seeking forgiveness too n repenting. Jesus would ve forgiven her, he should forgive his wife n move on. Woman of God- Take heart
Worst case scenario *she committed adultery with someone close or...? #shrugs#
i wonder what the husband preach.God help us.
"She really did it", should not be the point here, but that, whatever the case is, she is repentant. Bishop David should learn how to FORGIVE and LOVE. That is the foundation of the Christain faith.
May the strengthen you at this time and touch your husband's heart. Remain in the Lord.
Linda, you must have been combing her blog for a story.-Amaogechukwu
My dear, I dont care what you did, I must praise your courage to come out public and profess your undieing love for your heartless husband who washed his dirty linen in the public. What a man of God!!! Has he not done worst things and went to God in prayer for repentance?
Nawaah oooo! ŊO̶̷̩̥̊͡ 1 ℓ§ above sin dahts Ɣ diar ℓ§ 4giveness....... Dont Judge so Ʊ wount be judged!
this one repentance full everywhere for her looong writeup, i hope she didnt do d deed. Am just saying. Otherwise why d non ending repentance?
Meanwhile where is Neks and Angel eyez. *going to d police to make a report*
Pastor repent, moun and take back your wife before the wrath of God will befall you. Forsake your numerous girl friends in your church that are distracting you right now and cling to the wife of your youth
Just like our long and exhausting terms n conditions I have refused to read this past the 1st paragraph.
Pls what'd she go gan gan.... I'm too lazy to read this long story. Summary pls; thank u.
Mumu dem force u?
What did she do ? * sorry for you*
@ Barbielicious pls what did she do Madame ?????????? That God in his mercies gave you another chance to see another day with all your sin , should he not forgive what ever you think she has done that is if there is anything to forgive .
Let us be careful to judge please .
She is really astrong woman I pray God wil make her smile again
JJ, I totally agree with you..but if satan has closed a man's heart it takes the EXTRAODINARY grace of God to bring back him on track.
Devilish Pastor of dis days, wat fun do they get in divorcing their wives? If u're married to 1 of dis Pastors, hmmmmm ur divorc is comin up soon, de worldly guys do beta dan dem so called pastors dis days. God hav mercy on dem all abeg....smh
Don't know if its my bible ooooo.... But I can't seem to find Psalm 76:34-36???☺☺☺☺
Why are y'all saying what did she do? How about... What did he do? Na only women dey commit? Una know weda him don see another oyoyo?
Why are some people so lazy to read baffles me o. My 70 years old mother inlaw is reading a book of over 500 pages and some youth don´t seem to bother about reading and expect to write and speak good english, Lord have mercy. Back to the matter at hand, madam take heart!
i think the only thing the bible says for a man to go public with divorce is if he catches he's wife in adultery. Probably he..... she doesn't seem defensive over everything, could be she knows deep down she's at fault....
(*hmm clears throat*&%)
my people touch not my anointed and do my prophet no harm, i rest my case.
My thoughts exactly!!! Had this been me my words wouldn't be so kind
Do you believe Pastors and Bishops don't sin???
Aren't you jumping to conclusions here my dear. Take your time read and understand before adding your two cents. She is sharing her thoughts not asking you to make judgement
Where in the write up did you see her admit her guilt. This is how you people fail exams! You read a small part and think you know it all. Assume= ASS out of U and ME
I agree with u guys oooo...
U dis mumu attaching barbielicious, what does a person repent from, no be wrong?! Pls stop forming self righteous. The woman is invariably admitting thus d need for repentance, u de dia de fool ur old age, mtscheeeew
Hey peeps! Let's all be careful regards pointin accussin fingers either to d man or woman..cos truth is we don't av d complete story...
D most "assumed" scenario here is adultery(of which either party is allowed to divorce biblically) which mite have had lots of events surroundin it..e.g it mite av bn goin on for yrs and possibly, d MOG has been warnin and forgivin her..perhaps this is ow much he can bear!
In as much as forgiveness is never too much or enuf...d decision lies wit ds man (only if this case is adultery) however let's pray 4 dm if we can!
It is well!
As in madt self control like iv neva seen before. I pray God to intervene in d matter, its a sad one
No wonder u can't remember ur name. Smh for u
Gerrout! Muslim leaders marry sooooooo many small small pickin and usually have more than one wife,we don tire for una case.. To dey talk una case don na long thing
Now i have read this write up and would say its really touching. Pastor (mrs) has expressed deep things here. it takes another deep rooted heart to understand what she is writing. But i ask the Lord Bishop to listen to what the Spirit is saying to the Church now and take his wife back just as Angel Gabriel told Joseph. There is nothing that justifies divorce. Hosea is our very example. So pls we the LIB readers are asking you to cover the shame of your house and protect the Glory of your Children and celebrate the deginity of your wife and take her in and cast out the devil that is approaching to ravage ur church.
I totally agree
My dear Anon 8:51am,she doesn't have to come out and say yes,I cheated on my pastor husband,u gat to read between the lines... Just has d husband didn't have to come out to say I caught my pastor wife wiv a younger Man,all he had to do was to quote d bible and asked us to read with understanding..These people talk in parables
My dear Mrs beneoch,we can only pray that God will touch the heart of your husband and give him the spirit of forgiveness..it is well with u ma IJN
May God restore her home, madam these are trying times but the good Lord will uphold you. Keep praying God will make that which seems impossible, possible in Jesus Name, Amen.
This is an act of a virtues woman, not be able to speak bad against her marriage, even now the world is expecting her to do, God whom you honor will see you through.
Thank you suave.
The point here is,this Man is also human..He probably just needs some time..I want to believe that he is very much angry right now.. Let's be real here,I know most people on this blog are women so u guys are probably being bias. How does it feel when someone offends u reall bad,apologises and while u are still hurting,the person start giving you reason why he/she feels u must forgive and forget whatever happens or starts quoting bible telling u while its a must for u to forgive and forget.. Even when u know the person is right from what they are referencing,that even hurt u more,cause u feel u are been taken advantage of,u feel the person probably did it cause they feel u don't have a choice than to forget.. It Is well anywayz
Often, I am reluctant to comment when there are multiple trifling uneducated comments on a post but I just had to express my admiration for Mrs. Benenoch. I don't know if Mrs Benenoch reads LIB but just perchance that she does and scrolls through the comments: I just want you to know Ma'am that the Lord whom you serve and whose love you acknowledge so publicly will come through for you...
I don't know what happened between you and your husband but for you to publicly declare your love for him and say that you'll marry him again in the face of all that has happened and your husband bringing your reputation to disrepute by insinuating that you did something wrong, wow, you are strong! The best most women would have done in this case is not to say anything at all and be quiet praying that God will vindicate them. The Lord will continue to uphold you and your family with his righteous right hand. It is well.
Read in btw d lines pple, she cheated on her husband n she's repentant. Poor her, hope it works out 4 her. A mighty mistake.
2o yrs marriage,dear Lord intervene
Why does it always have to be "what did she do"? I cant c any admittance of guilt in that epistle. What if she's seeking repentance for her husband. That said, pls lets stop all this crap about not judging. Wetin happen sef, person air her views na judgement all because a supposed man of God is the subject... Mschewwwwwwwwww
I had to read it again to make sure you read what I read. miss Barb I pray your education wasn't in vain. Knowledge is power
please who read this whole BS??? jst tell me the summary!!! did she cheat or steal or wtf????
so linda here's the plan, snoop and find out the reason why she is "repenting" cos even him still related his divorce to fornication. *wink*
if u r nt married, u have no right to comment negatively cos u have Neva being married, b mindful of the seeds you sow, cos u will reap it in yr own time. All u shd do is pray for them. The devil hates the family unit n we must nt let him win.
Sign of end-time.....
Prof X...lol @ infinitely daft
Psalm 76 has just 12 verses. Where she get Verses 34 n 36 from? Pls madam pastor, check n correct this anomaly.
am sure u didn't read it as well! Ode!
Can't u see that it's really a long epistle, very difficult to read?Mtcheeew!
She can go swim in regret or watever! as long as i care, wetin concern me?!
all this one na LAMBA what happened is what we want to know. If one of them committed infedelity or what ever and the other can not forgive he or she is worse than an infidel and shouldn't be allowed to address any congregation ever again. RUBBISH.
Madam take it easy pls... Too personal. Haba!
Marriages are supposed to be till death do the couples apart.God bless this lady.l wonder what Pastor Enoch will be preaching to his congregation,when it comes to divorce.SMH
What most MOG dont realise is that the way they live can push their wives to adultery, they hardly have time for wife and family leaving them exposed to different temptations.The church is important but your family is also very important. If this family is reading, i want them to know that to err is human and to forgive is divine,now that the chips are down, i pray that the Spirit of God will fill them all with love, forgiving spirit and a heart of repentance so they can come back together and unseat the enemy that is breaking christian homes and marriages In Jesus name.
Where is Bonario?
Patiently waiting on your comment..
Linda im tired of the susupense
Need the juicy dits!
Humme!! from what am reading, don't you think that this woman and her hubby are acting on some kind of script? ......the END would certainly justify the MEANS!
Humme!! from what am reading, don't you think that this woman and her hubby are acting on some kind of script?.......the END certainly would justify the MEANS!
The post was too long to read, but I feel for her.
Who is speaking from both sides of his mouth? A member of the Communion church wrote on this blog that the pastor had a meeting with his church committee and explained to them he was divorcing his wife for health reasons, although he did explain the particular health problems that would warrant a divorce. He then went to the congregation to insinuate that he is divorcing her for adultery.
I sense foul play here: deliberate calumny to cover up his foul dealings.
Why did he change his name to Benenoch? Has anyone asked him what Benenoch means?
A wife who expressed in such strong terms her love and commitment to her family under the prevailing circumstances has really proven she is not the wrongdoer. She even prays for his repentance. A rare woman indeed.
His followers should call that man to order and give him a serious deliverance. I believe he needs it. What a man of God!
Pastor Mrs, I salute your courage, you are a rare gem in our generation, despite whatever you MIGHT have been accused of, you are still preaching the message of the cross, the very core of christianity. Christianity is not about riches and prosperity, the church has so much focused on riches and prosperity and have failed to remember the reason for our salvation : Love and Repentance. Little wonder the enemy is dealing with families, the church has relegated her position as the standard to the world and now the church copies the world when it should be the other way.
The strength of the Lord will see you through, let patience finish it work in you and your husband. As you repent, lift him before God, your husband needs your prayer more than ever now, he needs it so that he does not take decisions out of flesh (ego) but that he be led by the spirit of God for he is a son of God. Taking decision in flesh is dangerous for his destiny, your destiny, that of your offsprings and his ministry, because the flesh profits nothing. His church should pray that God should open his eyes of understanding that he may see and hear what the spirit of God is saying. Pst Mrs, u are in my prayers, pls in all this, do not forget to pray for your children, that the enemy will not use this situation to turn their hearts away from God and you.
Now as for most LIB readers, there is trouble in Nigeria, if graduates can not read a 2-page article,written in the simplest of grammar, then this is real educational decadence..sorry : educational rot, bad state of educational level, I guess 'decadence' is too big a word for the some readers on this blog. That's the reason people don't know the meaning of : incumbent, obnoxious. You need to start reading literatures, foreign Magazines (because Nigerian journalists do not write any better).The world is not all about 5- inch heels,brazilian weave, BB phones and expensive cars. There is a clear difference between a rich, educated person and a rich illiterate.
For Linda, help your readers by haviNg : Word of the day. Choose a word per day, define it using the dictionary and use it in sentences.
l don't think d problem that led to this divorce just happened. I think they"ve been having issues cos early this year, she was invited to my church to talk on marrital problems and to encourage women who are having problems in their homes. As she was talking, she made mention of the fact that every marriage has its own problem and even as a pastor's wife, she is not excluded.she went further to say that if we know what she's passing thru right now and she stopped.l still have the tape.Nobody knows what happened so people pls dont judge her.
Its such a pity how most times we so called Christians take God's grace for granted and continue to sin and sin cos we know that he will surely forgive us.yes he sure will but we must also bear the consequences of our actions,that one he doesn't take away with a magic wand cos he is a God of principles.Its very easy for so many of us to come here and criticize this man but have you been his shoes to know what he has been condoning?ok sure maybe here he is not abiding by 'the seventy times seventy'principle as outlined in the word of God but i guess there is so much a man can take..rem,he is not Prophet Hosea.
I only pray the lord touches him to annul his divorce plans and carry on with 'this thorn in his flesh' even if the scenario might keep repeating itself.
Whilst I don't know this lady, I have spoken up for her in the past. that being said, it is time for her to start taking care of herself and forge her own identity. How they handle this situation will affect the state of mind and sensibilities of their children.
Time to stop being a door mat. One thing she should be doing is waiting for him to take action and decide her fate. Nobody she be handed such powers.
yes, not even your husband. he is not doing you a favour being married to you. Marriage is a mutually beneficial relation and you are on par with him but please don't turn yourself to a punching bag or door mat. You should love yourself and your kids enough not to allow that
Nothing for him to forgive. he has a God complex and you have fed that genie too. He should be asking her for forgiveness, taking out their business into the public like he has done. Show a scary amount of callousness on his own part. Shallow man.
Both of you take this mess off line. Lady, if you need help call us in but this should be taken off line
Pick yourself up and hold your head high
Don't let him run all over you.
Me sef dey find am 4 my Bible.
Abeg who get am? Try cite am 4 we weh no get am.
im convinced she cheated on him and he caught her which is why hes divorcing her.he told d congregation in church to read matt5:31-32 with understanding which says the only reason you can divorce your wife is on the basis of adultery and from what the woman is saying, talking about regret, forgiveness and all....you should be able to put 2 and 2 together. if she cheated then i support the bishop
I sense somethings, The Church has lost focus, there are so many Demon Possessed vain looking lady who are egoistic, pretending to be spiritual yet have no true experience of conversion in that Church. I see a lot of Energy even in their worship, especially this last Sunday. The Dance and shout But if you are spiritual, you will know that God is not in all of it. They equated a good suit and fashionable dress to Godliness, they are Neatly dressed and spiritually famished. The Church is not what it used to be, the Man is surrounded by several worldly women with outward show of spirituality but I see them as Demon Possessed needing deliverance. David Obakpe Now Ben Enoch has been influenced by the barrage of Demonic Pastor. unfortunately he still claims that God is Speaking to him. the Devil speak also and we have several Churches that can be referred to as the Devil's Congregation. they will still mention the name of Jesus. But it is all a lie. what i am reading in the response of the wife Tells a lot. only the intelligent can discern
Anon 2:44,am with u especially the last paragraph of your comment.Linda,please help Nigerians to imbibe a reading culture and improve on and further enhance their English language capabilities.Even on facebook,its so grueling to read some comments written and the serious grammatical errors inherent in most of them.How can we improve when we find it hard to read and improve our vocabulary?It is not a thing of magic,if you don't read,your English stays at a certain level and further deteriorates with your continuous usage of slangs,pidgin English and what have you.Nigerians,wake up from your slumber!
@Chi Chi please be my friend, you are the only person with wisdom in this blog, may God continue to give you more knowledge and wisdom in Jesus Name Amen.
Did anyone see the part where regret might be talking to her hubby , so that he would nt at the. End of the day regret his actions of divorce, he should rather repent now insteading of regretting his actions latter.
"I kn what y'all thinkin, maybe dats why dis has befallen me, I stil do not regret it". can anybody interprit dis, I think dats d clue.
He who wears d shoes knw where it pinches! Man of God! Man of God! He is human after all. I'm not applauding him, I just feel sm pple r hypocrites! It's easier to blame n jugde wen d object of such scrutiny isn't u. Most pple saying forgive r presently not in talking terms with sm1 over trivial matters n keep malice yet they chant"forgive!". I'm not saying it's a case of adultery but assuming it is, how many men can easily forgive an adulterous wife n bring her back home to resume normal duties n everytime u want to lay with her, wot pictures will flash thru ur head? N as 4 d women how many of u will support ur broda to take back an adulterous wife? It's easier said than done! Betrayal hurts more than d act itself! He isn't supernatural n 4 ur info most marriages dat r forced to reconcile due to pressure or public opition neva remain d same again! They resent each other n live with a lot of bitterness but score high points in d public eyes! I don't knw wot d facts of dis case is but it appears d Bishop is d aggrieved party. I pray God intervenes n heals all wounds.
@ Chichi: pls use d word "FOOL" sparingly. Secondly, nobody completes another. We r made complete in christ! A person can only make urlife SEEM complete due to emotions n euphora but no man/woman has d power to complete a life.
U need 2 read d post, if not 4 anything bt 4 ur english... Summary it ko, essay it ni...
Lmaoooo! Prof X, #onpoint!
@angel by fifi said...
I agree with you. Many Men of God neglect their wives cos they are so into the ministry and they allow it to take over. They stop being husbands and become demi-gods that the congregation worship.
This problem was caused by the MOG and his wife. Even though the Man of God pointed his finger at his wife, he has blame in it too. A man is the head and if the woman fails, then he is responsible overall. Just as God called Adam and asked him about the apple in the Garden of Eden. MoG put your house in order and stop going about like a wounded Lion. Stop throwing your wife to the wolves. MoG - You have no class. What have you learnt all these years from the word of God? Is this how Jesus would behave?
It is well. God will see u thru BUT ask God to forgive u and give ur husband(MOG)a repentance heart.
This is soo sad. We can write all our emotions out here but the fact still remains that families are strongly under attack.
Please pray and do all you can to save your marriages.
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