'I have not been on a date in two years' - Rihanna tells Vogue | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Monday, 15 October 2012

'I have not been on a date in two years' - Rihanna tells Vogue

Rihanna to Vogue Magazine (This was probably before getting back with Chris Brown )
I have not been on a date in forever. Like two years. Haven’t gone to the movies, to dinner. Zero. I would love to go on a date! You don’t think that? I’m a woman. A young woman, vibrant, and I love to have fun. And I have too many vaginas around me at this point. Seriously, all I want is a guy to take me out and make me laugh for a good hour and take my ass back home. He doesn’t even have to come up. All I want is a conversation for an hour. I’m waiting for the man who’s ballsy enough to deal with me. I’m going to wait, though. You always find the wrong sh-t when you go looking.
About her relationship with Chris Brown - see her answer after the cut...

There’s some obsession that’s continued even throughout when we weren’t friends or couldn’t be friends at all. Hated each other. The world hasn’t let go. They haven’t seen any progress in our friendship, because they don’t see anything, really, besides the song.
I didn’t think [Birthday Cake] could be anything detrimental to my career.  I was on a tour bus ride between two cities, listening to my album, thinking, Oooh, maybe I should make this into a duet. And I started coming up with a bunch of people, and his name crossed my mind. I thought, We haven’t made a song in so long together . . . it could be a little shocking.
So now it’s a bit of a fascination, I guess. I don’t know if people will stop soon, but I feel like as soon as they have closure to it, they will. But they’re not on the inside. They can’t see what I see, unless they’re sitting in my point of view. I guess I’ll learn to accept that.


Rockstar said...

You haven't dated for two years but you don chop banana? At least you you go chop banana, you go first go on a date,naija style?

BLOGLORD said...

u now have him back, u can go on a date now but remember u made him hurt someone's feelings

Eze said...

I know you haven't been on a date but u dey fuq steady sha?Atleast Drake fit confirm.

goodie said...

"you alway find d wrong sh-t when u go luking"..like dat..
Wel now, u can party, go on a date, to the movies n v fun...no shaking!

Anonymous said...

sori 4 dat
have u visited http://naijamustchange.blogspot.com 2day?

chidooski said...

chris is bck for u

Anonymous said...

Now you can go a date, and he can take your ass back home, and BEAT THE SHIT$$ OUTTA YOU, STUPID BIATCHH$$$$!!!

Anonymous said...

We can't see what is really happening except from her own point of view.stardom is not easy,people know your every move and what's happening.I get you Riri.jAzmin.

Anonymous said...

She tried dating 1chris brown look alike den.lol,if she had dated any1 she 4use am as rebound,like CB use poor karr.am sre she will soon get preggy4him

Anonymous said...

She hasn't been on a date? What about the sneaking with Ashton Kucher? And Drake nko? Olodo, Ole....Lol

Veeon said...

davido is a fucker!!! Excuse my French.

veeon said...

Lol.. Just realised i posted the wrong comment prior. uhmm.... This riri is just messing me up men. Proclaiming love like a fish.

Anonymous said...

If you're stupid enough to get back with a guy that beats you... you deserve it!!!
And dont say we didn't let go when your ass is killed, because it will be too late to blame us then instead of that monster Chris Brown, who got your face busted, lips swollen & bleeding and got u in a choke-hold!

Police report....attempted murder?!!
"Chris Brown did not know what she did with the key and began punching her in the face and arms. He then placed her in a head lock positioning the front of her throat between his bicep and forearm. Brown began applying pressure to Robyn F.’s left and right carotid arteries, causing her to be unable to breathe and she began to lose consciousness"


Anonymous said...

The only thing the world is upset about is that Chris Brown let go of your neck!
You would have been dead by now stupid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh please Rihanna. Men and women both been taping, abi na smashing, gbenshing that cushy coo and licking it too. Who you fooling stupid? LOL

Anonymous said...

Ignorant ugly twit... "letting go" is what gets women killed by these ASS holes. More proof that brains are not required to be famous.

janey said...

Like u sang riri : LIVE YOUR LIFE!!!

Anonymous said...

Look at dis drug addict? You havent been on a date for 2yrs bt you've been to countless hotel rooms with the likes of Drake and co receiving banana..... Even with all her money she looks so tortured..... I guess its a result of too much highness

Anonymous said...

You guys shut up!! As much as Rihanna tries to act up and show "bad girl" image, she's pretty decent sexually. All them Drake and the likes haven't had sex with her, stop saying what you don't know. The guy she dated for a good time after Chris and maybe another was all there is. Rihanna is more decent than most of your sisters and girlfriends. Stop saying she's a slut and all that cos she is decent... DUHH

Anonymous said...

Happy for her, that's her second US Vogue cover.. Very very few people can boast of that. I think she was the youngest woman to cover vogue when she did her first one. Leaps amd bounds! Rihanna keeps killing'em

Anonymous said...

Linda please if you can see my comment, please check out SUSPICIOUS GUY by Igho. It's a short film directed by IGHO. Very funny. The quality is up to par.

Anonymous said...

She's just a spoilt brat and know how to deceive fans but not me.

Anonymous said...

"U always find the wrong sh*t when you go looking"True dat.

Anonymous said...

That doesn't mean she has not been fucked in two yrs people,don't be fooled!

Unknown said...

I love her red dress. I want a red dress too!!!!

Anonymous said...


DITLO said...

Woh let's leave dis girl alone jare, she's just a little woman inside...

Anonymous said...

But wait o did she say she has bn havng a whole lot of 'vaginas' arnd her lately. Ha! Hope its nt wat am tnkng o

Anonymous said...

@bloglord how did she make him hurt someone else's feeling. She loves thid guy and she made everyone realise that, she never stopped talking about it and besides they were an item before the other girl so pls explain to me o. I like the commitment she displayed.

B A R B A R A said...

I absolutely love this cover and her smouldering eyes are so on trend. She looks lovely in red.
http://barbsiesmusings.blogspot.com/ (Nigeria's no 1 makeup blog)

finest-in-internet said...

She is madly in love with Chris! I pray for her that everything goes well with them!


MJ said...


Anonymous said...

Asin eeh , u just read ma mind

Tunmama said...

Anon Oct 15, 10:31PM u are sooooo funny! lmao

Modupsy said...

That is the hugest lie ever! I remember seeing pictures of her and dat boxer guy she dated not too long ago...the one she featured in her "love in a hopeless place" video. That one no be date abi na me no know wetin dem dey call date.

Godspowerogono said...

this girl like chris dick well

Anonymous said...

"A whole lot of vaginas". What does thar mean? Lezbo tins?

Anonymous said...

She's not been on a date for like 2years but she's been on a fucking sphere...who cares riri u can go to the moon for all I care*SMH*

Diva said...


Anonymous said...

Fucking spree u mean!

Just Me said...

Y'all should just STFU.... Some ppl just comment like they are her PAs. How do u knw where she has been and not been to, All bcos of the reports u see in the press ppl just assume and conclude at the same time...Jeez
We should also note that she is human and has got feelings.

Riri, just do ur thing jawe, I love you and dig ur style.

Anonymous said...

"But they’re not on the inside. They can’t see what I see, unless they’re sitting in my point of view" #fact.

Anonymous said...

Omg! Didn't realise. Thanks for the correction.( Fucking spree)

Anonymous said...

Y'all into the coolaid without a straw, if y'all know what I mean. I a nutshell, get the fuck outta her business. Whether sh'd fucked the world or not, nonya. In Nigeria, as soon as they see you with a gal, you've been fucking her. It aint like that in the States, she had guy friends dont mean she's laying them. Believe her for what she said. As for she and Chris coming back, all you gotta do is wish them well. He might have learnt his lesson and I think he has. They genuinely love each other cos they've been seperate long enoug to call it game but the fire still burns between them JUST WISH THEM WELL AND STOP YOUR THHIBKING TOO MUCH FOR THEM.

tommy said...

you can't sit behind your computers and judge another person's life! its so unfair, this girl has laid her feelings out there she is brave enough to show her weakness. nobody is rhi u have to walk a mile in her shoes to understand where she's coming from. she only mention what she wants, just to be normal... people are so mean .. u can't imagine being thrust in the limelight at a tender age without having the right support. think chris is the only man that she has truly loved and trusted. lets allow her be, she's finding herself and i wish her nothing but the best

Anonymous said...

hmm feel you girl... if she had not opened up we'd never know...

and peeps quit assuming the worse of people she's got feelings to you know.

being a celebrity doesnt mean all is definitely well


Anonymous said...

teamrihanna....haters gon hate

Anonymous said...

Atleast shes more responsible than some of your mothers and sisters,,,HOUSE OF ZINNOS

Anonymous said...

U call her Bitch, lier, etc but u still want her on your bed... HOZ

Anonymous said...

Nigerians are so damn ignorant. The girl clearly said she hasn't been one date all she wants is an hour of good conversation not sex or anything like that a date and y'all turned it into a sex talk Smdh. The day Nigerians stop concerning themselves with what goes on in other people's bedroom, it will be a miracle. Life isn't that deep. If her and Chris are back together, so be it. She said I guess people just want closure and tbh we will never get closure because only Rihanna and Chris know the exact truth of what went down but of course everyone has a version of what they believe happened that night. Y'all slay me. Stay thirsty it's people like you that keep money in her pocket.

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