On October 15th and 16th 2012,
Ms. Genevieve Nnaji, and the MAVIN Crew, Don Jazzy, Dr. Sid, and Tiwa
Savage organized relief supplies and personally visited the refugee
camps located in Asaba, Delta State in order to show both physical and
moral support to the displaced victims.
flood, currently ravaging through the nation has displaced over 100,000
families, leaving a lot of people homeless and without any business to
keep them afloat. Our Nigerian stars went down to distribute relief
supplies, as well as utilize their celebrity influence and raise more
awareness to this ongoing natural disaster.
The Reach Out Initiative,
a program kick-started by the stars themselves will be utilized to get a
lot more people involved, both within and outside the country in
donating help, either through relief supplies or financial donations.
Genevieve: “This
is just the beginning, as our country has never experienced anything
like this. The government is doing the best they can, but we as
citizens, can also partake in helping the situation in the best way we
can. The plan is to get more people involved, and visit more relief
camps in the affected states.”
Please reach out in any way you can. Every little drop counts!
For more information, please contact the following:
REACH OUT - reachoutflood2012@gmail.com
That is so great guys love Genevieve.
this is really nice
all Nigerians visit http://naijamustchange.blogpot.com
Cutiez!..nice one from you guys
Impressed. Keep up da good work
Hmmmmmm! Age don dey use style show for Aunty Genny Face o!.
IDJA!weldone guys
Tiwa can u pls loosen this horrible hair already? That's so not the way bangs shld look like abeg.
Good work guys.keep it up!
I'm waiting for that MAXIMUS to say this is a publicity stunt,hater oshi!!
I also set up a paypal donation page on my blog to assist victims. Thank God they gave their email address. Makes it easy for me to communicate with them. Thanks Miss Linda
This is the type of news i like to hear.May God bless them for that initiative.
Excel.Nice one keep it up God we reward una back
Thank God for you guys oh, please keep up the good work. In order to contribute in my own way, I set up a crowd sourcing platform visualizing the flood affected areas including relief centers on a map, please visit www.naijafloods.org to see areas hit by the floods and also to contact some of the relief camp coordinators i could get in touch with.
Simply WOW!!! God bless them.
This flood thing is more than serious. Lord have mercy on us. I wish I can help them too.
Don Jazzy Marry Genevieve, Dr sid Marry Tiwa Savage.....Im i right or not? Discussion Continues....
Well done guys. God bless you all, Amen.
Very nice of them but I have one question. Why does Don Jazzy always look so lost & indifferent?! lol
This is really nice, may God bless them.
Nice work genny
Nice one
drsid shudnt b there
Hmmm....Ms genevieve? Madam Linda I hope u know 'Ms' means married & separated?
Shows how not so pretty Tiwa is standing next to genevieve. All the weave and co helping this Tiwa chick
So kind of them. God bless
Ties savage lose that weave
Aww may God bless them.
Gr8 1.luv dem 4 ds.
where the others dey? wande coal, d'prince? una no do charity?
God bless u,guyz!
Tears well up in ma eyes just seeing these pictures. Lord pls send sunshine for the people affected by dis flood and make dis alryt as soon as possible. Amen
I try lov dis guy don Baba j
Attention seekers
Tiwa savage standing next to genevive...... And I began to search for her beauty.
God bless u guys
Well, I have to commend The ROI group.It's a fab iniative.I also have my personal comments:
Is Genevieve now with Jazzy to make D'banj jealous? Has Jazzy now become an ubiquitous celebrity as opposed to the rare celebrity you hardly see?
Where is the money,he promised to give to 5 orhanages after Mo'hit defunct? Or is Jazzy only doing this to stay relevant? I trust my fellow intelligent LIBers for right answers. Es mi opinión.
God bless them!
Yea tru talk u r sayin,,u shldn't tink of what ur country can do 4 u,u shld alwaz tink of wat u cn do 2 hlp ur country developd
Yea tru talk u r sayin,,u shldn't tink of what ur country can do 4 u,u shld alwaz tink of wat u cn do 2 hlp ur country developd
Good 1 Genevieve, wise Move!
Your guys re wonderful,wise n kind one!
Soooo nice of dem. God bless dem
Nice one! May God bless them.
That's very thoughtful of u guys, job weldone .
seriously!!!! is dis d time to wear high heals nd flaunt their Brazilian hair....anyways dey try sha
Heyah.....so touchy...God bless you don j,Gene you always touch my heart,especially don,its shows all over you that you have good heart...
I love u all.
Thts wht celebs shld do. Nice one. I bet u a lot of citizens wl get involved cos of this
Awwwwwwwww God Bless You guys
Waow am touched dis is a great step. God bless u guyz
My fav actress and fav singer, superwomen! I'll marry you two!
God bless all of the.
look at Orode ooo! Governors daughter!
Nice nice nice!
May God bless u guys abundantly.
Cool stuff dre, bear hugs.
As if i knew Mavin Crew will distribute Recharge Cards. See Tiwa's photo.
Wow dats great may God almighty bless dem
Never commented on here before, but I was compelled to as I wept when I watched the clip. This is what our HIGHLY IRRESPONSIBLE government should be doing, but I'm glad that artistes are beginning to learn to give back also. We all can equally do the same... Doesn't have to be much, but I bet every little grain, morsel, kobo or seed that we sow will put some warmth in the hearts of people and make them smile. God bless the Reach Out team immensely.
Good idea guys,but flood victims dont need ankara materials,where will they get tailor to make clothes from the materials. I suggest mosquito nets,food,blankets,ready made clothes etc
Wonderful, but leave am, poor people plenty for dis life oooo. “Surprised u help a lot & de crowd is stl dere helpless, na wah ooooo. Thank God wen u find urself in α beta place. I luv u Genevieve #blowin kissessssss
God bless Genevieve, Tiwa, Don jazee and Dr.Sid. Than k you for this effort.
God please save your people.kudos to you guys andd pls more helping hand to these people#tearsinmyeyes#
On a lighter note...anyone else notice the humour in the inscription on the tee-shirt of the man in the first photo? *mywackymind!
God wil defunately reward u n ur crew! Service 2 humanity
I cried watching this. God help them to b consoled and pass this situation. God bless donjazzy, gene, tiwa, sid n d rest. Amen
Who send Tiwa........she scattered d@ song o.
Very nice. God will repay u'all in a kind way. Let other celebrities n blessed nigerians take ur lead cos it is not abt showing off luxury. My love 4 Genevieve n the Mavin has jst increased. Keep it up.
This is a good one. I wish other independent big guys in this country will join them too.i really wish to join cos people are suffering. More to your elbows...
Pls visit www.sparklesandsensation.com and enjoy!
Dis is really sad. To loose everytin n become homeless overnight. Pls let's reachout 2 dis people in our own little way. It could av bin anybody.
A good deed or helping the poor should be sumtin between you and who you are helping...the bible outrightly condem doing good deeds and make a showy display of it what your left hand does the right shouldnt know about it wat is the public declaration of them helping the needy for now? God does not accept such sacrifice it should be between you the needy and your God not for the public to congratulate you.mseeeew
Great Initiative, i love this.God bless them as they serve humanity.
Check me out--- tongryang-pantu.blogspot.com
Shut up you imbecile can u do the charity work she just did? instead of u to think of a way forward u are condeming the weave of an icon better than u will ever be.....compound fool
Aren't you just shalow minded
The only thing blunt about you is your reasoning u need to sharpen it.
Which one u do?
And who are you to judge? It's hipocrits like you that mis quotes the bible to soothe ur mentality.....damn shame
Nice initiative. people are suffering, God bless them for doing this.
Dis is sooo touching. I have tears in my eyes. So much pain, so much discomfort. Great move, ROI, God bless you all. Wish I could do something really.
I am sorry, but comments on this blog sometimes show how inept some Nigerians are, and that is why we wont move forward as a country. some kindhearted people are raising awareness about the disaster and helping, while some people are talking about weaves and some others saying they r doing it for the publicity. If you can help, do it, if not, you can just shut up if you don't have anything reasonable to say instead of criticizing those who are trying
@ dammy..i mean ur so so dumb..y don't u focus on what they went to do instead of their personal lives.is this a time 4 dat....by the way can't they do wat dey want...na ur life...#oshhi!#
Enemy of progress go and seek 4 ur own attention if u think is easy.
With the help if your ugly anonymous face. Hehehe
Dats nice of them its goof to reach out to d needy
I m sorry bt I think u ve misunderstood the essence of the publicity.... its to get more people to participate... to encourage people to give..there are people who don't consider giving, this makes them aware of wat can be done
na only Uduaghan own dey pain me for this matter...the man has so sent that state into such backwardness that i am ashamed to identify myself with my state...
@ mz_nerd. 'Ms' does not mean married and separated lol where did you get that from? "a title of respect prefixed to a woman's name or position: unlike Miss or Mrs., it does not depend upon or indicate her marital status."
Personally I use it to address women of particular age that are single.
Nigerians are now doing what the govt ought to do. See that yeye Uduaghan with his head like jigbo. Instead of him to swing into action with all the money Delta state is generating, u r waiting for federal allocation and charity organization.
Any politician who thinks he/she can embezzle govt funds,it their family members's blood that atone for it. Heartless ppl.
@mz_nerd..i dunno why linda felt the need to publish your comment....ur definition of "Ms" is cretinously stupid....pls make use of google before exposing ur ignorance to the world...its just a click away.
PS...i love me some Genny.
okay oh. no wonder she was tweeting about flood victims since. good deed sha. it's just jumping on the bandwagon but at least people are getting helped. tomorrow now if one governor or rich individual forms "Aluu4 unite" campaign we will now see celebrities, but how many of them tweeted about it.
LMAO even from the way I type u will know I'm not ugly...instead you're the one who's razz *ignoresbitchandmoveson*
i dont understand, people visit flood victims, den wat we see is posing pictures with governor, shinning teeth as if on a pleasure visit...abeg...stop all dis cheap points...how much dem give una for d visit???
Quote the bible correctly non hypocrite..do u even read ur bible or it's as a pillow to Prevent u from night mere. Daft
This is sad but thank God these artists can assist.The song by Tiwa made me cry.
@ the jerk who said age is showing on Genny's face-GROWING OLD IS A BLESSING. Just ask the Aluu4 who will never have that privilege! Stop this Youth and Beauty worship for crying out loud and focus on whats really important-MARKING A MARK WHILE YOU ARE ALIVE
This is what humanity should be all about, people in privileged positions helping those who have been unfortunates, making their lives better, easier even if it is just for a day.
Geny and the Mavin crew have won my respect, for once one can actually appreciate and see the advantage of their celebrity status. One can actually look beyond the petty news we hear abour celebrities and for once consider them as a powerful tool causes like this one that helps humanity.
Like I have always said, a compassionate person is not those who hide behind religion to enrich themselves, unfortunately, this is the kind of example we don't see from the leaders of our religious bodies even though they too owe their existence to the benevolence of common people. Where is the Jet-riding Oyedepo and Adeboye when you need them? They preach so much about giving and prosperity yet we don't see them lead by example. What has been their own personal effort to alleviate the sufferings of their fellow country men that have been rendered destitutes by natural causes. Are they just going to render sermons and ask others to give without them leading or showing any serious commitment to what they preach. So far, all they can boast of are individual efforts by heads of their satelight churches to help; what about their own individual efforts? I am yet to read that any of these prosperity Meg-church Preachers have personally visited any of the refugee camps set up across the country since the begining of these disasters, my guess is, they are too busy with commitments that will yield them more money than set up an itenary to visit and experience first hand the extent of the havoc and hardship caused by the flood. I have come to realize that those religious folks around us are usually the ones with the least of humanity in them, so much for "pay your tithe and get uncommon blessings" mantra, what blessings can be more satisfying than easing the pains, sufferings and hardship of others.
I will like to end my "speech" with this quote from James Baldwin; “If the concept of God has any validity or any use, it can only be to make us larger, freer, and more loving. If God cannot do this, then it is time we got rid of Him.”
thank you guys.May god bless you all.
"What you do for yourself alone dies with you.... What you do for Others and the World, Remains and is Immortal" - Albert Pike
Well Done Guys.
just for the records to those who are myopic...check out tiwa new video where she just weaved her natural hair..then you would see that she is even far pretty than when she on the brazillian whatever..and this sam tiwa with genevive and CO are helping the way they can, you are just there rolling ur mouth like a fool..can you even send 50,000 naira to help them in anyway?same you would give that cash to a slut for a one night stand....pls lets be wise...
just for the records to those who are myopic...check out tiwa new video where she just weaved her natural hair..then you would see that she is even far pretty than when she on the brazillian whatever..and this sam tiwa with genevive and CO are helping the way they can, you are just there rolling ur mouth like a fool..can you even send 50,000 naira to help them in anyway?same you would give that cash to a slut for a one night stand....pls lets be wise...
3 words ,.God bless dem..
Tiwa Savage,i'm dissappointed. You clearly were not wearing that engagement ring in the first pic and then suddenly it appears whilst you are "sensitively" or maybe strategically rubbing the baby's head. Is this the next angle you want the media to take? "Tiwa Savage Engaged". How insensitive of you and your pr team to think this was the perfect opportunity!
yeah, this is wat all 'em celebrities shuld be doing nd not claiming to ave one of their tracks premiered in d top 10 US music chat box...nonsense!
Even though he claims to be soarin high above others bt i bet, he've just got one track in his name wich will soon fade away wen we'all will ignore his arrogant ass nd move on.
Tiwa looks plain next to Genevieve
All of u who have trivialised this issue by your comments, I advise u visit those regions affected by the flood. When you do, there'll be no time for so many useless comments I have read. We can't get enough help for these people. It is our social responsibility to take care of these people and that includes 'non-celebs' so let's rise to the task.
I'm reli moved. Neva reli tot abt dis flood ish. God bless dem. Love u genny
Lemme address u fool talking about Oyedepo n private jet....ur love for material thingz has blinded u hence u cant look pass the private jet these pple have n make inquest on their contribution to humanity...there is no doubt u r just a social media bigot....if Oyedepo should tell u how much he gives to carity i bet u will lose ur faith...u will ask God questions...pj they have bought since 2006 is what is turning ur head in 2012. U want to know where he is go to OTA. U dont expect him to call media bcos he wants to give
God will reward them for this.
@11:20 PM You 're just α̲̅ Fucking D'banj hater! We 're talking 'bout Outreach †̥Θ Τ̣̣ђё affected people yε̲̣̣̣̥†̥ u pick dis tym †̥Θ diss D'banj despite his charitable works??? Illiterate lyk u! Atleast ur name suggests so!
This is a good enough act but my anger is we were WARNED.Cameroun warned Nigeria to prepare but what did we do ignore the warning and chop the money meant for re-directing the water to the ocean.God will surely judge and punish all these bastards in government. I mean how many tissue papers,mosquito nets and Indomie will be enough?It is sooooooo sad the people in Government will all suffer for all this mis-hap they met on us innocent people. See RMD,Idiot if i slap his face.Silly ass he moved from an actor to a greedy politician.Abeg lemme just leave hee this is so so sad
its a good thing they're doing even tho i know part of it is just for good publicity, anywaz genevieve is looking good tiwa besides vieve looks funny
Cretin..Any similarity between you and a human is purely coincidental!
Tiwa looks kinda old.....#my tots
My friends in Delta were so annoyed when Tiwa started singing. Like that will raise the Mud houses and all the buildings that have been pulled down?Imagine i was told that even after all the warnings, Delta state government still went ahead to start building an estate just at the bank of the water area. Look at theses ones, do even look like they came to help. Have you seen Angelina Jolie or Miley cyrus on peace keeping or hunger relief tours? They look down right ready to get into the dirt not like these ones still looking like Diva's and Miley or beyonce won't enter a village and start singing. I am happy they made an effort but am angry they don't look like they came to help and are still seen frolicking with the same bastards that made this catastrophe happen. We are religious people without the fear of God. I am so sure when they heard this warning the first thing would be IT IS NOT MY PORTION and now that it has happened na IT IS WELL. Boring Cliches' absolute RUBBISH.It is so sad so so so sad.
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