Afrobeat legend Femi Kuti joins Nigerian Idol as a judge | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Sunday, 14 October 2012

Afrobeat legend Femi Kuti joins Nigerian Idol as a judge

Femi Kuti who is known to be very conservative, TV shy and rarely leaves the Shrine save for few select performances in Nigeria and world tours, has agreed to be a judge on Nigerian Idol.
“I am honoured to be part of Nigerian Idol, a show that discovers talents across the country in music. Saying I love music is like saying snow is white. I'd like to be part of moulding many more talents with Nigerian Idol, this year.” - The three-time Grammy Award nominee said.
Now here's another reason to watch the show!



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Anonymous said...

He REALLY should be an Idol Judge, how many Nigerians have been Grammy nominated, though attention shy his works speak for him. GO IDOLS! GOOD CHOICE!!!

kcee said...

Thats great. He will make a good judge.

Anonymous said...

Will linda still b dia,if yes den I'LL PASSiii

Ferrari said...

now you're talking!

Anonymous said...

Linda, what makes him a legend? His father, Fela was a legend. Femi is a good musician who lives under his father's shadow.

Anonymous said...

Femi and Charly Boy on the same show? I see trouble..!!! They can't work together. Mark my word.

Anonymous said...

Yes o,m glad he's among d judges..cant w8 to watch him dazzle d contestants.

Austin Uche said...

ok, they shld have jes let go of Charly man.. Sorry boi a.k.a area mother... Sorry fada, a.k.a linda..lolzz.... Now, am gonna wanna watch d show cos of femi, and then tolerate dat woman/man's presence... Whoof !
#finally finally, God has d final say

Buks said...

Am beginning to respect you Femi , for wanting to belong and associate with anything Nigeria , if it were before you for don yab dem , I was going through the felaberatio program and was very very impressed . Looking forward to your imparting through your skills , money and music to our society .

EMEKA raphael said...

Right people at the rigth show.Omo baba

Ezems said...

This is one of the most important reasons to watch the show, not for the strange Charlie Boy.

Anonymous said...

I love femi, must have cost a lot 2 get him out of his shell... Chyk

Anonymous said...

nice ....but is Charley boy still cross dressing as linda for d show???if yes den dats 1 reason y i wont allow my kids watch d show

BLOGLORD said...

Good! a judge one can look up to! Not that area papa

Anonymous said...

Handsome daddy.

Anonymous said...

How many are the Judges now with the inclusion of Femi Kuti? The addition of the Afro-beat Legend will surely boost the rating of the Show.

WellUninspired said...

Yay! someone with actual talent

Tintin said...

This for me, this a good move from Nigerian Idols. We need more veterans who actually know their beans.

Sexily Endowed said...

Welcome on board Femi Kuti..... Real talented man in de buildin, keepin de father's gud name goin. M̶̲̅ε̲̣ likey #wink

Anonymous said...

Area fada, certainly a beta choice

Anonymous said...

Me luv dis man nd am apy his there

Anonymous said...

This is actually a better choice for a judge. He's a legend youths can look up to. Unlike that charly boy (linda) of a character.

Anonymous said...

Me luv dis man nd am apy his there

Kunle Martins said...

Wow...great news. What were the organisers thinking before. Now this is another reason to watch Idols...welcome onboard uncle Femi not the confused linda abi na area boi

Kunle Martins said...

Wow...great news. What were the organisers thinking before. Now this is another reason to watch Idols...welcome onboard uncle Femi not the confused linda abi na area boi

Anonymous said...

I love this...

Anonymous said...

Hahaha, very true.dey r two opposite forces

Nigeria Blog List said...

Well at least he has more talent that anyone who has been there before him. I just keep feeling that he's bigger than Nigerian Idols somehow.

See all Nigerian Blog Posts as soon as they are posted.

Anonymous said...

Shut ur filty trap, I sense jealousy, u crap...he might noh be a LEGEND to u cos ur so shallow minded buh to some he's a legend and more. U spit out dah crap dah he's livin under his fther's shadow, u wish u can live under ur no gooder father's shadow, ode, mumu of d highest order, abeg pas d mic joor

Anonymous said...

Linda post my comment ooo, leh tis trash feel me and know beta dan to run somebody down...

D.E said...

Uncle Mrs Linda might still be there ooooo!

D.E said...

Whether Father or Mothers glory, he's a legend, not his fault his father worked and yours didn't!

MJ said...


Anonymous said...

Linda y didn't u paste my reply to AnonymousOctober 14, 2012 3:34's comment... Dats some home truth u jus wasted away, noh impressed @ all, angry face...paste it oooo

clevadani said...

Hav U̶̲̥̅̊ visited 2day?

Anonymous said...

Pls wen is d show starting and wat station. Dnt want to miss dis

Buks said...

Like someone said here Charlie boy and Femi kuti combo is one kain .
Am not seeing them two working together , Femi will not take the crap area fada has to offer and you just cannot stop the cross dresser from his moments to shine , what !!!!! With all the publicity , am going to be so glued to the screen.

Ejogene said...

This is good, A least someone who have a music career and not some DJ and people who just impose themselves on other people's consciousness. By force by fire, you must notice me.

Anonymous said...

Finally we have one sensible as a judge..those 3 over grown babies should be wiped out

Anonymous said...

now they are talking brilliant infact it would now make me watch it

Just Me said...

Finally, something good is happening on the show.....

MY TURN said...


Anonymous said...

Even though i might not be able to watch it cuz im in London, i still believe its a serious + to the show. im happy that real artists that have something to offer are being given the opportunity to impact into the new generation of singers.

pls is der anyway we in London can watch the show? I'll be happy if i can get positive responses.

Anonymous said...

Good choice! Brilliant! Finally a reason 2 watch d show! *whew*

Warri Girl said...

Brillant move to include him as one of the judges

Just Me said...

Guys let's not forget, Jeffery Daniels who was the only reasonable judge on the show.

Of all 3 judges in last season, I preferred to listen to Jeff, cos he always had something good to say.

ChiChiLuv said...

This is a smarter choice! He is a song writer, singer, producer and all round musicican who has travelled the world on tour, played world stages with so much information to offer young musicians/singers about not just the CREATIVE aspect of the music but the BUSINESS aspect as well. People forget that the word "BUSINESS" follows the word "SHOW".

You can be the best show man or woman but if you ain't running what you do like a business, I sorry for you because you will be BROKE!

Outside of Nigeria, who know Charly Boy? Who can sing any of his song from verse to chorus to bridge to refrain to the last verse? His penchant for being different, I am not going to say weird, has kept him on the rader but other than that, I am sorry Charly Boy is a local champion...yes, I said it! As a regular dude on the streets on San Francisco who he is and they will look at you like what the hell are you talking about but guarantee they will know Femi and if not, then Fela. Not to take away from CB but Femi will bring a cross over appeal to the show (I hope).

Anonymous said...

True tlk buh story 2 lng #yawn#

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