DeVon Franklin reveals he was celibate for 10 years before marrying Meagan Good | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Thursday, 18 October 2012

DeVon Franklin reveals he was celibate for 10 years before marrying Meagan Good

Devon Franklin revealed in a recent interview with Global Grind that he was celibate for 10 years before marrying actress Meagan Good June this year.
She was celibate before we got together and I was celibate. You’re not going to believe me. Let me just put it this way, I've been celibate over ten years. Part of what I also do is preach and the thing that I couldn’t do, which was eating me apart…What was happening with me is that I would go and preach one thing but I was going and living another and I could not do it. I could not look at myself in the mirror. I was like, ‘No, I cannot live like this,’ so I had to stop and say, ‘You know what, until I get married, that’s off the table.
Devon is a pastor and Sony Pictures Executive. A man who practices what he preaches! Lucky Meagan!


Anonymous said...

So the point of this is????

Anonymous said...

Not easy. Been celibate for three years. I m looking to sex but with a HUSBAND not a boyfriend. Btw,I m so horny.LOL

Anonymous said...

Will be nice if she was modest in her dressing. Only your husband should see those puppies.


Ofcourse its possible,its no big deal,u can achieve even more with help of SOMETHING,me too I was for 6months with d help of SOMETHING. Loolz

~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310

Anonymous said...

Rare gem. I have been celibate too and that's hard. I pray I get a great g like him ijn

HKE said...

Fuck carrot na since u re so horny. I'm sure u hv cobwebs dere nw. Lemme look for rake.

Anonymous said...

I don't always believe what i read. Lin Lin like you right claiming celibacy.

Dee said...

Now that's a man :)!

Anonymous said...

This is how we should be.. celibate until marriage... gud role model for esp guys that think its not possible.. N am happy he is a SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST!!! Am proud to be one too.. Practice what you preach people..

Anonymous said...

This is very good, but that the way the lord intented it.

African Sweetheart said...

If he is telling the truth then that is pretty amazing!

Anonymous said...


@missSlimzy said...

Deir weddin night tho. *lipseaed*

funky gal said...

Honeymoon night go hawt ooo!
10 yrs of agro.....

clevadani said...

hav u visited 2day?

Knight said...

When someone starts a story with 'you're not going to believe me' it usually implies that they're used to being disbelieved.R u still celibate when u wank?God pls forgive me but i doubt both of them

Anonymous said...

Linda you must say something about this guy burnt alive in warri. In this day and age especially after Aluu. We are a disgrace to the international community.

BLOGLORD said...

i can go a year and that's it. he tried o! for a man? ahhhh! he tried die! most men can't go a day

Anonymous said...

Pastor wife dress no bad at oh........abegi I live in Yankee, ATL for that matter and these chics wanna know what u r working with

Anonymous said...

That he was celibate b4 he married Meagan...dts d point. Or do we break it down for u in ur local dialect?

Anonymous said... I'v been celibate for 4days now...thanks to my period!

Anonymous said...

BONARIO, u don have sex before? LWKMD . This LIB no go kill person

Anonymous said...

yeah right, i've been married for 5yrs now and i've have been practicing celibacy for 6yrs running now.

Anonymous said...

Interesting! That's how it's supposed to be although can say its very hard.@bonario Wat do u mean, don't get d double entendre.

Anonymous said...

yeah right; prolly soapy all night...with his hand working overtime! lol

Anonymous said...

Av been celibrate for the past 4hrs, how about that??? HOUSE OF ZINNO

Anonymous said...

Y is the wife of a pastor dressed like this it this mode of dressing she shld be teaching young girls in the church?

Anonymous said...

men that girl is soo fine, she is the perfect women

Dr. pinch said...

Pls the something no get name?

Anonymous said...

Chaiiii anon 8:38, u wicked lol

Anonymous said...

And who asked u?

Anonymous said...

S/O to er1 who's celebate, includin me! Nd r horny nd still kipin d flaf flyin! Ggmub! Its all for the love of God (viks)

Anonymous said...

Omgggg! Am so so proud of him if he's telling the truth, I've been celibate for a long time, its very hard cos in the past I used to love my cherry being chopped like sausage... For a while I still indulged in that tho dint do the main tin, but coming is coming weather tru sex or not... So if u're indulging in wteva to come minus sex and claiming ur celibate... U're NOT. I'm glad am 100% since over a year now, and may God give us all who are in it the grace to keep up....

Anonymous said...

Oh my looooool!

coffee,milk and sugar said...


cynosure said...

Next month I will b celebrating my first year off celibacy and it been easy wiif d help of GOD.

Anonymous said...

I hope more ppl would practice celibacy b4 marriage. I was celibate for 10 years b4 my marriage...something my hubby really need to have all the wahala from disease, unwanted pregs, and emotional turmoil plus it is what the Lord commanded.

Anonymous said...

Lol, exactly o anon 9:50 make we brk am down. People sha.

Anonymous said...

Awwwhh how sweet. God please give me that kinda guy (with a big and functional willy) that will POP MY CHERRY on our wedding night.. AMEN!!!


Anonymous said...

if na naija now una go call the man gay! mshewwwww! u guys are just cofused and haters!


Ok ist of all i ƪ♥‎√ع this babe §ǿ much Α̲̅πϑ have nothing against her but is it ok ƒσя a pastor to get married to an actress knowing all the crazy stuffs they do in movies like french kissing other men,appearing nude,being in bed with other men naked(don't know if it's film trick tho Α̲̅πϑ if it is i really wonder how they do it),plus imagine how she's dressed in that pix,boobs all revealing...I stand to be corrected tho...#justMyThoughts#

Anonymous said...

And no masturb?.... I dnt believe him jare

MJ said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

God's intention is sex after marriage and His command is flee fornication. And He gives strength and grace to obey, if you ask Him. Wateva man's opinion is, God's word is wat matters at last. Rememba, He is the final Judge!

kemsugar said...

Good for both of them.. @ Linda don't come out and tell us d same thing whn u get married oh. LoL

Anonymous said...

Omg day is so nice, bt these days for naija wey guys eye deg shock, e no dey happen oh celibate my foot. If u no duck guy u neva ready marry b day. our guys r so useless wen dey meet a girl all dey want to do first is fuck. Nd wen u say no, dey will pressure u and start sleeping with anoda girl and leave u at d end. #just saying o. Haha

Nellaluv said...

Interesting. Me i've been celibate for the past 1 week.

via <a href=">Nellaluv Spot</a> is the place to be!

snow white said...

@ 8.12pm. U moron asking wat is d point am sure u av reading and understanding problem.keep ur dick cow until its time. Its ur type dat go around making babies all ova and spreading HIV.u must be really daft. Serzly, U must not comment all d time save ur rotten comment . #hiding in spanish.

snow white said...

Some pple r so daft . #smh..

Anonymous said...

Ve bin a celibate all my ife n I can tell u its nt easy, it takes a lot of sacrifice bt above all God's grace.

snow white said...

@ 8.12pm. U moron asking wat is d point am sure u av reading and understanding problem.keep ur dick cow until its time. Its ur type dat go around making babies all ova and spreading HIV.u must be really daft. Serzly, U must not comment all d time save ur rotten comment . #hiding in spanish.

Anonymous said...

Lmao that one too dey

Anonymous said...

U cow, wat is wrong with her dressing, u will not close ur smelling mouth.

snow white said...

@ 8.12pm. U moron asking wat is d point am sure u av reading and understanding problem.keep ur dick cow until its time. Its ur type dat go around making babies all ova and spreading HIV.u must be really daft. Serzly, U must not comment all d time save ur rotten comment . #hiding in spanish.

Anonymous said...

It is possible. I too have been celibate for six years. It isn't easy but i have so much peace within me and i keep myself busy with more positive things and i am female.

Anonymous said...

Amen oooo. Its not easy, but His grace is sufficient

This his own is Guiness record breaking sha, 10yrs!!!! Megan is a very goodlooking lady, ths pic don't do her justice at all

snow white said...

Lin lin u really av to b posting ma comments o.

Always Yours (Lagos Romance Series) said...

I'm happy for them both, sex is not everything.
I know many girls who have stayed without having sex until they got married. It's all about self control and personal conviction.
Of course for people like MG who have had sex before, I'm sure its harder.

Anonymous said...

Pastor indeed! And u allowed ur sooo calld ugly wife 2 dress lyk dis

Anonymous said...

@Bonario- LOL!!! U crack me up! Something indeed! Since "something" helped u get thru it, is dat still celibacy!

Anonymous said...

Huh?!?! Wetin u marry?

Anonymous said...

Haba madam Iyawo Pastor, help other guys in ur hubby's congreation reach the 10yr mark too na! Well done sir. Most guys can't, period! If u wank, u r not celibate!

Anonymous said...

Isn't that hw u all do it, after fucking half the men in lagos in ur younger days. You know turn celibate, lookng for mumu to deceive.

Anonymous said...

Artificial Vagina tinz O_O

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I've been celibate for two complete
Hours running.
***says Akwa Ibom gurl***

Anonymous said...

I want me a man like that!!! Where d'hell are they in Nigeria?

Anonymous said...

I find it hard to love easily, but wen I do, I'm usually passionate about it. N I can mk love all day wt my partner. Gosh! I hate heart breaks that's y I hav decided to wait till marriage

Moses said...

@ BONARIO ....The only 'SOMETHING' you need to help you is the HOLY GHOST! The HOLY GHOST helps us(children of God) to achieve what they(children that are of this world/not of God) find impossible. I'm glad I have the Holy Spirit in me, my life couldn't be any better.

kudos Devon

vivy said...

just 10yrs wat about priest and sisters who live all their lives in chastity??!!! who would they announce their's to?? what they did is for themselves so they should keep it to themselve!!!

Anonymous said...

@ anon 11.23 wooohoo go sista or brother (doubt tht sha) but its not easy trust me

Anonymous said...

U 1yr abeg park well. everlasting agro

Gaia said...

No wonder, I saw a picture of them kissing at their wedding and they looked like they were about to com-bust... Actually, I don't think they made it to the room afterwards *fanning myself theatricality* ;)LOL

Anonymous said...

I conccur.

Jungle Justice said...

@ Anonymous 7:54am, it's neva too late to turn a new regardless of ur past indiscretions. Even if a person has shagged an entire small village, there's still smthing called 4giveness n restoration. A prostitute can change her ways n choose to be celibate, if she truly repents all is 4given. Abeg I applaud d couple jare! It aint easy. Me I nor fit oh bcos but d spirit n body r willing!

Anonymous said...

HmMmmmm! E no easy to look attractive woman like Meegan and close leg. Then say the last thing to born again na P****k ; cause when e do vex e no dey hear becareful. But thank God for them. But it will be good if they can organise a Forum and share their experiences awith the youth

seyi said...

This is where u people are off reality. Because u are celibate doesn't mean u will marry a good husband or a man that can perform. U people should stop this myopic thinking, because am a virgin I deserve a prince??? Life isn't like that. A lot of people serve God but they don't truly know him, how can u expect a miracle from someone u don't know. If u are celibate because of the honour u want to give God, finejust like the man above did, but if u are celibate because of YOU and still say its because ure a christian, u are a fornicator. Simple! You're celibate yet u masturbate, you're celibate but u spend 80% of the day thinkingof sex, who is fooling who???? Be truthfulto yourselves!

Anonymous said...

congrats to them, but whats up wit megan good in this picture, she looks weird, i mean she is really a fine girl this picture is off

Unknown said...

Kudos to Devon and all those practicing celibacy! It's not easy(been celibate almost all my life), it is God that gives d grace. As for those who are criticizing, it is not compulsory u toe d same line although it is for your own spiritual advancement. but pls if u cant, try not to insult others who choose to even after they have made mistakes!my tow cents!

Warri Girl said...

Chai anon 8:38pm you fire the girl and finish, lol.

Anonymous said...

Anon 8.21. I'm also celibate. Thx God der r still gals lyk u. Pls add moi. 231E8616.
Lindia a la poste. Link up souls dear.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

@hke,ur not cirius!

Anonymous said...

No he is using this platform to glorify God!

Anonymous said...

Look at the wife dressing!celibate my foot.

Anonymous said...

Been practising it for over 2months now, i pray i find me a good man to settle down with.

Anonymous said...

Oh wow I got soo mannyyy replies ! Ahahahahah okay self righteous individuals .. See you in hell succerz :P

Anonymous said...

That happened ages ago! Before aluu but yeh the whole act is just gross

Anonymous said...

LoooooL ahh u pple wiLl not kill me

Anonymous said...

Hmmnn replier ! Why do you feel guilty??? Perhaps your conscience hunts you constantly when you dress half naked for the whole world ay?

Anonymous said...

Oh wow I got soo mannyyy replies ! Ahahahahah okay self righteous individuals .. See you in hell succerz :P

Anonymous said...

That happened ages ago! Before aluu but yeh the whole act is just gross

Anonymous said...

Is good to be celibate, but one can choose which one he/she wants to practice. There are two types of celibacy, complete and partial celibacy. Complete means you will not have sex or masturbate, while partial is u can masturbate but don't have intercouse. So if u r celibate n u r feeling horny try masturbating it may help u. Linda post my comment ohh!!!

Anonymous said...

Is good to be celibate, but one can choose which one he/she wants to practice. There are two types of celibacy, complete and partial celibacy. Complete means you will not have sex or masturbate, while partial is u can masturbate but don't have intercouse. So if u r celibate n u r feeling horny try masturbating it may help u. And also for those dat asked if u can still be celibate after previous sexual encounters. The answer is Yes. Linda post my comment ohh!!!

MY TURN said...

Good for them but meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen Meagan Good has BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIG EARS THATS MAYBE WHY SHE'S BEEN CELIBATE.

Anonymous said...

Linda y u no post my comment cos I talk say there is partial n complete celibacy. Ppl who practice partial masturbate but no intercouse while those who practice complete don't masturbate or have intercourse. So for ppl feeling horny you can masturbate to keep ur celibacy. Linda I wonder what is wrng with this comment that u find it hard to post. Pls am only sharing knowledge I acquired frm my human sexuality class. Abeg ohh!!!. And Kudos 2 Megan n her husband good job ppl. Is not easy abeg.

Anonymous said...

Did I just hear u call Megan Good ugly? My dear show ur face so we can compare.k

Anonymous said...

Kai...he is one of those pastors that believes masturbation is not a single...celibate after enuff hand work!!!

GlamNotchApparels said...

She's really blessed

Anonymous said...

Awww, sorry hun, guess you married an impotent man after all. People, pls stop deceiving urselves and test the D yo!

Anonymous said...

i've bin in celibacy al ma lyf, i tel u its nt hard.

Unknown said...

Bless The Lord I like.....

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Thought sony pictures are linked to illuminati, if this were true, then what is a man of God doing with them? as an executive for that matter...

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