D'banj wins Best African Act at 2012 MTV Europe Music Awards | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Monday, 15 October 2012

D'banj wins Best African Act at 2012 MTV Europe Music Awards

D'banj has been picked as the Best Act to represent Africa as a Worldwide Act nominee at the 2012 MTV EMA, billed to take place in Frankfurt on November 11th, 2012. MTV EMA revealed his nomination today on their website...
Music fans all over the world have spoken! You voted around the clock... you told everyone you know to support your favourite artist… and now you've chosen a local EMA winner! It's… D'Banj!
D'banj will represent Africa in the Africa-India-Middle East category for the 2012 Worldwide Act EMA!.


BLOGLORD said...

Nigga just de shame world people shaaa.....
congrats dbanj! keep doing ur thing!

Anonymous said...

Dbanj has done it again stupid senseless oloshious beefers should kill themselves! Dr Sid am sure u won't sleep well tonite WIV this news! Enemy of progress! Dbanj GOD WILL ALWAZ MAKE YOU BIGGER AND DISGRACE THE JOBLESS IDIATIC PEOPLE SEEKING YOUR DOWN FALL IJN AMMMMMMEEEEN!

Anonymous said...

Dbanj has done it again stupid senseless oloshious beefers should kill themselves! Dr Sid am sure u won't sleep well tonite WIV this news! Enemy of progress! Dbanj GOD WILL ALWAZ MAKE YOU BIGGER AND DISGRACE THE JOBLESS IDIATIC PEOPLE SEEKING YOUR DOWN FALL IJN AMMMMMMEEEEN!

oluwakhemee said...

thats my guy....

Anonymous said...

Congrats D'banj.. Nice 1, its your time so shine on!! May God guide and protect you always!

Anonymous said...

Congrats Dbanj!
Dr Sid, dont jump inside river thames .... jealous twat!

Dammy said...

Oh my guy,I know you will always do me proud.That's what's up! You own the World EMA Award, no two ways about.Dbanj,keep goin' higher-higher everyday.In fact, whoever hates u is just an enemy of success.This is da new dawn, the new era.U didn't buy ur way there, u merited it.U didn't send recharge cards to get followers.*coughs*They willingly voted U.Skibanj,eres Lo Numero Uno.

Anonymous said...

For 2012?? Why?

Seems MTV just said "Who do we know in africa? O..yeah...pick that D'banjelo guy..."


Anonymous said...


@owolabz said...

wow, CONGRATS D'banj.... Hard work pays !!

Ada Owerri 1 said...

Yaaay!!! Dbanj wherever u are i claim ur love+money n'afa jesu. Linda u and ur center parting are invited to our wedding. I go arrange Iyanya for u as takeaway

Anonymous said...

Linda if u like put patient jonathan naked picture before or after this gist it wont water this down...una no know dbanj mama na why....all of u shld go and pray that ur mums support u n pray 4u d way dbanj mama dey support am...stop blaming dbanj for ur woes

Anonymous said...

@Linda why my post is not always showing...

Anonymous said...

Guess dbanj didnt make anyone in mavin win this one too

Anonymous said...

All thanks to the famous oliver twist...

Anonymous said...

congrats d African Michael Jackson
have u visited http://naijamustchange.blogspot.com 2day?

Anonymous said...

'Oliver twist" clenched it 4 him.
D publicity on dat song was way 2 much and dats y he's representing Africa!
Besides dat, its boring ol dbarrrrng!!
Billie jean

Anonymous said...

Who God has blessed, no man can curse.. Dbanj #oyato#

Anonymous said...

Hahaha! This is Freeze of cool fm. U said those same lines of recharge cards to get followers when u interviewed dbanj last week. I so love Dbanj. And I appreciate donjazzy. But u freeze u r just a biased presenter. Taking sides live on air. O ga o

Anonymous said...

Congrats Dbanj, U rock!!

Anonymous said...

Dbanj is the man. Congrats

priest said...

Lebete!!!! Dbanj of life!!! Am so happy for my boy!!!! Haters can like to drown!! Oshey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!! Haters go hug transformer. Congrats D'banj #teamdbanj

priest said...

Lebete!!! My boy dbanj has done me proud!! Haters can like to drink jik!! More blessings!!! Oshey!!!

Anonymous said...

@Visibility. Yeah,...like that could ever happen! Why can't you ignorant cats be happy for the dude's success?! Is it that hard for y'all ?! Ok, get in front of the mirror and say this words..."Henceforth,I will stop being a fool and I will be happy for other people's successes ", forty times! That should do it for your nappy ass! LOL. . ( Slick Ricky)

Anonymous said...

Well said bro!!!gbaM

Anonymous said...

Why aren't the rest winning anything, abi its D'banj's fault again. Lmao Well done man, let them keep hating!

Anonymous said...

what God has done, no man can destroy !!! d'banj big congrats to you mehn, i like d fact dat u dont even tweet to reply dis jobless people... SEE NO EVIL, HEAR NO EVIL... Keep Winning bruv !

Anonymous said...

Dr Sid, Mr Afefe lmfao... hope you dey see ooo... Go swim for majidun river

Anonymous said...


Baby F said...

Yaaaaay I love u D'banj ..God wuld continue to bless u abundantly.. Haters goNna hate Potatoes gona Potate..Tomatoes gona Tomate.. So Sidney pls gaan mop lagoon no one wuld still feel ur relevant..

Unknown said...

Congrats D'banj so proud of you.

Austin Uche said...

when u keep on reminding us how dbanj's so called successes shldnt be criticised(am talking abt his fans), instead of actually congratulating d man. U simply r telling us dat "this guy doesnt actually deserve all these accolades o, buh we will support him anyways, even if na nurseey rhyme him sing".. Meanwhile d guy has rilly worked hard and i believe he deserves all dem accolades.. If ur a ture fan of dbanj, pls forget the haters and celebrate him instead.... Congrats Dbanj.... #team mavin


Dbanj u always make me proud, Go ahead nd show d whole world d stuff that you are made up of. I support you.


Dbanj u always make me proud, Go ahead nd show d whole world d stuff that you are made up of. I support you.

www.ernestawebdesigns.com said...

Nice 1 Dbanj...u deserve it

Anonymous said...

Dbanj worldwide,ur next bustop is d grammy.Insha Allah we love you here in Ghana.

Anonymous said...

U said my mind Exactly. What has d'banj done in 2012 to merit ds award..#sonotdeserved

Anonymous said...

Nice one Bro...Am always by ur side Skibanj! Vindy

Anonymous said...

@Anonymous, October 15, 2012 10:46 PM -"VISIBILITY" as in, d'banj is very visible right now, thanks to Oliver twist, a song that was released in 2011. Why all the cursing though? I am sure you have a point but things get lost is all that cursing.

Does pointing this out mean I hate dbanj and I want him to fail?

(Here comes all the "BABA E" and "FOOL" and "OLOFOFO"....)

Anonymous said...

am sure dis d'banj is going there to sing like a frog inside water ''oyatoooo'' only meant for retarded folks..
I beg u in d name GOD, even as u had bn chosed jst to ave ur presence there (bcus its clear u won't bring a tip of sand back) don't! I mean don't go there to show case ur talentless self, jst get a seat one place lest d whole world regard africans as talentless nd wacky as u re, ok?


Anonymous said...

The best man would always win...Osheeeee!!!!

PHESTADE said...

D'banj will clinch all d award He's bn nominated for! MOBO,BEFFTA, MTV EMA-worldwide act, CHANNEL O,etc... He has their medicine. #oyato

Anonymous said...

Inasmuch as I'm really very happy for dbanj, methinks its the korean guy who sang *Gangnam Style* that may eventually win the best act in that category. *sob*.

Rockstar said...

I'm sure that you are already aware that There will always be critics in your life. The bigger you become, the larger the population will grow with them. They will beat you down at the first sign of any shortcoming on your part. If there isn't any shortcomings then they will make them up or do anything to bring you down. Laugh at these people and feel sorry for them, for they are the ones who never tried, the ones who chose the path that was easiest to them, ones that lived in a comfort zone and are now trying to justify their life by turning your courage into stupidity to help bring peace to the haunting memories of when they had a chance to be something and passed on it.
Let them keep HATING while you keep WINNING.I said it earlier,the MAVIN CREW will never see your back because you were the face of the defunct MOHITS.

lmao said...

lol. hahahaha...hehehehe..muahahahahah. I said it here before. The more you haters hate on DBanj, the more it seems God elevates him to come out and hit you harder where your hatred is rising from. May God heal all y'all of your hatred. Dbanj Oyato baje baje

Anonymous said...

I'm a bit lost though...what song exactly did D'Banj sing in 2012. I believe there are at least 20 people going all over the internet writing illogical praise for this DBanj guy while he goes around buying accolades...me i'm not a stupid hater i just like things to make sense

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

One idiot said it was oliver twist that got him the ticket. Shey na ur father sing am or na dbanj? If u can answer the question then I suggest u go and die

Anonymous said...

The worst part of it Is don j would have called dbanj to congratulate him. Even more, he and dbanj will be chatting and gisting on phone. We the fans just don't no anything......

Anonymous said...

Mehn I'm so hppy for dis dude,after all d hating nd hw dey crucified him,he is just soaring higher nd higher!dis is just 2 show dt God has blessed him and dere is nofin anybody can do 2 bring him down!haters wld always hate!espcially u dis linda with ur center parting!I rem all ur post on dis dude esp d 1 wiv his mum!ur just a biased blogger!nd for Dr sid @leas d banj is no more wiv u guyz how come we still don't knw ur name??? FOOL!!!is better u take ur burnt black face nd ur black ass nd practice ur dentistry!afefe my ass!,ode oshi!KOKO master u r blessed!

Anonymous said...

Yessssss ooooooooo Grammmy Noooniii Lindaaaa hope u can seee Dbanj's Fans n WEll Wishers are here sooo Switch Over 2being for a Dbanj not Anti-Dbanj I Will keep on FIghTin for You bur dat Yesterday Dr Sid's story wey u put Vex me Gaaaan Ni!Who is Dr sid sef shey na bcos of d lil tracks Don jazzy pity am Produce dats Y him dEy talk trash all about!Dbanj wil keep on Winning n Haters wiLl keep on crying like Dr Sid!Mr Visibility you have a high rate of Fooolishness sorry to say which African Act has PerFormed Internationali more than Dbanj This Year in UK, US who is more Popular how won't he Win the Guys Hard Work Has paid n your there talking TrasH abeg Pack well make we see road Mcthew!To ma fellow TeamDbanj Mates BIG CONGRATZZ!Enuff Said#

Anonymous said...

Dr sid. Don jazzy go hug transformer...dbaji dem knw knw say ori yato si ori

Anonymous said...

Dbanj is giving them a run for their money,mi likey

Oshodi said...

For I see all these pharisee (pharisees)
All them say, all na falacy (falacies)
Hun! Wetin them talk no matter at all
Hun! What God has done, no man can destroy
Eh! and at the end of the day there's no contest
There's no reason talking out of context
Dem know me, dem know what I've accomplished
So why you come dey act with no conscience
Kirakita o ma d'ola, af'eni t'Oluwa ba fi fun
No dispute and thats the truth and I don't need to prove cos

Dbanj oyato oyato oyato
Dbanj oyato oyato oyato
Oto laye e
Oto laye won o
Oto laye e
Ori e yato

Anonymous said...

I love uuuuu dbanj!! Ur future is secured! You are living proof that everyone has their destiny no matter d kind of opposition and betrayal that life throws at u! I watched a random YouTube interview that mohits did together last yr? All 6 of u at the time... Because of his charisma!the interviewers were taken with dbanj and asked ONLYhimquestions. Dbanj was so busy entertaining themedia that he didn't see that his" brothers" we're not happy that he had all d shine and looked like shadows beside him . Good thing u left wen u did babyyyy. Who knows u mite have ended up like Joseph whom his brothers plotted to eliminate because he was his Fathers favorite child.Who God has blessed no man can curse.

Anonymous said...

Congrats to d one nd only koko master! Oseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.... God will cont to uplift u.

Anonymous said...

Am very sure say na illuminati people buy dis award 4 am,becos i knw dat dis skinny boy aint d best act 2012.finito!

Anonymous said...

Lebete, Lebete, Lebete. Lobatan, Lobatan, Lobatan!

Neneh said...

This where hating becomes hard to swallow. U hate on someone,,,n wish he would just perish,,,he instead keeps winning. Assssshhhh,,,that hurts,,naysayers no vex,,,,just do better, maybe next year go be your turn,,,lol! D'banj Oyato!

Anonymous said...

AM happy for him god is good

Godspowerogono said...

i love my boy ! D'banj'cary go

Godspowerogono said...

i love my boy ! D'banj'cary go

Sugarr said...

D'banj oyato oyato...ooto laye ee

Anonymous said...

Y̶̲̥̅̊o̶̲̥̅̊и can't just take this away from this dude, he is sure †ђξ best thing out of mother land. †ђξ lord has bless him pls haters I beg Y̶̲̥̅̊o̶̲̥̅̊и in †ђξ name of God stop †ђξ hate on Dbanj. *Big J*

Anonymous said...

Honestly I am happy and proud of adebanjo, but he is not a good artist, I think he just an entertainer.....

Anonymous said...

just as expected illuminaty boy nominated for satanic award woman drugs and alkohol that there massage i dont cellebrate such people ok

MJ said...


Anonymous said...

U r not proud of him u idiot....has he ever told u he is a singer? "he is not an artist but a good entertainer" whats the difference btw both statements? u r shallow, im amazed linda can block my comment but let urs go through and for u talking illuminatti baba e ma run down....in dbanjs voice

Anonymous said...

he already sang olorun maje 4 all his haters. And 4 all dos wit illuminati conspiracy theories go n hug transformer dat z how ppl will progress n u will die of envy....#lebete

Anonymous said...

Bikonu let's stop calling a spade a rake
Is Dbanj a talented entertainer? YES
Did He do anything to merit that nomination/award for 2012? NO
Everyone, including the Koko master himself knows this. Enough of the biased comments abeg

Anonymous said...

Why are ppl mentioning don jazzy in this case na?did he eva say he hated d'banj,did he?we will neva knw d true story behind wt happened,we will neva knw who's at fault,all we cn do is support who we wnt to nd nt bad mouth d oda bcuz whether u like it or nt,Don jazzy as talent nd his an amazing producer nd d'banj...idk,let's jst say his lucky nd u will all agree wif me dt wifout each of dem,non of dem wud be sumtn.be a fan to who eva u like bt don't curse or abuse Don jazzy(u don't av to like him bt u shud respect him).and to freeze of cool fm...his career is as bald his head nd so also is cool fm.nd btw...I wntd wiz kid to win

Anonymous said...

hahahaha!!! did he do anything to merit the award nomination" No" hahaha be there n be looking while this same song get a grammy and u will be saying wether he merited it or not....u pple dont know anything yet. till the old songs u pple have finished jamming to like scapegoat, fall in love and co gets their own award u pple will go to the world and protest. keep waitiing to know wether he did a song in 2012 or not....i pray they release the statistics to tell u how many non Nigerians voted dbanj u go fear fear....omo is on the international P, i pity una type. Meanwhile i wish ur mentor well but hope he did not produce that afefe song sha! cos thats below pa

Anonymous said...

Are you not ashamed of ur sef....the person u say is not talented is winning all the awards while ur most talented is not even nominated. so there is something wrong here its either the whole world is wrong or what u define as talent is

Anonymous said...

Idiot kip hating d dude is making it big for himself spend ur life here hating..odeeee

Anonymous said...

we are not talking dashing credit on twitter here o!

Warri Girl said...

D'banj is doing gud 4himself

Anonymous said...

look at some of these comments....i wonder how the comments you don't approve look like lol.

kemsugar said...


kemsugar said...

Fame has so many friends...its normal dear. That's life 4 u. We all wana stay on d winners side.

likes said...

I remember the whole beyonce saga when she broke from Destiny's child. It was one lawsuit after the next and the woman just kept climbing big. To now add salt to her ex group and haters wounds, she married the most sought after rap star. You just cannot hate on whomever God says yes to. Just not possible

Anonymous said...

Re u ppl daft?Don jazzy is a producer not a singer.is there any nomination for producers?!is there?EMA is meant for ppl dt sing nd nt ppl dt produce!!!gosh!how stupid cn ppl get nd by the way,the oliver twist dt made him won is produced by donjazzy!let's wait nd see if he will get any nominations for his next album...till den,y'all shud nt kill ursefs on top of d'banj nd don jazzy's matter.they re enjoying where eva dey re nd I still don't av lite

Anonymous said...

Hahaha "olivertwist didnt make him won o" olodo.....the awards that had producer which one has he won

Unknown said...

The funny thing as I read through the comments is : I'm indifferent. C'mon, i love these guys; D'banj, Donjazzy Α̲̅πϑ the Mavin Crew (wande coal). D'banj is a person I knw 2 be hardworking Α̲̅πϑ keep a bright visiond - 3yrs of stage management- Α̲̅πϑ Donjazzy, well, formerly shy Α̲̅πϑ reserved, does a G̶̲̥̅̊o̲̣̥o̲̣̥ƌ̲̣̣̣̥ job cooking beats we'll dance our ass right I̶̲̥̅̊n̶̲̥̅̊ 2. So, what's wrong??????
J̶̲̥̅̊υ̲̣̥ƨ̣̣̣̇̇̇̇τ̲̣̣̥ a split Α̲̅πϑ Nigerians (the rest of the world inclusive sef) α̲̅я̲̅Ξ making it seem ℓi̶̲̥̅ke POLITICS.. ᴻa wa o. #teamiLikebeautiflMusic

Anonymous said...

@ejikebigdick, you surely are a bigdickHEAD!! Sharrrraaaap!!!!

Anonymous said...

Well for your lack of knowledge, award ceremonies don't only look at the year in review but also the previous year. Oliver twist was a hit last year and early this year, that must have been the reason he was nominated in the first place.

Anonymous said...

Most likely, cos gangnam seems to be the rave/craze of the moment.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Abegi, all of una "fans" make we hear word jare, Him win, congrats! but, as long as say na Oliver twist song win am the ward all una talk is baseless and irrelevant. let's see Oyato winning him an award na. Me sha I knw say however successful D'banj reach, Don Jazzy try for am. Make e no b say I b bad belle congrats again!

Anonymous said...

Hahahahahahaha, whoever you are anon 9:58 I love you! People no longer know what talent is. we see the likes of gangnam style winning the hearts of millions leaving little room for real talent like Tuface. I've said it b4, I can dance to d'banj's song but it will always be one of those tracks for me, nothing inspiring or out of the ordinary like Asa, Nneka or even Bez and I'll never advice my kids to listen to what they cant gain from "I like Nadia Buhari cos she no dey drink garri" na wa o!

Anonymous said...

D Banj OyaTooooooo >>>>>> U Deserve it Osheeeeee

Anonymous said...

yeah Dbanj has done it again

Anonymous said...

Ok, u got me lafffffn... @Iyanya as take away *Buhahaha

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