From Hollywood Life
Our source tells us that Karrueche and Chris have only spoken so they can facilitate her move out of his place, a move that is nearly over.
“…he don’t f**k with her like that right now and [he's] not [talking] with her either – other than set up times for her to come get her s**t but that was last week. She still got a few things at the crib, but a lot of her s**t [is] already out,” our source says.What kind of gangster source is this one? Haha!
Very gangster, am sorry for her, she shld go and release album sharp sharp, so she can hammer!! Heartbreak dey sell.
The source is really a buuchit!!!
lol... Lin lin... That's s**t source
Eiyaa I feel for d Karrueche girl,how we found love in a hopeless place.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
they should not try to make this look ugly.
he had a clean breakl with Kar. that does it. all this unecessay tatafo is not needed. everyone is moving on nicely
Issorai.... Riri watch out for beat up part 2.
I swear O! Gangster source.
I don't understand people. But i pray Karrueche is strong through all this. After the rain comes shine. And Chris and Rih wont make it too far though. Too much ego in one relationship.
GANGSTA source indeed!!! Linda, you are funny.
Riri, is letting everyone know she's the boss, she does whatever she likes at the moment.
Well, we don't give a fu*****ck if her sh******it is still in his crib. But we wish them well.
Seriously?!?! Maybe he's getting back with Rihanna... WoW!
Why are they making it look like a bitter breakup. I thought they said he is compensating her generously.
Riri? Don't think this will last... watch the space
I feel for Karreuche.
This is not love. This is pure obsession. The problem wiv being obsessed Is there will be a time one party will get tired of the other while the other is still very much obsessed. So when one wants to opt out, the other will refuse and she will become deadly. She will then hatch a plan. Since she cannot bear to see him wiv another person, nobody is gonna be wiv him either. Meaning "if I can't have u, nobody will" so she is gonna provoke chris into doing something bad to her or rope him into something. We shall all see the end of this....
Don't ever be anyone 's rebound love.
Lol!!! OMG!!!! No be small tin o
Hmmm, looking forward to Chris & Rihana WWF part 2.....* late comers, front seats already occupied* Linda, kept a seat for u oo, so dat u can do tatafo well. Happy viewing
You think?!
Put urself in her shoes and u'll know its nt goin to be that easy!
I think she's better off but I also know she won't be feeling that way now!
The source is so gangstar,no empathy at all!
Poor girl!
Na wa o. Chris Brown more or less used her. She should move on.
@ bloglord Ɣ☺ΰ try, pls nt to go thru dis kind of situation. Its nt like it was ova btw her α̲̅πϑ chris, in Tђξ midst of their relationship he switched off. And I can see Ūя̲̅ supporting the move asap chris α̲̅πϑ riri.don't wich bad things for others so it doesn't com back to Ɣ☺ΰ ˚˚˚°ºo
Na u wan give am the part2 beatin, can u move on already. People shld learn to 4get what's not their business.
am not supporting o! i just thought everyone was moving on nicely and gangsta reporter just intended to add fuel to spark up fire that refused to light up. the matter sef no concern me afterall every mallam with im kettle. i wish all parties involved all the best!
I feel sorry for Karreuche.
Its not like dat uche girl is complainin.... Did she tell u guys she wanted chris to marry her or sometin?.... Dis is hollywood ... Ppl get dumped for nofin ... Make una free dem abeg
for your mind now you the help us translate yankee slangs
Chris never loved Ker... she was just a distraction..if this gist is true, Chris is truly a small boy and heartless that you can play and use someone like that. Karma will happen. And i don't think Chris and Riri will last anyway. So Ker keep your head up there is a REAL man out there for you. However, next time you know you access the situation first before you get yourself involved.
U must b an "Ode of Life" 2be asking dis kain mumu question. Lol'
This one na ghettohood life, no be hollywood life oh!! Hardcore Gangster stuff!
Anon 1:48PM if you're not God please be quiet.
Rhihanna should jst get ready for 2nd round of beating!
Life Goes on K
Which I cld help pelleeee ooo
Thanks to Oprah !
Thanks to Oprah , she helped her girl to got her love of her live back.
Errr, please excuse me o but is it by force 4 someone who doesn't love his partner 2 stay in the relationship?? I don't think Chris used her or woteva, he wanted 2 move on bt d love he still has 4 Riri is obviously greater dan d love 4 Karu... Its a free world o, he sha neva marry d girl... If he stayed in d relationship cos of pity 4 d girl, na dat girl go suffer am pass, emotional torture is even worse dan d physical one.. The Karu girl might not see it lik dat now, bt she definitely will see a guy who will love and adore her..
dat karru-chicken gal shud kw she'l always b 2nd best 2 chris B cos d kinda love he has 4 riri.... Im sure she knew dis wud happen or atleast pple wud av warned ha she was just opin 4 d best. Im also sure she had fun while it lasted so she shud pack up! Just like dere's no oda gal 4 jayz as far as we kw, dere's also no oda gal 4 chris B dey will always find each oda.
Ok he is back with riri good, we can rest now shey.
Sense made! *thumbs up*
Is like Karrueche is not a member of illuminati as JayZ threaten Chris not to Fu*k up again.
it so pathetic when only one person is in love in a r/ship,Riri is the BOSS,brezzy is the TOY.pity sha :]y
Relationships break and if you're not wanted then you should move on. My ex did worse to me and I was the one who had to talk some sense into myself and I moved on, cut all ties with him and healed over time. Now I'm engaged to the most amazing man in the world, when I look at the difference between the two I wonder how I ever thought that he deserved me in the first place. Abeg Karr, when Chris commot carpet, God dey wait make coast clear so that you can have marble finishing. Joy comes in the morning, mine is a classic example.
dont blame chris brown. Blame konji...lol
lol.dis 1 na APAKO gangstar source.believe me!
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