Blue Ivy's $798 pair of designer kicks | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Sunday, 14 October 2012

Blue Ivy's $798 pair of designer kicks

Jay Z and Beyonce's 9-month-old daughter owns a $798 pair of designer kicks from shoe designer, Ruthie Davis. #happybaby! But is $798 a bit too much for a 9 month old?


hahs said...

Goodness! O ti jo JayZ shiyere(looks like Jayz like mad)

Anonymous said...

♑ is not if U̶̲̥̅̊ got it then spend it

Anonymous said...

Lovely kicks for an ugly baby. If they have the money then its not expensive.

Anonymous said...

It was probably given to her as a gift. You might as well add that she owns a $5000 necklace given to her by Kim Kardashian. Nne forget!!! This child will never know materialistic poverty!!! O bu nwa ogalanya!!!!!!

- Menakaya's Baby.

Unknown said...

She was born into riches! So she shall enjoy it

Unknown said...

They av d money, then shld spend it,Ivy deserves everytin in dis world

ZOELANDA!!! said...

Aunty Linda is it ya money?? *Questions young women ask*

Anonymous said...

Pls their money. Its their baby. Or did they beg u for money? Anyways some celebs buy accessories for their pets worth over $ how much more a baby? There are LV dog-carriers that are worth thousands of $$$ and people buy them.

Ms. J said...

allow me break it down for you miss Ikeji, the same way you would go to for example tasty fried chicken (or whatever it is) to spend 2000 on a meal + drinks, and someone else goes to a nice ewa aganyi joint to spend 200 for a full belly.... is it too much for you? NO because you can afford it and it is your preference..
so $798 for a pair of shoe for a multi billionaire couple..... is just like buying a sachet of pure water :)

Eze said...

Wow there goes my rent money :(

Anonymous said...

Not too much for beyonce's baby

Anonymous said...

big waste!!!! people are starving in Somalia and so many other places....smn(shaking my nyash)

Anonymous said...

No,it is not!dats meagre outta d moni on ground!woh do u evn mean by too much 4 a 9mth old?is dere a specific age one can buy sumfin expensive 4 a child?aunty linda,park well mbok!

Knight said...

If you can easily afford it,why not?You work for your children and it's not like Blue'd get an attitude cos of the cost n start looking down on the other babies in Richville

Okpeke... said...

*sigh* Finally she's getting a

Anonymous said...

For a 9month of a celebrity ,no it's not

Inem said...

Na unto rich celeb tinz nah.My baby has exactly dis shoes jare. Bought it 1000 naira at balogun market.

Anonymous said...

it was actually a gift from the designer

Inem said...

Na unto rich celeb tinz nah.My baby has exactly dis shoes jare. D naija version even fyn pass dis 1. Bought it 1000 naira at balogun market. *coughs

Anonymous said...

Nope,not when her parents are jay and bey.

Anonymous said...

Na waoh! this is expensive for baby of Nine months na!!

Anonymous said...

Not too much if your dad is HOV and your mom is Beyonce.

tax collector said...

Dis is nt an issue my dear.anyway to me is nt.they av d money n if s nt spent on their child is it u linda dt they wil spent it on?besides dis 798 is like200 naira to nt a big money in their eyez besides nija thiefs "politicians" d amount of money they spend on their children nko.if they giv u half of it ur 2 next generatn canot finish it.ogwu na k'oha m na onu.

Anonymous said...

Even if its 2much de parents can afford it so y nt ejoy n eat ur moni whil u r alive cos life is jus 2short besides its their only child they shld spend joor

Duke Emeka said...

With Parents worth over $500milcombined? Its not too much.besides its a nice one.

Unknown said...

Having rich mum and dad? No it's not oh..

MJ said...


Anonymous said...

What's your own. They are working for their kids. Please if they can afford it why not?

Anonymous said...

Wetin concern you? Na ur money she take buy am

Anonymous said...

Who realy cares,anyway.its a universe filled wt deal wt it!

Anonymous said...

is it ur money? this people are rich... this is nothing to them.

lollypop said...

Damn!!! This baby shoes are ugly mehn! Ave seen cuter ones for 5 dollars.

Anonymous said...

Children in africa don't even have shoes to wear to skool... N a 9 month old wears a shoe worth this much??? That's d Irony of Life. Inequality!!!

Anonymous said...

But..... Is it your money?

Anonymous said...

It's not too much if you can afford it.

Anonymous said...

lol! depends on who's payin fr it...
dats like a dime for beyonce.

Anonymous said...

The parents are rich so its ok.

Anonymous said...

When both parents are worth over $500 million?I don't think so. Hmmmmm....#walking away#

Addy said...

Who determines what is too much? If someone can afford it, and thinks he/she/person is worth it? Why not?

Blunt Queen said...

No no no no! Its not too much for jayz & beyonce's daughter...

Anonymous said...

Of course its 2 much,its not like d baby cares,anyway sha they've got d money. But its so ironic how pple waste money while some work hard everyday just 2 eat once a day,God help us!

Anonymous said...

Is it your money!!!

Anonymous said...

Nothing is too much for one's child once u can afford. To care for n discipline are two diff.things. Baby IVY na Gid put U jare enjoy!! for my next life na wealthy man Go born me,lol....ore

Anonymous said...

Awww it is sooo cute.

condom said...

Linda whc1 concern u..asif if u get d moni u no go buy ur own pickin 1000 dollars gold encrusted pampers to use once a nite...beaf!...#talkToDHand

Anonymous said...

If u get money u fit buy anythin 4 U̶̲̥̅̊r child.

Anonymous said...

U gat d money?.....spend d money.uh huh!

Anonymous said...

The problem aint the money, they have it let them blow it, I can't spend $798 on such ugly looking shoe.

Anonymous said...

They ve got d moni and It's none of our business wat dey do wit it. She deserve it I mean d little baby..,

Anonymous said...

Linda please dis is monday monin,give us beta news....if she doesn't wear designers na me go wear.I mean wit all der wealth why not?Next!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Its not in any way too much. They hav the moni so they can as well spend it,she is the one dey hav been workin and toilin for so.........

Anonymous said...

abeg nothing is 2much for her,her dad is jayz her mum is beyonce,wetin be 800dollars?

Anonymous said...

Is it ur money? Why u dey vex?

Anonymous said...

Chicken change , if I have the cash will defintely buy d best things for my children. No questions

Anonymous said...

No its not if I have the money, to this people $1000 is like $100 there's only so much you can do with the money. I know some people now will say charity,But even if they give to charity, they still have enough, unless you want them to empty their bank accounts

Anonymous said...

Wch kind okrika shoe b dis? Anyways dey hv d too much moni

Anonymous said...

Way toooooooooo much for an ugly foot wear.onitsha shoes will do better.......hahah,not a bad belle oh.
I just was expecting smfn really cute.its is very shugly....

john jacob said...

If u loook at the fact that Jay-z & Beyonce are the richest couple musicians in d US, then u'll understand that they can afford that. After all to whom much is given, much is required

Unknown said...

I don't see hw its too is meant for spendin & they hav it in excess.

Anonymous said...

Nzuzu!!! Mtcheew

Anonymous said...

It's not if you've got the money,they do so it's not too much

Kim said...

Duh! What is that amount to Jay and Bee?

Sexily Endowed said...

Money speakin tins, Linda why complainin abt de money, na u bring am? Lolz. They have de money so let de baby enjoy de world she came to, no be mistake say she enter beta family.....Poverty is my worst enemy joor, smhhhhhh

Anonymous said...

Chi moooo, d baby looks like jay_Z. *disapointd face*

Anonymous said...

Hellfuckingyeah! These people are fucking retarded. Fucktards

NEKS said...

How e take consyn u linda,even if na 50k dollars,..and she dey Wear disposable nappies worth 100k dollars...abeg,if e dey chook u too much,in ur next life,choose parents as wealthy as

Anonymous said...

Wen her mother is worth over a hundred million dollars???nah,I don't think so!!!don't even get me started on her dad...LOL

Anonymous said...

We and out third world mentality who send who for where dem dey , pls make unna park well well . If I am as rich as both of them I will give my child the very best , stop being hypocritical if you were in their shoes unna go do the same thing. Third world people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

If jayz child doesnt own that type of shoe, na my pikin wan get am? Mtcheeeeeeeeeeeeew. next!!

Anne said...

Its not 2much abeg..God provide for me so I can spend more on my kids..

Anonymous said...

Na wah,too much money,their problem is how 2 spend it,

Anne said...

Its not 2much abeg..God provide for me so I can spend more on my kids..

Anonymous said...

as if she wont outgrow the shoe,

Anonymous said...

That looks like one of Lady Gaga's wierdo's.

Ngwa dede said...

Hmmm is not that much compare to dire standard! Beside is dire first issue moreover We re talking of celebrity an is all cmptitn among dem with issue! Every1 wants 2 b d best dad an best mum I wish d same too.

Anonymous said...

Hahaha!!!! Abi o!!!!

Anonymous said...

thats about 130,000 in naira, haba peeps, i will do more for my child if d money is there. not too much at all

seyi said...

Awwwwww beautiful...... We can't kill ourselves na! Our children wil do more for their own children.

Anonymous said...

People and their third-world u dont know a child in ur village is hungry and cnt afford school fees when ur busy buying peruvian hair and the latest apple gadget?...bunch of hypocrits!!!

start wif helping ur community before u expect a wealthy foreigner to come and help.

Unknown said...

@Ms J!!!!this is d best answer to d situation!I love ur reply

R4R said...

Big deal!!!!!!!!!! they have got the money and she's their baby they ain no other way to spend the money. so it aint nothing.

pls chck this story and leave a comment MY BOYFRIEND WANTS TO BREAK UP WITH ME BECAUSE OF

Anonymous said...

I'm sure you don't have kids! Ode, its your disfigured face that's depressing you.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Bey & jay z give more to the less priviledge than you can ever dream of giving, btw $798 to them is chicken feed... J.lo's daughter has a chanel bag worth over $1,000

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Why don't you work hard so that u can help those suffering..people like u are so annoying so until a rich person gives out all his or her money that is when u will be satisfied..please when they were suffering what happened? Now that they have worked hard to make money allow them to spend it.. Afterall they do charity work.. Why don't you tell lagos big boys not to buy cars and instead give their money to charity..

Nigeria Blog List said...

Is it not her they are working for. Everybody should give their children the best they can afford.

See all Nigerian blog posts as soon as they are posted.

Anonymous said...

Children in africa don't even have shoes to wear to skool... And You can afford internet to access this blog??? That's d Irony of Life. Inequality!!!

Anonymous said...

R u mad.....$500mill combine..jay z is worth 600m nd beyonce is worth combined..dey r worth over a billion dollars...let's wait for shakiras baby..

Anonymous said...

For what they both make,they can afford to spoil their lil Ivy without getting a headache after all! Its called splashing,while d ordinary folks simply Scream!!It is what it is ppl!!Real live swags!!Can't stop them,would u??

Anonymous said...

ha ha linda how can u ask dt kinda question, her parent re frigging rich,its no biggy now.

Anonymous said...

Linda! Why are U̶̲̥̅ stressing ursef over jst a pair of shoes ehn? Wait till she celebrates her one year bday and U̶̲̥̅̊ won't even av enuff space here 2 list all d gifts.

Anonymous said...

Anh ahn.. I bet you looked like a baby ape wen you were little.

Anonymous said...

the money shuld be kept in the baby child trust fund...798dollar pram shoes is just over the top..the baby will grow out of it within 6months ..pls.there re babies like her who need just $20 to put food in her tommy.spend it wisely mates

Anonymous said...

Hahahahahahahahahahaha! U finish me with laff!

Anonymous said...

linda hubby isnt jayz and he bought a custom made crip for 2000dollars and my baby doesnt even sleep on it,when u have a child linda u wil understand what true love is,798 for ds snickers is d least of dia prob,she prob has more expensive ridiculous tins so chill out

Sakara said...

When she's done wearing it, they shd send it to naija as second hand okrika and some mama silifa wl pick it for her baby n Aswani or yaba bend down

Anonymous said...

Linda when you buy brazillian hair is it not too much? As long as they didn't steal the money its their choice. As for those talking about children without shoes in Africa, how much have you given them. These celebrities already do their share, they won't stop living because some people are poor. There will always be poor people and that isn't their own fault!

BLOGLORD said...

if u've got it oh well...spend it!

BLOGLORD said...

if u've got it oh well...spend it!

Kerry said...

It's average or even cheap considering the fact it's Jay Z n beyounce. Some celebs would do better.

Anonymous said...

Why d small girl face be like that?

Anonymous said...

It's not expensive if you have the money. Anyway, it would be a lovely touch if the shoes were later auctioned (they will no doubt fetch much more on e-bay once Blue Ivy has worn them) and the money donated to a children's charity. It would be Blue Ivy's gift to other little kids.

jojoophina said...

You have said it all God Bless you

jojoophina said...

You have said it all God Bless you

LusciousBerry said...

@ anon 8:43am most sensible ansa for those hypocrites, hw many pple hv u tried to touch or chng dr lives.

HOLLA-AT-MOI said...


Anonymous said...

and does this change the prize of garri in the market abeg next news joor

Anonymous said...

not too much for a baby whose parents are worth millions ..... she deservs the best !

Anonymous said...

They were gifts frm d dis ppl re rich na.if dey don't spend it on their child who shud dey spend it on.I knw sum ppl will say children suffering in Africa bt dey gve abi u wnt dem to gve all their money out all in d name of charity?they do wt dey re capable of nd leave d rest for God.besides our politicans steal lots of money nd dey av neva tot of giving to charities.all we see is their kids using private jets nd blowing dollars away.abeg,lemme hear word#moving on

Anonymous said...

Shez not ugly!why do ppl hate like dis?only God knws hw ur own baby wud luk like in future nd if u already av one,den am sure u re jst jealous dey av money nd u don't,or mayb its cuz ur own kid is too ugly nd so u call oda ppl's childrean ugly jst to console ursef.whether shez ugly or not...shez rich nd money shouts(ask Iyabo Obasanjo)

tonia said...

Is dat shoe not okrika?

Anonymous said...

That's abt a N130,000. It is not much considering the kind of wealth Jay and Bey have amassed.....

MY TURN said...

it was a gift Linda. Considering every time we see this baby she's always with her bare feet i think someone felt it wasn't right and did this as a silent way to reprimand beyonce for carrying he baby out without shoes. And as the baby of hip hop's royalty $798k is not too much dear.

Unknown said...

$798 is a chicken change na! Our children should have the best, becos parents are working for them. my children will have more than that amount of shoe.

Sam said...

They worked hard for the money you say they are *wasting* on their child. I'm sure you're children would suffer.

Sam said...

Don't mind Nigerians, shallow hypocritic illitrates.

Sam said...

LMAO, abi oh.

The Realist said...

Its not too much if you can afford it and they can. Its just ridiculous thinking that in another 2 weeks, the shoes wont fit anymore. The baby looks like Jay z sha

Pot Of Honey said...

is not too much atall for beyonce n jay z baby, that amount is nothing

Ola said...

Nice knickers for a tot...

Anonymous said...

This couples gives to charity abeg, must they donate their entire saving jt 2save pple. When they were in naija they went to kwara or kogi can't remb, google it. They have the money let dem spend. Btw how much is a bottle of crystal that they buy lots and waste in music video

office furniture said...

Excellent tips. Really useful stuff .Never had an idea about this, will look for more of such informative posts from your side.. Good job...Keep it up

Anonymous said...

Lol may be they just never liked wearing shoes for her cos I noticed it as well

Anonymous said...

If they shoes for all the children in Africa who do not have shoes, una still go complain. Hian

Anonymous said...

OBOI , my whole wardrope no reach 400 dolz sef

Anonymous said...

A frend of mine just bought a pair for £1200, she may not be 9months but she didn't consider it a waste. Why? Bcos she has the money.

Anonymous said...

My dear people,life is 4 d living ooo.spend d money if u got it

Anonymous said...

If they shoes for all the children in Africa who do not have shoes, una still go complain. Hian

Anonymous said...

ever googled why ur face looks horrible? Ewu gambia!


Anonymous said...

Anty linda park well all those ur human hair wey D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ long reach ur waist average price ℓ̊s 800-1000 dollars,70-100k naija price sö wats †̥h̶̲̥̅̊e̶̲̥̅̊ diff if Ɣ☺ΰ can afford D̶̲̥̅̊α̲̅†̥. not †̥ talk of Billionaires D̶̲̥̅̊α̲̅†̥ shoe ℓ̊s purewater money †̥ them chiken change dats ₪☺ money †̥ them

flavour said...

Since its so ironic,why don't u sell ur laptop/BB n den use d money 2feed hungry pple.pple like u r so stingy wif money bt so quick 2 accuse anoda of wasting funds.Deadbody no dey spend money besides all dis struggling/hustling we do is meant @ leaving our children inheritance,so mr anon park well jor.ish

goodie said...

Money is talking..really want my kids to njoy jor

Anonymous said...

All thoes of Ɣ☺ΰ saying its †̥φφ much D̶̲̥̅̊α̲̅†̥ pple αяє hungry bla bla bla shit,if Ɣ☺ΰ ve brazillian hair, ɑ̤̈̊ TM shirt and drive ɑ̤̈̊ tear rubber car, buy AC because of heat and wear 18k gold I̶̲̥̅̊n̶̲̥̅̊ ur jewery box. Pple αяє hungry I̶̲̥̅̊n̶̲̥̅̊ somalia and naija here and Ɣ☺ΰ αяє buying all dis pls give dem up.Human beings always forming holy dan thou attitude quick †̥ see †̥h̶̲̥̅̊e̶̲̥̅̊ stick I̶̲̥̅̊n̶̲̥̅̊ pples eyes but fail †̥ see †̥h̶̲̥̅̊e̶̲̥̅̊ log I̶̲̥̅̊n̶̲̥̅̊ their own eyes. Its their money they worked hard for it let dem spend it however they choose. Does ɑ̤̈̊ηƔ body tell Ɣ☺ΰ how †̥ spend ur Hypocrites!!!!!!!!

Warri Girl said...

too much money.

metche said...

Blue Ivy is born with silver spoon in her mouth. She looks so much like Jay-Z. Let the baby enjoy her parents money jare.

finest-in-internet said...

$798 is not too much for such wealthy parents! This is chicken-change for Beyonce and JayZ.

Anonymous said...

I hope if auctioned no be Nigerian parents go buy am o,make dey no take am to shrine in d hope of transferring Blue Ivy's destiny to their own child

Anonymous said...

Lol @ Richville

Anonymous said...

I hope if auctioned no be Nigerian parents go buy am o,make dey no take am to shrine in d hope of transferring Blue Ivy's destiny to their own child

Unknown said...

How can it be too early? Her parents are multi-millionaires so she can have whatever she wants and its ok. Who doesn't want their baby to have the best life can offer?

flavour said...

Since its so ironic,why don't u sell ur laptop/BB n den use d money 2feed hungry pple.pple like u r so stingy wif money bt so quick 2 accuse anoda of wasting funds.Deadbody no dey spend money besides all dis struggling/hustling we do is meant @ leaving our children inheritance,so mr anon park well jor.ish

Anonymous said...

the only thing be say money no go fit fix her if she continues to resemble jay z liek she already seems to be o...

Anonymous said...

Linda just has a complex. i hope u dont hoard all ur cash when u have kids. u defo didnt get the best as a child...sorry.

kemsugar said...

I am a mum, and I can do more dan that if am like em.. I care bou my bby more dan my self.if de don't spend on her, who lld de spend on.. Nice 1 B n Jay#

Anonymous said...

mehn that baby is aint a thing for them. u dinno ask them how much her diapers cost. they might be designer diapers.

I think $798 is even being modest for them.

Duke Emeka said...

I know U̶̲̥̅̊ have reading challenges, else you would have seen that I wrote 'OVER' which could be evn 10bil. Read and understand before you comment.

Anonymous said...

Oya ode! Go and buy the children in Africa some shoes. Stop waiting for jay z and beyounce. Amebo! Bad belle no go kill you

Anonymous said...

Wo, God bless you o jare

Anonymous said...

$20 is like 4k naira. So why don't you jst shut up, stop whining and go nd put food in their bellies. Stop beefing

Anonymous said...

Dont think its too much since they can well afford it... Ella

Anonymous said...

linda mind ur biz!stp bfin.............

Anonymous said...

I don't think that is too much. After all, Beyonce's shoes and bags would cost more. Posh Spice wore bags that were very expensive e.g., over £2,000 each.

Anonymous said...

Trust me if this baby was cute beyoncé would flaunt her like her famous curves.

Anonymous said...

Miss Linda it is not too much to spend 4 a baby that brought u so much joy.

Anonymous said...

This pikin no wear shoe for months pple dey complai , now them buy am shoe e come they too expensive for una, I tire for human being ooo.

Anonymous said...

When her mum uses a phone worth of $300k.

Anonymous said...

May GOD forgive some of us.... An animal who's name is Anonymous just called a baby ugly. I wonder how you look like.... Anonymous, wasted life fool like you.....

Lee Young Hyun said...

what a price!
so cute!!


Anonymous said...

She is a beauty. In 18 years time, you'll be the weird pervert googling her pics. Ewu!

Anonymous said...

dis is not wat pple shud be knowin bout abeg, no be jst shoe...y den dey tell us...they shud buy toothbrush made of diamond for her...wats our own...

Anonymous said...

We just have some kinda foolish and ignorant people on here.. Linda ikeji only asked and nothing more.. Am sure she was expecting answers like 'yes its too much or no its not too much' Finish!! Some r here talking 2 her anyhow.. Pls linda ikeji readers, Read well and Think well before u comment. Pls.. No offense.

Anonymous said...

lin lin this story don old ni

Anonymous said...

October 15, 2012 10:19 PM and who cares abi you want the phone

Anonymous said...

i feel therz nufin too xpensive to buy 4 ur child if u can afford it

Unknown said...

@Ms J!!!!this is d best answer to d
situation!I love ur reply #gbam.. :)

Anonymous said...

Who tell Beyonce say na she carry ivy blue for 9mths? Pregnant woman belle dey fold for middle? Make she spoil the baby afterall she sleeps inside a massive room.

ShareXpoze said...

When money talks....celebrities and feferities..its her money let it burn!!

ShareXpoze said...

anyways its always good to spend on your child if you can afford it so i say nothing do you Beyonce.

Anonymous said...


jelly andrews said...

Whoa! That’s quite expensive for just a pair of baby shoes. I wonder how long will the baby wear those shoes.

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