In a statement released by the IGP today, he said investigations conducted by the police so far revealed that Tekena, Llyod, Ugonna and Chiadika had gone to Aluu that morning to demand for money allegedly owed to them by a guy named Coxson Lelebori Lucky, also known ‘Bright’, and it was Bright who raised a false alarm that they were armed robbers. And you all know what happened next..they were all brutally killed.
The IGP also said in the statement that Coxson/Bright has disappeared, but promised to track him down. The statement mentioned 4 suspects as being directly involved in the killing. They are: Chigozie Samuel Evans, Felemo Solomon, Cynthia Chinwo, and Ozioma Abajuo. They said the Aluu community chief, Alhaji Hassan Welewa was the one who incited the mob to unleash terror on the young boys.
May their beautiful souls rest in peace. Still can't believe this happened.
Ver good progress. chinwe? is that a girl involved? God punish her!
All the culprit must be seriously dealth with especially the so called BRIGHT.
he must be killed!
And now may the law take its full course, it hurts dat they can't be brought back to life again,I pray dis should bring an end to jungle justice and sporadic actions which are uncalled for.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
i wonder why a community in the south will have a Boko Harem as its leader....this pure madness
Finding out the truth now even hurts more. Can they ever be brought back to life? I wish tears cld bring back the dead. But all the same for the stigma their names need to be cleared, the truth needs to be told for the sake of their family.
I just knew it! deep down in my heart that had to be a lie!! May ur spirits not rest until justice is done. AMEN!!
They should find that Bright out ohh.....he and the others have to pay for the untimely death of those young boys. May the souls of the four friends continue to rest in peace Amen
Linda thanks for correcting that heading.
This is the statement I've been waiting for from the police...way forward.
So it took d IGP 10days to figure that out? That fool, bright that raised the false alarm will know real darkness by the time the law catches up with him. The blood of these young men will forever be on your head and that of your generation forever. RIP Aluu 4!!!
precious fatherrrr,just helpp me. this is soo saddddd as in awculd people be sooo wicked.
God of mercy come down on earth pls....this is too much for us.
The earth is full of wickedness!!!
precious father help me,aw culd people bee sooo wickedddd. Jesus u r my strenght. this is so sad.
Y do I smell a fish? Y kind of name is coxson lelebori? D police shld stop playin wit our intelligence jooooo.
Well..Inspector Gen..what u waiting for??..criminal proceedings should commence!!..slapped with a charge of murder!!
So sad
infact they should put up the so called BRIGHT'S picture as a WANTED PERSON so that anywhere he is hiding people can identify him and fish him out.
i am, more than angry now
AllU......darkness shall be ur lot till eternity!!!
Thank God my prayers have been answered, and some justice would be meted out...but its so so sad...those poor boys were murdered...in cold blood....kai! Jungle Justice needs to go...we need to get back to being human again!
thank God that their names have been cleared, may their souls rest in perfect peace Amen
I knew it....those boys r so clean to indulge in armed robbery. Bt dat Bright guy is a devil incarnate. May the his entire generation be murdered in such a manner....
Chineke! chei! i said their souls will not rest untill that bloody cursed man called bright is caught. bright is wicked, in human, devilish and should be given d same treatment the boys where given. see how innocent boys where treated like animals. that community should go and cleanse their land or else, they will know no peace.
it can be true, the guy might be a rivers guy, rivers people bear funny names, for example a friend of mine names are nathaniel horsfall bieobele bobby! So its very possible that's truly the guys' name....its so painful!may their souls rest in perfect peace
confusing how the chief of an ikwerre community is an Alhaji.
reading dis jst brought back tears 2 ma eyes. my instinct kept telling me dis guys wer innocent. i hope dat aluu annon. can read dis before coming 2 defend her barbaric village.
ONOME says......
No words. None.
tghat bright boy shud be caught and sentenced to death and also wif the chief and the mob
And to imagine that a woman is involved, am sure she was d one shouting frm d video background that, *the fair one never die o* this life is indeed a stage. But nowadays evil that men do don't live after them again, it lives within them. God will not go to sleep on this matter until d wicked have dearly payed for their sins.
Gid bless dia souls n d killers must neva go scot free
God never sleeps!!!
Yes! He should be treated like an animal the moment he's caught! Cause that's what he is! Infact Linda, we need to see all their faces! Evil lot!
Wait I want to ask? Didn't one person escape. The guy that took them to the debtor's house, didn't he escape. If he did, why didn't he go to the police, atleast they would have intervened and the 4 boys will be alive today. Why hide and then issue a statement after the boys were killed? He should be hunted down.
Sad...that they can't be brought back. Rest in peace young ones. God bless your souls.
The police must track down the culprit of this shameful act
RIP ALUU 4, let it be an eye 4 an eye woe to all those that perpetrated such act from generation to generation may peace and harmony ELUDE you and your generations only if there is one coming out
So sad, just a moment of silence for the boys
##lets not even go into d lame excuse by the ig to why d police did not stop this barbaric act
*with my head down* MAY THEIR SOULS REST IN PEACE.
Der wount be rest for people of ALUU until d entire community fish out d basterd call BRIGHT. Where u ar Holy Ghost fire wount allow u to rest and blood of dos guys. People of ALUU I declare war for ur entire genereation.
OMG this 4 young uniport student are just victims of insecurity and injustice in nigeria environment..more news and gist here at www.gistyinka.com
Bright/coxson, where ever you are, it will not be well with you. there shall not be a rest for the wicked, you will never be at rest where ever you are> your days are numbered!
Let justice be done,we are before equity with clean hands.All the culprits must face the wrath of God,they should be sentenced to death for taking lives,not one but four innocent lives."Bright" your now dancing the dance of the spirit.Darkness is yours and your generations to come!!! Justice for Aluu4
this is truly a medicine after death
So that is d only gist u got from this report ? Clap for urself genius!
Let justice be done,we are before equity with clean hands.All the culprits must face the wrath of God,they should be sentenced to death for taking lives,not one but four innocent lives."Bright" your now dancing the dance of the spirit.Darkness is yours and your generations to come!!! Justice for Aluu4
Hmmmm... Very sad may their souls rest in peace and as for the person advising ALLU community to go cleans their land ayam very sorry to burst ur bubbles cos no amount of cleansing can save them.Everything that has to do with Joy died in ALLU the day these 4 boys died n so shall it continue to be. I curse ALLU with every thing in me.
Now that the truth is out, how do the community members feel after destroying the lives of four innocent, energetic and aspiring young men, whose future contributions to the country, might have made a big difference??? Where are those people who were running their filthy mouths that these guys were thieves??? Jungle Justice is NEVER the right way to punish anyone - even if he/she was caught in the act.
I can imagine no parent would want to have a son or daughter-in-law from that community again. That name ALUU has just earned itself a stigma that won't easily be wiped off that community.
ILLITERACY IS BAD O! May their souls rest in peace.
BTW, pardon me, but I couldn't help but notice one Cynthia, amongst the name of the killers - you mean a lady was also involved in this??? **Surprised**
Still having sleepless nights over this mayhem. So sad. I Will never forget this. RIP boys. I hope you are seated with the almighty. You will be missed by your loved ones and Nigerian youth will never forget you.
Please anyone who knows Bright Coxton should pls send in a picture of him. Somebody somewhere must have a picture of him from Facebook or somthn. We need a pic of Bright ASAP!!!!
People can be so wicked I thank God that justice is on the way. May the four young men's soul rest in peace.
Meanwhile someone deleted the facebook accounts of the 4 boys. The week of their murder i checked them out on fb but they are no more on fb. Who deleted their FB accounts?????? Meanwhile where are their cellphones also? they need to trace whoever is now using their cellphones.
This is why WE have to stop being eager TO participate in cases where WE do not have the truth. People jumped on these boys based on incorrect information. This is how they incur the wrath of GOD and curses of the people because they are so eager to administer justice, be it wrong or right. lESSON TO ALL: please ask reasonable and intelligent questions before arriving at incorrect conclusions. And in situations like this, please call the parents, the school and the police. Enough said.
Now that der names av. Bin revealed, we must see der faces too esp dat mad guy called bright, cos ds lovely 4guys. Were killed in public. N also dsgrace dem publicly. So d IG shuld show der faces oooo, if they want us to believe it o. Or declare them wanted n der faces every were.
please i don't mind putting up a ransome for whoever finds that BASTARD called BRIGHT. let his picture be placed everywhere..internet, twitter, facebook, posters.....
he can't hide cos there is no peace for the wicked. he must be found, stripped naked, a tyre round his neck, planks, rocks must be used to tear his head and after much torture he must be burnt tol death. same thing for all of the perpetrators.
..and please nobody should come nhere and say an eye for an eye makes the world go blind.i do not want to hear it.
what is good for the goose is good for the gander.
i have never seen such wickedness all my life. Jesus wept!
May the four angels in heaven, rest in the bossom of the Lord Almighty.
Yeah i kinda knew that , These killings touched almost everybody so i knew something was definitely off.
RIP boys may you haunt everybody that was involved in this until their fourth generation
Rip dudes. Justice will prevail and the perpetraitors will be bought to book
What a heavy pain to the victims families and the society as a whole. This instant justice in naija needs to be stopped because of innocent victims like this. They could have been saved by the police who last saw them alive. RIP 4ALUU
What a heavy pain to the victims families and the society as a whole. This instant justice in naija needs to be stopped because of innocent victims like this. They could have been saved by the police who last saw them alive. RIP 4ALUU
Linda , we should start a PETITION they should build a MEMORIAL, a life size statures of the boys as they were on their last day right before you enter ALUU community.
This will serve as a reminder and MAYBE just maybe start the cleansing process of the atrocity that was committed there which will definitely take a long time
Pls libers,
i really need help cos i masturbate alot,....
I knw dis is aint the correct page!
Pls advise me......thanks
i pray dat d souls of dis 4 innocent boys wil rest in peace and as 4 dat bright,he wil neva no peace 4 d rest of his days,d spirit of dis innocents boy wil continue 2 hurt him.
i pray dat d souls of dis 4 innocent boys wil rest in peace and as 4 dat bright,he wil neva no peace 4 d rest of his days,d spirit of dis innocents boy wil continue 2 hurt him.
Gross incompetence of the highest order, so fully fledged armed men cannot disperse a crowd with teargas ,shoot in the air again or what just because they were chased with stones????And the commissioner of police hasn't been sacked, it took 10 days to come out with an unsatisfactory report, Nigeria as a nation needs to be totally overhauled!!!
They shud crush each of Brights body slowly wit a car,each finger tip to each toe nail,crush his dick,his face,dat death shud nt ave part 2
We need a picture of Bright Coxson or whatever he's called. He's a wanted man.
You know years down the line when this CURSED community and every animal that had anything to do with these murders will wonder "why cant i have children? , why is that every male in my family die at a young age, why do people hate and torment me for reason? why do i keep burying my children ? i hope and pray that they remember what they did to this boys that if they live that long to even ask those question. I HOPE JUST LIKE JUDAS IN THE BIBLE THAT THEY ALL HANG THEMSELVES ONE BY ONE
If bright was a student, we need his picture so that we can pass it round! As for that female Chinwe, I will kill her myself.
bright"s face should be release and declared wanted Justice must be done i dont know these guys but seriously is paining me inside i pray this will be the last time it happens in Nigeria
Medicine after Death!mscheww..those boys jst died for nothing!may their souls RIP
For d very first time in my life, words ve failed me...Can't stop crying...May their souls R.I.P.P..
Thank God for the progress! Pls justice o!!! The *dull or na bright picture shld be everywhere now so that people can track him down! Thank u Jesus! Rip aluu 4
Am so surprise o! A woman?
i knew it! they just set these innocent boys up, that guy was greedy and heartless! sm1 culd do dese all bcuz he didnt wanna owe anymore? guys be careful on who u loan money to oh! pple are devlish!
Happy their names have been cleared at last but my heart still bleeds!!!!
rubish comments,it was some of u dat comented b4 dat its gud 4 d kilin of d boys,som of u cald tifs,.som of u dt said b4 dat is gud 4 d kilin of d boys,GOd wil punish una along wt d kiler,s..4 dat bright,maybe he didnt no dat d false alarm wil lead to d kilin.may he wn2 scare dem away.bt al d same he did very wrong. SO FINALY THESE BOYS WER INOCENT.CHAI.SOBS
Pls someone should get the bright's I.D on Facebook and his twitter handle, if possible his pin so I can curse his life, 4 all I knw, he who kills by the sword dies by the sword. #gbam
news abt d ALUU 4 always gives me d chill...haven't bn able 2 gt d video outa ma head...may their souls rest in peace nd al doz dat had a hand in deir death shd jst knw he/she wld av no peace...wondrng hw they slp @ 9t knwng they killd innocent young men #smh# may we never hear of ds kinda thing again in ds country AMEN
rubish comments,it was some of u dat comented b4 dat its gud 4 d kilin of d boys,som of u cald tifs,.som of u dt said b4 dat is gud 4 d kilin of d boys,GOd wil punish una along wt d kiler,s..4 dat bright,maybe he didnt no dat d false alarm wil lead to d kilin.may he wn2 scare dem away.bt al d same he did very wrong. SO FINALY THESE BOYS WER INOCENT.CHAI.SOBS
if heartless BOKO HARAM will bomb and kill innocent souls in the north and the same Killer of ALUU 4 will reign curses on BH so are many here in LIB. Human hrts are full of evils. ALUU if pronounced igbotically means abormination. Aluu community will ever remain forbidden till thy kingdom come.::::::::::PANDA
@ Annon 8.13pm, like whr hv u bin all dis while,Coma? Abi u can't read ni? All dis stories dat hav bin told dint enter ur block head? Mscheeew pls don't drag our hurting hearts thru ur dis kinda senseless talk!
Bright and di Police that were present who supported di lynching shud be indicted too. Someone here asked if Chinwe is a girl, I thot Cynthia is also mentioned among the culprits, meaning 2 girls are involved.Also to be indicted is the chairman of Aluu Association who is demanding for the release of der Chief. And yes , a contributor here asked if they were not 5 ? It is di 5th person who came out to tell di whole truth.Read it in one account.We Nigerians are naturally agrressive.We act b4 thinking.I know this incident will not teach us any lesson.Yesterday or so, a thief was lynched in Warri. A girl was mobbed/sexually abused for stealing in Lagos also few days ago.Does it seems jungle justice will soon stop ?The IG , the Police chief of Aluu shud resign !
Exactly doctor,no 1 will want a son or daugther inlaw from there.
From day one my spirt told me the boys were innocent. Can the picture of the Bright be publish, so we can all join hands to fish him out. The IG should have edit his statement before coming to make a fool of nigeria police.
Coxson Lelebori Lucky the man on the run from the Police have a Facebook page but his picture do not apear on it.
Feel sorry 4 dose innocents young promising champs,i wishd i had powers 2 wipe away dat community as a whole.... What a foolish chief do dey also have,i sober vrytime i watch aw dose innocent guys r burnt alive like dat. May dat community kno no peace 4eva....
ThankGod d truth has been revealed,then who r those dat said d boys were 5,d last one dat ran making them 5 was armed?,,,all dis lies were just a coverup to ur deadly act.but am happy now dat d truth is known and all the curses Aluu community got r not in vain..kudos good one.may their souls rest in peace Amen.
I still can't believe all this is real, it seems like i am watching a HORROR movie. Thank God that the Nigerian police has made some progress of any sort. For what its worth, the lives of those innocent young boys where slayed by the barbaric monsters of Aluu community but the blood of the innocent that was shed on the soil of that community will forever hunt the perpetrators down until JUSTICE prevails.
The act is unthinkable and i dont wish my enemies such death that has befall the innocent.
Even though i do not know the boys,but i hear their cries and feel their pains and imagine their thoughts seconds before that tragic untimely death came before them. May those boys see joy in their after life and may the families smile again someday.
The blood of these boys forever shall be on the head of #BRIGHT and may #BRIGHT know no peace for the rest of his God forsaken cursed life. His generation shall pay the price.
I don't have enough words to express my anger and pain, i just hope that the trials and persecution of the suspects be televised for the whole Nigerians to see and learn that we have evolved past the era of JUNGLE JUSTICE.
God bless Nigeria, God bless us all and keep our families safe from the evil ones that live in our midst.
I love Nigeria, its the only place i can call MINE. #Aluu 4(R.I.P)
Thank God 4d progress so far , am still very hurt over der death,d video is still so fresh on ma mind like yestde..may der gentle souls rest in God's bossom,Amen .
The guy who are at large should be brought to book!
Bright. Is it that u started this stuff as a joke or what? How. Cld u let them kill 4young men like urself in such a manner? Whereever u are u had better give urself up coz my prayers for u must catch up with u. Foul demon!
Coxson/Bright no matter where you ran to the hand of the lord will descend mighty on you. If you are not caught your family members should pay for your sins maybe your dad or mum lets them burn them and shoot them with nail guns so they can bleed slowly and die slowly and suffer like you made these angels suffer
realy sad...... but i dont want to beliv d IG actually put out dis statement, cos if he did then he must be a comedian to say that the mob used stones to chase away police men holding riffles...... considering all the money being allocated to security esp in d niger delta. dat is simply unacceptable. the policemen must be held accountable 4 their actions/inactions as the case may b. we must arise Nigeria! enuf is enuf...... nevva again shuld such a tin hapen. RIP boys.
Chinwe Cynthia is same person. i can't imagine a woman involved in all of this. its her type that dumps babies at canals leaving them for dead.
So The community leader they were agitating 4 his release played a key role in this?..he would v averted ds crises if he had acted wisely..God dey sha..
our police system is a complete joke
have u visited http://naijamustchange.blogspot.com 2day?
So The community leader they were agitating 4 his release played a key role in this?..he would v averted ds crises if he had acted wisely..God dey sha..
hope they kill all of those involved in the same manner they killed those boys this jungle justice madness has to stop if people see that if you kill someone all in the name of jungle justice you will be killed the same way. they will stop this nonsense
Confirming the debt collection story makes the pain worse for me,may their souls rest in peace but God should avenge their wrongful deaths,whoever had a hand in knowingly throwing them at the mercy of the mob should be dealt with.
If it were the Police that shoot these innocent guys directly,the IGP wouldn't have come out with this bitter truth!...he would have still been claiming they're armed robbers... i'm tired and sick of the Nigerian police...May their gentle soul R.I.P.
Amen, Aluu community will never have peace. Earth will work against all ur all your kinsmen that has hands in the killing of the 4 young boys. As their parents will lives with the pain of loosing their precious sons,may Aluu kinsmen that killeds them lives with sadness all their live. Aluu your land is cursed.
May your souls Rest In Peace. Finally,your names have been cleared.
I believe that you are presently resting in the arms of God and reigning with him in glory.
As for the murderers (all those that hurt you and participated in burning you) their reward awaits them. God's wrath will definitely fall on them and their generations.
Oh my goodness!the world is really a wicked place to think that these guys have died for nothing,I just watched the video of a girl that alledgedly stole at shoprite or something my gosh it was terrible I mean why are people so wicked why did she have to be stripped,this jungle justice thing is bad even the worst sinners are the first to assault people I'm disgusted
may dir soul rest in peace.may all d bad tins of lyf folo all involvd.AMEN
may dir soul rest in peace.may all d bad tins of lyf folo all involvd.AMEN
I just searched facebook for his name...and saw a profile that matches him completely. Search for "Coxson Luckyii"
Am not sure sha....just do your own research
I weep 4 their unborn children
So sad
Alhaji Boko haram-el shabab,d community head should b taken 2 d jungle(sori desert) & b executed alongside his affiliates & a new proper CHIEF b selected.
the persons called cynthia whom i have come across,have always shown themselves to be people with wicked hearts.,the pic of that devil incarnate bright should b put everywhere so he can b fished out.
If you believe the Nigerian Police, you can believe anything. The policemen were chased with stones? Seriously? The same policemen who were said to have laughed while sanctioning the killings (as we heard from multiple reports including that of a victim's sister who was at the scene, I might add). In this Nigeria that we know, policemen are chased with stones by a mob and not one shot is fired? The same trigger-happy policemen we know? Nonsense. Now based on a report from these pple who we're sure have told one lie already, we are calling for someone's head. How do we know this isn't another set up? How do we know the story of the cult mutiny mission these boys went on isn't true, and this isn't a way to get back at the person they wanted to usurp? I'm not sayin anyone is innocent or guilty or this person doesn't have questions to answer. All I'm sayin is I hope the police isn't doing what they do best- cast a net and drag whoever is unfortunate to get caught in it. And let's pray for the dead and their families and for justice before we call for blood like the aluu crowd.
U should ask if the police on the street have comon walkie-talkie(to call for back up) or even shield ....SMH *floetry in motion*
I weep 4 their unborn children
Yeah but justice must be done and the family need answers n closure **floetry**
I'd have thought the police'd have released a picture of d said Bright to the public n declared him wanted.I'll put down half a million naira bounty of my own money on his head.
Can we get a picture of Coxson Lelebori Lucky and distribute around.
My people na wa o, the same police that are trigger high, the same police that killed an innocent sales girl at Apo somedays ago were chased away in Aluu with mere stones, na wa o. I am getting scared of this country by the day. Sometimes I don't want to leave the confines of my house, Outside is wicked and the people that are supposed to protect us have turned against us. God is watching, the whole world is watching. God go judge - I am not impressed by this report,lot of loopholes... Merci
I really am not surprised because majority of the south south people are known to be barbaric.... D police beta do their job right and fish out d useless chief or whatever dat gave d order....
Look again,his pictures appear.I think he was the one wearing a rugby top(blue and white) in a close up pic of the perpetrators.I think he was trying to look away from cam
Its even more painful to learn d truth.
I wish dis neva happened
I wish u can turn bk d hands of time
I wish they neva went dat day to drag thier moni
I wish he neva knew coxson or woteva his name is
I wish,i wish....bt God knws best.may thier beautiful souls find peace with d Lord and God be with thier families.those boys went tru hell b4 they died.they had so much pains inflicted on them and no one in d crowd cld help them.May God continue punish all directly or indirectly involved.d onlookers r worse dan d killers.they ll neva knw peace in thier lives until they r very repentant of thier sin n cowardly acts.dis tin dey pain me reach bone.nin@maryland
This is why FaceBook cld be dangerous, Coxson seem to have deleted his account on Facebook!
My Lord!
I've seen his pics on fb,i believe he's d same man standing in front of the boys in ur 2nd picture of the perpetrators.He's wearing a black n white polo shirt,'ll forward his pics to ur emailm
Aluu community will neva find peace cos of four generations cut short. May born/unborn of ALUU reap these curse they have placed on their head foreva. EVIIIIIILLLLLL !!
Same question i'v bn asking. What on earth is ALHAJI HASSAN WALEWA doin headin a community in Rivers state? Na wa o!
For once in d history of naija, justice shuld be done in this case. And i dnt think it shuld be difficult fishing out the policemen dat passed such brutal death sentence without a fair trial in d court of law, even though our judiciary is nothin to write home abt.
May d souls of those children rest in peace. My nightmare is strtn to ease up.
Accordin to d story, wen dey dragged d boys to the idiot community head, a girl came out to testify dat one of d boys was d one dat raped her d previous week. I am sure its d same girl mentioned above.
Soon as i hrd d story, i knew instantly dat d boys were innocent cos if u re into buyin n sellin goods in nigeria, then u shuld kno dat u will nvr find ur debtors at home. And other pple re such die hard debtors dat if u dont go to dia houses at odd times oc d night u wil be wasting ur time. I for one, hav had to go to my debtor's house along wit my bro at 12midnite, even then, i didnt meet him. I can site many instances n 1 dat included a barber threatening to scream thief at my bro in his barbing salon. Pple re just wicked.
Amen! Shameless cold hearted bitches cos I c two females'names. If truly they wia involved in ds evil,may they watch thier children lynched b4 thier very own eyes.arrrrghhh I cnt jst forget ds evil.
An Aluu man wit a Twitter/facebook,huh? Aint u a joker? Who dash monkey banana chop? Very babaric backward envious set.I v lived in ds community for five yrs,ds pple r no good,dia major occupation is grass-cutting and pound fufu,highest is clerk.dirty lazy people. Ikwerre gbakwa oku
Amen! Shameless cold hearted bitches cos I c two females'names. If truly they wia involved in ds evil,may they watch thier children lynched b4 thier very own eyes.arrrrghhh I cnt jst forget ds evil.
i'm so upset i don't even know what to say.pray they all reunite in heaven....i pray
Yes his picture should.
Go to Aluu, ur solution is there.....
So U believed d IG's made-up story dat d police actually tried 2 stop d mob... Of course dats not true... We all know how nigerian police is trigger happy, if dey had really wanted 2 intervene, dey wld hav shot at d crowd.. No be dem still shoot innocent 4 abuja ontop say dos ones no wan mak dem bulldoze dia properties...the IG must apologise publicly 4 dat false and misleading story, sack all d policemen dat were supposed 2 be on duty in dat area dat day including d DPO... If people start getting punished 4 not doing their jobs properly, others will sit up...
RIP boys, may God grant U guys eternal peace in His bosom..
Aluu Community have murdered sleep and they will sleep no more. Curse is upon them and their generation yet unborn.
Pathetic to think that armed police could not use their arms to shoot in the air to scare away the angry mob. Sounds rather stupid to read. Really very annoying. Such is the state of our nation. God help us. Some people really do not have conscience.
This is soooo sad and I hope it serves as a deterrent to all Nigerians to stop the barbaric act of jungle justice. 4 innocent lives perished for nothing. We all should read the Bible cos there is so much wisdom in it. If the boys had read Deutoronomy 24verses 10 &11, this would not have befallen them. It says 10 When you make a loan of any kind to your neighbor, do not go into their house to get what is offered to you as a pledge. 11 Stay outside and let the neighbor to whom you are making the loan bring the pledge out to you.
This is just too sad and I pray it never happens again. Maybe government should host an awareness program whereby they go to rural areas and market places in the city to educate people on refrainign from jungle justice. No one (even guilty people) should never have to go through what these boys and thousands of Nigerians have gone through. These boys cannot die in vain.
thanks to our men of police.... but pls let them put up these muders faces... we need to help in tracking them... but so painfull they guyz are gone 4eva
As a Mom my heart aches for this loss,,n the best way to make their souls to rest in perfect peace is to make sure that justice prevails. Special prayers to the family n friends of the ALuu 4. Was in such pain ,couldn't comment on this matter. R.I.P Aluu 4!
So no police man has been indicted? Reports has it that some family members of the deceased were prevented from reaching them by police & jtf men just before they were killed. Is it that those family members cannot identify the police & jtf men or the police & jtf can no longer disperse a crowd with crowd with tear gas?
What is this I hear? The IGP should not play the ostrich. Those police & jtf men are as guilty as Bright, Alhaji Welewa, & the vigilante who did the actual killing. Meanwhile, no one is talking about the vigilante.
I'll be most disappointed if those polimen are not brought to book. This is a matter for all human right organisations tolook into. We know how bad Nigerian systems are. But this case is different. The international community is watching. If those in power refuse to do anything, which is their normal way, civil societies surely can do something.
Sobs... I can't believe dat those cute souls were wasted due to the crime they did not commit. What!! I am sick right now. I feel like going to aluu and razed the whole community down. And the policemen dat were present should be send to abyss. I fear what have become... Oh my God!
Sobs... I can't believe dat those cute souls were wasted due to the crime they did not commit. What!! I am sick right now. I feel like going to aluu and razed the whole community down. And the policemen dat were present should be send to abyss. I fear what we have become... Oh my God!
first of all,I thank God dat the names of these innocent boys hv been cleared.Its a big shame dat d police did nothing 2 stop dis cruel act,how can d police b scared off by d mob cos dy intended throwing stones at dem.Dre is no security in dis country,its evry man 4 himself.D only security is God and i pray none of us finds ourselves in dis type of situation.WHAT ARE THEY WAITING FOR TO SHOW US D PICTURE OF THE SO-CALLED BRIGHT AND D ODAS DAT WERE INVOLVED????????????God will nt allow dze wicked pple go unpunishd,d blood of dze 4 innocent guys are on their heads and dy will haunt all those involved until dy surrender or are caught to face justice.Linda God will bless u 4 all ur effort,RIP guys#Justice4Aluu4#
i heard that general inspector of police said that the police called for backup - that is a BIG lie. Tekena's sister confirmed that the police came to the scene and had time to discuss and laugh with the mobs that were beating these four INNOCENT boys. even one of the police men that were present at the scene said that "if they are thieves, then they should go ahead and burn them alive. The Police as long as am concerned played a Major role in the death of these poor boys. And the police men involved should also be brought to justice. RIP UGONNA, TEKENA, LLOYD AND CHIADIKA
dont even knw which hurts more...confiming dt they were innocent or dt they r all gone nw. M just weak 4m my inside...God v mercy!!!
linda im tired of makin coments dat u dont post.
Its so disheartning and dificult to com to terms with the reality of this aluu killing,but iv tried to ask my self somany questions dat i tink we should all ask our self's.Whats d history of robbery and stealing in this community,are these the first set of thives ever caught in Aluu,if no what has been hapning to the oda thievs caught in Aluu?whats have the police done to stem d tide of stealin dia?like we'v been told Aluu vilage is comprised of mostly students,those of us dat stayed in university comunities kno hw students stand out for their fello students wen tins like this com up,hw coms no student or grp of students protested?These were Mobs wit stones and planks,we'v seen students stand even in d face of bullets.Where did it all go wrong?personaly i wud want to blame our Judicial system for failing us,its not the first time jungle justic hav been praticed in Nigeria,whom has to police ever sucessfuly prosecuted for caryin out jungle justic?NONE.so y wount Aluu comunity not want to do same out of impunity?except an example is set wit Aluu,i asure u guys dat anoda comunity dat wud be terorized by robbers and cant get security from Nigerian police or justice from our judicial system wud do same jungle justic for any unfortunate accused purported robber wether innocent or guilty.Rest in perfect Peace Aluu 4.And linda i stil dont understand why the 46students in Mubi didnt get such hype,are they also not students?NANs dat went on rampage in Aluu i'ld lov to see u guys go to mubi too,Nigerian student's are same weda fine or ugly,either in the north or south,burnt to death or shot,they all Died SMH in *sobs*rest in peace guys
This is so sad! It is time for all Nigerians to rise and call on the Almighty God to stop this madness in our land. Nigerian land has drank too much of innocent blood in recent times. For those arrested,justice must have it's course.
well this should be lesson to all those who raise false alarm of rape and theft, the polic should prosecte the as murderers too. and the presiding judge should not give them anything less than 25years each with isolations from relations and friends with hard labour. torture is all their possessions. may the souls of our lovely students rest in peace and may God grant mercy and accept them in His kingdom. amen.
The wicked will not go unpunished. The blood of the innocent boys is crying and shall be heard by God someday.
Why do we call only Bright n cynthia them?the police,the vigilante group are the main people that should be brought to book.how would they not investigate properly b4 carring out this barbaric act?something that has to do with life should'nt have been taken for granted.I want to hear that all d police present there are jailed,the vigilante,sanctioned n others involved brought to justice.no one should be spared.RUBBISH!
ive never been so afraid of the human race,i cant think straigh ,pple watched this children,beaten mudied ,blood drenched and out of the hundreds there no one had a conscience enuf to say stop.may God have mercy on us all,wonder who will make heaven
Each time I read the update about aluu4 my body brakes down. I can't hold my tears back. God will avenger their death.
They have been vindicated i am so happy that the toga of armed robbers will fade away from their story.
i want to personally thank the igp md Mohammed for making that statenment that the boys were set up this brings a little closure for their parents at least they did not raise thieves dey raised beautiful sons who were cut down on their prime just like the beautiful Cynthia that was killed by her face book friends may their soul; rest in peace
It is wrong in the sight of God to give back evil for evil but seriously, that will be the only justification for the brutal killing of these innocent boys. i dont have a personal relationship with them and i feel horrible, what then will be the fate of the families of the deceased? we no go gree
But according to Tekena's sister even the police played a part in the death, they were cracking jokes aqnd gave the go ahead for the burning so what is this IG saying. He should first of all arrest his boys who were on site and did nothing. Please save it, this time next year lets hope the case would be settled not swept under the same dusty dirty carpet like cynthia's case. Bia Linda how far with that case?
Kudos to the nigerian police
I feel so sad each time I think abt those handsome guys. 4 evry1 invlvd in der murder d judmnt of God is coming upon u soon it will b worse dan der own.d police ar hypocrites, scoundrels,beast,worthless,unscrupulous,incorrigible,unfeeling,I wish I can avenge d muder of dos guys on them. ALUU4 continue 2 rest in peace in d bossom of d lord. U are better off there dan in dis wicked world.
Aluu means abomination. They have done a great abomination this time.
Dat community chief, ur own don finish!
Am all relaxed and waiting for the immediate death sentence by firing squad for the killers or better still they should be cutting and assembling parts of their bodies until they eventually die, wicked generation!
i still can't believe dis boys where killed.wat a bizarre!plz if dis is a dream,wake me up b4 d end of d dream abeg!!!!!!!!!!!!
i still can't believe dis boys where killed.wat a bizarre!plz if dis is a dream,wake me up b4 d end of d dream abeg!!!!!!!!!!!!
am tired of posting comments u dnt publish linda!i still can't believe dis boys where killed.wat a bizarre!plz if dis is a dream,wake me up b4 d end of d dream abeg!!!!!!!!!!!!its high time we stand against jungle justice!wasted dreams................
danger of lending out your money to wrong person or doing biz with the wrong person. Imagine, calling young guys like dat thieves and watching people kill them just after lending you money or doing biz with u.
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