Headlining Afro-pop star, Suzan Harvey, who is well known and referred to as Goldie has upped her game in the Nigerian music industry by releasing her sophomore album titled “Gold Reloaded” under the kennis music platform.
After the release of her debut album , “Gold “ late 2010; an album that garnered her numerous awards and featured hits like “Don’t Touch my Body”, “JawoJawo” and “You Know it” a compilation of some of her best songs and hits, the foremost female pop star has decided to make herself one of the
most relevant act with her recent move. The golden music act, who won the City People Award for the best female act, ELOY best female act and Best Afro Pop Female at the Nigerian Music Video Awards, seems ready to repeat her achievements in 2012.
The album is a 15 track masterpiece with deep lyrics and an upbeat tempo that would keep you dancing in the first 6 to 7 tracks. Thereafter, she slows the tempo a bit with a classic, one of my personal favourites off the album titled “Breathe Again”. Furthermore is a skit, then comes track 10 which is an ode to God; the boss of all… The album marks creativity and the showcases the mindset of a young confident girl finding her place in the world. It is a must buy.
This prominent and yet brilliant music act has been able to weather the storm to become one of the prominent Nigerian female music acts.
Gold Reloaded Ablum now on Itunes, Amazon, emusic, Rhapsody, Nokia, yahoo,myspace,napster and all top Digital Music Stores worldwide.
i love Goldie,she is unique,good songs, ..and humble..great and infectious smile too.i think her strongest point is when she's on stage..she rocks
Me like Goldie
I stared liking Goldie when I nu we were name sake, good work girl
Z nt just abt dropin album... Z abt the impact itz gona make on the streetz, hv nt heard any of har singlz playd on the street b4, only on tv.wish har well though!!!!!!
I think she's always overdoin everythn...beyonce wanna be
goldie, unique? now i know i've heard everything
Mscheww dumb girl nd even dumber songs...linda me thinks u've been paid 4al dat plenty accolades u awarded her. She best crawl under d nearest rock nd stay dere
@Glodie u rock....Bad belle,,,park well
always on point, lovely Album
@ anonymous 11:32. You are way off the mark!! she ain't a Beyonce wanna be(At least, that will mean she has small class and sense), she's a Gaga wanna be. She come get mind dey talk say her style is "unique"...(rolls eyes) if na so, my papa na Santa Clause. Long Hisssss
Of course linda has been paid for this ipolowo oja.and BTW,I still don't see the talent in this girl jare!Abeg park well joor!
She's doing her own thing & u re doing urs (d comments). Come to think of it...if we dont have such pple around who make us laugh, think or feel they are cool d world will be a boring place.
Goldie is more of an entertainer, she leans more towards performances than vocals (just like the koko master) and she's good at it. Wish her all the best.
Goldie makes d best video & costumes ever. She might not really have d voice but com on, her music is good. I love her free spirit shaa. Goldie rock on!!!
Hate the shades... Love everything else.
Where did the name "GOLDIE HARVEY" come from
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