In a story reported on Egyptian news website, Bikya Masr, an unnamed Islamic cleric living in Europe was quoted saying that women should not get close to bananas, carrots, cucumbers, courgettes, in order to avoid any 'sexual thoughts'. The cleric said that these fruits and vegetables 'resemble the male penis' and could arouse women or 'make them think of sex,'
The sheikh said that if women wish to eat these food items, a third party, preferably a male relative, should cut the items into small pieces and serve.
Lol, yeah, OK!
Its funny and the same time unthinkable thing to say. Who so ever mind is dirty will be dirty.
Okwei!! Na wa o. This can't be for real na. Dede
ROTFLMAO!!! Hahahahahha!Giving that large cucumber in my fridge *side eye*, LOLEST!!!
The cleric is obviously a pervert himself, lol!
Maybe the sheikh caught his daughter fuc.ing a banana! Is it now the fault of all the womenfolk???islam seems to contain a lot of ignorant traditions and norms! you will never hear a moslem invented anything? Their own is just to be coming up with useless laws and dress codes! As if this is the issue! Preach Christ and you will see your women won't want to fuck bananas anymore!
He crazy!
Bullocks, I wonder why some women actually allow themselves to be in such a religion!
If u want lots of fruits and airtyme please just ping me on my BB :312ad095 or follow @ iheduruc
Dis kind of statement comin frm a human being in 2012,i reserve my comment o.
This is rubbish. i am a muslim and this is not part of the faith. Is it even a sin to think about sex? I believe it's not as far as it is a righteous thought. By the Way, who tell him that mere touching this fruits arouse women. This cleric don't know anything and he is shaming himself and the faith. Maybe is the type that just command or bang on their wife(ves) like animals. Absurd statement.
As a muslim man, i find the cleric's reasoning totally and utterly ridiculous. Women do not have to see carrots or banana to want sex, its a natural God given feeling that comes regularly. so the idea of a man trying to prevent a woman wanting sex is just plain STUPID & ARCHAIC.
Pls Linda, if you have a link to the article post it, i will like to know the clerics name. such an idiot.
@anonyymous 11.25am, be objective, do not come here and display your total lack of knowledge and ignorance. if one radical muslim makes an ignorant staement must you blanket islam and all muslims into it?, there are more than enough radical christian statements out there, do you see people like me making blanket statements about all Christians?, please try and think before you talk in public
Linda, pls be truthful to yourself, are there no occasions that you hold plantain or banana and you wish it's 'his' size?
Dis cleric must be a joker,he's a disgrace to islam.all dis fruits which d ancient muslim use for healing.no wonder,his name was never mentioned.odè
He is right.
God didn't create bananas and cucumbers for womenfolk. All women should stick to eating oranges and apples till another cleric decides that could lead to lesbian thoughts. Then you stick to drinking yoghurt and ogi till another says it simulates oral sex and swallowing semen. And so on and so forth.
The guy forgot to add Sugercane. And he tell guys to be weary of Pineapples cos it can be thorny
I think whilst reading this people should not question Islam as a religion but the perverse thoughts in this man's brain. I am proud and Happy to be a Muslim Marshallah!!!
Erm....We are still in 2011
From my muslim point of view,i dont think the cleric knows what he is saying...that is to show you the kind of mind he has or what his thinking roams around....by the way,he forgot to mention sausage..lol..
he is just a Jahil.(arabic name for an ignorant person)
Anonymous 11:25am can I say you are extremely ignorant and abusive, for you to condemn a whole religion and insult the intelligence of its believers, because someone made a comment and he seem to have a label that says he should know better does not mean you can slate the whole religion. There are many thing I can say about the followers of Christianity by I don't let that taint my view of the whole christian race.
@Anon 11:25 you are a fool for making such stupid statement. Did the cleric say he was quoting from the Quran or was just talking from his personal point of view. What is spectacular abt most of u christains who are so stupid that u follow ur pastors dogmatically. Ur pastors enrich themselves at ur expense and u still follow them. Yet u have the gut to insult muslims. What concern of urs is it if a cleric says women shld not take certain fruits when its not by force. Abeg face ur problem and stop poking into issues that dont concern u. Idiot.
This is the most funniest thing i have read today. Lol.
Islam and their mentality
This is the most funniest thing i have read today. Lol.
Islam and their mentality
Former Chairman of the EFCC, Mallam Nuhu Ribadu, has described Boko Haram as rebels who are fighting for a change in governance. - NigeriaNewsdeskNigeria
Thats Hausa / Fulani people for you. They are all the same.
I've always considered Islam as a very annoying, violent and meaningless religion and my views of it hasn't changed. It's a religion that brings chaos, confusion and sadness to any region it is found.
Please people b4 u paint all muslims with one brush, DONT! coz u'd be displaying the same sort of ignorance as this cleric!
Smh!! Muslims!!!!! Shaking my damn head!! Cucumbers, carrots=Sexual thoughts?? Like really???
Anyway u muslim folk! Goodluck to yall!!
Backward people!!! And this guy is just an idiot!
Abeg next story, rubbish pple. men should also not eat apple naa and make sure they suck nothing in their whole life so it wont awaken sexual tots, Ndi ara!!
@Anonymous 11:25 AM..
Muslim women are advised to emulate Mary (mother of Jesus)in their ways of dressing...so its not useless laws and dress codes.
Islam is not been dumb its Λ collection of intelectuals and to the that guy who said muslims don't invent anything it shows Ў☺ΰ A̶̲̥̅̊я̲̣̥ε̲̣̣̣̥ not informed and pls do more findings.the cleric may have reasons that A̶̲̥̅̊я̲̣̥ε̲̣̣̣̥ best known to him and he never said said the quran said so just his own idea and thought for his household.
Laughing so hard i'm snorting! How ignorant can some of these so called clerics be? Funny, ridiculous and stupid i must say! Can't stop laughing!
this is rubish.......this islamic people sef.....but however ladies in the islamic world and ladies in europe are not circumsed....
and we know that this is why european ladies can never keep their minds of sex
i must show my housemates dis post... lol just unthinkable
@Anonymous 11:25 'light travels faster than sound, that's why pple appear smart until they open their mouth.'
@Anonymous 11:25 AM
Whose comments are more ignorant now? I was going to diss the cleric which is the issue of the article but decided to respond to you. Muslims never invented anything???What world do you live in? Let me educate you a little darling - the 1st University, toothbrush, coffee..not to even talk about contributions to modern science.
You are even using Christ and fuck in the same sentence. How sanctimonious of you.
Let's focus on issues and not religion and maybe Nigeria will progress.
hello Linda, pls see an update to the "cucumber cleric" http://bikyamasr.com/50553/cucumber-sheikh-far-from-the-truth-says-egypt-islamic-leader/ and it will be noce if you update the story. also i already posted 2 messages today and they are not here, one was my comment and the other was a response to the anonymous comment @ 11.25am. they were both anonymous. why did you not post them?
Buahahhaaa... F-ing hilarious. This cleric needs prayers. Just because he thinks dirty thoughts when he sees those fruits and vegetables doesn't mean EVERYBODY think the same thoughts. He should seriously get a LIFE.
he is right every tie i see a cucumber i think of dick and sex loooooooooooooool
What a muppet, maybe he shouldn't touch it too! :-b
Muslim Nigerian!!!
@ anon 11:25 WTF, Shut your mouth mate, open your big eyes ode before you start talking.
And for the clothing, does Mary not wear something similar?
There are extremist in every religion including yours!!!!
Standard Chartered Eyes Nigeria for Islamic Banking
Standard Chartered is in discussions with regulators to offer Islamic banking services in Oman and Nigeria, now that both countries are revamping their regulatory environments to encourage Islamic finance, the bank’s global head of Islamic banking on Sunday.
I guess this cleric will avoid tomatoes and mango so he too will not think of breast and toto? lmao
The male counterparts too shouldn't be allowed to see half cut paw-paw. They shouldnt even be allowed to touch doughnut or meat pie.
Some people are jus ignorant, the sheik who made the statement and the anonymous commenters who commented about islam.
Where in the Koran does it say that women should avoid these vegetables and fruits. Seriously, some of these muslim clerics need to shut the eff up and stop embarressing Islam.
It's amazing how some people think they can be God's favourite by attempting to cause religious conflicts. One Islamic man's opinion is mentioned, the Antichrist himself uses the medium to insult the mass of people he knows nothing about. Nigerians need to be more tolerant, we live in a diverse world. We need to choose our words carefully and learn to respect people who don't shae our beliefs. Wise people shut up a lot for very good reasons, care to find out why?
So women are not allowed to think sexual thoughts but men are??? oloshi!
How much control do these people want to have over womens bodies and minds?
please leave 11.25 ALONE JOR..BUNCH OF FOOLS.WHERE WERE YOU ALL WHEN YOUR MUSLIM BROTHERS BOKO HARAM WHERE KILLING CHRISTAINS?YOU DIDN'T COMPLAIN NOW YOU HAVE MOUTH TO TALK SHARRAP (yet the muslim girls in my school are always the cheapest to get in bed.no bed needed sef mat go do them)
Na now he sabi that one???Orisirisi LOL!!!
Na now he sabi that one???Orisirisi LOL!!!
I wonder whose mind is more corrupt, the cleric or the women.
Who the helldoes this jerk think he is. He should have his head examined. What do they take women for? Pieces of toys or pets they can use and put up in their shelves. God will punish these set of animals. In fact, a time will come when their women folks should pick up guns and clear these stupid clerics and their cohorts out of the way. That s the same way one idiot always make incoherent noise and preach blasphemy on LTV Lagos. Bloody fools!
Anon Dec 11, 2011 11:25 AM...Being educated does not make some1 to be smarter than uneducated fellow, how cud u say that islam had never invented anything? that statement of urs shows how ignoramus u & Sheik are, do u think the counter values we are using now just came down from heaven (0,1,2....9), it is an arabic numerals, people were using roman numerals b4 they finally accepted arabic ones and u were their behind ur laptop ranting jargons. U hv to enlighten urself by doing more research on islam b4 u made such a statement.
Back to the issue of Sheik... this is the most stupid statement i had ever come across in a recent time and it shows how some people tends to abandon the scriptures and follow their self believe.
I wonder. Does it apply to gays?
am laughing my ass off
You dont need to condemn the cleric saying it because both of us can be looking at it from difference angles(spiritual and physical),have we not seen or had of plantain being used by a female before?
What is the difference between a male organ and a vibrator?some even prefer the plantainor banana becos of the curves and size.ha
ah ah a a
the dude really sat and thought about that when he shoulda been reading his Quran. Wonders shall never end.
I can't fit laugh,funny indeed d idiot wud ave said its forbidden 2 eat "HOT DOG" nonsense man dt doesn't ave work ishi aki.
@anonymous 4.26pm
how many nigerian women were circumcisd? many tribes dont practice circumcision for women.its not about circumcision cos its not advisable amongst women.circumcision is normal for men and not women.
dont associate promiscuity with not being circumcisd for women cos its false
The cleric is def a pervert with a small mind &
Yes muslims have invented things! They have invented bombs that take the lives of innocent citizens!! Stop attacking anon 11:25!!!! He/she is right! Only in islam dat a woman is raped and she has to marry her rapist! They kill innocent people in the north! Violence! Violence! Violence! u talk abt christians enriching themselves,wat abt islam and their almajiri's?? The leaders enrich themselves and keep the people poor so as to use them as a tool against society! Need i go on?islam oh islam! May God forgive us all our sins!
The first university was by a muslim?????? Haahahahahahahahaahahahaahahaaahahahahahahahahahhaahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahaahaahahahahahaahahaahahaahahhahahhahahhahahahaahahaahahahaaahahhahhhhhahhahahahahhhhahaahhaahaah
The Sheikh is one hell of a perverted moron.
anonymous insultin islam, u r just a scumbag n if u open wide r eyes u'll see dat islam is leading anywhere in d world from economy, education to developments . u r just a born fool
The man na real oniranu. He is the one with a filthy mind! He needs to go to a sex rehab center for rehabilitation of his mind!
Linda pls we need a link to what u av written.
But the truth of the matter is that Islam as a religion regards women as second class citizens..a man can marry upto 4 wives,a woman can't go out without a male escort(in saudi arabia,women can't drive nor are they aloud to vote at the moment),a woman must cover up herself by wearing hijab,you can divorce your wife by saying "i divorce you 3 times" and if you dare say anything uncomplimentary or draw something to represent Mohammed,u can be murdered for that...so apart from its scant regard for women,the islamic religion is basically intolerant if we must be frank with ourselves.
The cleric forgot to mention Plantain, Yam,Suger cane, Sausages, Hotdog just to mention a few.
Abeg u people insulting Annon Dec 11 11:25am should shut ur dirty mouths joor......the person spoke his/her mind and y'all are yelling.......this is a public site and everyone is entitled to his/her opinions,,,,more over the comments made by that person makes a lot of sense..........i never knew we had muslims who could talk,,shout,yell,, abuse and insult dis much in Nigeria until now.....u all kept ur gutter mouths shut all dis while when ur religious murderers in the North have been killing and still plan to kill more innocent lives.....maybe if u people shouted and rained insults like dis ,,,Boko Haram would have stopped all their trash.......did i hear one of u talk about education????pls tell us what BOKO HARAM means.......WAR AGAINST WESTERN EDUCATION.......u the educated muslims should be their main target,,since they are against western education......
Annon Dec 12 12:27pm.......u are the stupid one here,,,yes Islam is leading everywhere in the world....in terrorism,,murder and a whole lot of attrocities.......
Annon Dec 11 2:45pm........so u people are told to dress like Mary,the mother of Jesus??? of all the wives Mohamed had,,so there's none of them whose dressing is worth emulating??? did u hear urself??? u make me laugh,,,,my advice to u : CHOOSE YE THIS DAY WHOM YOU WILL SERVE AND EMULATE!!
Annon Dec 11 1:35pm........and what concern of yours is it if pastors enrich themselves at the expense of their church members since its not the concern of xtians to talk about a muslim cleric who made his own rules for the women???what about ur own clerics that pack all the money that is meant for a newborn at a naming ceremony all in the name of OWO ADURA as if they are the God that will answer the prayers???? abeg sharap joor.....
They might as well say guys should not eat doughnuts. its really not correlating
So why did God create man with a penis and woman with vagina.........and how did they came into being if not by sex....wow crazy people
@femi,am a christian and the man is not talking about faith or no faith he is just advising and i agree with what he said the devil can use anything to tempt someone even it can use this fruit to tempt any woman that doesn't have a strong faith. its not about preaching its just an advise to avoid been tempted in anyway.
This was supposed to be something we as NIGERIANS ought to have a good laugh at but then as usual, many of you national jokes, excuse for countrymen/citizens/comrades turn this into religious conflicts. You guys are the reasons some blogs are severely censored because your stupidity is just plain dangerous. What was the discussion, what are you lunatics digging up? Oh, muslims are jihadists, like there were not crusaders, muslims treat women as second class citizens, what bible are you reading? Muslims don't invent anything, for real? The quality of education in this country must REALLY be very bad. Advice for you ignorant retards(people who never bother to seek for knowledge past what some phony tells them), a little knowledge of your past won't hurt. Like they say, those who don't know where they're coming from are bound to be lost forever. You sit there, inciting your countrymen, having no clue of who you are. You want someone to blame for Boko Haram, if your eyes work, use them. Seriously, the level of ignorance and stuidity displayed by people who are supposed to be educated/enlightened truly worries me.If it isn't religion, it is going to be something else, you intolerant enemy of progress. Whether it's bombs or your wicked words, you guys wouldn't let this country progress, would you? You bloody progress haram!
ROTFL @ the one who said Muslim countries are backward. Think of the Gulf, how many of your Third World countries can compete, uh? You'd be mistaken also to think many of these western countries are 'Christian' Of course, they introduced the religion to you, many of them dropped out long time ago after using it well enough to rip you born slaves off, leaving you shit-heads to deal with it. And might I add, I'm sure Jesus would be thrilled how so many of you followers have taken his teachings to the next level. Go ahead and continue to spread your hate, there's plenty room in hell.
By the way, ADE makes a great ambassador for Christianity, way to go!After all, Ade just likes to f--k obviously troubled girls. You know what, if I ever want to choose a religion, I'm definitely going with Christianity because even it's preachers are impeccable juuuuuust like you. So unlike Islam, I wonder if Moses would agree. Thinking...
@Anon 3:25pm:are u serious?women can't drive nor go out alone?what the hell...so if i'm married now,i can just wake up n tell my wife "i divorce u" 3 times n dats it* unbelievable n shakin Ma Head*...Why re women still in dat religion???????i understand in the northern part of d country,a man can't shake a woman's hand much less hug...is dis true?
why didnt he tell the men to put their semen in bottles(for procreation) and keep them frozen..and then cut their dicks off???!!
..i'm sure the women won't even think of sex ever again!!
for those impeccable idiots talkin trash about islam becos of some dumb ass 'clerics' views,u definitely need ur head examined.islam is a VERY tolerant religion to women.some christains have more than one wife,women not bein able 2 drive is still vry controversial nd dat only happens in saudi arabia,d hijab is 4 d woman's protection,u all shld get ur facts right b4 u start blabbn..esp anon 5.20pm,u'r d reason nigeria wld possibly never move forward.ur level of illiteracy and stupidity amazes me.for ur info islam nd christainity agree on soo many things e.g mary and dats why we're told to emulate her dressn.she was b4 d prophets wives nd dey also emulated her dress..not shakin or huggn a woman wld def not kill a dude.u cant judge a religion by one person or even a grp of pple.pastor king beat pple up,nd even set a girl on fire dat eneded up dying bt dat didnt make me judge christainity as a crappy religion bcos its not!..finally boko haram does not represent isalm!as u shld knw its all some bullshit political propaganda...islam is toatal peace!and yes i'm a proud muslim!
i believe evry dumb ass,stupid illiterate talkin trash about islam is either a traditional worshipper or an atheist cos no true nigerian christain wld say such idiotic things.esp anon 5.20..u'r def d dumbest illiterate i've come across.u cnt judge a religion by a grp of pple or self proclaimed 'cleric'..educate urselves nd get ur facts right b4 open ur mouth!islam is a religion of total peace and yes i'm proud muslim..
p.s-boko haram doesnt represent islam at all.islam encourages education!
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